New from Clarins! Instant Blush – Magic Colour

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 20 - 2010

I was gonna incorporate the Clarins Instant Blush I was sent into a feature on ‘colour-changing’ cosmetics… but then I tried it and decided that it deserved a post on it’s own.  It’s pretty close to blush heaven.

I don’t generally associate Clarins with innovation (sorry Clarins!), but it’s one of those brands that sits over there in that ‘safe’ category of cosmetics.  Maybe it’s the counter staff… in their red & white ensembles, makes me think of Butlins or something.  Either way… the Clarins counter is generally one I don’t spend too long browsing.

The new Clarins Instant Blush is a cream/gel formula that promises to adjust itself to your skintone upon application.  I’m not sure about all these colour changing products… In theory I love the idea!  But I dislike gimmicks with no substance.

I’m feeling particularly sore about these type of products since I swatched the new Bourjois Rose Exclusif onto a piece of paper the day before yesterday and watched it change into the exact same shade it develops on my lips… I’ve gone all skeptical.  That stuff is supposed to give you a unique shade dependant on personal PH levels blah blah blah.  Apparently, I’m as unique as a sheet of A4.  Great.

But back to this (somebody slap me if I go off on a tangent again)…

In fairness, the Clarins Instant Blush doesn’t claim anything about unique shades and PH levels… I think the premise is that it’s just gonna deepen and build intensity when it comes into contact with your skin.

I adore the texture of this product.  It’s a gel/cream… quite thin and vaseline-esque.  It has a lot of slip which makes for easy blending… but being so thin, it’s controllable.  I still have the whole Aunt Sally issue with blush going on, so for me…  the more control the better.

How beautiful is that pink?  Seriously?  The blurb on the website advises that the single shade is suitable for all complexions… it’s totally buildable and the intensity will deepen depending on the number of layers you apply.  On me, it’s quite a cool-toned pink… will it be a slightly different hued pink on olive tones? *shrugs* If you swatch of buy, I’d be really interested to know!

The blush contains some small sparkle… too fine to be glittery and too sparse to be shimmery.  I’m not really sure if the sparkle does much other than look pretty in the pot.

I apply this with my fingers, dotting over the apple of my cheeks and blending backward towards my temples.  The colour builds as soon as you apply, so there’s no guessing games as to what shade you’re gonna achieve ten minutes later.

My one caveat is that it remains quite tacky to the touch for a short while.  It does eventually set… but it’s not immediate.  Having said that, I’ve powdered over it whilst it’s still tacky with no clumping or issues from doing so.  Staying power on my normal/combo skin is great – I didn’t feel the need to reapply on my cheeks until the evening when I was going out.

In the above picture, I’ve also slicked a small amount onto my lips.  I adore this as a lip tint because of the texture.  It’s so thin that it really feels as though my lips are bare.  I hate gloopy lips.  My lips needed another coat by lunchtime to bring the colour back.

All in all, it’s a wonderful multi-tasker in a pretty, pretty pink hue.

Clarins Instant Blush is priced at £16.50 and available on counter or online at Clarins website.

Nails Inc. £11 manicure – the clock is ticking!

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 20 - 2010

Don’t forget ladies, you only have until the 31st August to book in and receive your £11 Nails Inc mini manicure.

The catch?  You must get yourselves and your nails down to your local Nails Inc. before 11am!

Will you be indulging in an early morning file and polish?!

Hey! Shampoo… You and me are THROUGH!

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 20 - 2010

I thought up that title while I was in the shower the other morning. D’ya like it?  I’ve always been a bit ‘speshul’.

On a more serious note…. I’ve HAD IT, I’m fed up.  My scalp has been getting steadily worse since the beginning of the year and it’s recently reached the point where I can’t wear black tops anymore.  Nice.


You’ll be pleased to hear I’m not incorporating photographic evidence this time round.

The simple fact is that I don’t know what’s causing it, but having done a little research and listened to some of your fab advice… I’m gonna go SLS free.

I’m not gonna go all OMGSLSWILLGIVEYOUCANCERDONTCHAKNOW? on you – SLS is fine for many, many people.  But it is a known irritant, and I’m gonna simply try elminating it from my hair products to see if it makes a difference for me.

[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”WHAT IS SLS?” collapsed=”false” ccolor=”ffffff” bcolor=”ffffff” bgcolor=”e6e6fa” cbgcolor=”b0c4de”]

SLS stands for Sodium Laureth Sulphate/Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, an effective detergent and foaming agent.  It dissolves grime and grease easily and is cheap to product in mass quantities.

Sounds great!  So, what’s the problem?

Well… as it is such an effective detergent… it can be quite harsh and drying on sensitive skins.  I’ve never had a problem using SLS in my body washes, but I’m starting to wonder if my scalp is having sensitivity issues with it.

I’m not an expert… infact… I’m learning as I go along here, so please feel free to add your own knowledge into the comments.


One of the lovely thing about SLS (yes, there are lovely things) that I’m sure to miss, is it’s exceptional ability to create lovely, lathery bubbles.  I like a product to foam… it makes me feel like it’s really working.  I know that over the years I’ve been conditioned to think that… but I can’t help it!

Also, forgetting the scalp issues for a minute and concentrating just on my hair.  It’s quite fine… I may find that my hair needs the extra clarifying that SLS shampoos offer to stop it looking lank after a while.  I think I’m going to have to try different combinations to find a solution that pleases both my scalp and my hair.

It’s also quite dry from frequent colouring… I wonder what effects going SLS free will have on the dryness?

Confused much?  I am…

*scratch scratch*

[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”BUT WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER SULPHATES?” collapsed=”false” ccolor=”ffffff” bcolor=”ffffff” bgcolor=”e6e6fa” cbgcolor=”b0c4de”]

Commonly used alternatives to SLS include ALS (Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate), generally considered to cause less irritation and therefore used by companies such as Neal’s Yard and Sodium Coco-Sulfate which is used by Green People as their detergent of choice.  From what I understand, these surfactants may all still cause irritation in the same way as SLS does…  The difference is that the irritating ‘qualities’ are diluted by comparison.


There are so many great haircare products on the market nowadays that offer an alternative to SLS and I’m gonna go investigating!  I always assumed that I’d have to part with a small fortune to enjoy an alternative, but brands like the The Body Shop and Naked are already proving otherwise with their high street offerings.  Though, if you do like a bit of luxe in your haircare, then there are some beautifully presented high-end alternatives aswell!

Has anyone else gone SLS-Free?  I feel like it’s such a minefield of misinformation and contradictory opinions!

If you’re thinking of taking the plunge, I could do with the company!

Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Serum for Redness

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2010

Skin redness and hyper-sensitivity is a cause for concern in many women’s lives.  Whenever I announce something dramatic like that… it always makes me think of my Dad who would gently tell me that in the grand scheme of things, there’s far worse things that can affect one’s life.

But, as someone who suffers from diffused redness and visible capillaries, let me tell you.  It’s not much fun looking like a lush.

Origins have developed a serum designed to give instant relief for the appearance of redness, sensitiviy and reactivity and I’ve got a sample to put to the test.

My problem areas are the common ones… nose and cheeks.  My nose especially (hence the lush comment), but it’s something that I can generally cover up quite well with a bit of concealer.

Erm, obviously the above photo shows my skin NOT covered up well!

Read the rest of this entry »

Wordless Wednesday. Except it’s Thursday.

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2010

Whatever… did you not SEE how many photos I had to edit for the Urban Decay palette post?  Cut me a break… I’m calling in a nice, easy Wordless Wednesday post regardless of what the calendar says.  I walk around not knowing what day it is most of the time anyway.

Can I show off my baby toddler?  Can I? Can I?  Don’t call her ugly or I’ll DDOS (I don’t know what that means exactly, but it sounds nasty) your ass.

Leila wouldn’t DDOS your ass.  She’d just make you learn all the words to all the songs in In The Night Garden until you couldn’t take it anymore.  I’d take the DDOS if I were you.

That wasn’t very wordless either was it?  Fail.

Urban Decay Book of Shadows III – NYC

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2010

I took delivery of my Urban Decay Book of Shadows III yesterday!  Well… when I say ‘took delivery’, whoever Debenhams use as a courier left it in one of my hanging baskets.  In the rain.

Why I oughta! *shakes fist*

When I realised, I squealed… wrung my hands for a bit and then got Mr. L to open it while I peeked between my fingers anticipating a very soggy palette.  Thankfully, it had been double wrapped – phew!

It’s a case of image overload I’m afraid… put me in-front of a pretty palette and I get a bit carried away.

Now available online at Debenhams, The latest in the Urban Decay Book of Shadows series follows in the tradition of some rather nifty package design.  It’s another Pop Up!

UD <3 NYC – Check out the embossing on the lid… a fabulous homage to New York City!

Oh, did I mention it lights up?!

Want to see more pictures including close ups of the shades and swatches?  You gotta read past the jump… I can’t flood the homepage with the photos!

Read the rest of this entry »

Amie Bright Eyes – Very Gentle Eye Makeup Remover

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 18 - 2010

My name is Charlotte and I’m a mascara-a-holic.  And a khol-a-holic… and an eyeshadow-a-holic.  You get the picture right?

The day I leave the house without mascara as a bare minimum, is the day I leave the house in 6×2 box.

Again, I’m painting it vividly for ya.

This means that come bedtime… I need my cleansing oils and I need them to work.  They generally work well, but I still keep a bottle of eye makeup remover in my arsenal to swipe over any leftovers.

Since my Bioderma Sensibio ran out, I’ve been using the Boots Botanics dual phase one that is generally adored and worshipped across the blogosphere.  It’s good… I’ll give it that, but it leaves a residue… a film.  The last thing I want post-cleansing is a film of oil on my eyelids.

I was sent the Amie Bright Eyes Gentle Eye Make-up Remover a little while ago and it’s well and truly taken up residence as my go-to remover ever since.

It has a water-like texture, similar to my beloved Sensibio.  Unlike the Bioderma, this is scented… and will sting if you get it in your eyes.

Unlike the Bioderma, it’s easily accessible in the UK.

I dispense a good few shakes onto a cotton pad, giving it a liberal soaking and then simply hold against my closed eyelid for around 30 seconds.  I apply a bit of pressure with my fingertips to ensure that the product is making contact with the makeup.  Once I get bored (which, let’s face it… is probably far less than 30 seconds) I give a few gentle downward swipes and stare in amazement at it’s effectiveness.

I should, at this point… tell you that I don’t wear waterproof mascara.  Waterproof cream eyeshadows?  Yes.  Mascara… no.  This may make a huge difference to it’s effectiveness for you.  For me?  I’m happy to recommend it.

The above shows removal of khol eyeliner and a good dose of mascara.  Notice that there aren’t any ‘swipe’ tracks because the product had already dissolved everything before I’d gotten that far!

I feel that after such a glowing review, I want to redress the balance a touch and simply reiterate 2 things.

1. This does sting if you get it in your eyes.  If you have very sensitive eyes, this may not be for you, I really recommend getting your hands on some Bioderma Sensibio if sensitivity is your major concern.

2. I don’t own a waterproof mascara to trial this on.  I don’t have watery eyes and I hate swimming pools and sad films.

I’ll be picking up another bottle when this one runs out.  Until I can beg, steal or borrow some more Sensibio that is 😉

Amie Bright Eyes Very Gentle Eye Makeup Remover (£4.75) is available from John Lewis, Waitrose and online at Amie Skincare

So… what’s the catch?

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 18 - 2010

Lipglossiping reader and new blogger Jessica took the SK:N Clinic up on their recent offer of a £1 Skin Assessment (with the £1 being donated to The British Skin Foundation).

Her experiences (both good and bad) make for interesting reading…


It’s a simple fact that the savvier we become, the harder we are to please.  We crave knowledge and I know from my past experiences… if I don’t learn something new from a ‘specialist’ then it doesn’t matter if I’ve spent £1 or £100, I will leave the session feeling unimpressed.  The same goes for one-on-ones at makeup counters, with skin specialists or even at hair salons.  I want their expertise and I want their knowledge.

The curse of the canny consumer.

Not saying that this is necessarily what happened in this case… but I wonder why companies hold these kind of promotions if they have little interest in engaging their customer in anything other than a barrage of sales techniques.  A bad brand encounter is a bad encounter, regardless of how much you’ve paid to experience it.

Having said that, it’s always good to attend these kind of sessions with an objective in mind.  What is it that you’re hoping to achieve from your one on one?  If you can accomplish that and create a positive brand experience – everyone’s happy.

What do you think of these kind of promotions?  Do you go along expecting the hard sell or are you always hopeful for a softly, softly approach?

Is it true that you get what you pay for?

Urban Decay – The Black Palette

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 18 - 2010

You thought you’d seen all the palettes Urban Decay had to offer this Autumn/Fall/Winter?  Not yet you haven’t!

Introducing the antithesis to The Naked Palette…

Calling all rock chicks, Urban Decay have another new palette coming up and this one’s for you! The Black Palette (£23) is your antidote to spring pastels and summer neutrals.

Inspired by an era of explicit unbridled rock, Urban Decay’s The Black Palette is sure to unleash your inner Alice Cooper in no time!

[stextbox id=”custom” bcolor=”ffffff” bgcolor=”c5cddc” image=”null”]
The Black Palette by Urban Decay allows even the meekest in the karaoke bar to own their inner rocker.

Conjure up your dark side with our six black-based shadows.  Create unlimited smokey-eye combinations that boost your confidence level to ‘no shame.’  Five shadows reveal veiled color shifts of blue, green, purple, gold and silver, and the sixth is pure deep black.

Whether you want deep coverage, or smudged out sheerness, these rich and velvety, unadulterated shades can party all night long and still look walk-of-shame worthy in the morning.

Let’s take a closer look at the shades that will be included:

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BLACK DOG – A deep matte black
BARRACUDA – Black with silver shift
JET – Black with deep shimmering purple shift
SABBATH – Black with deep shimmering blue shift
COBRA – Black with shimmering gold shift
LIBERTINE – Black with deep shimmering green shift


The Black Palette will also include a deluxe mini of Eden Eyeshadow Primer Potion (a matte finish nude eyeshadow primer) and a 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Zero.

Ohhh, I do love me a good smoky eye!

Urban Decay’s Black Palette (£23 or €33) will be available from September instore selected Boots, Debenhams & House of Fraser Stores and online at the usual Urban Decay stockists.

O.P.I Swiss Collection – Diva of Geneva NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 17 - 2010

I freaking LOVE the name… who the hell doesn’t want to be the Diva of Geneva?

This is the only one from the Swiss Collection that really shouted to me… my “maybes” list is longer, but I’ve mostly plumped for China Glaze Vintage Vixen shades for this coming season.

Diva of Geneva is a beautiful red based purple…. it almost looks pink in some lights.  A perfect shimmer finish that really complements my skintone, I’m gonna get a lot of wear from this shade.

3 coats for a perfect finish, 2 if you’re more heavy handed.  Drying time was fine and it was a joy to remind myself of the OPI brush… lovely application.

I picked this up from one of my favourite U.S. eBay sellers: BeautyZone2007 who is one of the best for combined shipping charges.

What are you lemming from the O.P.I Swiss Collection?

Freebie Alert – Cover FX EyePrep FX

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 17 - 2010


This Thursday (19th August), Cover FX will be offering free 10-day samples of their new EyePrep FX primer which is due to launch in stores next month.

If you’re local to London, Manchester or Dublin – you’re in luck.


So where can you get your hands on a sample?

House of Fraser – Oxford Street

Harvey Nichols – Knightsbridge, Manchester & Dublin


Be quick though, samples will be available from 12 noon and are sure to be limited!

5 Summer Essentials!

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 17 - 2010

Mid August… the kids are still off school (don’t we all know it?!) and for many of us, the Summer is just starting to wind down.  We’ve already indulged in some Autumn/Winter makeup collections and gladiator sandals just don’t seem that appealing anymore.

Here’s some of the products that have made my Summer more enjoyable and at times, bearable!



Liz Earle Foot Spritzer – £7

Instant relief for hot, tired feet.  Simply spritz all over to cool and refresh.  I actually spray on my legs aswell, the cooling sensation is undeniable though the menthol is a touch overpowering for some.

Mr. L moans when I use it in an enclosed space, though he admits that he finds it preferable to the smell of my feet.

This special edition Summer product is only available until the 5th September, so not long to stock up.

Available online from Liz Earle..



Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzing Powder – £23.50

I’m in love with both of my Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzing Powders (I also bought Maui this Summer).

Sheer with a touch of sparkle, Antigua blows my bronzing fear out of the water. The delicate pink shade sits realistically against my skintone and the buildable nature means that this is one product I won’t over-cook.

Available at counters nationwide or online.




Mitchum Powder Fresh Roll On Deodorant – £2.79

If you’re looking for something to combat a particularly troublesome Summer issue, then Mitchum never lets me down.

The roll-on, “powder fresh” formula is my particular fav and for me, it really lives up to it’s claims of 48hr protection.

I don’t use this all year round, simply because I try to use something that contains less aluminium when I can get away with it.  But nothing will sway me from this product throughout the sweaty months.

Available from most supermarkets/chemists.




Caudalie Organic Grape Water – £7

Another instant reliever for sweaty days, the can dispenses a fine mist that cools and refreshes. This was a lifesaver during a BBQ one warm evening after one of my Sk:n Laser Hair Removal sessions.

Extracted from grapes during the harvest the ingredient’s list reads: Grape Fruit Water, Grape Juice and Nitrogen. That’s it. Fabulous!

Available online from LookFantastic






Tresemme Instant Refresh Dry Shampoo – £4.29

I’ve been reaching for this little can a lot over the last few weeks.  Tresemme’s take on the dry shampoo market is less “powdery” than the high street alternatives.  It dispenses a fine and completely clear mist that seems somehow more controllable than my Batiste.

However, it’s double the price…

I’ll repurchase with pleasure, but only when I find it on special offer.

Available from most supermarkets/chemists




What products have been making your summer even more pleasurable?.


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Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

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