BBLL – Saturday 24th April 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 24 - 2010

~ Curious about the new Balanciaga Paris fragrance? So was Rae, over at theNotice — but she’s since quenched that curiosity. (And fallen in love while doing so!)

~ Beautyjunkielondon finds a perfect coral nail shade for spring, by Rimmel.

~ Sarah has found a new anti-aging moisturizer and eye cream and shockingly… they actually work!

~ It’s a plane, no, it’s a monster (well actually, yes), no — it’s just Jeweled Thumb’s enormous coiffure! Be scared, be very scared.

~ Red lips are always high on The Lip Print’s agenda – check out her latest obsession, Lipstick Queen Medieval.

~ Louise takes a look at the Guerlain Summer Limited Editions this week, and is surprised at what she sees.

~ Phyrra’s Indie Spotlight for April is Glamour Doll Eyes. Find out all about Vee, the owner of GDE!

~ As Lime Crime’s ultra bright lipsticks finally hit the UK high street, Lipglossiping puts them under the spotlight!

~ Krasey Beauty tours the exclusive Tokidoki collection for Sephora, and has the swatches to prove it!

~ Madame B Fatale shows you how to create an up-do suitable for day and night

~ Might as well face it — Cindy from Prime Beauty is addicted to Dior .

~ Amy Antoinette tries epilating for the first time.

~ PinkSith talks taupe with MAC Greasepaint Stick in Dirty.

~ In the hunt for a wasabi green nail polish? Hell Candy Make Up discovered a new shade by Barry M. Like it or loathe it?

~ Yinnie reviews the unsuspecting formula that is the Estee Lauder Total Make-up Remover.


Win a full set of ELLIS FAAS makeup, no strings attached, on beautywoome this month.

Want to win Audrey Dao’s April Reader of the Month Giveaway? Just leave a comment and you’re entered!

Deal Alert – Babyliss Conical Wand at UKHairdressers

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 24 - 2010

Click the image to go to the deal…

The smaller barrel size is the same price… I don’t know if these ones are much cop (they get good reviews on Amazon), but it seemed like a decent deal with free delivery if anyone’s on the lookout for a conical wand.  I know I am, but I’m not sure if my hair is a touch short for them…. I don’t wanna look like a moon faced Orphan Annie wannabe.

Deal or no deal?

A year on Lipglossiping – Lookback (February 2010)

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 23 - 2010

After much hesitation, I finally did it… I fake tanned.  First time I’ve ever really done a proper one too… I was pretty chuffed with the results!

Xen-Tan Transform Luxe Self-Tan – Sunday, February 14th, 2010

I was sent a tube of this to try after I couldn’t fit in a proper salon tan job on my last London visit.  I’ve bored you all senseless MANY times moaning about my uber paleness.  I know that pale is kinda ‘in’, but that’s porcelain pale… smooth creamy ivory skin. Which, I don’t have.

I have blue pale.  Blue pale with red blotches.  Combine that with bingo wings and you have some sexy upper arms right there.

Having said that, I’m scared of anything that darkens my skin.  Bronzer, fake tan, eating chocolate biscuits without a plate… soooo I’ve kinda put off using this.  Every time I went to crack it open, I’d remember some important thing I had to do in the next few days and screwed the lid back on terrified of appearing in public looking like a satsuma.

Well, I couldn’t put it off any longer. ‘Cos I have nothing to do for about a week. Enough time for any hideosity to fade if something went wrong.

Xen Tan is widely regarded as one of the best faux tanners on the market (don’t you prefer the word ‘faux’ to ‘fake’?), The manufacturer’s say:

Transform has been developed especially for today’s growing gradual tan market, giving the same delicious daily dose of moisture you’ve come to expect from Xen-Tan but with an extra boost of tanning ingredient to deliver a silky smooth olive glow. With a wonderful fresh vanilla scent, its advanced formula means fewer applications are needed. Apply just like an everyday moisturiser for sun-kissed skin that’s streak-free, sumptuously soft and never ever orange.

Can’t go wrong then can I?….

I did it. I grabbed the bull by the horns, or the um bottle by the lid and just. did. it.  I’d bought a tanning mitt in preparation and used that to apply.

The cream goes on smoothly and does feel quite moisturising.  The scent is heavenly!  True vanilla with no biscuits in sight!

I finished in less than 10 minutes and washed my hands like I was supposed to.  Unfortunately, I then forgot to apply he stuff to the back of my hands after washing them (what a n00b).  It’s ok though, it just means you guys get to see how natural and un-orange the colour is on me.

I went to bed slightly sticky, but still smelling full on like a tasty vanilla pod.  I woke up, bronzed, gorgeous healthy looking and stinking of a 1 year old hob nob.  I jumped in the shower and emerged all clean-smelling again!

I love the tan.  It’s a beautiful golden olive tone with no hint of orange.  I keep catching sight of myself in the mirror (oh ok, *looking* at myself) and it seems very strange not to see a big pasty face looking back at me.  I really look about a 100% healthier.

I need to get this application malarky down.  For a first attempt, I’m happy.  I exfoliated and moisturised the day before tanning and that seemed to work well to avoid dirty looking knees and elbows (Thanks to Saskia for the tanning tips!).

I think I’ve shamed myself enough this week with my dodgy hair… but… here, have a pic of a bad tan line.

I dunno what’s with the perfect v… but anyway, the photo is more to demonstrate the lovely shade of tan I am rather than my inability to remember simple bloody instructions.  And incase you were wondering, I’ve worn foundation on my hand today to minimize my mark of stupidity.

See, S.M.U.G

I was nervous putting it on my face, really nervous!  I waited till the mitt had a small even covering of cream and I don’t think I used very much at all.  Infact, for the most part I think I over applied.. considering how little product I applied to my face and how even it’s come out, I probably need to use about 1/2 of the product that I initially applied to achieve a good result.

I’m so happy with Xen-Tan and I’ve shocked myself by how good a job I’ve made of it (forgetting the hands for a moment) there are no streaks, blobs or any other tell tale signs of tanning fakery.  I may well become a bit of a tan addict, although I’m intrinsically LAZY, and self-tanning takes dedication.  Regardless, I’ll be buying a bottle of this for the summer!

Xen-Tan Transform LUXE is £23.95 for 236ml.

Xen-Tan is available from Selfridges, Harvey Nichols and House of Fraser stores or visit

…and I shared a nifty way to avoid glitter-nail-polish-removal-rage:

The tin foil trick… – Sunday, February 7th, 2010

…for easy glitter nail polish removal.

No more endless wiping and scraping to get the glitter polish off your nails.  No more sighing and soaking of fingers in pure acetone till your cuticles shrivel up and you develop hang nails that reach your elbows.

At least, that’s what 2 of my lovely readers promised.  Meganne, and Lisa – to give credit where it’s due.

so it goes something like this…

1). Take your cotton wool and dampen it with nail polish remover.  I like to make it quite soggy… I don’t wanna have to be doing this more than once ‘cos I haven’t got enough remover on the pad yano?

2). Hold the soaked cotton wool to your nails and wrap a bit of foil over the top…

It’s at this point you’re wondering if you’re actually the butt of a big fat joke.

Wait 5 minutes, no less… and then remove.

I can happily report – it works! As ridiculous as you may look with your tin foil tips, it saves a hell of a lot of effort and irritation.

Try it!  If nothing else, at least the aliens won’t get to your fingers.

Superdrug MUA Nail Polish NOTD – Shade 1

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 23 - 2010

Shade 1…. catchy…

Naming them must have ran the risk of breaking the budget for this new £1 line of makeup from Superdrug

Ok, enough sarcasm…

Shade 1 is a blackened blue.  The best way to describe it is opalescent… a darker-than-navy base with royal blue glitter particles.  The glitter isn’t chunky and a top coat isn’t necessary to smooth the finish.  I had to go and stand in direct sunlight to capture the sparkles for the photo which is why you can see my conservatory roof reflected in my tips!

For a £1 polish it’s a good looking finish.  Formula isn’t the best… it dragged at the cuticles and if I look carefully there’s still a couple of streaks visible after two coats.  However, it’s not horribly gloopy or difficult to actually paint with which is an irritation I often experience with high street polishes.  Yes, I’m a nail polish snob I know (bar Asda!) *hangs head*

Ohh that’s a good comparison actually…. I’ve tried two from the MUA line so far and quality isn’t as good as the George formula.  The MUA polishes that I’ve tried have a denser, thicker formula, but they are fairly quick-drying.

Tip wear is a little worse than average, not by too much though and I haven’t experienced any chipping after 2 days, so I’m very pleased with that.

I think I’ve covered most things… for a £1, you know you’re not gonna get OPI quality… but I think this is a stonking shade and if you like your blues, definitely check it out next time you’re passing Superdrug!  Alternatively, the entire range is now available to purchase from the website.

Do you like it?

Boots No7 Summer 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 23 - 2010

Boots No7 Summer 2010 collection will be hitting counters nationwide next month I believe and here’s what it should look like!

MizzWorthy and BeautyJunkieLondon have got sneak peeks of the collection, so go check them out!

I’m definitely gonna be checking out the silvery looking nail polish, the eye shadow quad and the bronzer.  I really like the look of the shadow quad, gold and silver are a lovely pairing to spice up those two neutrals.  I’m still useless with bronzers, always look like I’ve gone and rubbed my face on the garden.

The rest I probably won’t bother with… gloss in a pot?  Hate getting anything under my nails…  down with pots.  The other nail colour looks a bit of a snore too no?

Anything take your fancy?

A year on Lipglossiping – Lookback (January 2010)

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 22 - 2010

Well, January wouldn’t have been January without the IMATS rolling into town.  Makeup artists, lovers and aficionados everywhere were checking out the wares and talent on display at Alexandra Palace.

I’m not gonna add the full posts here ‘cos there are just too many photos, but if you wanted to check them out, the links are:

IMATS London 2010 – In Pictures (Part 1)


IMATS London 2010 – In Pictures (Part 2)

I got the opportunity to unveil the Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland palette to all you lovely UK ladies… and of course, didn’t shut up about said opportunity for at least…. oh ok, I’m STILL going on about it…

Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Palette – UK’s First Look – Sunday, January 24th, 2010

This is Part 1 of a 3 Part UD Alice Extravaganza!  Click here for Part 2 and Part 3!

After my not so subtle hint-dropping yesterday, I’m sure that most of you have figured out that I took delivery of Urban Decay’s heavily anticipated Alice in Wonderland Palette (yay!).

I’m feeling priviledged to have been chosen to ‘unveil’ this to you wonderful UK beauty addicts as only one sample box was released to the UK blogging community.  Forgive me just a teeny bit of smugness, but if it gets too much, feel free to slap me.  I’d do the same to you.

Anyway… I’m going to break the ‘unveiling’ into 3 posts… I’m not falsely modest and know that photos are what I do best.  So you can expect each post to be picture heavy (which I am hoping, is a good thing).  This first post will focus on that wonderful pop-up scene.  The artistry that’s gone into the palette is breathtaking and a large part of the overall appeal for many of us.

So, without further ado (or let’s be frank… rambling)… I bring you, Urban Decay’s Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows.

Open the palette to reveal a pop-up scene of Alice in the mushroom forest. Her “drink me” bottle discarded, she staggers past towering mushrooms, only to cross paths with a very peculiar, hookah-smoking caterpillar. A large mirror rests behind the scene – you feel as if you are transported into the film itself.

The Alice in Wonderland palette is due to be released in the UK on the 22nd February online with a store-wide release set for the 28th February.  It will be a Debenhams exclusive.

Finally, obviously feeling the post Christmas dry-roasted peanut diet was failing me… I had a few thoughts on image retouching that I simply couldn’t keep to myself.

Keeping the faith… – Monday, January 11th, 2010

…if you had any to begin with.

So, Proctor & Gamble endured a wrist slap recently with their Olay Definity Eye Illuminator advert catching the attention of the Advertising Standards Agency in the UK.

The advert features the iconic Twiggy, now in her 60s…

It contained a testimonial from Twiggy stating: “Olay is my secret to brighter-looking eyes”.

Proctor & Gamble had already withdrawn the ad before it came under scrutiny, stating that they’d reviewed the post-production techniques that had been used in the creation of the ad and had found the “minor retouching” around the model’s eyes to be inconsistent with their policies which led them to replace the original ad.

I do hope the digital artist got bitch slapped by P&G, I mean seriously… that’s not even good retouching.  If you’re gonna exagerrate the effectiveness of your product, fine… but at least stay within some realms of reality.

Olay Definity’s latest Anti-Aging Night Cream Ad…

Wait!  There’s too much character in that face, back to the graphics tablet retoucher man and erase those wrinkles, pores… infact, remove all skin texture completely while you’re at it! *whip crack*

On the whole, I don’t have a problem with digital retouching. I feel that I’m enlightened enough to appreciate that a retouched image represents a distorted reality and I don’t mind looking at idealised photographs appreciating society’s desire for aesthetics.  I mean, let’s face it… Twiggy (as beautiful as she is) in her natural state is gonna sell as many eye-brightening products as I am diet pills – she’s 60 years old for chrissakes.  I don’t feel conned by a little airbrushing… but where’s the god-damn subtlety gone?

Just because we’re all used to seeing these altered images, ain’t no reason for you to get all complacent about it Mr. Digital Artist…

Use it to make models/celebrities look their best, not to transform them into freakish parodies of the media’s eternal quest for unattainable cartoonish perfection.

Ahhh… the lovely Demi, looking younger than Leila.

Hahhhahahaa!  Dude, Digital Retouching for Dummies… a book with your name on it.

As an advertising tool, I dig it… but 2009 saw it getting kinda out of control and almost self-referential in it’s absurdness.

What are your thoughts on airbrushing? Against it? A necessary evil?

Ooooh It’s nearly my blogiversary! *gets the candle out*

Bare Escentuals Blushers

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 22 - 2010

I talked this morning (briefly) about Guava shades… I love ’em and there ain’t enough of them about.  It’s a fabulous shade for a whole variety of skintones and is about as close to coral as I can get before I hit ORANGE!

It reminded me that I hadn’t shown you 2 of my favourite blushers for Summer yet!

These are Bare Escentuals mineral blushes in shades: Promise (guava pink) and Giddy Pink (um pink, pink).

10 points for correctly guessing my nail colour by the way…

Check out the ingredients… hooray for minerals, Boo for Bismuth Oxychloride (replace the damn component with something less irritating to sensitive skins already…)

Both blushes are fairly sheer and build up beautifully.  I tend to use duo fibre brushes to apply most blushers because it just means I never screw it up and walk out the door looking like Bozo.  It takes about 3 sweeps to build up to a natural looking colour with these products.

Promise… see?  Guava.

This is a gorgeous, gorgeous blush.  It’s a matte colour base which has then been liberally sprinkled with golden sparkles, the shade stops short of coral and is simply a stunner for summer.  I had a hard time pinning this shade down… I think it’s discontinued now, but I found it on eBay (at a great price too!).

Giddy Pink is in the current line up of Bare Escentuals products and one that I received at a press day.  It’s a shimmery pink which gives that wonderful glowy illusion that catches the light when you turn your cheek.  It’s pink without being dolly pink… a natural flush.

The problem with all minerals like this?  They suck to travel with.  I can’t be arsed taping over the holes before going anywhere so always end up with about 95% of the product in the sifter by the time I’ve reached my destination.

Hmm… I wonder if they’re pressable… anyone ever tried?  I’m not sure I’m willing to be guinea pig, I love these too much to risk ruining them!

Promise looks matte in my swatch… there is sparkle in there, just no shimmer.  Both are swatched heavily to build up a true impression of the colour.

They last well on my skin and I’m positively addicted to them.  At least until the next addiction comes along right?

NARS Summer 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 22 - 2010

Oh Francois…

I can’t hear anything over the sound of my rapily beating heart *insert melodramatic music and excessive swooning*… it’s a new collection… and it’s coming very soon!

Do you care what I think? Probably not… but I’m a sharer…

Burn It Blue Duo Cream Eyeshadow – Iridescent ocean blue / turquoise

I’m not crazy for NARS Cream Eyeshadows…  they absolutely HAVE to be set with an additional shadow ontop to avoid creasing and even then, I only get a maximum of 6 hours wear out of them.  But I freaking love these colours…. if it were a powder duo, I would have been all over it like an embarrassing rash.

Coup de Coeur Lip Gloss – Sheer apple-brandy

Apple-Brandy… is that like a red/brown?  Hmm… It doesn’t sing to me… but I’m often surprised by NARS Lip Glosses, it’s a swatch job ‘cos I guess it could really take a nude lip to another level.

Versailles Nail Polish – Opalescent, champagne-gold

Sheer? Not Sheer?  That is the question… I’m reserving judgement, but it sure looks beautiful in the bottle *swoon*

Love Devotion Lipstick – Sheer guava

Looking at the promo image, it’s not for me.  It looks coral and bright.  Reading the description… I love the sound of it.  I adore guava shades which seem to work beautifully on my pale pink skin… the perfect pink/coral combination.  Not only that, but I adore my NARS Cruising semi-sheer lipstick from the Spring collection so I’m definitely going to be having a closer look at Love Devotion before writing it off.

Cayenne Cream Eyeshadow – Spicy, deep brown

I’ve already said why I’m not sold on the NARS Cream Eyeshadows, it needs to be a stonking shade for me to bother picking it up… and this… isn’t.  It’s reliable and it’s magnificently wearable, but if I’m gonna go to the effort to layer a powder over a cream for a stunning effect… it won’t be for this shade.

Lamu Multiple – Fresh, glazed apricot

I have a love/hate for Multiples… I love their multi-use aspect and I always take my Antibes with me when I’m on holiday but I find them quite hard to work with.  “Fresh, glazed apricot” sounds like it may be a bit too warm-toned for me anyway.

Enchanted Cream Blush – Soft-peach

OK, now this I’m on board with – woo woo! *makes train noises*…. I love cream blushes in a pan like this… cream blush + stippling brush = blush heaven.  Soft peach? Yes please!  I’m insanely excited about this release.  Can you tell?


Quite a mixed bag of thoughts then, please excuse what is essentially an internal conversation between me and my makeup buying alter ego spilling out over the keyboard.  There’s definitely a few pieces that I want to see in person before passing final judgement… overall, promising!

The NARS Summer Collection will be on counter from the 1st May.

Anything there that you’ll be paying some extra attention?

A year on Lipglossiping – Lookback (December 2009)

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 21 - 2010

December passed me by in a bit of a flash.  Aside from growing fat(ter) on Quality Streets and Dry Roasted Peanuts, Christmas got cancelled thanks to a sick baby.  It sucked to be me, violins please!

One great thing to come out of that rotten old month was my discovery of Inglot!

Inglot Freedom Eyeshadow Palette – Thursday, December 31st, 2009

When I was in London earlier in the month I headed over to the huge Westfield to throw myself on the makeup.

I was itching to check out the Inglot store that I remembered hearing about on some forums when Westfield first opened.  And here it is! (please excuse the mobile phone pics)

Check out the range of eyeshadows:

and nail polishes:

Not forgetting the lipsticks…

It’s like an explosion in a Skittles factory no?


Anyway… after that colour overload, I proceeded to choose myself a trio of eyeshadows to fill a small Pro Freedom Palette.  I went for the safe option (I know, boring!)

But aren’t they beautiful?

They’re ultra pigmented… incredibly smooth and I’ve embarked on a full-on love affair with them.

I can’t remember exactly how much I paid (argh! – can anyone help me out?)  I think it was around £14 for all 3 inc. the palette.

It’s called the Freedom System and you choose which shades you want the SA to put in.

The way I understood it is this…

You can choose from a Large Pro Palette (which hold the square shaped shadows, blushes and face powders – you can see the square shadows in my picture above).


You can choose from a Small Pro Palette which will hold the smaller eyeshadows (like mine), lipsticks and concealers etc…

Once you’ve chosen small or large… you can choose how many pans you want the palette to hold (I’m not sure of all the available choices).

You can also purchase items individually if you wish.

Hope that makes sense?!

The small shadows (to my eye) are the same size as MAC 26mm pans, but you get 1.8g of product in each pan compared to MAC’s 1.5g.

The range of colours is mind boggling, each with different finishes… I love me a bit of shimmer though!

I also bought a couple of lipsticks and will be back shortly with a post on those.

Have you tried Inglot? What say you?

I canvassed for opinions on these rather scary but fabulous looking talons…

Stiletto Nails… – Monday, December 14th, 2009

So um… Stiletto Nails…



Would you?

Nails like this generally polarise opinion.  I know some people genuinely feel repulsed by very long nails let alone pointy ones which leaves the rest of us clambering to book ourselves in with our nearest nail techs faster than it takes a lick of Seche Vite to dry.

Me? I’ve surprised myself by coming to the conclusion that I’m genuinely sat on the fence over this one.

I’m drawn to them as art… would I though?  Probably not.

Ohhhh wait, I dunno though… Mr. L would shit his pants if I trundled into the bedroom rocking those tips.  And that my lovelies, would make it *totally* worth it.

Finally, some fond memories from a rather wonderful night out…

Aussie Event – Girls Night Out – 3/12/2009 – Friday, December 11th, 2009

The third and final event for us lucky Aussie Angels (can I just keep calling myself that forever?) went off with a bang last Thursday night.

We were invited up to London to sample the capital’s nightlife.  Mahiki played host for the evening and the venue didn’t disappoint.  A tiki-esque hideout in the heart of Mayfair, Mahiki ticks all the right boxes.

My friend Vicky and I jumped on the train congratulating each other on how lightly we’d managed to pack for a night away… infact we were congratulating each other so vigorously talking so much that we very nearly got left on the platform.

Arriving in London with little time to spare, we headed straight for the Hilton at Kensington Olympia where Aussie had generously put us up for the night.  I managed to check us in without getting escorted off the premises for being a pair of scruffy oiks and we settled into our room to get ready for the festivities ahead!

Despite best intentions, we still managed to be late.  Vicky has always been the laid back one in our friendship.  Me? Well I was running round in full-on mentalist mode, arms in the air like a certain white rabbit out of Alice in Wonderland with echoes of “late, late! we’re going to be late!” reverberating around the room.

“Relax”. says Vicky, “You are so uncool”.  Like I need telling.

I felt a 100x better when we got on the tube at Olympia and met up with Hayles and Zoe who were also staying at the hotel and heading to the Aussie event.  If you can’t avoid being late… find as many people as possible who are also late and hide behind them.  It’s a philosophy I’m proud to call my own.

We were greeted at the club by a photographer (who I somehow managed to resist asking nerdy camera questions, I was *sorely* tempted to ask for some flash bouncing tips) and the lovely Emma from 1000heads.

We were lead downstairs into the cavernous depths of Mahiki and emerged blinking into a Polynesian paradise!  I was given a little black box which when opened revealed some lovely makeup goodies, the inimitable Aussie 3 Minute Miracle and a handbag hanger (I’m a little uncultured and had to be told what the hell it was before I embarrassed everybody by trying to pick my nose with it or something.)


Then it was Mojito time!! Followed by Pina Colada time!! Washed down with a couple of Mahiki Mai Tais and topped off with a Tiki Dick’s Super Space Martini.  By this time I’d forgotten how to pronounce my own name let alone the names of the cocktails.  Needless to say, they were very yummy and each one more enticing than the last.


Highlights of the evening? Semi-naked waiter – oh so tacky, and I’m absolutely not going to admit to perving.  (why have you put him down as a highlight then huh?)  Close-up magician – superbly charming and very talented, too much fun!  And treasure chests filled with an intoxicating mix of champagne, rum and a brandy and peach liqueur.



It was brilliant to be able to catch up with old friends and meet some friendly new faces too!


Alas, all good things must come to an end and as the night drew to a close the exertions of the day were catching up with me.  I bid my friends (new and old) adieu and headed back to the hotel.

Waking up the next morning I wasn’t sure which hurt more, my head or my neck (crick)… here have a photo.  If nothing else, it’s an advertisement for teetotalness.


The rest of the next day was spent shopping and mooching around town.  But I’ll tell you more about that in another post!

Credit for some of the photos goes to Sam and Zoe – I can’t seem to get mine off Vicky’s mobile – argh!

Nails Inc. new “greige” aka Lennox Gardens

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 21 - 2010

I know some of you don’t dig the grey/beige thing, but every greige polish I’ve picked up thus far has suited my complexion beautifully, so I’m hooked.

This is Nails Inc’s latest offering: Lennox Gardens (£15)… and I’m in lurrrrrve.  Well I would be… if they took the stupid ‘crystals’ off and lowered the price by a fiver.

Sludgey poo in a bottle or the epitome of understated elegance, what d’ya reckon?

Boots £5 off No7 and Ruby & Millie starting today!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 21 - 2010

The £5 off No7 and R&M Boots till spits are making an appearance again!

Get the the voucher instore from Wednesday 21st April until Tuesday 18th May.  The voucher will remain valid until Sunday 23rd May.

It’s less than a month since the last set of vouchers expired!  Boots must know a good marketing strategy when they see one!

If you’re not sure what to spend your voucher on, there are some ideas in this post:

How Do You Spend Yours?

Feel free to add some more ideas if you spot any great buys!

SpaceNK exclusive Love Colour event

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 21 - 2010

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m thinking of making that 30 mile trek to the seaside (and local store) and attending.  I wanna know if you go to these kind of events.

Can you read that phone number and the small print? *squints*

020 8740 2085 is the number and there’s a £10 booking fee which is redeemable against purchases.


OK, so now I wanna chat about these kind of events…

Do you ever attend them?  I’ve never been to one… I’m kinda shy, not hugely… but enough that the thought makes me feel a teeny bit uncomfortable.  But let’s face it… counter staff in general make me feel quite uncomfortable.

I never know what to say or how much I should buy before I reach the level of “acceptability” once they’ve started to lavish their attentions on me.  I mean, don’t get me wrong… I don’t spend beyond my means just ‘cos I feel uncomfortable (although I have in the past), it’s just… there’s etiquette isn’t there?

And what about when the events include other ‘strangers’ and you have to be all like… “oh, that blush really suits you, you look 10 years younger!”

I’m not a very good ‘pack’ shopper. Or liar.

I’m scared, someone come hold my hand and do the talking for me.  Just don’t get in my way or make me come look at your wrist swatches when I’ve got my “shopping face” on.


Wordless Wednesday

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

W7 Metallic Mars NOTD

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Guest Review: M2BROWS Eyebrow Renewing Serum

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Weight Watchers Friendly Pizza!

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Sometimes, it takes a little bit of hindsight to fall in love...

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Celebs pucker up for The Prince's Trust!

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Wordless Wednesday: Ice Cream, it's a serious business

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

January Essentials - Philip Kingsley Elasticizer

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

"Have a go hero" or leave it to the professionals?

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Pink Week! Nails Inc Poppy Delevingne Pinkie Pink Polish

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Dear Obesity...

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Lemme tell you about this “Love Colour” event that Space NK have going on at the end of the month, then listen up… cos I’m …


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