Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 4

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 11 - 2011

Day 4!  The party season may be over but quite frankly… who cares?!  Here’s a set of party essentials kindly donated by Girls With Attitude!

3 sets of false lashes for optimum glamour including: Madame Butterfly, Wild & Flirty and extra special diamante studded Burlesque Beauty Showtime lashes.

Don’t forget to jazz up your nails too!  There’s also 3 sets of nail art stickers for that extra bit of sparkle!

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 11th January.

Winners will be announced early in the New Year.  Info and rulez can be found here.

Red Lipped Readers – Part Three!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2011

You ladies are blowing me away with your fabulous shots!  Here’s some of your gorgeous selves rocking those gorgeous reds!

1.  Alexa from ShinyPrettyThings shows us all how to carry off MAC Russian Red with style!

2.  The beautiful Mariella from MusingOnBeauty looks resplendent in Guerlain’s Le Rouge G in Geisha!

3.  Shifa is definitely Gettin Gawjus in Karmic Kiss from MyFaceCosmetics!

4.  Nikkia from SilverLipsBeauty totally dazzles in MAC Ruby Woo!

5.  Finally, the lovely Katie vamps it up with flair courtesy of NARS Viridiana!


Well done ladies – thanks for braving your reds, hopefully this will go to show that red lips suit all kinds of beautiful women!  More to come soon!
If you want to submit your red lip look, email me a photo of your lovely selves with the following info:

Your name:
Lip shade name:
Link to blog (if relevant):

House of Fraser Apothecary launches online!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2011

Finally!  The House of Fraser Apothecary has launched online which means that poor souls like myself (who’s nearest HoF is an hours drive away) can finally take advantage of some of the new and exclusive brands available to the department store.

I previously wrote about the Lippmann Collection of nail polishes that I’m still salivating over.  I’m finding it damn near impossible to pick a preferred choice though!

I’m also curious about the Body America range of skincare… potentially good, affordable products that have enough about them (New York Cheesecake Body Butter anyone?) to raise real interest in how they feel, work and smell.

Other highlights include colostrum-based skincare brand Electric Body who hail from New Zealand and promise anti-aging delights (albeit at a price!), Aussie brand MOR – yes, they of the exquisite packaging and French pharmacie skincare brand Filorga who’s origins (in mesotherapy and injectible forms of anti-aging) promise the same results but without the needles.

I spent an indecent amount of time in the Guildford store just after Christmas… there *may* have been Guerlain purchases, I will neither confirm nor deny those rumours.

Have you stopped by the new House of Fraser Apothecary yet?

Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 3

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2011

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products.

Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal Eyeliner in Odyssey (purple) and the epic Sleek Storm Palette!

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 10th January.

Winners will be announced next month.  Info and rulez can be found here.

Butter London – Come to Bed Red NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2011

As well as being partial to a good red lipstick, I’m also partial to a good red nail polish.  The best for me are those slightly retro creams that command attention and make you feel just that little bit sexier everytime you spot them!

Butter London’s Come to Bed Red not only has an awesome name… but it’s an awesome red too!

It has an almost jelly-like finish which means that you’ll need an additional coat to ward off a visible nail line but on the flipside is it’s supreme shine and sweetie-like appearance.

Do you like your reds to be as bright as this?

Butter London Come to Bed Red is available to buy online priced from around £9.75

Deal Alert – Models Own Makeup Kit free with Fabulous magazine

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2011

Don’t forget to pick up the News of the World today if you want to take advantage of the free makeup kit in conjunction with Models Own.

The kit includes: liquid eyeliner, tweezers, an eyelash curler, mascara and eyeshadow with all items housed in a clear plastic makeup ziploc bag.

I’ve had a play with the kit I was sent as a preview and the runny mascara and scratchy eyeliner aren’t gonna get any love here.  The tweezers weren’t half bad and the eyelash curlers (although not the most precise bit of mechanical engineering) do a decent job and fit my eye shape well.

Finally, the eyeshadow duo features a pair of wearable shades with a soft, blendable (if slightly dusty) texture.  I wouldn’t pay £24 for it but for the price of two Sunday papers, I think it’s worth a punt particularly as both tools included were completely usable.

To take advantage of the offer, collect TWO tokens from Fabulous magazine found within Sunday’s News of the World.  Tokens are available today, Sunday January 16 and Sunday January 23.

Once you have collected two tokens, take them to a participating Tesco store to redeem for the Models Own makeup kit.

For more info, check the website here.  Will you be picking one up?

Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 2

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2011

Day 2 brings a trio of super-cute Asian goodies to make your day that little bit quirkier!  Hair velcro, Paper Soap and a Blush Guide!!

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 9th January.

Winners will be announced next month.  Info and rulez can be found here.

Some new beauty books!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 8 - 2011

Like every other woman on the planet, I spent at least some of Christmas Day on the internet.  Before the Queen’s speech had even begun I was frankly bored of my family and wanted to spend some of that glorious Christmas money on some new goodies instead.

I picked up these two books off Amazon after reading a couple of the on-site reviews.

A whole book devoted to eyebrows? *swoon!*

Beautiful Brows by Nancy Parker basically tells you everything you ever needed to know about eyebrows, ever.  You wouldn’t think that there would be *that* much to say yet Ms. Parker manages to fill 128 pages on the subject without too much repetition.

The book covers everything from choosing the right shape for your face, the best tools for the job, how to tweeze like a pro and even advice on selecting the right shades for filling in your perfected brow.  All images are in B&W and look a little dated.  However, good brow shapes tend to be classics and can stand the test of time.

Most of the advice seems pretty solid, though the emphasis is placed on tweezing as the preferred removal method with a slight deviation to cover waxing.  As I cut my teeth on (over) tweezing, this is fine by me though it would have been nice to read a little more detail about other hair removal methods aswell.

Currently priced at £3.87 on Amazon, it’s a good book to have at your disposal and will have you glancing in the mirror to check how your brows adhere to the “beautiful brows” formula!


Saving the best till last, my second purchase was the well-received Makeup: The Ultimate Guide by Aussie makeup artist Rae Morris.  The book is beautifully illustrated with crisp, striking and realistic photography.  Morris has stated that the step by step images in her book have been left alone by the retoucher’s hand which makes for a refreshing change.  Even in the larger, retouched portfolio images pores are still visible on the model’s skin and fine lines haven’t been obliterated into non-existence.  It serves to give the book an achievable, down to earth feel.

The looks showcased in the book are thankfully all modern and uptodate.  They bridge the gap between editorial and wearable with great skill.  Rae isn’t afraid to demonstrate her love for colour but takes a no-nonsense approach to more classic neutral variations too.

There are whole sections devoted to contouring, foundation, makeup kits, quick looks and probably my favourite; Over 40s.  I love how Rae doesn’t signal the death knell of shimmer and glitter eyeshadows for women over the age of 30.  Instead, she explains how best to incorporate all that fun stuff for a flattering but grown up look.

It’s great to find a resource that can still offer an old makeup bore like me some new tips and tricks to try (Rae swears by mixing Cetaphil and bicarb of soda for an unbeatable exfoliator!) and it’s frankly unusual to find a book that inspires me to try new looks based on the tutorials found within.  I’m completely smitten with the image on page 241, it’s cosmetic perfection, I’d love to show you it… but my camera wasn’t doing it any justice so you’ll have to check it out for yourself in your local bookshop!

Makeup: The Ultimate Guide is currently priced at £10.01 on Amazon and in my opinion, is worth every penny.

Have you read either of these?  What are your favourite beauty books?

Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 1

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 8 - 2011

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate.

Each little pot contains multiple facets of intensive reflective colour that glides on smoothly adding sparkle and sheen.

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 8th January.

Winners will be announced early next month.  Info and rulez can be found here.

The tale of the toffee nut latte…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 7 - 2011

I know you’re all raring to get back into some beauty-related ponderings (heaven knows, I am!) – but I wanna take a minute to share Leila’s first Toffee Nut Latte with you…

Doesn’t she look bored with her water?  Perhaps she’s ready for the good stuff…

mmmm… did you know that a vente eggnogg latte contains nearly 500 calories? So glad I limited my Starbucks festive drink intake to the double figures this Christmas.

“But what’s this?”

“Mam-meeee?  What’s this?”

tentatively… softly softly catchee monkey…

nom. nom.. NOM…

That’s my girl.

Let’s just say… I didn’t get any cream with my coffee.

Have a glorious Friday people, promise I’ll be back tomorrow with makeup-related frippery – thank you for all your kind comments, you’ve given my New Year a spring to it’s step! x

NEW YEAR(!) GIVEAWAY 2011 – The Deal…

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 7 - 2011

The next 25 days are going to be packed with goodies galore as a big thankee to you, my lovely readers.  You’ve made every day that little bit more special for me… I’ve enjoyed sharing my excitements, disappointments, irritations and general WTFs with you all.

If you were around for 2009’s Advent Giveaway then you know the score… for the rest of you lagging behind, listen up!

It goes something like this…

1. Each day, when the clocks flick over from 23:59 to 00:00 I’ll be uploading a lovely prize for you to win.  The catch?  The prize is only available for 24hours before it gets replaced with another, so don’t delay in getting your entry in, you’ll only regret it!

2. Most prizes are open to international readers, if this isn’t the case.  I will state this in the entry post.  Please double check before entering if you’re not a UK resident.

3. Some prizes have been donated by brands that have embraced the festive spirit and think you’re as brilliant as I do.  Donated to me, NOT sponsored by them… this means that you’re not allowed to hold them responsible if Postman Pat plays football with your prize at the depot.   Lipglossiping (a.k.a me) is the sole promoter of this giveaway and I’ll do everything within my power to ensure that your prize reaches you safely.  If you have any problems or issues that need answering, I’m happy to help and can be reached via the contact page.

4. From experience, giveaways like this often get posted on competition forums… I have no control over whether or not this happens and all I can do is respectfully request that you don’t do this.  My giveaway is intended for readers – past, present and future and if you don’t find yourself in that category, please have a heart and don’t let it be simply the 187th comp you’ve entered today.  I have nothing against you and if you happen to be a reader AND a comper… great, enter away!

5. The winners names will be posted up at the end of the competition, be sure to check back for the full list.

6. You are eligible to win more than once.  You can enter everyday if you wish but only once PER day.

7. This is a bit of fun and a thank you from me to you.  Let’s keep it light and fluffy yes?

Clear as mud? – good job!

Hello? Is this thing on?

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 6 - 2011

Phew, that was a little unexpected.

For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let me condense it for you.

Just after midnight on the 24th December (Christmas Eve no less – bastards), my previous site hosts suspended the website without warning. They cite some kind of server overload… CPU mega-usage which meant that they had to immediately shut down Lipglossiping to protect others on the same server.

When I picture the scene in my head… I visualise sirens going off in some hi-tech basement somewhere, sexy lab-coated men running… frantic in their endeavours to hit the switch before the cyber world implodes, caused by the domination of lipstick-loving women everywhere.

In reality, some fat bloke in Chipping Norton (probably) scratched his balls and sighed at the realisation that he’d have to put down his pickled onion Space Raiders before clicking the big fat red X on my hosting package (and nearly my Christmas too).

This in itself isn’t a huge problem… these things happen (though prior warning would have been nice).  What IS a problem, is the fact that when they turned things back on, only half the site came back.  At some point between fatso putting down the crisps and hitting the “on” switch… the database had become corrupted.  Marvellous.

So I did what any self-respecting 29yr old would do in this situation.  I cried.  Then I shouted at Mr. L and made him feel as guilty as I could for not backing up since mid-December.  Then I ate a box of Lindt chocolates and got over it.

This is the ‘condensed’ version, I promise.

That whole “getting over it” thing didn’t last long when we discovered that the backup from mid-December was also corrupt.  Infact, I may have cried some more at this point.  Ok, I definitely did.  Our hosts were useless… infact, their epic proportions of uselessness extended to having the gall to say “You do know that by having more than one backup on our system, you’re breaking our T&C”.   Upon reading that insightful bit of wisdom, my face was a perfect picture of “Oh no you di’nt”.

Long story short (no really, I’m nearly done now)… we’ve since moved to a new site host (hemorrhaging more money than I thought possible on a blog about makeup) and won a battle with some evil timelords (our original hosts) who made it as difficult as they could to transfer the domain name across (this is what has actually taken the time).  I’ve been monotonously copying and pasting missing posts across from Google Reader (thank god it archives them) for the last 10 days and am now ready to give up blogging for good.

Well, nearly.

So what does this mean for the site?  Well… there might be some bugs lurking and I’ve lost all the comments made since November 26th.  This includes the Advent giveaway.  Those of you on Twitter know that this is the thing I’m most upset about… it’s one thing to lose my efforts, it’s quite another to lose yours.  There’s absolutely nothing I can do about this though and the whole thing will have to be re-run (starting in the next couple of days).

Other than this, things should be pretty much as we left them… hopefully.  If you notice any bugs or have any issues with things loading or site slowness I’d be really, really grateful if you could let me know.

Ok… so what have I missed?


Review: Benefit Watt's Up!

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

China Glaze Ingrid NOTD

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A year on Lipglossiping – Lookback (March 2010)

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

Review: Smashbox Soft Focus Powder Eyeliner

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

NEW Elemis Sp@home and a tantalising offer from TimeToSpa!

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Abandon hope, all ye who enter here

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E.L.F launch new bamboo range of Mineral Brushes

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

Get a prescription to glow with the Elemis SkinLab, just what the doctor ordered!

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

With experience comes acceptance?

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Tom Ford Black Orchid Limited Edition Collection

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CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

Dear Obesity...

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Phew, that was a little unexpected. For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let …


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