Five reasons why your hairdresser hates your guts

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 21 - 2013

1. You say you want it short.  You moan about being bored with the same style.  They cut it, you cry.

2. You bring in a picture of Monica Belluci and actually expect them to make you look like that.

3. You pretend that you didn’t attempt your last fringe trim yourself, with a pair of Ikea scissors.  THEY KNOW YOU KNOW!

4. You tip in shrapnel.  Ain’t nobody got time for that.

5. You don’t tell your hairdresser that you’re not happy with the cut, you just tell everyone else.

C’mon, be honest… how many of these are you guilty of?!

Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in Game Changer

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 20 - 2013

Whenever I write a post or a review about a lipgloss, I start it off with the words: “I don’t like lipgloss”. This is an absolute. It cannot be changed.  I don’t like lipgloss, I think it’s a horrible lip-covering that puts me in mind of windy days/sticky lips scenarios…. lipgloss lips that create strands of gloop as the mouth opens and closes, you know what I’m talking about.

For you, as a reader, it means that when I do review a lipgloss… I’m reviewing it because it delivers something that makes it more interesting than your bog-standard tube o’ lip-jizz.

The BareMinerals Marvelous Moxie range… (btw, “marvelous/marvellous”.. you say tomayto, I say tomahto – obviously I’m right and you’re wrong) does deliver something in addition to the norm.  It packs a fair-to-middling amount of lip-plumping goodness in that little tube.  It’s not as good as the old crew mind… do you remember the old Pout Lip plumper that used to feel like you’d actually been punched in the face to achieve the trout pout of your dreams?  Those were the days…

Anyway, Marvelous Moxie contains enough peppermint oil to deliver that satisfying tingle and pleasing fullness to the lip-line.  As I’m getting a wee bit older, I’m appreciating things like this more readily.

Bare Minerals Marvellous Moxie Game Changer Lipgloss_1

The formula is fairly typical though thankfully, not too thick or heavy in texture on the lips.  It spreads nicely and the applicator allows for some precision without overloading the doe-foot tip.

Game Changer is a somewhat cool-toned red, quite dense in its opacity (for a gloss) and will layer up on your lips, building in pigmentation as you apply.  For me, I can’t bear more than a single swipe, so the photos below show just that.  The texture isn’t too bad… it’s tacky but not to the extreme, just enough to ensure some longevity during wear.

Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in Game Changer

If I’m honest, I begrudgingly like it and I’ve reached for it a couple of times in recent weeks.  Usually when I want something to brighten my look without screaming “bold lips” in your face.  That’s not to say that I don’t inevitably end up wiping the back of my hand across my mouth after an hour… but still, I’m always tempted to reapply.

Bare Minerals Marvellous Moxie Game Changer Lipgloss_3

Excuse the fringe…

Bare Minerals Marvellous Moxie Game Changer Lipgloss_4

One coat delivers semi-sheer coverage that, on my pale lips, delivers a fairly impressive amount of pigment.  It’s enough to give a hint to my love of red on those days when I’m not quite feeling brave enough to go the whole hog.  Red lips for wimps?  Absolutely… but with the added benefit of some super-sexy shine and a plumped-up lipline.

Bare Minerals Marvellous Moxie Game Changer Lipgloss_5

Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in Game Changer is available to buy online from priced at £12.80

* press sample

Kiko Nail Polish #349

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2013

I’ve only been in to a Kiko store a couple of times but when I do, I tend to do some serious damage in an effort to make-up for the fact I can’t ever just “pop in”. Truthfully, I haven’t been hugely blown away by the things I’ve bought, with the exception of a couple of matte eyeshadows, they’ve mostly been neither here nor there in terms of eliciting any major makeup-excitement.

Having said that, I am rather fond of this softly muted sage green. I’m not actually sure if it’s still available to buy… huge apologies if it isn’t. It should be, it’s lovely.

Kiko Nail Polish #349

#349 (I hate numbers for names!) is a soft green in a greyed out base, it’s perfect for year-round wear and always looks beautiful when topped off with glittery tips… you can imagine how lovely gold-flakies look applied to the tips, no?

The formula is ok. It’s not completely smooth and as time’s passed, my bottle has thickened slightly. The above shows three coats but two would probably cover it if you were careful during application.

KIKO Cosmetics can be found online at

Overhauling my dental routine before it’s too late!

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2013

My Dad ensured that, growing up, I was registered with a great dentist and that when the time came, I had access to whatever appropriate orthodontic treatment was needed.  Because of this, I was able to mostly avoid the overcrowding and hereditary overbite that plagues my family.  My teeth aren’t perfect but I got a great start in life thanks to someone who cared.

Which is why it’s pretty shocking that in my adult life, I’ve taken my oral care for granted.

Sure, I brush twice a day (mostly) and I visit the dentist every six months… but do nothing above and beyond this to take care of my teeth and gums.  Let’s just say… it’s starting to show.  Since having Leila, my gums have deteriorated and I’m starting to realise that if I want to keep my teeth into my senior years (as my Dad has done), I need to up my game.  I don’t have any fillings but I’ve recently had some fissures sealed to prevent what would have led to inevitable tooth decay, basically… I’m on borrowed time!


A very rare full Lipglossiping grin!

A couple of weeks ago, I had a nasty wakeup call.  There I was, happily tucking into some peanuts when all of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain and immediately directed my tongue to the source of the discomfort.  Directly above one of my top canine teeth, I could feel a lump.  This area of gum has given me problems in the past, although nothing major… some bleeding when brushing, a little tenderness, almost always the sorest bit during the dental examination with the pointy probe…

…It was a damn peanut shard!  My gum was far too soft (read: unhealthy) in that area and I’d managed to push a piece of peanut into the pocket between the gum and tooth.  A pocket that, in theory, shouldn’t be “loose” enough for that to happen.

It felt like something out of Alien and hurt like hell.  I took myself off to the bathroom and after a lot of swearing and “owwing”, managed to push the peanut back out.  Needless to say, I lost my appetite for anymore peanuts that evening.

Since then, I’ve been nursing a rather poorly section of gum.  Obviously, the incident had caused a bit of trauma to the area which became inflamed and very tender to the touch.  The gum had been pushed back from the toothline and had a horizontal cut where the peanut had done some damage.

One of the great thing about gums though, is that they’re pretty good at healing quickly.  Ten days later and they’re nearly back to normal.  The incident has made me acutely aware of the need to take care of, not only my teeth, but my gums.

I’ve stepped up my routine… and here’s how I’ve been doing it.

1. Brush your teeth twice a day, without fail

I’m sure we’ve all done it… it’s late, we’re tired… we fall into bed without brushing our teeth.  No biggie, right?  We’ll brush them really well in the morning.  Well… wrong.  Whilst some dentists advocate brushing your teeth after meals, I’m not going that far… it’s not practical.  I do however, hereby solemnly swear to brush my teeth before bed every night without fail.

Make sure that you’re brushing your teeth for long enough too!  Two to three minutes is the recommended length of time we should be brushing for.  It’s amazing how slowly that goes when you’re stood there with a toothbrush in your gob!

The timer that comes with the Oral-B Triumph 5000 is fantastic for keeping you on your toes.

2. Buy a toothbrush aimed at sensitive teeth and gums

I use an electric toothbrush daily but until my gums have toughened up a little, I’m taking the pressure down a notch.  There’s no point brushing away at soft, bleeding gums with something as abrasive as a hedgehog.  It’s with this in mind that I’ve bought a pack of “sensitive” replacement brush heads.  Hopefully it won’t be long before they can take the pressure of something a little firmer again.

3. Floss, floss, and then floss some more

Flossing just wasn’t a “thing” we did when I was growing up.  I remember watching Pretty Woman and not understanding what the flossing scene was about at all.  However, this is the one thing that my dentist implores me to do more of, every time I visit her.  Because my teeth are packed in quite tightly, I genuinely struggle with getting the floss between my tombstones… the best I’ve found are these Crest Glide Floss Picks because you can adjust the tension of the string, making it easier to actually get the floss in there.  The wishbone-shaped handles also mean that you don’t have to contort to reach the back teeth.

Also make sure you watch a few how-to videos on flossing, I was shocked at how far “around” you’re supposed to floss, hooking the tape across the tooth rather than just up and down inbetween the gaps.  It definitely takes some practice to get it right, but in my case… it’s the one thing that will sort out my gum problems more than any other.  I’d love one of those water/air jet flossers but I need to stop buying more exciting things save up some pennies first!

4. Use a specialist mouthwash

I’m actually anti-mouthwash, so this is going against my core principles!  When I first met Mr. L, he was a Listerine addict… drying out his mouth and gums daily with the alcohol-rich formula.  However, I do believe that in the short-term, the right kind of mouthwash will help improve inflammed gums.  I’ve been using Superdrug’s own brand of Chlorhexadine mouthwash (0.2%), it contains the same active ingredient you’ll find in Corsodyl but is a little cheaper.

Chlorhexadine can stain your teeth if used regularly (although it will polish off), so I’m only planning on using this in the short-term.  Alternatively… Oraldene, Colgate Peroxyl, or a cheap-as-chips 3% hydrogen peroxide solution should do the same thing.

5. Book an appointment with a dental hygienist

My dentist is fabulous and although I have, in the past, qualified for free dental treatment on the NHS… I haven’t used it.  I dearly love and support our NHS in the UK but whilst on the books at our “local” practice, not once did I see the same dentist, the continuity of care was terrible and I was only entitled to a scale and polish if deemed clinically necessary (widely open to interpretation!).

In other words, preventative measures are often kept to a bare minimum, understandable… but not ideal.  If you can afford it, consider booking an annual visit to a hygienist.  I pay my (private) dentist £45, twice a year… and for this, I get an annual check-up and a scale and polish every six months.  Anything else is charged as and when it’s needed, my last visit included the sealing of a fissure on one of my molars to prevent decay.  This cost me an extra £10.  Again, this is a preventitive measure that the NHS just can’t afford to provide to its patients.

Having said that, an NHS dentist is infinitely better than NO dentist at all!  Get on your dentist’s books people!

Do you take good care of your gums?  Are you a dentist’s dream… or their worst nightmare?!

Issey Miyake Pleats Please Perfume Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 17 - 2013

Well, I should probably start this review by saying that I have never been a big fan of Issey Miyake’s scents. I’d even go so far as to say that I have been completely bewildered over the years by the brand’s following and their flanker after flanker release strategy that would have even the most ardent fan spinning with confusion.

Pleats Please is the designer’s latest fragrance launch that celebrates his iconic 80s fashion line of the same name.  The Japanese designer’s interpretation of East meets West has had many women flailing over his knife-edge pleats, created by specialist pleating techniques (no, really!) that make his designs both ready-to-wear and long-lasting.

Both of those descriptions could equally be applied to the brand’s new scent.



At first spritz, I felt a huge sense of deja vu.  The initial note of Asian Nashi pear (an apple/pear hybrid) instantly put me in mind of a hugely generic synthetic, clean and fruity opening.  It’s sweet and thoroughly 2D, nothing like the designer’s wonderfully structured catwalk creations.  I was disappointed but not surprised.

And then I went about my day.

It was about 30-minutes later that I found myself tentatively sniffing at my wrist again.  The sweetness was still there but it had blossomed into a big floral.  Big in an unabashed 80s way (can I have some shoulder pads to go with my pleats?).  I’ll admit that I have a soft spot for big florals, giant bouquets that envelop you in their heady bosoms.  The kind that you wouldn’t want to escape from even if you could.  My use of the word “bosom” isn’t accidental… there’s a skin warmth in there among the flowers, unwashed but definitely not unpleasant.  Undoubtedly all this “scent” will prove too much for some but I’m rather taken by the way Pleats Please deceived me.

I hate the bottle, I think it’s a monstrous creation… but I will admit that it feels gorgeous in the hand.  Modelled on Miyake’s famous Bao Bao bag with a “pleated” white plastic top, it reminds me of a feminine Marc Jacobs Bang (without the toppling over issues).  As far as longevity and silage are concerned, providing you’re a fan of how this creation actually smells… you should be pleased with its performance on both counts.  Lingering enough to last the day, excellent for an EdT and conspicuous enough in its presence to elicit an “I can still smell you” from my husband as we lay in bed that night.

Issey, you have won me over.  Well, almost.  I still really dislike the opening… but I will persevere just so that I may appreciate the addictive, powerhouse of a dry-down.

Issey Miyake Pleats Please is priced from £33 for 30ml and available to buy instore or online at Boots, Superdrug, Debenhams, and online (from £28) at

* press sample

The Lipstick League: Week of 12.8.2013

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 17 - 2013

Question of the Week – How did you arrive at your current eyebrow shape? Were you born with those brows, did you get them professionally shaped or did you shape them yourself? And are you happy with them?

lipstickleague - final

Answer: – I can’t even tell you how hard I’ve worked to get this arch!  I’d plucked my brows into oblivion throughout my twenties and it was only when I started beauty blogging and seeing all the lush brows on other bloggers that I vowed to do something about it.  I put down my tweezers and didn’t pick them up again.  At first, they simply wouldn’t grow in (except for in the places that made them look untidy).  I got them threaded every month and bided my time.  After about 14 months, I started to develop the kind of thickness that I’d longed for… nothing too heavy but enough to define my face.  Here’s what they used to look like (filled in) and here they are now (not filled in).

Nouveau Cheap – Wet n Wild just released three new eyeshadow trios and a line of textured nail polishes. Have you seen them yet? If not, take a peek!

Pink Sith – says the Kiehl’s Skin Rescuer is like therapy in a bottle for her troubled skin. Plus, bonus sad walking away music from The Incredible Hulk!

Prime Beauty – has the 411 on the new butter LONDON Rock Your Colour Bespoke Colour Cosmetics Collection and it’s bright and beautiful!

Vampy Varnish – has swatched and reviewed the new Too Faced Lip Injection Color Bomb! Moisture Plumping Lip Tints for fall 2013!

we heart this – are giving away two amber delights; Win BPAL’s amber perfume oil and hair gloss!

Clumps of Mascara – Okay, so it isn’t exactly beauty related but if you’re living the gluten-free and dairy-free life or just want a fresh and delicious salad, check out the recipe for this one.

EauMG – is high on perfume this week (it’s OK, she’s in Washington state). Here’s EauMG’s guide to marijuana perfumes. These unusual perfumes contain a cannabis accord or are inspired by the substance. Don’t walk on the grass. Wear it.

Gouldylox Reviews – Curious if the Marc Jacobs line is worth the hype? I’ve got pictures, swatches and details!

Lipglossiping – feels the mercury rising with this spicy little number from Glitter Gal Cosmetics. Guaranteed to get you hot under the collar!

My Beauty Bunny – is excited to be spreading the cruelty free message in the pages of People Style Watch Magazine! Check out my newsstand glee and the shout out to my favorite vegan hair care brand, DermOrganic.

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Nouveau Cheap – Kimberly over at Libby’s Pink Vanity reviewed the Forever 21 Creamy Splatter Eyeshadows which, by the name alone, captured my attention!


Tell me your brow story!

Headline Colors Poolside Party NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 16 - 2013

If you’re starting to feel some early Autumnal blues creeping in (where did the Summer go?), you’re not alone.  I’m already hyperventilating at the thought of losing my beautiful long evenings… aren’t they just the best thing about summer?  I love being able to take blog photos at eight in the evening, sit on the balcony after Leila has gone to bed, and enjoy the thought that, at lunchtime, I have more than three-hours of light left in my day.

Winter, you suck.

Well… let’s push those gloomy thoughts to the back of our minds and concentrate instead on this rather cheerful hue.


Headline Colors (used to be Killer Colors – remember the name dramas?) released this beautiful shade as part of their Spring/Summer 13 collection.  Poolside Party is a crystal clear blue with excellent opacity and a smooth formula that will bring a smile to your face in just two coats.

It’s simply cheerful.  Would look fabulous on toes (while you’re still brave enough to bare them) and makes me wish that Summer could go on forever.

Headline Colors Poolside Party is priced at £9 and is available to buy online from

* press sample

Food Friday: Diet-Friendly Eggs Benedict!

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 16 - 2013

I can take or leave breakfast. I know you’re supposed to eat it religiously… that it kick-starts the metabolism for the day. What is it they say? Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper… blah blah blah…

The thing is, I just don’t feel remotely hungry upon waking. It takes me a good hour or more to be able to face the thought of food.

Unless you put this infront of me.


I die for a dippy egg.

Truth is though, I can’t poach eggs for shit. I’ve tried, oh… I’ve tried so many times. With vinegar, without vinegar… eggs so fresh, they still feel warm. A whirlpool in my pan that would sink a battleship… I just can’t do it. Praise the lord for silicone egg poachers, that’s all I can say.

I call this version of Eggs Benedict “diet friendly”… and it’s not actually too bad for the waistline. I make a cheat’s version of hollandaise, I don’t have the skillz for a real, homemade version and this one is far lower in fat than the proper, gourmet treat. I’m also the only one in the house who actually likes Eggs Benedict so it doesn’t make much sense to keep a jar of hollandaise in the fridge, I just wouldn’t get through it (without a very big spoon and a lack of shame).

Anyway, if you want to indulge in a weekend breakfast treat… stick with me, and read on…


You’ll need:

1 crumpet or muffin (mine are cool square-shaped ones from Asda)
2 slices of wafer thin ham (or bacon if you’re a fatty)
1 whole egg
1.5 Tbsp low-fat mayonnaise
A squirt of lemon juice
1/4 tsp mustard (I use whatever I have… I’ve made it before with english, dijon, and wholegrain… I like the texture of wholegrain)
1/2 tsp melted butter
A pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)


Bring a pan of water to a boil before turning down the heat slightly. Spritz your silicone egg poacher with a couple of sprays of oil (frylight or similar) and crack your egg into the well. Place your egg poacher into the pan and cover, set a timer for 5 minutes.


Meanwhile, toast your crumpet or muffin….


To make the “hollandaise”, melt the butter into a ramekin and add the mayonnaise, mustard (whichever types you’re using), and cayenne pepper. Mix well.



Add a little squirt of lemon juice (to taste). This helps to mimic the hollandaise tang nicely.


Because this is a “healthy” version, I don’t butter the crumpet but instead use a teaspoon of the “hollandaise” to coat the toasted muffin/crumpet…


…before adding a couple of slices of wafer thin ham.


By now, your timer should be beeping! Add the poached egg and top with the remaining “hollandaise” and a shake of black pepper.


What’s your favourite breakfast treat for the weekend? Will you give this one a go?

Misa Toxic Seduction NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 15 - 2013

An oldie but a goodie today with Misa’s Toxic Seduction. When I first started blogging 4+ years ago, Misa were a brand that I’d see pop up on blogs across the Atlantic all the time. Nowadays, not so much…

Still, when I attended Pro Beauty in London a couple of years ago, I raced for the Misa stand which was part of a bigger NSI stall… it had already been half-emptied! It’s not hard to see why…

Misa Toxic Seduction Nail Polish

Misa’s Toxic Seduction is a blast from the past, Fall 2008 to be exact… it’s a rich forest green, somewhat muted in anything but direct sunlight and yet it has a certain depth to it that I find really appealing.  The silvery shimmer gives it a really great glow to battle through the vampy, blackened edges that have historically made Autumn collections such a thrill for me.

Misa Toxic Seduction Nail Polish_1


Application on this one is great, nothing noteworthy to report.  If you’re a fan of green polishes and don’t have this classic in your collection… you’re doing it wrong.

Misa Toxic Seduction is currently available to buy online at (yeah, I know) priced at £3.02 not inc. shipping.

An afternoon at The Vineyard Spa, Berkshire

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 15 - 2013

A few weeks ago, I was invited along to experience the facilities and treatments at The Vineyard Spa, located just outside Newbury in Berkshire.  It’s only a short hop up the A34 from where I live and a blisteringly hot day meant that by the time I’d pulled up outside the hotel, I was more than ready to cool off in their swimming pool.

The spa offers a range of pampering options, specialising in treatments by Darphin and some rather special Grapetherapy – well, they are The Vineyard, after all.

Facilities include a large circular pool, jacuzzi, steam room, and a sauna with changing areas and plenty of relaxation spots in the main atrium.  The spa is attached to the hotel and as such, offers a more informal setting with unisex facilities and even designated “children’s times”.



I’d booked myself in for two treatments, a full body massage with some added hot stone loveliness and an eye reviving treatment which I hoped would plump those fine lines that are slowly creeping in to view.  On arrival, we were checked in and had our treatment appointments confirmed before being shown around the facilities and directed to the ladies changing room.

Inside the lockers you’ll find the obligatory robe and slippers, although the mood lighting is lovely… I did spend a good five minutes trying to retrieve the set of keys that I’d managed to drop into the abyss, and then nearly left my phone at the back of the locker because I didn’t spot it on the way out – one of those motion-sensing (i.e. locker door opening) lights would be really beneficial in there.

My other grumble about the changing room would be the toilet facilities.  There’s a single loo… with a frosted glass door and no hook inside to hang up your dressing gown/towel/whatever else you might be holding.  Basically, it’s all rather… public.  If someone’s having a wee… anyone using the changing room will hear you.  Now, I don’t know about you… but I’d rather wee without worrying whether other people are imagining that Austin Powers scene!


Having said that, there were plenty of things to make up for these shortcomings… Darphin skincare beside the sinks, plentiful clean towels, complimentary bottled water, and hair-dryers that make short work of actually drying your hair.


I spent an hour relaxing by the pool, catching up with some friends before being collected by one of the therapists for my first treatment.  The treatment rooms are located in a different part of the building… a little walk away from the spa area.  To be honest, I didn’t enjoy walking through the hotel like this… past the reception area, past the kitchens, along the corridor and up the stairs.  It’s a little humiliating, fresh of face, wrapped in a towelling robe and shuffling along in a pair of slippers.  I thankfully only passed one small group of guests on my way but they looked rather bemused to see someone in this attire!


I’d been looking forward to my first treatment for a long while, my first full body massage and my first experience with hot stones.  What can I say other than I loved it?  My therapist, although small in stature, applied plenty of muscle-relieving pressure that literally undid the knots that I’d been feeling in my calves.  Combined with the reassuring warmth from the hot stones, I enjoyed an experience that I didn’t want to end.  I’d recommend the Hot Stone Ritual to anyone.

The ambiance in the treatment room was perfect… gentle, repetitive music that lulled me into a deeply relaxed state and a cocoon-like room temperature that tempted me into hibernation!




Back in the atrium, beside the pool… lunch was served.  I opted for the lamb which was served bento-style with creamy mashed potato and a tomato salad.  It was truly delicious, generously dished, and cooked to perfection.  Dessert was a classic strawberries and cream with a slice of sponge.  The meal was filling without being too heavy or rich, nicely balanced and… well, I’m making myself feel hungry just remembering it!


After lunch, I returned to the treatment rooms upstairs for my second pampering session of the day… this time, the Darphin Eye Reviver.  Sadly, I wasn’t quite so enamoured of this treatment as I was with the hot-stone massage.  I felt that for the length of time given to the treatment (25 minutes), too much of that was spent cleansing and toning my face… time which I would have preferred was spent performing manual lymph drainage or other massage technique.

Having said that, once again, the whole experience was incredibly relaxing and I did emerge with temporarily refreshed-feeling eyes.  I’m just not sure I’d pay for that treatment again.

The Vineyard Spa in Berkshire is a great choice for a more informal spa day.  Spa connoiseurs may feel that the hotel/spa setting doesn’t quite deliver the level of privacy or finesse that they expect but if you’re a little intimidated by the thought of protocols surrounding spas and treatments this would be a great venue for an introduction to the spa scene.  The staff are welcoming, friendly, and knowledgable… the food was delicious and the facilities more than adequate.

I’d be particularly tempted by one of the Vineyard’s spa evenings for two which includes four-hours of spa time, a main course, and a 25-minute treatment each for £105.  A lovely (and not too expensive) idea for couples to spend a bit of relaxation time together over dinner.

To find out more about The Vineyard hotel and spa near Newbury, visit their website, find them on twitter, or call them on 01635 589415.

* I was a guest of The Vineyard Spa for the day and received one complimentary treatment.

Sample alert! Celebrate #thebeautyofnight with Estee Lauder!

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 14 - 2013

Beauty is such a personal experience, it’s subjective… it’s intimate… but as a blogger, I know and appreciate the importance of sharing a connection with others over something that many of us feel shouldn’t be quite so laced with mysticism.  Making oneself feel more beautiful shouldn’t be a cloak and dagger operation but often, it’s treated that way.  Whatever makes me feel more beautiful, I want to share with you and I never stop hoping that you’ll enjoy the same experiences that I have with a fresh technique, or a new product.

Launching today is Estee Lauder’s latest contribution to the world of beauty, a global campaign aimed at connecting women through personal experiences.  It’s called The Beauty of the Night and it invites you to upload a personal thought, story or experience relating to the night-time in an effort to connect, across the globe, with another woman simultaneously sharing their experience.


In doing so, both participants will also receive instruction on how to get their hands on a sample of Estee Lauder’s new Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Recovery Complex II.  You’ll also be able to read and rate other people’s shares and discover exactly what it is that makes everyone’s nights that little bit more beautiful!

Go ahead and spread those messages of night-time beauty!

Boots No7 Stay Perfect Foundation Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 14 - 2013

I promised a proper review of the Boots No7 Stay Perfect Foundation* that I’ve been practically living in all Summer. I also mentioned about how I’d never in my wildest dreams actually imagined that it would work well on my skintype.

I don’t know about you but there are certain preconceptions I have when I hear the marketing blurb about products. To me, something that is touted as “stay perfect” or “long-lasting” inevitably puts me in mind of a foundation designed for oilier skintypes. At the very least, something that my dry/combination skin would fail to tolerate.

In this instance, I was wrong.

No7 Stay Perfect Foundation Review Calico

No7 Stay Perfect foundation comes in an impressive range of 17 shades and I, somewhat predictably, was matched to the lightest of these: Calico.  I find Calico to be quite neutral in terms of hue, leaning neither too pink nor too yellow.

The finish is semi-matte and I’m unsure at this moment in time how my skin will tolerate this foundation when Winter comes around.  I’d hypothesise that we may not be quite such good buddies once the dry-flakes settle in for the season but at the moment, whilst my skin is very much “combination”, the No7 Stay Perfect is ticking all the right boxes.

One of the reasons I’m getting on so well with this foundation is down to a slightly unusual reason, the packaging.  In terms of how much product the pump dispenses, for me… it’s perfect.  Now, I don’t know about you… but unless a pump dispenses a ridiculous amount of product, I generally just apply the lot without really thinking about it.  This one dispenses slightly less than the average pump’s worth, but isn’t so meagre that it makes you want to dispense another pump.  For some reason, this makes me really work the product into the skin… stroking and buffing the liquid formula until I achieve what is, quite literally, the perfect amount of coverage for me.

I know that it seems such a strange reason to love a foundation but it wasn’t until I used this that I realised just how much I tend to simply (over)apply whatever is dispensed onto the back of my hand without thinking.

No7 Stay Perfect Foundation Review Calico Texture

The Boots No7 Stay Perfect foundation gives me enough coverage (I’d class it as sheer/medium) to tone down the redness around my nose without obliterating my natural skin-texture, it evens out most areas without masking natural radiance and most of all, it lasts almost all day without slipping from my nose or chin.  My only caveat with this product is I feel that it has a problem with oxidisation, something I can just about get away with because I’m not particularly heavy-handed during application.

The formula feels lightweight on the skin and pairs beautifully with a silicone-based primer, despite the included SPF.  Infact, this is the first foundation I’ve used that actually makes me want to reach for a primer.  I’ve worn it both with and without but for literally, the first time, I can see a difference in my skin texture when using a primer.  It glides over the top and gives a great impression of minimising some of the pores on my cheeks.  I’m all about cutting out the extra steps during makeup application but I genuinely get a little bit excited when I apply this foundation/primer combo (for the record, I’m using my DHC Velvet Skin Coat primer).

No7 Stay Perfect Foundation Review Calico Swatch

Anyway, enough gushing… I’ve taken my time with this review because I feel strongly about its value as a bloody great foundation.  For me, it’s a bloody great foundation.  It also helps that it doesn’t cost ££££, no?  Slightly bizarrely, I really seem to get on better with high-street foundations than expensive ones.  Good for me, I suppose!

The picture below shows the foundation with a full-face of makeup on top.  No highlighter or light-reflective blush, I’m loving the natural luminosity!  I just hope and pray I’ll still be able to wear this once the weather turns cooler.

No7 Stay Perfect Foundation Review Calico FOTD

Boots No7 Stay Perfect Foundation is available to buy online and instore at Boots, priced at £14.  Have you tried it?

* press sample


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