Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – The Winners Day 1-5

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 14 - 2011

Day 1 winner (3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts) – Avis

Day 2 winner  – (Hair velcro, Paper Soap and a Blush Guide) – Margot

Day 3 winner – (Sleek goodies) – Em x

Day 4 winner – (Girls with Attitude goodies) – Aneela Aziz

Day 5 winner – (Essie polishes) – sparklzandshine


I will be emailing all winners next weekend but feel free to drop me a line before that if you spy your name in the list and want confirmation.

Days 5-10 winners are coming up tomorrow.

Halo Hair Extensions – The view from n00bville

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 14 - 2011

Although ‘officially’ past that awkward inbetween length, my hair still feels very much like it’s making me endure the teenage years.  Up until 18 months ago, I’d had long hair my entire adult life… but along came a baby and with her; dribble, snot, vomit and spitup – most of which used to end up coating my locks.

I’d like to say that I’ve loved having short hair, I know that in theory… a neat, slightly-angled bob has always suited my round face better than heavy curtains that hang down either side of my hamster cheeks… but theory is called theory because it’s the opposite of practice.

I simply haven’t had the patience, inclination or time to style my short hair and stop it from looking untamed.  I’ve spent the last 18 months with what amounts to a bad hair day.  My feelings on this were hugely reinforced on Saturday when I attached the human hair extensions that I was sent by Halo Hair Extensions.

I’m a total hair extension n00b and have never considered myself a hair extension kinda girl.  I opened the package… looked blankly at the strands of hair infront of me and quite honestly thought “what the hell did I go and agree to give my feedback on these for?”  Curiosity would be the honest answer to that question.

First things first, did they even match my hair?  I held them up alongside my mane and Mr. L answered in the affirmative.  Obviously, you don’t trust a man’s opinion on such important matters so I hot-footed it to the bathroom and checked for myself.   I was sent this set in darkest brown and it’s a damn decent match to the ends of my hair… no ombre here (apart from the overprocessing I’ve done to my self).

I spread the 8 piece set out on the bed infront of me, marvelling at how the softness put my own to shame and wondering if the coarseness of my rough locks would look odd in comparison to the pieces I was about to “install”.

The set I received contained: 2 pieces of hair which are 8” wide (with 3 clips), 2 pieces which are 6” wide (with 2 clips) and 4 pieces which are 2” wide (with 1 clip).

I started with the widest pieces at the back, parting my hair horizontally with a rat-tailed comb and clipping them to my own hair.  I’m rubbish at describing things like this, if you’re as clueless as I was, I suggest that you go and watch one of the how-to videos on their website for more insight and tips into how they actually attach.

Once in, they felt secure and I was able to brush through gently with my hairbrush to blend my hair with the extensions.  It frankly felt amazing to have such thick, luxurious feeling hair… what a confidence boost.  I admittedly spent the entire day asking my husband if he could see the clips (he didn’t once say yes) but perhaps that kind of confidence in wear will come with time.

Wanna see how they look?  Bear in mind that this was my very first attempt at putting them in and they literally took me 5 minutes from start to finish.  I’m so impressed with how ‘usable’ they are, I really thought I’d struggle and turn the air blue trying to get them in but I didn’t enconter a single problem.

Things I’d do differently next time…

I can see a ‘shelf’ at the back and I appreciate now that I should have included the other 3-clip piece that I left on the bed thinking that I ‘didn’t need it’.

I’d contemplate trimming them just a touch to get rid of any wispiness from the ends.

This is a real glowing review, I’m struggling to find fault with the product (and I always like to find at least a little fault!)… so I will have to be pernickity and state that I did have to spend a good 10 minutes ‘picking’ bits of fluff/tacky glue out of some of the wefts.

But that’s my only negative experience with these clip-in hair extensions from Halo Hair.  Even the £39 price tag is reasonable… you could pay that easily for a decent haircut round my way.  I wish I’d tried them sooner, I just didn’t realise how easy they would be to put in.

Do you wear hair extensions?  Any tricks or tips to share?

A very Happy Valentine’s Day from Tom and I

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 14 - 2011

*cue Barry White* duh duh duh duh duh… duh duh duh duhduh…

Give it up, ain’t no use… I can’t help myself if I wanted to…

I’m hung up, no doubt… I’m so in love with you, for me there’s no way out…

Cause deeper and deeper, In love with you, I’m falling…

I’m gonna love you, love you, love you just a little more, baby…

I’m gonna need you, need you, need you every day…

I’m gonna want you, want you, want you in every way, yeah…


So, I got my first Tom Ford lipstick the other day.  I figured that Valentine’s Day was almost here and that you need to love yourself before you can love others right?

So… me and Tom.  Tom and I… it’s an expensive relationship.  Some men are just like that.

I picked up Pure Pink… I hovered for an indecent amount of time over Smoke Red but in the end, figured that I have some really lovely reds already.  What I don’t have is a pink that’s going to make me long for Summer.  I do now!

Pure Pink is a bright POP of colour on my lips, somehow it stops short of looking like one of my Mum’s fuchsia lipsticks from the 80s.  Thank god right?  That would have been an expensive alternative to vintage Constance Carroll by Christ!

It’s creamy but firm with a subtle shimmer and a hue that makes my teeth look whiter than they really are.  It doesn’t feather and fades evenly.  Not moisturising but comfortable.

It’s lovely.  It’s not £35 lovely of course… I haven’t taken complete leave of my senses.  But if you’re as daft to spend £35 on a lipstick as I was, then I hope you thoroughly enjoy it as much as I am too!

Tom Ford Private Blend Lip Color in Pure Pink is priced at £35 and available online and on counter.

Happy Valentine’s Day beautiful people, love your lipsticks especially hard today xxx

New Year Giveaway update…

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 13 - 2011

Hope you’re having a great Sunday ladies?

I’m afraid that I’ve got some bad news about the giveaway.  We’re gonna have to re-ru…


I’m going to be rolling out the winner announcements starting tomorrow so be sure to check back later this week and keep your fingers crossed!

Much love x

Beauty Blog Link Love – 13th February 2011

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 13 - 2011

Do you want a lip product that’s both long-lasting and hydrating? Get the best of both worlds with MAC Kissable Lipcolour, as reviewed by My Lips But Better.

Madame B Fatale trials some Cellnique products,with some lovely results!

Physician’s Formula Happy Booster Glow and Mood Boosting Powder and Blush is making Tracy at Beauty Reflections smile!

Fabulous eyeshadows for a bargain price? Claire reckons she’s found some from Collection 2000.

Socialite Dreams is celebrating Black History Month with the 28 Days of Black Beauty: a series showing a black female celebrity each day and recreating her famous look with makeup!

Valentine’s Day is almost here! Check out Musicalhouses’ funky Valentine’s Day eye and funky Valentine’s Day nails!

Makeup Morsels finds a spot-on dupe for her favorite Asian gel eyeshadow.

Over at Queen of Turquoise Rachel shows off some of ELF’s lovely lippies!

Retrodiva was asked how to do a cat eye, so she explains how in a new tutorial video.

Gouldylox desperately wants longer hair but doesn’t want the damage and hates how clip-in locks feel. These look like a gimmick, but actually deliver.

Phyrra raves about a new indie company, Brazen Cosmetics. She shares a 20% off coupon code, too!

Jellyminx embraces her inner rock chick and share a super easy smokey eye look.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away the Pink Sith tells of her experience with Guerlain Meteorites Illuminating and Mattifying Pressed Powder in 01 Teint Rose.

Are you ready for your Valentine? .. Why not check out Sleek MakeUP’s Stiletto Collection, It’s Limited Edition, and especially for Valentines!

Jo at Music and Makeup talks about her experience at the Academy Of Freelance Makeup.

The Lip Print combines two of her favourite things: celebrity makeup and red lipstick.

Beautywoome shares the things she dropped from her beauty routine in 2010 and why they’ve been given the boot!

Anita gets excited about the details and promo pictures of MAC’s gorgeous, girly, “Quite Cute” collection over at Pleasureflush!

Amy Antoinette showcases her perfume collection

Fabulous eyeshadows for a bargain price? Claire reckons she’s found some from Collection 2000.


To celebrate her 2 year blog anniversary, Audrey Dao is giving away Urban Decay’s Naked Palette, 15 year 24/7 Eye Pencils and much more!

Want a chance to check out some of theNotice’s favourite products? You’re in luck – Rae’s giving away five of her favourite products!

Krasey Beauty is celebrating her two year anniversary with a huge giveaway ! Naturally, it’s packed with her favorites from Make Up For Ever, Zoya, Hourglass, and more!

Will Mr. Postman bring YOU a package from the Cargo Spring 2011 Voyages collection? Enter the giveaway at Prime Beauty but hurry, the giveaway ends Monday, Feb. 14th!

Beautifully Addicted To are saying thank you to their beautifull followerswith a host of goodies include OPI, Bliss, and MAC as a giveaway!

L’oreal Resist & Shine Titanium Nail Polish in Maroon Sorbet NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 13 - 2011

A few of you asked what nail polish I was wearing in this post, so I thought I’d put up a proper NOTD post to show it properly.

Following conversations with some of you U.S. girls, I’m thinking that this particular line of L’oreal polishes might not be available over the pond.

Maroon Sorbet is such an odd name for something so dark and vampy… sorbet always makes me think of summer!  The shade itself is a blackened purple with ‘hidden’ shimmer.  You may be able to make out a speck of the shimmer on my middle fingernail but it’s really quite subtle which is a shame as a little more visibility would have given this shade the lift it needs.

No complaints here about wear or application – it’s a solid high street polish that won’t break the bank!

L’oreal Resist & Shine Titanium Nail Polish in Maroon Sorbet is priced at around £6 and available at most L’Oreal stockists including Boots.

Foaming an opinion on hair dye… *groan*

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 12 - 2011

The thought of dying my hair is genuinely one of the dreariest prospects I encounter every couple of months but for me and my grey hairs, it’s a necessary evil.  It smells, it stains and it’s a downright chore.

When I first heard about the new foam hair dyes entering the market late last year, I thought “oh hai new gimmick, I’m still going to hate using you”.  I was right.  Just not entirely…

The first one I tried was the John Frieda Precision Foam Colour* which retails at around £9.99.

It’s more money than I normally pay for a home colourant but I’m sure it’s one of those that will eternally be on special offer somewhere.  Having said that, it’s freakin’ fantastic.  It dispenses a rich, creamy foam from start to finish with crystal clear instructions, great packaging (and awesome gloves that fit properly!)

You can tell when thought and careful planning has gone into the details… and here, the quality is apparent even down to the fact that the dye wipes off skin beautifully without compromising on potency!


The available shades for brunettes suck.  They’re all fairly warm-toned and if you’re a pink-faced girl with a penchant for ashy tones, this isn’t good news.  Would I buy it again?  Only if I want gingery grey bits when the dye fades.  So, um… probably not.


The second one I tried (and I’m sat here with freshly dyed hair now) is the Clairol Nice n’ Easy Colour Blend Foam* which normally retails at a more palatable £6.99.

Props to Clairol for a stonking range of shade availability.  Everything from cool to warm tones, darkest to lightest… However, I got beef with this brand.

The instructions included in the box are terrible and led me to over-mix the formula thus producing crappy foam.  The instructions state: “Shake bottle until completely mixed”.

Watch this…

Now, to my mind… “Shake bottle until completely mixed” is a truly rubbish way to communicate to your customers “give it three firm shakes and then leave it alone for 30 seconds”.  No?

I followed the pack instructions, held the bottle, closed my eyes and shook vigorously for about 10 seconds until I was convinced that the products would be nicely mixed.

The result was a runny foam that applied nothing like the creamy John Frieda formula.

This stuff also stains like a four year old running around with a plate of spaghetti.  As a home hair-dye veteran, I’m used to wiping the backs of my ears, that pesky patch where a strand inevitably drops onto your shoulder and the annoying bits on the temples where you want to cover the baby greys but not the skin.  I usually do a grand job of it too.

Unfortunately, I’m sat here now with pretty bad skin staining on my temples.  Do I risk applying a barrier cream and not getting the coverage I need on those greys?  I don’t know… All in all, it’s a disappointing performance from the Clairol.

I’m genuinely upset about this because the colour selection is fabulous, the end result is good (though not as glossy as the John Frieda) and in theory, I love the foam formula which makes it almost impossible to ‘miss’ bits.  I don’t have to faff about parting my hair to get into the roots… I just treat it like I’m shampooing with a creamy lather and the formula does all the hard work for me.  Foam hair dyes have truly been a revelation.

Not only that, but in both instances, the dye has rinsed down the plughole like a dream with the water running clear after only a minute or two at the most.


Which should you buy then?

If you’re looking for red tones, buy the John Frieda and do it now, while it’s on offer.

If you’re wanting a cooler-toned shade… go for the Clairol but beware the misleading pack instructions and be sure to use a barrier cream such as vaseline on your hairline.

The future’s bright and it’s rather foamy.

*press samples

NEW for Spring: Nars Pure Matte Lipstick in Madere

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 11 - 2011

A couple of you eagle-eyed ladies spotted the lipstick that I was wearing in my Bateau Ivre FOTD from earlier in the week.  It’s very, very nude isn’t it?

The NARS shade is new for Spring and called Madère.

How do we pronounce that then?  I’m opting for ‘mah-daire’ – anyone wanna wade in with an infinitely more sensible suggestion?

For a matte… it’s fairly creamy to apply, though pretty unforgiving on very dry lips.  If you have deep furrows, you may need to think about some intense moisturisation and a plumping base before attempting this shade as it will highlight any areas of concern.

Many reviews from last year’s launch of these Pure Matte Lipsticks commented on how the formula of these were more moisturising than normal mattes.  Sadly, I can’t say that I’ve reached the same conclusion with Madère.  I felt that it was just as drying as any other matte lipstick that I wear.

Where Madère does excel is in the density of colour and it’s ability to truly blank out the lip when you want to concentrate attention on your smokey eye.  If you’re a fan of true nude lips (and I know many of you are), it’s probably a shade that you’ll want to add to your collection for nights out.  I feel that it would particularly suit women who feel that nudes often run too orange on their skintone.

NARS Pure Matte lipstick in Madère* is available now from NARS online, on counter and other stockists priced from £17.50

*press sample

Finger Bands courtesy of Butter London

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 11 - 2011

How much do we hate it when we look down at our fresh manicures to realise that yet again, we’ve managed to daub more polish on our fingers than we got on our nails?

Well, worry no more ‘cos Butter London set the scene at Vena Cava yesterday for a forward-thinking, fabulous faux pas that’s achievable for anyone with a nail brush (and an unsteady hand!)

image stolen borrowed from Nonie Creme’s twitstream here

Check out the finger bands painted by Nonie with some of the bestselling Butter London shades!  Such a fun touch, much cheaper than hunting down the latest high-street jewellery and at around 24hours, probably longer-lasting too 😉

Wanna see my late-night take on the trend?

Shades used: Marrow, Scoundrel and Come to Bed Red!

If you give it a go, make sure you play safe and only use Big 3 Free polishes in the creation of your finger art masterpieces.

I love anything in beauty and fashion that doesn’t take itself too seriously and this daftness reminds me of being at school and tippexing the crap out of myself in an ‘artful’ manner…  and anything that reminds me of those playful days is a win in my book.

What do you think of Butter London’s Vena Cava Finger Bands?

Leighton Denny Spring/Summer 2011 – The Gelato Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 10 - 2011

A pretty mixture of bold brights and pretty pastels make up the new Leighton Denny Spring/Summer collection.

I was sent Berry Nice and Sundae Girl

Sundae Girl is a mod-pink with blue undertones that pops nicely against my skintone without looking stark or particularly harsh.

The formula was thick yet a little sheer, a slightly strange combination and for a perfect finish it could have done with three coats which I didn’t want to give it because of the thick formula.  Nothing worse than a nail polish that looks like it’s been applied with a trowel.

Having said that, it lasted fantastically well.. 4 solid days before starting to show signs of getting a bit tired and no chipping whatsoever.

Berry Nice is a muted fuchsia and a one-coat wonder!  The down side to only applying one coat would be the visible nail ridges but that’s easily sorted with a quality base coat.

This is a great summer shade for tips or toes and anything that delivers great, glossy creme coverage in a single coat has to be a Summer holiday essential.  Wear was average but probably pretty good considering the single coat – it needed replacing on the 3rd day.

Leighton Denny Expert Nails colours are priced at £11.00 each and available online or instore at  John Lewis & selected Selfridges stores.

Are you liking the look of any of the shades from the Leighton Denny Spring/Summer Gelato Collection?

Remove all traces with Clinique’s Take The Day Off cleansing balm

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 10 - 2011

We’ve all seen products that stake lofty claims on the packaging and using them can often leave behind a single raised eyebrow of “hmm… really?”  Take The Day Off*… really does take the day off.  And the night before that if you’ve been a lazy sink-dodging mare.

With dry hands, scoop out a 10p piece sized blog and massage over dry skin to remove all traces of makeup.  The solid balm transforms into a silky oil that glides over skin with ease.

I’m a long-standing cleansing oil fan and my face simply doesn’t feel clean to me until I’ve double cleansed.  Cleansing balms are something I’ve bought in the past but I generally prefer to use a pump bottle of oil than scoop product from a jar.

Last time I returned from holiday and opened my suitcase to find oil-soaked clothes put pay to that little preference.

I’m also finding balms to be more compatible with my Clarisonic.  The slip feels a little dryer than with my usual oils (though still perfectly workable) and I use my delicate brush head in conjunction with a low speed setting before washing off.

It leaves my skin feeling smooth and squeaky clean.  Drier skins may find this a little drying but oilier types should appreciate the product’s ability to cleanse thoroughly without too much stripping of the skin’s natural oils.

Finally?  It leaves not a scrap of residue behind.  It emulsifies fully with water into a creamy, milky fluid that washes away with ease.

It’s unscented which will please many (though I wouldn’t have minded a touch of fragrance tbh), gives me absolutely NO eye irritation (despite massaging it into my lashes!) and contains no mineral oils.  Win.

Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm is priced at £19.50 for 125ml.

Do you use cleansing balms?  What are some of your favourites?

*press sample

Red Lips Day 12 – Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in Coromandel

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 9 - 2011

So impressed was I with Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in Dragon, I went out and bought Coromandel (£24) too.

I knew it was a risk, Coromandel is an orange-based red and I think it’s clear that I’m more suited to blue-based reds.

Still it will be interesting to see Coromandel in the swatch comparison lineup (week 2 is coming soon!)

We’re getting into Ronald McDonald territory aren’t we?  I think it’s a beautiful shade but for the purpose of learning more about reds and how different shades ‘react’ on different skin tones… are we in agreement that this isn’t the most flattering for such pink-toned skin as mine?

I mean… by all means, break the rules.  There is NOTHING to say that one shouldn’t rock a shade that isn’t classically correct for you.  Infact, I’d be willing to bet that some of the hawt-est chicks out there are rocking reds that POP off their lips precisely because they contrast so strikingly.  But in the interests of me being more your normal, everyday kinda girl – I think this one’s a fail.

As for the actual product.  It’s another Chanel beaut!  You can pretty much read my Dragon post and repeat the pros and cons of wear and quality for this one here.

I’m gonna do a high street red lip next… I’m getting a bit one-sided and high end centric here.  Red lips should be accessible for all right?!

What next?  Maybelline?  Rimmel?  Revlon?


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Beauty Blog Link Love - 13th February 2011

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So impressed was I with Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in Dragon, I went out and bought Coromandel (£24) too. I knew it was a risk, …


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So impressed was I with Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in Dragon, I went out and bought Coromandel (£24) too. I knew it was a risk, …


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