Inexpensive Beauty Find: eBay False Lashes!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 11 - 2010

If you’re looking for beautifully silky, thin banded, flexible lashes…. you should close this page.

If you’re looking for robust, striking, shockingly cheap lashes that you can use to fine tune and hone your lash applying skillz, read on!

What? I told you they were cheap…

I decided about a month ago that I wanted to learn how to apply false lashes (as you do) and so I started buying up pairs of Ardells that I found in T.K. Maxx.  Lovely lashes they are indeed but at £2.99 a pop – not the best for a n00b who doesn’t know how to apply OR (more importantly in terms of lash preservation) remove the damn things without destroying them.

I went through 6 pairs before I decided that what I needed was the eyelash equivalent of a WWII Nazi Panzer tank.  Something that would withstand my ham-fisted attempts at elongating my own lashline.

Enter these false eyelashes from eBay seller GlamLabel.  The seller, based in HongKong dispatched immediately… but unfortunately the post is painfully slow from the far east at the moment, so they took over a month to arrive.  Not the seller’s fault… but something to be aware of if you thought you’d be able to buy them in time for the New Year.

You get 20 pairs in two sets of 10 pairs each.  One is a more natural “day” lash, whilst the other is more dramatic and appropriate for going out.  The lashes feel plasticky… they’re quite coarse and need softening up before wear.  To do this, I spend five minutes flexing them which works well to loosen up the band and make them easier to apply.

Application was actually a bit of a doddle… I genuinely believe that this is down to the fact that they aren’t as soft, fluffy or good quality as more premium brands.  They didn’t flop about as I was trying to apply the glue and they didn’t buckle under the pressure of my sausage fingers trying to smoosh them about on my eyelid to get them in the right place.

See that crappy dangly end?  Yeah… chop that.  Infact, because the band is thicker and the lashes heavier than good quality ones, I chopped them about 3 lashes from the outer edge to make the band a good bit shorter.  I didn’t want them stabbing me in the outer corner of my eye.

What d’ya think?  As always with false lash photos, they’re far more obvious looking in the photo than they are in real life.

I can feel them while I’m wearing them though not enough to be irritating and to be fair, I could feel the Ardells too…

Ignore the funky brows… at the time of taking this photo they were still a “work in progress”.

This set of 20 lashes cost me the same as one pair of reduced Ardell lashes… until I’m a false lash maestro, I know where I’ll be spending my money!

Do you buy cheap false lashes or do you only invest in quality?

Urban Decay Spring/Summer 2011 UK Launches

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 10 - 2010

Hey UD junkies!

Here’s a preview of some of what we can expect to see hitting our shores next Spring/Summer from Californian uber brand Urban Decay!

The 15 Year Anniversary Collection features 15 of Urban Decay’s 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils.  Whilst Avon may have recently taken the shine off UD’s long-wear eyeliner pencil crown for me, there’s no denying that UD still do some of the most scintillating array of colours around.

The full-sized liners (which ordinarily retail for £12 each) are packaged together like this for a limited time only and will set you back an eye watering £60.  I know that mathematically, you’re getting a good deal… but £60 is £60 is £60 right?  I’m thinking that this set will have limited appeal based on that alone, which is probably just aswell because there’s a very limited quantity available.

The thing that softens that thump to the purse (for me) is the fact that I don’t actually own too many of these shades already.  I have Bourbon, Ransom and Zero… that’s it.  This is mostly due to the fact that 6 of the shades are new and exclusive to this set.  Would I have preferred this to be a mini-sized set at a lower price?  Probably…

If you’re new to Urban Decay 24/7 Liners, this would make a great investment… if you’re a collector, you’ll be all over it.  If you’ve picked up most of the UD 24/7 shades already then you’ll probably want to double check that you wouldn’t be doubling up too much before purchasing.

Shades included:

*Asphyxia – pinky iridescent purple
Baked – bold bronze
Binge – deep metallic navy blue
Bourbon – medium brown with gold sparkle
*Corrupt – dark metallic brown with silver glitter
Electric – bright aquamarine blue
*Midnight Cowboy –  beige with gold sparkle
Mildew – deep mossy green
*Perversion – blackest carbon black (blacker than Zero!)
Ransom – bright iridescent purple
Rockstar – darkest eggplant
Stash – dark olive with gold sparkle
*Stray Dog – shimmery brown taupe
*Uzi – gunmetal grey with sparkle
Zero – zealous black

* connotes never-seen-before shades that are exclusive to this set.

the Urban Decay 15-year Anniversary 24/7 Glide-on eye Pencil Set will retail in the UK at £60 (€75)


I think I’m most excited about the new blush launch!

The Urban Decay Afterglow Glide-On Cheek Tints remind me (and I haven’t seen them in person yet, so I’m speculating) of a cross between Stila Convertible Color and those NARS Limited Edition Multiples we saw last Summer.  They appear to be closer to gel than cream in consistency which is always good for Summer.

Going by stock pictures alone, I’m in love with about 5 of these shades in the swatches above… are any of them calling to you?

Fetish – sheer mauve w/fne pearlized fnish
Score – sheer pink lemonade w/fne pearlized fnish
Greedy – sheer blackberry
Quickie – sheer ‘bubble-pop-electric’ pink
Indecent – sheer apricot w/pearly gold shimmer
Bang – sheer coral red
Crush – sheer hot pink

The Urban Decay Afterglow Glide-On Cheek Tints will retail in the UK at £18 (€28).


The U.S. girls got these in Autumn, but we’ll be seeing them hit the counters soon!

They claim non-sticky, sheer to medium coverage with a long-lasting finish.  Available in 11 shades.

Crush – sheer coral
Jilted – hot pink w/blue shift
Heavy – shimmering nude
Runaway – shimmering deep coral
Midnight Cowboy – shimmering sheer beige
Love Junkie – deep but very sheer wine
Naked – pinky-nude w/pink shift
Wallfower – medium nude
Red Light – sheer candy-apple red
Perversion – sheer sparkling granite
Peroxide – palest pink

The Urban Decay Lip Junkie Lip Gloss will retail in the UK at £13 (€18).


Packed with pearl powders and coconut oil, Urbanglow Cream Highlight promises to leave your skin with an ethereal glow.

Available in 4 shades;

Brown Sugar – bronze shimmer
Wicked – scintillating pink
Sin – gold highlight
Moonshine – iridescent pearl

The Urban Decay Urbanglow Cream Highlight will retail in the UK at £18 (€28 ).


I’ll try and get more info on exact UK release dates when they become available.


What d’ya think… any must haves, any disappointments?  Talk to me people!

Deal Alert: All Rimmel products now under £5 at Savers

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 10 - 2010

We’re always moaning about how expensive high street cosmetics have become… it’s not uncommon nowadays to see high-street mascaras topping the £10 mark.  They’re supposed to be accessible… no way could my younger self have afforded those prices in Boots!

Which is why I’m pleased to be bringing you news of a little Deal Alert courtesy of Savers..

From now until the 28th December, Savers are capping the top price you’ll pay on any Rimmel cosmetic to £5 – the most noticeable saving is on the new Rimmel MAX Bold Curves Mascara which would usually set you back £6.99 in store.

I think perhaps, now’s the time to go score that Rimmel Diva Red you’ve been telling me I need!

What are your favourite Rimmel products?

Red Lips Day 3: MAC Russian Red

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 9 - 2010

Day 3 brings a classic – MAC Russian Red.

It’s the truest red of the lot so far… and the most matte.  I chose to break into it today simply because my lips are in good condition at the moment thanks to some extra special recent care when I decided I was going to be doing this series.

To wear this one, I made sure my lips were well-exfoliated with a flannel, then I applied a thin coat of Lanolips 101 to work it’s magic whilst I got ready and did the rest of my makeup.  A year ago, I wouldn’t have been able to wear this lipstick… my lips were always cracked.  They used to actually CATCH on my clothes when I undressed at night… such is the power of Lanolips.

I didn’t want to keep reapplying this one so I used my Jemma Kidd Lip Perfector to lock the colour into the lip line and prevent bleeding.  Then I used a lip brush to apply a thin coat of Russian Red… blotted and reapplied.  I was tempted to blot again, then do the tissue/powder trick before a final coat.  But I couldn’t be bothered.  L.A.Z.Y.

You need a lip brush with this one if you want clean edges.  It’s a faff… but if you get the application right, you’re rewarded with many, many hours of good, solid wear.  I managed around 6 hours before I grabbed the bullet and just swiped to reapply.

I think it’s my favourite… and you’re right… now that I compare this to Cockney, I think Cockney is a little too warm for me.  Perhaps a bit… clown-like by comparison.

Once I get to day 7, I’ll do an arm swatch of all the ones I’ve worn that week so that you can compare tones and I’ll be uploading the collage of all your lovely reds!

Thank you to those of you who have sent through pictures so far, looking GOOD ladies!  I’m not gonna do a Red Lips day tomorrow (I’m a bit sick of seeing my face tbh!)… but will be posting them up maybe every 2nd or 3rd day from now on.


If anyone wants to join me on my red lip crusade, please email me a photo of your lovely selves rocking your favourite red lip – I’d love to post a collage with your photos!

If you’re up for this, send me an email with the following info (not forgetting the photo!):

Your name/blog name (if relevant):
Lip shade name:
MAC Foundation Shade (if known):
Link to blog (if relevant):


Please keep your photos coming in – perhaps we can inspire one other to carry on rocking the reds over Christmas!

When Lipglossiping met Pantene’s ambassador Cat Deeley!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 9 - 2010

Last week, I was invited to the Savoy hotel in London to meet Pantene ambassador Cat Deeley and to learn a little more about the new Pantene range for coloured hair.

Before heading up to London, I was asked if I had any questions I wanted to put to Cat.  Without hesitation I wanted to ask who her ‘Tonight Matthew, I’m going to be….” would be?  Then I remembered that I write a beauty blog, not a StarsInYourEyes fan blog.  So more on what I actually did ask her later…

I’ve talked before about the new Pantene Colour Protect range and you can read this post for further details on the products that are currently available in the UK… but tonight, we focused on meeting the brand’s ambassador and seeing the differences between virgin hair (uncoloured), coloured hair and coloured hair once treated with the new Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate (not released yet).

The results were surprisingly tangible.  We watched a demonstration of hair porosity…. and as someone who has (many times) in the past coloured her hair without giving any thought as to what long term affects this might have, perhaps a little sobering aswell.

The hair in the bowl on the left is virgin (uncoloured) hair, whilst the bowl nearest to the camera contains a sample of coloured hair.  Can you see how the virgin hair retains it’s waterproofing abilities that allows it to float whilst the coloured hair has literally swelled with the water and is no longer resting on the surface?

Well who cares right?  Well, me… because hair porosity is important to how hair looks and feels.  Frequent colouring can encourage the hair cuticle layers to stay raised… allowing more moisture in and ultimately letting more out, which leaves your hair feeling dry, brittle and pretty rubbish.  The rougher the cuticle, the less shiny your hair will appear and if you want silky, smooth locks?  Forget it.  You’re only getting those with a nice smooth hair cuticle.

The new Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate creates an artificial protective layer over our hair’s natural cuticle that mimics how our hair should be if we didn’t mistreat it.  I felt the difference between untreated and treated coloured hair and one was considerably smoother in texture.  The other good thing about the Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate is that you only need to use this about once a week as it’s effects will last a few washes before you need to reapply.

I haven’t tried this on my own hair as it’s not released until next month but I’m all for quick fixes and this seems like it could be just the ticket.  If it’s good enough for Cat Deeley (who happened to let slip that from the entire range, it was the Colour Seal Concentrate that was her favourite – shh), it’s good enough for me.

Once Cat had said her hellos and kicked off her beautiful (but killer) Louboutins, she got straight to answering some questions that we’d posed.  Here’s a few highlights from the Q&A:

Cat Deeley Answers our Questions!

~ She ALWAYS removes her makeup before going to sleep… without fail.  No surrender and all that.

~ She prefers to own products that multi-task rather than owning a full range (she wouldn’t like my bathroom then!)

~ She’s dyed her hair many times in the past and both brown and red hair looked terrible on her.  She also said that short hair didn’t suit either.

~ Her top tip for staying healthy is drinking plenty of water.  Cat says that a reduced water intake has so many effects on her health, skin and body – so it’s something that she’s become quite conscious of improving.

~ She believes that it’s easier to keep healthy in L.A. than it is here in the U.K.  Whenever she’s in the U.K. (especially this time of year!) she wants to chow down on stodgy, comforting food.  No salads please!

Finally, Cat answered my question “Who has more fun, blondes or brunettes?”

Her eyes twinkled as she took in the words, and she grinned… aware that she could potentially offend half the room in one fell swoop!  Her answer was clear though… “Blondes!”  Cat followed up by explaining that you can only have fun when you feel comfortable in your own skin (or hair colour!) and that for her, that was her tried and tested honey blonde.  Nice save!

I spent a few minutes appreciating the newly refurbished Royal Suite at the Savoy… check out the view from pretty much every room.

I wouldn’t grumble about having to clean those windows.  Well… actually, I probably still would.

After this, I headed straight for hair stylist, James McMahon to pump him for extra tips on the perfect blow dry that we’re all so desperate to recreate.  James was straight to the point, reiterating how hard it was to achieve by yourself simply because the angles are all wrong!  I was happy to let him demonstrate on me what a perfect blow dry should look like.  I know, I’m too good to you… SELF-LESS.

Look at me, taking one for the team… I hope you’re grateful.

So, with my blow-dry questions exhausted, James talked a little about coloured hair.  I asked him if he felt it was really necessary to use specialist shampoos and conditioners for coloured hair?  He told me that nothing damages your hair more than the thing that you do ‘most’ to it.  In the majority of cases… that would be washing our hair and that if our hair is already fragile from over-processing then we should ensure that we’re using a shampoo and conditioner designed to care for our coloured hair.

I then asked James if you could pick and choose from a set range.  I explained that my scalp is ridiculously sensitive and that I generally prefer to stick to tried and tested shampoos that I know won’t aggravate my picky scalp.  He said that there would be nothing wrong with just choosing to use the treatments from a range or intensive conditioners if you didn’t want to change over your entire haircare regime.

With those wise words ringing in my ears, I’m swapping out my usual conditioner for Pantene’s 2 Minute Damage Rescue Treatment and after feeling the difference between the hair samples demonstrated earlier in the evening… I’m impatient for the Pantene Colour Seal Concentrate to become available too!

I’mma gonna get those bloody hair cuticles flat if it kills me!  I want Cat hair!  That’s it.  The gloves are off… only I’m fighting in the brunette corner.

‘Cos brunettes have more fun.  Innit! ;)

Deal Alert: 20% off all brands at HQHair & Beautystore!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 9 - 2010

Today only, from 10am until 8pm – you can take advantage of a 20% discount at the HQHair & Beautystore that I posted about last week.

With brands like Paul & Joe, Yonka, Mario Badescu, GHD, Kerastase, Urban Decay, Bare Escentuals, Too Faced and quite frankly… far more than I can list here, you’d be a bit mad not to have a look if you’re in the area.

You can find them at: 2 New Burlington Street, London, W1S 2JE.  Click here for a map.

Red Lips Day 2: MAC Cockney Lipstick

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 8 - 2010

So, I’m on to Day 2… I haven’t counted my lipsticks so I’m not sure how far this is going to take me and I’m praying that all the photos don’t just look identical otherwise it’s gonna get old, quickly.

Mr. L was a little less fazed today.  I didn’t get my usual morning compliment on my makeup that he knows he has to give unless he wants lots of vegetables for dinner…. so I made him cauliflower cheese for tea.

MAC Cockney is fairly sheer and can be worn by the less RED confident among us (which is why I own it).  I bought it when I went to MAC on the hunt for THE RED lipstick that I would be able to wear.  It wasn’t on my list of reds to check at the time.  My list consisted of only Russian Red and Ruby Woo… I’m not very MAC savvy to be honest.

I found this one lurking amongst the shades and when I swiped it on my hand I was really pleased with the glossy texture.  Far more wearable than those more ‘serious’ reds.  In the tube, Cockney has a beautiful red shimmer/glitter that reminds me of China Glaze Ruby Pumps… but this doesn’t really translate to the lips.

I’m gonna come back and update each of my Red Lip posts with a close up of the lip colours and a hand swatch as I think this is probably useful and I’m not sure why I overlooked it in the first place.

So…. how did I find MAC Cockney?  Well.. it was both easier and more difficult to wear.  Easier in terms of subtlety, it’s just not quite so pronounced in it’s brazen-ness.  Sure it’s red… but it wears down quite quickly to a slightly more subdued shade.  This could either be a positive OR a negative depending on your P.O.V.

The negative?  Longevity… a little less than the NYX from Day 1 which was surprising but I think mostly down to my application as I didn’t feel the need to blot this because I was intent on layering to build up the intensity.

MAC describe this lipstick as a Sheer yellow red with multi-dimensional pearl (Lustre) – I don’t really know what that means… (the yellow bit)… but I’m guessing that it must be warmer than neutral then right?

Thanks for all your tips and recommendations yesterday, I’m definitely looking into getting Chanel Dragon and probably Rimmel Diva Red and OCC NSFW too… you also might notice that I attempted some bronzer (still not enough!) and eyebrow powder (not too much!)

Do you own MAC Cockney?


If anyone wants to join me on my red lip crusade, please email me a photo of your lovely selves rocking your favourite red lip – I’d love to post a collage with your photos!

If you’re up for this, send me an email with the following info (not forgetting the photo!):

Your name/blog name (if relevant):
Lip shade name:
MAC Foundation Shade (if known):
Link to blog (if relevant):


Please keep your photos coming in – perhaps we can inspire each other to carry on rocking the reds over Christmas!

Elizabeth Arden – Velvet Plumtones Palette

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 8 - 2010

I bought this little palette from ASOS a few weeks ago.  There were three to choose from and I couldn’t decide between Sueded Browns and this one, Velvet Plumtones.  So I did the only sensible thing I could do…. I googled for reviews! (you thought I was gonna say “buy both!” didn’t you… tsk.)

It wasn’t long before this video by Sam from Pixiwoo came up and I clicked through to watch.  I didn’t actually have to get that far… because as soon as I’d read “Especially good on green eyes” in their title… it was in my basket.  Be aware though, that if you do watch the video… you can probably kiss goodbye to the £25 you need to get this in your hot little hands.

Ugh, I love… love… LOVE the illustration on the front.

The palette is beautifully made, one of the best I own in terms of packaging quality.  I know that’s no great shakes… but when it feels good enough to make you take notice, it’s worth a mention.

I’m getting into a bit of a bad habit of swatching then photographing.  Or in this case… using about 3 times, then photographing.  Sorry!  I like to photograph pristine palettes for you guys but I just can’t help myself!

Four satin shades are included… none of them shimmery, just smooth with a slight sheen.  The ‘most’ matte is the darkest shade in the top left and most satin-y, the palest in the top right which has a slight iridescence to it.

Each shade applies super smoothly and blends very well indeed.  A fact that was visually noticeable for someone like me who isn’t completely shit at application but has a tendency to realise halfway through the day that she could probably have benefited from a couple more minutes blending.  Does that make sense?

On with the swatches…

Clearly a cool-toned palette, each shade has a hint of plum about it… it’s subtle but coherent and makes them work beautifully together.  It’s not hugely pigmented, the above swatches show around three swipes each but the pigmentation is buildable.  Applying over the top of UDPP extracts more vibrancy from the shades but I quite like the subtle muted tones that I get without it.

So would I recommend?  Yes, yes and yes again.  I really want the other two palettes for my collection… but Lord knows I don’t need them.  Perhaps (as they’re limited edition) ASOS will discount them if they don’t sell out first.  If anyone spots them at a cheaper price before I do – I would really appreciate a heads up!

Like the look of the Elizabeth Arden Limited Edition Color Intrigue Palettes?

Schwarzkopf Palette – An afternoon at the Schwarzkopf Academy

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 7 - 2010

I’ve been dying my hair since the age of 14… first pillar box reds and harsh blacks – anything to be different which was ironic really, considering I used to simultaneously do anything I could to fade into the background.

At the age of 17, I discovered my first grey hair… and since then, they’ve been coming in thick and fast.  I now dye my hair (roots) every 8 weeks or so to keep on top of it.

I attended a masterclass at the Schwarzkopf Academy back in October.  It was focused on their Palette range of home hair colourants and aimed to demonstrate the very best way to achieve great results at home.

Let me show you a video from the afternoon (if you spot me, please ignore the horrendously unflattering camera angle… it’s not my seven chins, it’s the bloody angle alright?)

I’ve found the Schwarzkopf Palette dye gives a beautifully natural and glossy result.  It’s not particularly different to anything else I’ve tried in terms of application although I found that it was a tough cookie in terms of staining… definitely a little harder to remove than my normal product.  It was also a lot less ammonia-stinky than my normal Superdrug hair dye… a welcome discovery!

My favourite thing about the Schwarzkopf Palette formula though is that I don’t get the “Lego Hair” thing that I usually notice with home hair dyes.  Are we all familiar with “Lego Hair”?  That horribly obvious single block of colour that screams “I’ve just given myself a cheap home hair-dye job!”.  The Schwarzkopf Palette range appears to melt into my own natural highlights and lowlights instead of overwriting the lot.

Freshly coloured hair, what a lovely feeling!

Some tips I learned from the day:

– Wash your hair if it’s greasy or full of oil-based product (hairspray/mousse is ok)
– Apply your hair dye to the point of saturation (one of the biggest mistakes people make is not using enough product)
– Custom mix your colours – it’s far easier than I imagined to create a personalised shade!
– You can’t lighten pre-coloured dark hair
– Grey hair needs extra processing time
– Use moisturiser to protect the skin or vaseline, but don’t get any vaseline on your hair or the colour won’t take.
– There’s no need to shampoo after dying unless you want to.
– To protect your clothes, use a bin liner with a hole cut in it for your head!
– Section off your roots and concentrate the colour there.  You can smoosh the ends in to ensure they get even coverage later.

Schwarzkopf Palette comes in a range of 12 shades from a light natural blonde right through to black.  It’s available instore at Boots, Superdrug and some supermarkets priced at around £3.49 – bargain!

Red Lips Day 1: NYX Hot Red Jumbo Lip Pencil

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 7 - 2010

Mr L doesn’t like me in red lips, so on that basis I’ve decided to wear red lips everyday until I run out of reds to try.

Infact, call it a series if you will… I’m on a mission to discover my favourite reds.  Totally inspired by my beautiful friend and MUA @pinkyspanish who rocks a bright lip better than anyone I know and who is always encouraging me to get that little bit bolder!

Today was the first day that I’ve ever worn a true red lip out of the house without wiping it off before lunchtime.  Yes, it takes a little more maintenance than normal because I’m the kind of girl who can’t be arsed to reapply her lippie.  On a nude shade, this isn’t an issue… but patchy red lips don’t look good and so I was forced to reapply twice today.

I’ve also learnt that discretely licking the edge of your cup/glass before drinking to avoid lip stains is a trick discovered by red-lipped angels.

Anyway, today’s lip is brought to you by the letters N, Y & X!

NYX Hot Red Jumbo Lip Pencil to be precise.  Everything I’ve read online told me that Hot Red was an orange based red and as such probably wouldn’t suit my pale skin.  I think it does – it also doesn’t give the impression that I’ve stuck corn kernels to my teeth everytime I smile.  On appearance alone, this is a winning shade!

Lasting power is acceptable.  For the price of the product, it’s amazing.  I generally apply, blot the crap out of it and apply lightly again.  I get about 3 hours wear from it (less if I eat).

I kept the rest of my makeup to a minimum.  I didn’t even use brow powder which was a VERY strange feeling… did I make the right choice?  I didn’t want anything to overpower the lips at all… but I’m not sure if perhaps I need the definition for balance?

NYX Hot Red Jumbo Lip Pencil is available to buy online in the UK from Cocktail Cosmetics, priced at £2.75

What are your favourite reds and do you wear them BRIGHT or toned down?


If anyone wants to join me on my red lip crusade, please email me a photo of your lovely selves rocking your favourite red lip – I’d love to do a collage with your photos!

If you’re up for this, I need an email with the following info (not forgetting the photo!):

Your name/blog name (if relevant):
Lip shade name:
MAC Foundation Shade (if known):
Link to blog (if relevant):

Orly Precious – Spring 2011 Nail Polish Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 6 - 2010

From Left to Right: Pure Porcelain, Gilded Coral, Fancy Fuchsia, Ancient Jade, Sapphire Silk and Royal Velvet.

Are any of these calling to you?

Spring polish shades are my least favourite.  Though, I say that every year and by March I’m rocking the lilacs and pale greens with the best of them… short memory you see.

I like the look of Pure Porcelain… the rest just don’t excite me.  Royal Velvet doesn’t even look very spring-like and reminds me of SpaRitual’s Health, Wealth and Happiness too much to be worth owning both.

The Orly Precious collection will be available from January 2011 priced at £8.75 each from and

What do you ladies think?  Picked out a favourite yet?

Privacy Please!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 6 - 2010

Mornings suck.  Monday mornings suck even harder.  I was supposed to be going on holiday yesterday but Leila decided to do her usual trick of coming down the with lurgy 18 hours before we were due to set off.

From experience, I know that it’s infinitely more preferable to miss the holiday entirely than it is to be stuck in a 7×10 hotel room with a TV with 4 channels and a pissy baby who can’t sleep for coughing.  (She’s OK by the way… just needs some TLC and the chocolate from my Advent Calendar it seems).

Anyway… I wanted to debate something today.  It’s nothing controversial (I don’t think) but it is something that irritates me.

Here we go…


I like beauty treatments.  Perhaps it stems from my childhood… I used to sit on the floor infront of my mother’s chair for hours while she played with my hair.  And my poor Dad? I practically drove him to distraction begging that he tickle my feet whilst the teleprinter delivered the afternoon’s results on Grandstand.  You can tell I was the youngest child right?

What has never appealed to me though is the thought of having any of this done whilst ON DISPLAY in the centre of a highly trafficked shopping mall on a Friday afternoon.  I mean seriously… I know people are busy and all… but really?  I don’t even want my nails done in a public arena like this, let alone a facial or a massage.  What happened to a bit of privacy?

I get that people often have to fit appointments into their lunchbreaks, sometimes picking at their Boots meal deal with one hand whilst choosing which OPI for the other but as a passer-by I feel uncomfortable just SEEING someone having their brows threaded so openly – so you can imagine my reticence at being on the other side of that ‘beauty bar’.

Perhaps it’s a cultural thing?  Maybe I’m a little too uptight and ‘British’ about it… but honestly?  It’s in those situations that I feel at my most vulnerable.  Trust in your technician is paramount… I don’t need my vulnerability compounded by hearing 6yr old Jordan ask his mother (and everyone else within earshot) why that lady over there is getting attacked with a piece of string.

I want to try threading but everywhere near me (that isn’t like some private secret threading party I don’t know how to get into) is the kind of place where I have to sit in the middle of a concourse (usually next to the cafe) or in Debenhams at the top of the escalators so that shoppers get the added bonus of being able to see up my nose aswell.

In this country, the  practice seems fairly limited to threading, manicure/pedicure and hair styling.  Perhaps I should be thankful for small mercies.  When I was in Australia, I would see people getting chinese massage and facials as I darted from store to store.

How do you feel about it?  Where would draw the line and what’s next…. a quick scrape and polish at the dentistry bar before after work drinkies?


Food Friday (yes, I know it's Saturday): Apple Pie

Mornings suck.  Monday mornings suck even harder.  I was supposed to be going on holiday yesterday but Leila decided to do her usual trick of …

Wordless Wednesday

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Hurry! A lovely Clinique Bonus Time treat!

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We have a winner: Wet N Wild Color Icon Trio Giveaway....

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The Cutting Room Floor #1

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OCC Lip Tar Parade...

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Look out, Look Fantastic have got a sale on!

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Food Friday: Bread & Butter Pudding!

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Swatch Saturday – The Body Shop Baked Eye Colours

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NOTD: Rimmel London 60 Seconds - Blue Me Away

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CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

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CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

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Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Mornings suck.  Monday mornings suck even harder.  I was supposed to be going on holiday yesterday but Leila decided to do her usual trick of …

Hello? Is this thing on?

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Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

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Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

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Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

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FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Mornings suck.  Monday mornings suck even harder.  I was supposed to be going on holiday yesterday but Leila decided to do her usual trick of …

Dear Obesity...

Mornings suck.  Monday mornings suck even harder.  I was supposed to be going on holiday yesterday but Leila decided to do her usual trick of …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Mornings suck.  Monday mornings suck even harder.  I was supposed to be going on holiday yesterday but Leila decided to do her usual trick of …


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