Who wants to win a Beauty Blender?

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 25 - 2010

Thanks to the lovely people at Just Beauty Direct

…I’ve got 3 brand spankin’ new Beauty Blenders to give away to you brilliant lot!

Don’t know what a Beauty Blender is or why you’d need one?  Check out my review here for more info.

Enough of all that… wanna know how to win one?

Answer this simple question and fill out the entry form below…


Q. Which newspaper rated the Beauty Blender as number 10 on their Top 50 Beauty Buys of 2008?

hint: you can find the answer here


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* Competition will close at 11pm (BST) on the 8th July
* Competition is open internationally
* Winners will be selected at random from all correct entries
* Winners will be notified by email on the 9th July
* 1 entry per email address accepted
* Email addresses are not used for anything other than to conact the winner and will not be kept once the competition is closed

Clinique Summer Skin Event!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 25 - 2010

From the 25th June – 22nd July 2010, Clinique are offering custom fit skincare consultations.

Pop along to your nearest counter and they will help you determine your skin care needs.  Whilst stock lasts, you will receive one of five concern kits, free with any two skin care purchases.

For images and specific kit info, read more after the cut…

Read the rest of this entry »

Twiggy bashed Dusty & A giveaway winner…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 24 - 2010

I attempted a Twiggy-esque look last night in preparation for tonight’s Aussome 60s shindig.  Thank you so much for your fab suggestions and inspiration…

But it turns out that baby L wasn’t feeling any better today so I didn’t make it up to London for my swanky night out and late morning lie-in after all.

Instead, I’m having the dullest 60s party imaginable.  At home.

On the plus side, I have Appletiser, butter popcorn and full ownership of the remote control.  Life is good really.

Check me out.

I would have rocked the joint. *munches popcorn*

Nevermind!  Onto more exciting things…

The lucky winner of my facebook giveaway is:

Rebecca Courtley

Congratulations Rebecca, I’ve messaged you!


Tomorrow signals the start of another giveaway (non-facebook this time, I’m keeping you on your toes!)… it’s a good’un.  No really… You don’t wanna miss it!

Trish McEvoy Lash Enhancer – 8 weeks in…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 24 - 2010

My lovely cousin A. is 8 weeks in to her Trish McEvoy Lash Enhancer challenge!

Let me refer you lovely people to this post for the background info.

I’m a week early on the photo because she’s on holiday this week… but I thought it was worth taking anyway and my next update will be at the 12 week stage, by which time… results should be fully apparent according to the blurb with the product.

Anyway, enough gassing… have some pics:

Two months in means that she’s halfway through the £89 tube.  It’s on a par price-wise with other lash-enhancing products on the market, but backed by the reputable name of Trish McEvoy.

A. (who hasn’t seen these photos) believes that she’s experienced a change in the volume of her lashes… to her, they feel thicker and more luxurious.  She doesn’t believe that her lashes have grown in length though.

Giddyup lashes!  Week 12 awaits!

What do you ladies reckon judging by the photos?

MAC MSF Natural… let me count the ways…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 24 - 2010

Love, love, love.

“Repurchase” isn’t a word you’ll find used too often on this blog.  I try to save it for products that really make it into daily use.  When you own and enjoy using makeup as much as I do, there’s tons of products that you love with all your heart.  But a repurchase?  When there’s so many gorgeous new things to try?  Gotta be reserved for something genuinely useful.

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural (£18) is one of my most used products.

I usually use light medium, but was colour-matched to medium last time I was instore at MAC.  On the way home I was all “Oh noes, why did I let him persuade me to get medium… gonna look muddy and orange”.

Yanowot?  It works really well.  I couldn’t go darker than this, but when I apply Light Medium now (I still have a scrap left in the bottom of an old pan) it simply isn’t as flattering as Medium which warms me up a teeny bit without a hint of orange.

Love. It.

Also, now it’s Summer… I’m making more use of my MSF Natural than ever before.  It offers more coverage than many pressed powders and when worn over a sheer tinted moisturiser gives me the coverage I’m looking for but with a light texture.

Did I mention I love it?

MAC MSF Natural is available instore at MAC or online.  My tip for this product?  Next time you’re instore, ask the MUA to apply a shade darker than you would normally go for…

Did you guess? Wahanda Mob Deal – Fish Pedicure!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 24 - 2010

Remember this post?  I hinted at today’s Wahanda Mob Deal.

How cool (and completely freaky) is this?

Aqua Sheko are offering a 30 minute fish pedicure treatment for a pretty amazing price of £12.  Saving 60% off the usual price of £30.  I’m in London and away from home today and tonight, but if I can get my iPhone working on the Wahanda site, I’m totally in!

From the Wahanda site:

The Garra Rufa, a native Turkish fish are also known as doctor fish, the tiny toothless carp thrive in warm water and live off anything available – including dead, flaking skin.

I’m having an “OMG that’s gross but I wanna try it anyway” moment.  I’m guessing that if you’re REALLY ticklish, you may want to give this one a miss… but I kinda like it *blush*.

Mr. L hates anything touching his feet, so I think I’d be going on my own… which doesn’t sound half as much fun – spoilsport!

Anyone else up for a nibble?  I mean bite?  I mean… um…. anyone else fancy it?

Channeling my inner um… Dusty?

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 23 - 2010

Yeah… I thought ‘Twiggy’ might be pushing it a bit.

Thursday is Aussie night… Which as you can see…

…is 60s night!

I’ve been getting in the mood for Thursday by listening to the classics…


Would you lovely ladies mind sharing your favourite 60s makeup tutorials and looks that you’ve come across?  I know that some of you are confirmed You Tube addicts… eh Liloo?

I’d love to have a go at recreating a 60s inspired look for the evening!

Wordless Wednesday

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 23 - 2010


Stargazer Eyeshadows

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 23 - 2010

I liked all the products that I was sent from Stargazer thus far… infact, more than liked.  They’ve impressed me.  Factor in the price for them, and I’m singing their praises from the blogosphere rooftops.

Sadly, the eyeshadows that I was sent fall into the category “More what I expected from a budget brand”.  They’re not terrible, but they’re nothing that I’m gonna get excited about.

I was sent two shades:

Very metallic looking in the pan, the texture instantly reminded me of Superdrug’s MUA… they have that slightly greasy feel to them.  Nothing wrong with that, but it does scream CHEAP!

Decently pigmented, the Arctic Blue shade took a little more building than Copper Fire, both are metallic.

They wear for a few hours before fading… combined with an eye primer, I just about got 7/8 hours from them before creasing. I’m being a little harsh, they’re performing like most budget eyeshadows… and they are budget eyeshadows at £3 each… but I was so impressed by the other products I tried, I think I was hoping for something more exciting from these aswell.

What I will say for them though is that the range is immense!  Over 50 shades of every colour imaginable in single pan form.  You can purchase Stargazer online from their website.

Elemis Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Gel Mask

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 22 - 2010

Enzyme: A protein (or protein-based molecule) that speeds up a chemical reaction in a living organism. An enzyme acts as catalyst for specific chemical reactions, converting a specific set of reactants (called substrates) into specific products. Without enzymes, life as we know it would not exist.

Impressive, but why would you wanna put ’em on your face?

Enzymes are a great exfoliator… it’s a bit more scientific than grabbing at some oatmeal and giving your face a scrub.  Enzymes work by chemically loosening the glue-like substance that binds the upper cells on your face.  These upper cells are dead, and their only reason for existing on your face is to provide protection from the elements.  Obviously, that’s an important function in itself… but they pile up unevenly on your skin’s surface over time, giving an overall dull and uneven texture.

As you get older, your skin’s ability to rejuvenate it’s cells begins to slow down… rejuvenation is the key to a smooth, even complexion.  Without rejuvenation, that layer of dead cells gets thicker and thicker, making the skin appear duller.

So, now we know what enzymes are, it makes sense to slather your face in something that is proven to “speed up chemical reaction in a living organism”. no?

Let’s bust some dead skin cells!

Enter Elemis Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Gel Mask

Elemis say that their Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Gel Mask contains:

Amazonian Acerola Cherry, White Truffle Poria Cocos, Great Burdock, Erysimum and amino acids.

Yum!  I can’t decide whether I’d benefit more from eating it!

I jest… although it does smell ah-mazing.

There’s also mention of patented tri-enzyme technology… I’m not sciencey enough to give you the full low-down on this, but it basically means (google is my friend) that Elemis’ Tri-Enzyme products contain three enzymes (Subtilisine, Protease and Papain).  These are the work-horses in the formula, and Papain is an enzyme found in papaya.  How good am I at googling, seriously?

So anyway, now that I’ve finished with the theory behind the product… does it do anything?

I accepted this for review consideration because I’ve generally loved everything I’ve ever bought from the brand, and had heard great things about this product in particular.  Though I must admit, I was also a bit nervous about using it.  You’ve heard me go on about my redness and sensitive skin before, and I was worried that I would experience additional irritation from using this product.

There was no need.  I find Elemis Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Gel Mask really pleasant to use, despite warnings of a powerful tingling sensation.  I feel a tingle… but less than most lip plumpers I’ve used.  If anything, it’s quite a refreshing, cooling sensation.

I wash my face and ensure that my skin is patted dry.  Dispensing about three pumps of the Tri-Enzyme mask, I spread it evenly over my face, avoiding the eye and mouth areas.  Then I go and put my feet up, or um… ok, in reality I go on Twitter.  10 minutes later, off I trot to the bathroom where a sink of warm water awaits me to wash the gel off.  It doesn’t harden or crack and is easy to rinse away.

It took 4 sessions (I’m using it twice a week) before I started to notice any real difference.  It claims to improve skin smoothness, decrease the appearance of fine lines, blemishes and uneven skin tone.  I dunno about all that but I’m definitely noticing a difference in the texture of my skin.  I had some rough patches on my forehead and nose that foundation would cling to… these have disappeared.

I hesitate to include the following observation (simply because it’s a real big deal for me) but I’m also sure that my redness has faded a little.  Now, in all honesty… I don’t understand this, it was the last thing I expected to see an improvement with.  The treatment room manager at Liz Earle mentioned inflammation as a possible cause for my redness, so I’m wondering if there’s something in the Tri-Enzyme mask that’s reducing inflammation.  I should stop, because I’m totally hypothesising on this.  All I know is that I’m not concealing my cheeks with pan-stick at the moment.  They’re looking rosy rather than red.

One last thing that I’ve noticed an improvement with is my pore size.  I know that nothing can physically reduce pore-size, but I think that sloughing off the top dead layers of skin has had the effect of revealing my true pore size, which is definitely smaller than they previously appeared.  Sadly, it’s done nothing for my nose pores or congestion in that area.  I also haven’t noticed any decrease in fine lines.

I don’t think it’s some miracle anti-aging product.  But I think that it’s wonderful at sloughing away god knows how much dull crap from the surface of your face.

So why not grab your St. Ives Apricot scrub and be done with it?  Honestly, I don’t know… what I do know is that I’ve been using a facial scrub twice a week in the shower for over 7 months and haven’t come even close to the results that this has taken 3 weeks to achieve.

Yeah, I like it.  A lot.

You can purchase Elemis’ Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Gel Mask (£45) from the TimeToSpa website, alternatively (and more of a bargain) opt for the Elemis Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing System (£45) which not only includes a full-size mask, but also mini-sizes of the facial wash, night cream and a cleansing mitt.

Oh, oh!  One last thing, I nearly forgot… remember I said about those top dead layers protecting the skin from the elements?  Well…. yeah, if you do use this – be sure to be super vigilant with sun protection (and I’m not talking factor 5), wear a hat… slip-slop-slap and all that.  Your face will thank you for it.

Pink Hat!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 22 - 2010

Please excuse the jaunty “wanna smack her in the face” expression.  It felt cute at the time, now it just feels… mildly irritating.

Anyway… lookee, my new pink hat from the wonderful Eliza!

Knitted by her own fair hands!  I was lucky enough to win her giveaway and I’m delighted I did ‘cos I love it!  The pink is SO HAWT it made my camera have a freak out!

I also won these:

How spoilt am I?

Thanks ever so much Eliza, I’m super chuffed with my goodies!  Go give her some blog love, like NAO!

Wahanda Mob Deals

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 22 - 2010

Incase you live under a rock and haven’t heard about Wahanda‘s mob deals, listen up!

Every night at midnight, when the clock rolls over to a fresh new day… something exciting happens at Wahanda HQ.  The elves get busy and the mailing list fires up, shooting news of a new Wahanda Mob Deal directly to your inbox.

What is a Wahanda Mob Deal?  I hear you ask…

In a nutshell, it’s a pretty nifty health/beauty related deal at a crazily discounted price.

In April, I paid £2 for £20 worth of Spa and Beauty Treatments at HQhair and Beautystore, which enabled me to get a £45 haircut for the grand sum of £27!

As if that wasn’t good enough… I’ve just snapped up another Mob Deal, paying £20 for a Haircut & Blow Dry, plus Hair Treatment & a glass of wine at Lisa Shepherd.  Value? £88.  That’s a saving of 77%.  OMG!

Anyway, this post isn’t just to gloat about my bargains… much…

I wanna alert you to a new Mob Deal going up on Thursday that has been very much the talk of the town in recent months.  I don’t want to spoil the surprise too much, but let’s just say… “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”.

If you do sign up, I would be extremely happy if you used my link: http://www.wahanda.com/love/lipglossiping

I get £5 off any purchases I make on their site if you buy anything after signing up through that link.  To make this a bit fairer though… please feel free to post your own personal Wahanda invite link in the comment below and we can all keep our fingers crossed that we get some extra money off what are some fab pampering deals!


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