Butter London – West End Wonderland Nail Polish NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 5 - 2010

Blimey! It’s nail polish Sunday or somethink, sorry polish haters!

Some of you coo-ed over Butter London’s The Full Monty that I swatched earlier in the week… a true Xmassy gold that kept neutral enough to suit my cool skintone.  Well… what with it being December n’all, how could I not glitterize the crap out of it?

I mean c’mon… it’s CHRISTMASSSSSSSSSSS! (nearly).

I added two coats of Butter London West End Wonderland to get this disco on my nails.  It’s fabulous!  Glitter is freaking HARD to capture in a still image.  It lends itself to movement and light reflecting so what you can’t see is that West End Wonderland has a rather gorgeous red glitter scattered amongst the gold which sets it apart from my other gold glitters.

As always, it’s a bugger to remove… I love/hate glitter.  But this time of year?  Love wins out.

Butter London’s West End Wonderland is available to buy online from PowderRooms priced at £9.75

Superdry Do Nails!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 5 - 2010

Available from next March, cult British clothing brand Superdry will launch a range of 10 nail polishes.

Superdry Nail Paint will include the colours: Chalk, Pigment Yellow, Port, Charcoal, Rich Red, Soft Green, Enamel Blue, Jet Blue, Rose Pink and Punk Pink.

Each bottle carries designs reminiscent of the brand’s iconic pseudo-japanese tees and will retail at £6 each.

I can’t wait to get my hands on these, I love the look of that green… and the pale blue… and the… oh ok, I want to try them all.

Are you digging the bottle design as much as me?

Beauty Blog Link Love – Sunday 5th December 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 5 - 2010

Beautywoome has found all the best New Zealand beauty brands you need to know about now.

Stuck for gift ideas? Check out Charly’s N-spa Brand Rave!

Anita over at Pleasureflush gets excited over Chantecaille’s Tiger In The Wild palette and shows you her amazing Chantecaille collection.

K from Beautifully Addicted To discusses whether brands consider imitation to be the sincerest form of flattery in the run up to Christmas.

Hot Beauty Health shares 10 of the best natural beauty products enriched with soy proteins.

Pink Diva’s Beauty Spot has been playing with Dr Lewinn’s skin care… and loving it! Find out what products are worth a try.

Phyrra’s Indie Spotlight for December is none other than Shiro Cosmetics! Learn all about Caitlin and this magical melding of makeup and geekery.

Aijuswhanakno shares her love in an ode to the Black Magic bar from 1 Hand Washes The Other.

See what Alyson at The Gloss Menagerie thinks of the Sigma Face & Eye Kit.

Baby powder for the face? Musicalhouses shows you this little makeup tip she stumbled upon!

Rachel reviews some love or hate it Lush products at Queen of Turquoise.

Retrodiva takes a look at the new Harajuku Lovers Wicked Style fragrance collection – it would make a great gift for the younger set.

The Pink Sith buys yet another raspberry colored lipstisck. This time it’s Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture Lipstick in Rouge Vermillon. Come see how she justifies yet another amazing lipstick purchase!

Clue: What happens when Jeweled Thumb buys the same color over and over again? Answer: She finds great dupes!

Not sure what to get a friend (or yourself!) for Christmas? Check out this year’s Gift Guide, over at theNotice!

Krasey Beauty rocks out with Make Up For Ever’s Rock For Ever Collection.

Sarah from IHeartCosmetics tries out Nail Rock Nail Wraps which are a cool new alternative to Minx.

Hellcandy brings a little ray of sunshine with a sneak peak into British brand Boots No7 Spring 2011 range and it’s all inspired by 1960s St Tropez…


Beauty Crazed has really lost their minds this time and is giving away over $500 worth of cosmetics! Treat yourself to a fabulous holiday present and enter now!

Check out Madame B Fatale’s Giveaway for a $50 Apothica Gift Card!

It’s the season for sparkles and presents so head on over to Eyelining Obsessions and enter to win some goodies in her festive giveaway!

Enter Audrey Dao’s holiday giveaway to win a Marie Louise Travel Kit filled with skin care products.

Emma wants to thank her followers with a small giveaway” including Sleek, MAC & NARS over at BirdsDecorateBranches!

Christmas come early? December marks the start of the annual Lipglossiping ADVENT GIVEAWAY! Come and join in for a chance to win some amazing prizes!

Elemis TSV Sunday 5th December on QVC!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 4 - 2010

You know I’m a sucker for Elemis and on Sunday, they’re launching their brand new Melting Cleansing Gel to the fanfare of one of QVC‘s legendary TSVs.

I get excited when TSVs like this come up.  They sometimes include products that I’m less likely to use which reduces the value of both the TSV and the set for me.  This one?  Love everything in it and the new Melting Cleansing Gel sounds exciting! (you know you need to get a life when you genuinely get excited at the prospect of cleansing gel).

But because I know you lot are as tragic as I am… have a listen…

This gorgeous cleanser is suitable for all skin types and transforms from a gel to a milky cream when it is mixed with water. (Love cleansers that emulsify like this and am sorely tempted to give it a try whilst ignoring the 4 half full bottles of cleansing oil still in my bathroom)

key ingredients include :

~ Argan Oil to tense the skin and support the skin’s fibre networks.
~ Rice Silk to eliminate shine.
~ Assai Fruit to protect the skin’s lipid barrier to avoid it getting dry.
~ Rosemary Leaf a powerful antioxidant to stabilize oil flow and the sebaceous glands.

Will you be checking out the Elemis TSV on Sunday (sky channel 640)?  What’s been some of your favourite TSVs to date?

HQ Hair introduces me to David Scheffen…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 4 - 2010

…and thank GOD!

Last Tuesday, I attended an event at HQ Hair’s very own hair & beauty store in the heart of central London.  It’s an oasis of pampering conveniently located just off Regents Street with the added benefit of a storefront offering your favourite HQ Hair brands.

I was delighted to see so many brands on the shelves!  There’s not too many places you can pick up Mario Badescu, Yonka, Alpha H, Murad, Bare Escentuals, Paul & Joe, Philosophy, Fusion Beauty and much more… all under the same roof!

Because the Salon is located to the rear of the store, it doesn’t feel like you’re walking into a hairdressers.  You don’t feel out of place if you just want to visit for a browse.  Even better, if you’re in there getting a new colour or a trim… you don’t have the general public checking out your ‘no makeup face’ while they’re doing their shopping!  The two areas are zoned well.

I visited the store before when I came for a haircut back in June.  I’m sniggering to myself as I write this next bit because I dragged my husband along with me having just spent a couple of hours doing some serious debit card damage in Selfridges.  Poor Mr L was relieved it was all over.  Little did he know there was another shopping opportunity waiting for me at the salon!

But anyway… let me tell you a little bit about the lovely David Scheffen who came along to meet a group of very cold and slightly bedraggled bloggers on a snowy Tuesday evening.

I should warn you now that I’m actually his #1 fan girl.  It’s genuinely embarrassing.  I giggled and stumbled over my words… I may even have snorted when I laughed.  I’ve since gone as far as to ask Mr. L if I could please have a David Scheffen for Christmas.

Let me explain… I don’t always have a lot of luck with makeup artists.  I’m not great at coherent speech in social situations… what I want, what I’m trying to achieve… well it rarely comes across well in conversation, which results (quite rightly) in me walking away with advice I don’t care about and a look I hate.

Not. This. Time.

“What’s that?” I asked, as he swivelled up one of the NARS Multiples.

“St. Barts” he said (in his endearing French accent).

“I have that!!” I exclaimed, getting all excited… like he was going to give me A* for owning it or something.  “But I can’t make it work for me…” my lips continued to move as I expressed to Francois’ right hand man what a dumbass I was at applying makeup.  Smooth.

David looked surprised and explained that the cool toasted-taupe shimmer should work well on my colouring and I agreed… it’s one of those products that tick all the right boxes.  In theory.

Forty seconds later and the magic has been done, quick fingers transferring product from stick to skin with an effortless grace that I could only dream of emulating.  It looked good.  Really good.

A little on my cheeks, a touch along my browbone and a speck (or two) along the line of my cupids bow.  I didn’t look bronzed, I just looked… healthy.  The trick, he explained “…is to always build up to the level you require”.

“I know that!” I thought to myself… “But I can’t help being heavy handed!” Reading my mind (I told you he was good), David explained that tapping the product onto my skin with my fingers would result in a more controlled application.

Not only does that work 100x better for me but I now can’t stop applying this product to my cupids bow.  It has the desirable effect of making my top lip look instantly fuller and defined.

“And now for my next trick!” announced David, reaching into his top hat (ok, I made that bit up).

I was totally at ease in his company.  He has a light, affable manner with a generous side-serving of wicked humour which resulted in me being brave enough to admit something a little shameful.

“I don’t know where to apply my blusher.”  Then, in the hope that it would make the previous statement seem slightly less retarded… “Does it really make a difference where you apply on different face shapes?”


Placing two finger widths parallel to the side of his nose, David explained that the area covered by his fingers was a no-fly zone.  “Don’t apply blusher too close to your nose… it doesn’t look natural and isn’t flattering for you”.  I thought of all the times I’d grinned at myself in the mirror, applying my blusher EXACTLY where he’d just described whilst thinking I was hitting the ‘apple of the cheek’ bullseye.

He patiently showed me where I should concentrate the colour for my face shape (widest at the cheeks and quite pronounced.  Hamster podge).  I’ve artfully constructed a little diagram.  Don’t laugh.

I’ve found that if I keep my initial application focused right within that small dotted area, I get a natural (and less overdone) flush that detracts attention from the fleshier ‘apples’ and leaves my face looking more contoured.  I can hear angels singing Hallelujah.

Once blended, the area of ‘flush’ is larger than shown above and I tend to blend back toward the hairline and down toward the hollow.  It felt alien to me at first… mostly because of how high I’m applying but it’s definitely a better method for my face shape.  It’s only taken me 29 years to get that one right!

The makeup maestro at work!

He also had a message for you guys…  “Wear more purple eyeshadows.  Women are too intimidated by purple.”

You have to love him for that alone.  But you can’t.  ‘Cos he’s mine.

For more David-related goings on, keep a close eye on the HQ Hair blog as the HQ Girls get to regularly feature his tips, tricks and looks.  I think they keep him locked up in the beauty cupboard.  Lucky things.

HQ Hair & Beauty Salon,
2 New Burlington Street
0871 220 4141 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0871 220 4141      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Butter London – The Full Monty NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 3 - 2010

Silver yesterday… so what can I wear today?

Of course!!  GOLD!

Butter London’s The Full Monty is a neutral gold (if that makes sense) it’s neither too warm, nor too green which makes it a suitable gold for most skintones.

Like Diamond Geezer, it’s also a foil…. my favourite type of metallic.  The above photo shows two coats, I could have done one more but am planning on adding glitter v. soon!

Do you wear metallics like these throughout the year or restrict them to the holiday season?

The Full Monty is priced at £9.75 and available to buy online from PowderRooms who are currently offering free delivery on all orders until the 5th December.

Snow Day! – 2nd December 2010

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 3 - 2010

I promise after this, I’ll shut up about the snow.  Infact, it’s gone 10pm as I’m writing this and I’m a bit bored of it now.  I’m going to London tomorrow and I’ve just had to dig the car’s back tyres out of a 15″ drift.  Over the course of the day only a little has melted… the rest has compacted and is now really slippy.

I live on top of a hill… I’m not sure the car will make it down it.  I may have to slide down on my bum.

Still…. regardless of tomorrows potential problems, today… was a very good one.  Leila’s first taste of a Winter Wonderland and that little flump DID NOT want to come back inside!

We couldn’t stay out too long ‘cos L wouldn’t keep her gloves on!  I think we’ve lost one… it’s white, so we’ll have to wait for the snow to thaw before we’ve got a hope in hell of finding it again!

I also wore my blusher in a different way today… does it look ok?

Don’t laugh at that rather vain statement… I’ve struggled for years with blush placement.  I have what I like to refer to as ‘hamster cheeks’… the fleshy bit is rather… fleshy… and quite high.  This placement was recommended by a very special makeup artist that I had the pleasure of meeting on Tuesday.

I’m hoping to post tomorrow about that little encounter!

If it’s cold where you are, I hope you’re staying warm and wish me luck that I can get to where I need to be today! xx

The best free (or cheap) delivery offers around!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 2 - 2010

This is a work in progress – if you know of any offers that I haven’t listed… please add them!

It strikes me that considering the weather… more brands should be pushing offers for free or reduced delivery.  Heaven knows I don’t actually wanna go OUT in all that white stuff but still have Christmas pressies to buy.

I could sit on my debit card and wait for it to melt (the snow, not the card… my ass is hot but not THAT hot)… OR… I could let my fingers tap across my keyboard, making my bank manager a very happy man.

Here’s a few that are successfully doing the siren dance and tempting us in with delivery offers.

PowderRooms – Free Standard Delivery until December 5th. Shop online at http://www.powderrooms.com/

ELF Cosmetics – £1 UK and £1.50 EU shipping on www.eyeslipsface.co.uk TODAY ONLY (minimum spend £10).  UK Customers use code SNOWDAYUK, EU Customers SNOWDAYEU

Uniqlo – Free Standard Delivery – Limited Offer, no code… should be automatic at http://www.uniqlo.com/uk/

AVON – Free Delivery when you spend £5 – Code JINGLE – Shop online at http://avonshop.co.uk/

The Body Shop – Free Delivery until Friday 12pm.  Shop online at http://www.thebodyshop.co.uk (thanks Asmaa!)

NEXT – Free Delivery on all order until midnight Saurday 4th December – Code K6516.  Shop online at http://www.next.co.uk/ (thanks Jo!)

Feel Unique – Are always on the ball with 24/7/365 Free Delivery – Shop online at http://www.feelunique.com/ (thanks Shortiee31!)

There are a few honourable mentions… 15% off at Benefit Cosmetics online (GIFT4DAY)… Free Delivery at Virgin Vie on orders over £25 and check the comments to learn some Etsy free shipping tips from the lovely Ann!

Must have more.

Boots iPulse Smooth Skin IPL – Q&A

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 2 - 2010

As I explained in my previous video, I’m slowly coming to terms with the simple truth that one course of laser hair removal won’t guarantee “permanent removal”.  The wording that’s generally used is “permanent reduction” and there’s a difference.  It’s comparatively far more permanent than other hair removal methods but will never be truly permanent without occasional treatment ‘top ups’.

What I’ve also realised (with the help of hindsight) is that this doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing because you don’t have the funds to cover constant salon visits or an expensive at home device.  The fact is that when (relatively) small amounts of hair do grow back, they’re often finer, more manageable and far less offensive(!) than their original growth patterns and this is precisely the ‘reduction’ that companies refer to.

I will happily confess that I have always placed a preference on having my unwanted hair zapped at a salon.  It’s far more expensive in the long run but there’s something to be said for placing yourself in the hands of a professional in circumstances where the eventual outcome is potentially life-changing.  It’s a confidence thing.

However, now that I understand and appreciate the need for these ‘top ups’, the thought of having an IPL device that I can use in the comfort of my own home is more tempting.  Despite this, there are considerations that should be addressed before you decide what’s right for you.  For everyone, these will be different.  For me, they go something like this.

1).  Will I be disciplined enough when using an at home device?  I wouldn’t miss a salon appt for fear of being penalty charged… it’s much easier to be lax with the treatments at home.
2).  Am I confident enough in my own abilities to use an at home device competently?
3).  Are at home devices as effective as salon treatments?
4).  Do I want to use an at home device from day 1 or invest in one for maintenance purposes once my salon treatment is finished?

The wonderful thing about technology is that it’s forever evolving and improving.  Hair removal is on the front line… it’s a highly sought after process and still incredibly expensive for the average consumer.  Companies are investing millions in developing the best machines possible for both home and salon use.

I recently attended an event where we had the opportunity to put questions to the people behind the Boots iPulse Smooth Skin, you can watch the highlights of this event in the video below:

iPulse currently hold the enviable title of being Boots biggest seller.  They’ve sold approximately 35,000 units through the high street retailer and the device has generated an average 4 star rating from consumers on the Boots website.  Many are treating general areas such as legs and underarms, whilst others focus on hormonal hair (face, neck, chin etc.)

I wanted to follow up and put some additional questions to the people behind the iPulse, focusing on issues related to treating hormonal hair.

1). Most “at home” IPL hair removal systems aren’t recommended for use on women with PCOS, am I right in thinking that you’ve updated your literature to specifically include considerations for PCOS sufferers who want to use the device?

We are aware that hormonal imbalances and in particuar PCOS, are extremely distressing conditions when the side effect can produce unwanted facial hair.  Boots Smooth Skin is suitable for use on the face and our research and clinical trials indicated a substantial reduction in facial hair and also our customers advised us that they were delighted with the results they have achieved in using the device on this sensitive area.

2). What are the main considerations that women with PCOS need to be aware of when using the iPulse?

The main considerations for customers with PCOS is that the hair growth cycle becomes irregular and therefore it may be necessary to give the area more treatments than other areas of the body.  Stimulation of hair growth to the facial area can be considerable when there are hormonal imbalances and it is good to be able to treat the area  as and when necessary.

3). What are the benefits of choosing the iPulse over going to my local salon for a course of IPL treatments?

Convenience and cost are the two main  benefits however, there are many more.  For some people privacy is important and this enables the treatment in comfort of your own home at a gtime convenient to you.  Another benefit is time.  Using Boots Smooth Skin will take approximately 6 – 12 weeks due to the regulated energy output enabling a weekly or fortnightly treatment.  With salon treatments you will have a four to six week waiting period between each treatment – probably needing 6 – 10 treatments to achieve the same results and then there is the cost and inconvenience of traveling to the salon when it suits them!

4). iPulse offer an “IPL system”, the treatment I underwent at the SK:N clinic was on a “laser system”.  What are the differences between the two treatments and is one more effective for reducing hormonal hair growth?

A laser is the first generation of hair removal systems using one beam of light to treat individual hairs – IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is the next generation of light based therapy systems using multiple wavelengths and a larger spot size which enables the treatment of many hairs at any one time.   Offering the same results – permanent hair reduction – it is generally thought that treatment is faster and pain free with IPL systems.

5). Would you say that the iPulse is a particularly suitable option for women like me who have already undergone laser treatment and are looking for a cost-effective way to maintain their results?

Most definitely, this is a great way to keep previously treated areas hair free without the necessity of returning to the salon for further expensive treatments. A convenient way to ensure the initial results achieved are maintained.


A big thank you to iPulse for taking the time to answer my questions.  I hope that you’ve found them useful too!

I spoke too soon…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 2 - 2010

Just before midnight, this happened:

These were taken at about 2am (leaning out my bedroom window)… it *never* snows like that here.  I’m almost tempted to wake Leila up… almost.

Happy SNOW DAY!!!

Butter London – Diamond Geezer NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 2 - 2010

With the weather being so incredibly festive, there was really only one mani I could post…

Butter London’s Diamond Geezer is an icy display of pure silver.  Stark and glistening, it couldn’t be more current!

It has a foil finish and is a three coater for solid opacity though you could get away with two if you don’t mind a slight VNL.  Longevity was good and tip wear not particularly noticeable thanks to the forgiving shade.

Butter London Diamond Geezer is priced at £9.75 and available to buy online from PowderRooms

Wordless Wednesday

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 1 - 2010

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking.

Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.


Mama Mio Mini Kit for Expectant Mums - Review

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Ponds Light Day Cream

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Advent Giveaway – Day 23

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Weight Watchers Weekly Challenge #2 - Planning Your Meals

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

I'm back for a second round at Zuneta!

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

FOTD: Stila Living The Life In Laguna Beach Girl Palette

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Urban Decay Book of Shadows III - NYC

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

My Aussie Competition Entry...

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.


My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection: The Swatches

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Hello? Is this thing on?

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my Escentual.com top picks!

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Dear Obesity...

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

My Wednesdays aren’t very wordless.  I fail at not talking. Not a lot of snow here, just a grey old start to December.


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