I am jinxed

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 25 - 2010

The never-ending camera saga continues.

I buy a camera nearly 2 weeks ago.  It’s in stock and ready for next day delivery.  Except of course it freaking isn’t.  Cos that kind of sharp practice is the norm these day, us consumers are clearly mugs.

So… I wait… and I wait…

The expected delivery day passes, and I give them one more day on top of that before I contact them again.

“We didn’t get stock as expected but will contact Canon and inform you within 2-3 days whether or not we can expect more.”


Why didn’t you TELL ME when the stock didn’t come in instead of letting me stalk the postman for 5 days like an expectant father and secondly, 2-3 days to find out if you’re EVEN GONNA GET THE BLOODY CAMERA that I ordered 2 weeks ago?

On your bike.

Then it gets funnier.

I ask for a refund and get told it will take 7-10 working days to process.  I don’t speak for a moment because I’m too busy trying to lift my chin off the floor.


I phone and get cross, they promise to process it within 3 working days.  I should fucking think so.  Though I’m still waiting…

3 days ago… I go somewhere else.

Bear in mind that this camera is now getting increasingly hard to find in stock because it’s just been superseded (hence me being able to afford the bugger!).  I need to get a wiggle on if I’m gonna be able to source one.

But source one I do.  Live stock update – 8 in stock.  Great.  Sold to the lady with the overused Paypal account.

I log on to Twitter and moan about my camera troubles but delight in the fact that I’ve finally got it sorted.

I follow a couple of great photographers on Twitter who by some strange photographer sixth sense (or maybe just a shared shite experience) BOTH basically (without ANY prompting) reply that they wonder if my previous experiences were with a company based on the I.O.M called S***** E********** who are apparently complete scum bags.

“No”…. says I as my head simultaneously hits the desk.

Why does my head hit the desk then?


Are you still with me?  This rant has basically turned into a stream of consciousness and I apologise for the lack of grammar and fragmented sentences.

So, here I am…. 2 weeks down the line.  One failed attempt at getting a camera (and still no refund).  2nd attempt currently underway with a company that has a reputation for being completely crap and not holding stock when they say they do.

I phone them and try to squeeze the info out of them.  “You do actually have physical stock right?”… They answer in the affirmative-ish… but are more keen to keep repeating the line that stock was ‘allocated’ to me when I placed my order.  I’m not fully convinced.

And then…..

This afternoon, I get a phonecall.

“Hello, Lloyds TSB Fraud Prevention Department here.  We’ve declined your payment of £689.90 to S***** E**********.  Please confirm that you made this order.”  I confirm, but that doesn’t change the fact that the payment’s still been declined and needs to be made again.  It’s Saturday.  Can’t do it.

I’m on holiday tomorrow and GOD KNOWS how I’m going to be able to sort this mess out and re-order with what is (possibly) a completely shiteous company anyway on Monday.

I think I need a desk to strap to my head permanently.

20% off at Zuneta!

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 25 - 2010

Right through till midnight Sunday you can take 20% off your Zuneta order using discount code: WEEKEND

Click the image to go to the Zuneta website!

Fish Pedicure at Aqua Sheko!

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 25 - 2010

The Background

I have been looking forward to this for months!

I booked my fish pedicure from Wahanda because they were offering a great mobdeal on a 25 minute pedicure.  Infact, I booked 2… one for myself and one for my husband who instantly announced that he’d rather sit through a game of cricket than go for a fish pedicure.  I took that as a hint and invited my cousin to come with me instead.

The night before I made sure to exfoliate my feet with a sugar scrub in preparation… I didn’t want those little suckers to get an easy ride!

The Salon

Aqua Sheko is fairly easy to find, just off Kensington Church St in London.  The interior didn’t seem quite as plush and swanky as the website photos would have you believe.  It’s quite a cramped and utilitarian space… and the decor just kept making me think of the Tron Light Cycle scene!

The Washing

First things first… a very softly-spoken and gentle male therapist washed my feet… I would have become quite caught up in the moment if it weren’t for the fact that the water felt practically sub-zero!  He apologised for this, but my goodness – must it be that cold?  You can see the reaction on my cousin’s face as her feet are washed (mind, she is a total wimp!)

Once my feet were clean and dried, the therapist carefully inspected them for cuts and sores.  I had two insect bites on my ankle which were covered with a plaster before I was shown to the tank.

The Fish

I was brave.  I didn’t even flinch!  I did giggle though.  Lots.

What I didn’t realise was that you’re supposed to put both feet in the tank together at the same time… it makes sense right?  Idiot.  I plunged one foot in and they all rushed to greet it!  Realising the error of my ways sharpish, it wasn’t long before I had both feet dangling into the water.

It tickles.  It feels like a jacuzzi but with a bit of gentle suction in places – especially if you get a couple of big ‘uns in your tank!  It’s not unbearable… but if you are VERY ticklish, you may not enjoy it.

Me?  I kinda loved it… I giggled A LOT and made little to no verbal sense.  I found it an uplifting experience and became quite fond of my little tank dwellers by the end of the session!

My cousin?  Not so much… she’s very pleased that she did it and wants to take a friend back as a birthday treat, but it’s more for the unusual experience than any therapeutic benefit.  It was just too ticklish for her – she said she probably wouldn’t do it again.

The Massage

Not included in the Wahanda deal, we paid extra on the day to get a 15 minute foot massage after our 25 minute dip.  It was a great way to finish off and having never had a foot massage before – I was amazed by just how good it made me feel!

My therapist spent a few minutes working on my big toes (she said that she could feel I had stiffness in my neck!) and oddly enough a few days earlier, I had woken up with a terrible crick in my neck!  It was only when we left the salon that we were able to really appreciate the benefits, both of us commenting that it felt as though we were walking on air.

The Conclusion

Post pedicure, my feet are much softer and smoother though I don’t think it’s as effective as a professionally-performed pedicure.

There’s a bizarre sense of camaraderie at Aqua Sheko.  The staff are well-used to people who are reluctant to take the plunge (har har!), they even keep an iPad on site to distract nervous fish botherers!  Patrons were happily chatting amongst one another, keen to reassure any newcomers that it wasn’t as scary as it may seem.

Would I do it again though?  You bet!  What a fun way to spend an hour.

The Video

It’s a terrible video… but I’m no You Tube Guru and it’s the best I’ve got – sorry!

Here fishy fishy from lipglossiping on Vimeo.


Dr. Hauschka shows us that Natural Makeup doesn’t = boring makeup

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 24 - 2010

I don’t know about you… but when I think of ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ makeup… it’s all I can do to stifle the yawns that try desperately to escape from my body and expose my feelings.

So when I opened an email and was greeted with this London Fashion Week image…

…I was a little surprised to learn that it came from Louise Amstrup’s SS11 show, where the makeup was represented by none other than natural brand Dr. Hauschka.

Known more for their iconic Rose Day Cream than their colour palettes, I couldn’t resist having a closer look at some of their pieces when I found myself in Whole Foods this week.

I was particularly taken with this palette:

Part of this year’s Summer Impressions collection, the Cool Breeze palette is creamy, pigmented and interesting.  Quite frankly… pretty much all the things I didn’t expect it to be.  Though, I will never like having my lip products in the same palette as powders and all this loveliness comes at a price.  £40 to be exact.

Do you have any preconceptions about all-natural makeup lines – are my sterotypes out of date?

MakeUp4All Fall 2010 Online Beauty Mag is Live!

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 24 - 2010

Very exciting stuff as always!

Marina emailed last night to let me know that the new issue of MakeUp4All Online Beauty Magazine is now live!

Packed with fab content, beauty advice, trend reports and some of the best campaign images on the net…

You’d be mad to miss it!

Makeup Snobbery… Innocent or Guilty?

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 24 - 2010

I’m totally guilty of makeup snobbery… in public at least (the blog doesn’t count).

In private?  Not so much… though I’ve definitely become more snobbish as my collection has grown.  It wasn’t that long ago that MAC seemed like such an aspirational/posh brand… and now?  Not so much.

That’s the problem with being a beauty addict.  It’s a never-ending journey from Collection 2000 to Chanel and beyond…. and this, my dear readers… is probably why Terry de Gunzburg can make a rose-gold infused lip balm and I have to be physically restrained by my cousin until I swear on my life that I won’t drop the £45 asking price for it.  I’m still seething with resentment about that.  It’s limited edition for chrissakes!

On the other end of the scale?

Well… at the moment?  I’m resisting the urge to head to Aldi and buy one of everything from Lacura.  I refused to get into the hype first time round… but a recent email from one of my lovely readers has ignited a hankering.  The thing with these brands is that the pricepoint makes it just so damn easy no?

Go on… give me a little push, should I go and explore my local German cheap food emporium for their beauty lines?

And if I choose not to accept my mission… what’s a misread vowel between friends?

Are there any brands that arouse the makeup snob in you?

No posts today.

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 23 - 2010

I under-estimated how hungry the fish were.

Ok, not really… real life has caught up with me in a big way this week (sadly!).  Normal service to resume tomorrow!


H&M Spending Cash With Carl Nail Polish NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 22 - 2010

Do you remember when you were a kid and your cousins came round?  They were in YOUR domain… you were in charge.  Let’s face it… only you knew where the biscuit barrel was hidden.

The afternoon would be progressing nicely… a little bit of bossiness on your part (it IS your house afterall)… perhaps inching towards a small amount of rowdiness… which may or may not have included biscuit hogging…

then… BAM!  “Stop showing off!” my your Mum would shout.

Stop. Showing. Off.

Those three words would have me beetroot red for the next 6 hours and reduce me to a whimpering, sullen shadow of my former custard cream party leader self.

Someone needs to tell this H&M polish to stop showing off.

Enough.  Too much.  Simmer down now.  Get to bed.

I get that it’s clearly striking… it’s purdy and it’s bright.  It does things that no £3 nail polish should really be able to do.  The shimmer is complex and the hue so vivid, my retinas are screaming for salvation.

But it’s too much.  It just doesn’t know when to stop.

Some of you will disagree with me… and that’s cool… but in the bottle (and I still don’t have my new camera so can’t actually SHOW you)… it doesn’t look so obnoxious.  It looked all midnight blue with an incredible glow – I wanted what you can see above to be apparent, but subtle.

And this ain’t subtle.

As for all that other stuff? Application… wear… I can’t remember, this mani is about 3 weeks old now and I didn’t write it down – sorry!

On a completely unrelated note… this is my 1000th post! Oh my… *fans self* – I’m not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed!

Davidoff – Champion

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 22 - 2010

Ohhhh, I dunno… it’s all a bit macho innit… cheesy 90s machismo.

Maybe it’s the bottle, maybe it’s the whole locker room sport scent thing…

They say

[stextbox id=”custom” bcolor=”b0c4de” bgcolor=”e6e6fa”]Davidoff’s latest men’s fragrance Champion will trigger in men a desire to develop the latent potential within them. That deep, fundamental instinct for victory and power. Davidoff Champion is about the daily ritual of taking the time to build physical and mental strength. To become a champion.[/stextbox]

I say

I’m not a snob (well, alright… I am) but it’s a bit mainstream isn’t it?  I hate this just as much as I’d hate a stiletto shaped bottle of scent (there must be one out there?).  I know, I know… look past the packaging… but I’m struggling.

Having said that, I think the packaging will probably tempt just as many men as it puts off… I can see this on the Christmas wish list of many 16yr olds.

As for the scent?

Well… it’s not my favourite and it does border slightly on the generic fresh scent for “manly” men… but… it just about dodges the bullet.

Davidoff Champion has a nice citrusy kick that although never really fades enough to reveal anything beyond this, is almost pleasant enough on it’s own.  Staying power is pretty good too… I just wish it were a bit more complex.  This ain’t gonna beat Marc Jacobs Bang as men’s scent of the season, that’s for certain!

Having said that, I’m strangely addicted to the ad… *shrugs*

Davidoff Champion is available in 50ml & 90ml EDT and priced at £35.50/£43.50 respectively.

Models Own – The Car Key Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 22 - 2010

It’s just not that often that press releases have me smiling wryly to myself in a GOOD way.

But the latest release from Models Own had Mr L questioning what it was that had clearly tickled my funny bone yesterday morning.

The Models Own Car Key Collection. (L-R: Grace Green, Becca’s Brown, Purple Ash)

Chanel’s Khaki Collection (L-R: Khaki Brun, Khaki Vert & Khaki Rose)

Unfortunately, it seems that this is pretty much where the similarities end.  BritishBeautyBlogger has the dupe scoop and Chanel doppelgängers… they ain’t.

Having said that…

I’m really liking the look of Purple Ash on it’s own merits… all is not lost!

Models Own Car Key Collection will be launching next month online and in Boots, priced at £5 each.

Leila and the (unimpressive) parcel…

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 21 - 2010

I’m going for my fish pedicure at Aqua Sheko tomorrow… I know… I’ve taken my sweet time!  I’m excited and hope my cheesers don’t kill off too many fish.

Have a great evening lovely people of the internet. x

The tale of David and Goliath…

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 21 - 2010

…or Gufic Biosciences Ltd. and Estee Lauder.

I remember reading about the case of an Indian manufacturer of a herbal based stretch mark cream a couple of years ago.

Since 1998, Gufic Biosciences Ltd. had been using the name SkinCliniq Stretch Nil for their popular lotion and when Estee Lauder brought their brand Clinique into the country some years later… Lauder were unimpressed by the brand’s use of the word “Cliniq”.

Lauder brought a succesful injunction against the Indian brand in 2008 which prevented Gufic from using the word Cliniq while selling its products.

Last month, Gufic Biosciences Ltd. won its legal battle against the cosmetic giant.

The judge ruled that Gufic’s use of the world ‘Cliniq’ in its product is not identical or deceptive to Estee Lauder’s ‘Clinique’.

It was also noted that the major price difference between the two brands ensures no potential for confused consumers when shopping.  Gufic’s SkinCliniq Stretch Nil retails at around $5 for 100ml of product.  Hardly high-end pricing.

And perhaps even more importantly… Estee Lauder didn’t even enter Clinique into the Indian market until 2007.  Nearly 10 years after Gufic Biosciences Ltd. began selling SkinCliniq Stretch Nil.

I do love it when a bit of good old-fashioned common sense reigns supreme.


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…or Gufic Biosciences Ltd. and Estee Lauder. I remember reading about the case of an Indian manufacturer of a herbal based stretch mark cream a …


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