Max Factor Lash Extension Effect Mascara

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 29 - 2010

I’ve been using a lash growth accelerator product (Latisse) since the start of April and I’m pretty happy with the length of my lashes now.  I feel that it’s made them a little finer than I’d like them to be, but I’ll continue to use it once a week or so for maintenance.

However, it means that I really need to use mascara nowadays to enhance these finer (but ultimately slightly longer) lashes.  And I’ve been trialling some lovely ones recently!

I thought I’d show you a high street one that’s grabbed my attention thanks to it’s light formula but lovely dark pigment.

Lash Extension Effect Mascara contain’s Max Factor’s longest mascara brush ever, which they claim helps you to reach every lash to deliver dramatic length.  Personally, I still struggled a little to reach those outer corner lashes…. L’oreal Telescopic Explosion still wins the “coating every lash award” for me.

A lengthening mascara as opposed to a volume or curl-giving product, it lengthens well.  The smell is quite off-putting and chemically… I notice this often with Max Factor mascaras, it’s an irritation but ultimately doesn’t stop me buying them.

One of the things that I really like about this mascara is how easy I find it to remove.  I own the non-waterproof version and this rinses away nicely with a cleansing oil.  I sometimes have to massage the oil into my lashes to shift stubborn mascaras, but this dissolves readily despite not smudging on me during the day.

Priced at £10.99 I’m almost loathe to call this a high-street mascara, it is… but it certainly isn’t budget friendly.

What do you think about the prices of high street mascaras nowadays?  They just keep going up and up!

Paraguay vs. New Zealand (non makeup related)

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2010

I like food, I like photos… I like making you hungry.

Gourmet Burger Kitchen… or Burger World as my very good friend calls it.

I like early evening nonsense.  I’m hungry.  What’s for dinner at your house tonight?

If you’re all indignant and annoyed that you clicked and didn’t see makeup… here, have a peek at tomorrow’s mascara series post.

My lashes always look so puny in the before pictures, I think I have their mousey brown colouring to thank for that.

Have a lovely evening ladies!

Making yourself beautiful…

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2010

…from the inside out?

Beauty supplements are big business nowadays, with entire websites dedicated to selling dietary supplements that claim to rid you of cellulite, improve your skin tone, make your hair stronger and delay the signs of ageing.  You name it, they’ve got a supplement for it.

But do you think that beauty can really be achieved in powder, tablet or liquid form in this way?

I think if you ingest enough Southern Comfort on a Friday night, beauty is most certainly achievable through a pair of beer goggles and soft lighting… but in broad daylight, with a clear head?  I’m curious, but ultimately in need of convincing.

One of the things that puts me off finding out for myself is the price tag that these supplements usually come with.  Imedeen, one of the most well known and respected brands to offer “internal skincare” have developed an entire range of anti-ageing supplements.  I took their online LifeStyle Skin Assesment and as a result was recommended their “Derma One” skincare tablet (their first signs of ageing formula for hydration and radiance).

So far, so good… I continue reading…

Take two tablets per day. Visible results within 12-24 weeks.

1 month’s supply £34.50

So that’s visible results within (ultimately) 6 months, so £207 later I can expect to see…

~ Improves skin quality and structure
~ Improves moisture balance
~ Skin appears more radiant
~ Makes skin on face and body feel softer and more supple

I can’t help but think I could bank that £207, instead making sure that I eat my 5-a-day, force a bit more oily fish down my throat, drink my 6-8 glasses of water a day, slip-slap-slop and get a bit lot more exercise than I currently do.  Realistically… I’m gonna achieve simillar if not better results in 6 months time.

Do I think Imedeen and the like is a con?  Not at all… I just think that £207 is a lot of money to pay for a convenience.

But then it goes and gets a bit tricky on us.

We all know those simple lifestyle changes we should be making to improve our overall health and appearance, but what about specific skincare concerns?

Help: Clear Skin is another supplemental beauty product that claims to bridge the gap between nutrition and pharmaceutical drugs and effectively help clear acne in (a minimum of) 6 weeks.

It’s claims come down to a single, key natural ingredient called Lactoferrin.  A substance that is found in a protein called Praventin which in turn, is found in milk.  Being the uber sharp-minded soul that I am, I think…. well… go find your neighbourhood milkman and slip him a note reading “8 pints of gold-top STAT!”

Of course, it’s never as easy as that is it…  Cow’s milk contains about 0.5% – 1% Lactoferrin, tiny amounts.

Although Praventin can be found in milk, the beneficial skin clearing effect is only activated when this bioactive protein is extracted from the milk. This means that drinking litres of milk is not going to deliver the same benefit.

Praventin – the key ingredient in help: clear skin – is rich in Lactoferrin, known to reduce the development of bacteria responsible for many skin impurities. In addition, Lactoferrin also helps to prevent blemishes and spots forming due to its antimicrobial effect.

It’s to this end that Help: Clear Skin offers a more convenient way to supplement your body with Lactoferrin… at a cost of £49.99 a month.  You can read more about the clinical studies that they’ve done here.  They claim that the median (average) time took to achieve significant results was around 8 weeks… so you’re talking about £100 leaving your purse before you can make any informed decisions about it’s affects.

This kind of supplemental dietary beauty addition appeals to me more though, simply because it’s targeting something tangible.  If you’re not seeing less inflammation, breakouts and cysts in 8 weeks… then you’re gonna know about it aren’t you?  I would imagine that it’s much harder to accurately measure general anti-ageing supplemental benefits.

There is one other option…

Remember that lovely sounding Lactoferrin?  Guess where you can find high concentrations of it?  One word…


No, really.  About 15% concentration… one of the reasons breast milk is so beneficial to supporting a baby’s immature immune system… but erm…

Yeah, I’ll just go get my purse…

What do you ladies think about beauty supplements in general?  Are they really any more dubious than spending £120 on face creams that claim to offer the same anti-ageing benefits with prolonged use?  I’m on the fence on this one, if you’re joining me… mind the splinters!

Le Metier De Beaute – Platinum Eyeshadow

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2010

This review is about 6 months overdue… sorry about that.

In late December, I treated myself to a Le Metier de Beaute eye shadow… I wanted a silver, something that I could use for the party season, not that a woman with a 7 month old (at the time) goes to parties… but I obviously had this mental fantasy of rocking some silver shadow like a post-Christmas fairy.

So I picked up “Platinum”.

How I laugh now… £21.

I’ve used it once.

WHY GOD WHY did I choose silver?  Why not brown or purple or even *cough* taupe?  Silver.  What a fuckin’ idiot.

I will say that it’s a very pretty silver…

It’s soft and smooth with a medium pigment that builds nicely.  It’s a metallic shade (duh) that catches the light when applied near the tearducts.  Hell, I might even make a dent in it come 2056.

Would I buy another Le Metier de Beaute eyeshadow?  Yes.  I might go for a nice neon orange next time.

Rimmel Play Fast Polish in Street Wear NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2010

I need to get my hands on more of these!  Especially Night Life and Hit That… but, they’re discontinued.  I’m stalking eBay… and I’m on a mission.

For now, I have this one to show you…

Rimmel Play Fast in Street Wear got picked up for obvious greige-y type reasons.  Please ignore the art stamp on my ring finger.  It’s where I got accosted at The Clothes Show by some bloke who didn’t know what he was doing and ruined my manicure with a shoddily applied topcoat and distinct lack of charm.  Dick.

Street Wear is a pale grey/beige which reminds me of Orly’s Country Club Khaki.  It’s a 3 coater and a little gloopy, possibly down to it’s age… I shall try adding a touch of thinner to the bottle before using it again.  It contains a subtle (but beautful) rose gold shimmer that picks up when the sunlight hits it.

Overall, it’s a nice addition to my collection… but ultimately not a must have.  Wear is good but once it sets in, the polish ages quickly and unevenly.

And that, my friends… is that!

The Clothes Show London 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2010

I was invited along to The Clothes Show London courtesy of Pantene Pro-V on Friday and my God was I ‘glowing’ by the time I arrived.  How hot was it?  I was with Rowena from Cosmetic-Candy who looked far more ‘together’ and composed than me.

Flared nostrils, crazy-eyed “too many sweaty people near me” expression, melting eyeliner and foundation that had pooled somewhere around my ankles meant that the ladies behind the press desk had a genuinely hard time accepting me as a bonafide member of society let alone someone they should let in without a chaperone.

However, once safely inside Earls Court, we were led to the Pantene Pro-V stand for a wash and blow dry.  I was positively foaming at the mouth over the thought of getting a hair wash (that’s how hot I was) and if they’d retracted their offer at that point, they would have found me moments later with my arse wedged in the sink hosing my sweaty head down anyway.

After the most beautifully refreshing hair wash with some brand new products due for release this Summer, (more on those when I get the info next week) I got to experience a proper blow dry thanks to session stylist Lara Zee.  It was very different to my home attempts which generally involve me flipping my head upside down till all the blood rushes to my nose.  This actually achieved some incredible volume.  Gotta love a professional!

The blow dry was followed up by a fabulous makeup refresher from MUA Laurey Simmons who shared some of her current favs with me (Max Factor Lash Extension Effect & Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser – or was it False Lash Effect… bollocks, now I can’t remember!).  The woman is a psychic… opening up her Shu Uemura palette, I watched her reach for (what looked to me like) the beautiful ME 850.  I walked away a rejuvenated, regenerated and slightly less sweaty version of my former self.  Fabulous.

Time for shopping!

Bar some black tops from ASOS, I actually can’t remember the last time I bought something for myself that wasn’t in powder, liquid or creme form.

Eagle-eyed Rowena spotted this on a stand and practically challenged me to walk away without it.  I couldn’t.

Say Cheese!

Mr. L is unimpressed.  It’s apparently screwed up his plan for my Birthday present as he had his eye on this.  I reckon I should have both AND something else now too seeing as he gave away his surprise by telling me about it DUH!

The Clothes Show itself was a bit disappointing… the discounts were mostly underwhelming… £7 for O.P.I polishes (or 3 for £20), Make Up Store offered some products at 2 for £15 but things like the eyeliners were set at their standard instore price and they didn’t bring the High Light creme things to the show either.

OMG Marketing had a tough time accepting ‘no’ or even “do you have a website?” for an answer which put me off the Art Deco konad-a-like’s more than I thought possible.

However, in fairness… this isn’t IMATS and I ain’t no fashion blogger (or fashion anything really).

The Style Stage attracted a lot of positive attention with Caryn Franklin (I grew up watching her!) putting in an appearance and Pantene encouraging the audience to ‘swish’ their hair in order to win a goodie bag, those in attendance seemed to be thoroughly enjoying all the onstage antics!

And look what I saw!

I spent a wee while hovering at the Eclectic Eccentricity stand which hands down had the prettiest jewellery on display at the show.  All the pieces were so tactile and kinda interactive… I’m surprised I didn’t drive the owner a little bit mad ooh-ing and poking at things *blush*.  If I hadn’t been a little bit naughty in Harrods Beauty Hall earlier in the day, I would have definitely walked away with one of these and one of these too!

All in all, a lovely afternoon made even better by reading this little snippet of news the night before attending.  Ahhhh.

Have you ever been to The Clothes Show?

Lanolips are coming to the UK!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2010

My love for these Aussie tubes of lip-loving lanolin have been well documented on this here blog and I’m excited to announce that from September we need go no further than the high street to get our hands on them!

Lanolips will be launching in the top 22 Boots stores starting in September before (hopefully) being rolled out to other stores nationwide later in the year.

The original non-coloured 101 ointment (my fav!) will be priced at £10.99 with the sheer coloured lip-ointments retailing for slightly less.

I’m over the Summer now… come on September!

Cherry Culture 20% off Everything!

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2010

Naughty Cherry Culture, just as I was on my way to bed went and announced a site-wide 20% off sale!

Yep… 20% off your NYX and Milani ladies!

Go forth and shop!

MAC MSF in Petticoat

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 26 - 2010

I thought it might be useful if I did this post ahead of the upcoming MAC In The Groove Collection which is due for release on the 1st July.

The rather lovely Karleigh wanted a shot of my pale arse wearing it. Well, not my ‘arse’… that would be enough to send global MAC sales plummeting. I mean… oh, you know what I mean.

Anyway, I’m gonna show you my FOTD and then I’m gonna link you to one of my fav bloggers who’s got a fabulous shot showing the shimmer far better than I was able to… so read on!

Read the rest of this entry »

Nails Inc. Sorbet Collection – Summer 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 26 - 2010

You like?

I love.

That’s all.

Ok… you wish…  Not even close.

Is this pastelly?  I swore off pastels in January and now feel silly ‘cos I’ve been loving them ever since!  I don’t *really* wear neon summer shades, but adore Summer blues so this is right up my street!

I’m perhaps a little bored of that Stanhope Gardens type colour (though I appreciate many can’t get enough of those minty blue shades).

The Limited Edition Nails Inc. Sorbet Collection (cute name) is out now and priced at £25 for the set.

A Bronze FOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 26 - 2010

Nothing screams Summer like a warm bronzed complexion with copper accents.  Bronze scares me in so many ways!  I love metallics and I adore golds… but bronze?  It’s a touch red… that little bit bolder no?

Bronze and copper totally brings out the greens lurking in your iris though.

Did I tell you that I finally found a bronzer that I can apply with my eyes shut?  Guerlain Terracotta Light Bronzer in 01 Blondes.  If you’re as pale and cool toned as me and think bronzer isn’t for you?  Shut Up.  Just go and try it.  I wish I’d found it years ago.

I’ll do a proper review on it soon…

Anyway, the eyes…

I swished my Laura Geller Eye Rimz in Bewitching Bronze all over…. yeah, 1 colour.  Bite me.  I’m a lazy bitch most days, I’ve got approx 549589430 eyeshadows and 50% of the time (unless I’m showing off) I just grab one shade and go.

But check out the eyeliner! I don’t even know if it goes with the shadow… I don’t really care ‘cos it’s HOT!

Guerlain Divinora Liquid Eyeliner, I think they’re discontinued now.  The colour is immense, the packaging beautiful… the formula a little gloopy and slow-drying… but whatever, the colour. is. great.  I’ll have to start stalking eBay.

Are you stalking eBay for anything discontinued?  Do you do that?

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Rose

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 25 - 2010

Here’s my other recent purchase, I’m currently hiding the invoice email in a folder I never venture into.  Out of sight out of mind right?

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Rose (£29.50)  is a much cooler toned blush/highlight.  It’s slightly less pigmented than Nectar and also a touch more metallic (though equally beautiful).

The white shade is opalescent… it has that pearly pink thing going on, very pretty!

I’m still working out how best to wear these, if you have any tips or blush combinations that work for you… be sure to let me know!

I paid £16 for my Rose Shimmer Brick (unboxed) from StrawberryNET.


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