BarryM Dusky Mauve vs. Chanel Paradoxal – Um DUPE!

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 16 - 2010

With all this Chanel vs. BarryM nail polish dupe talk… how could I possibly have resisted CHARGING down my local Superdrug as fast as my fat little trotters could carry me (ok, I drove) before scooping up a bottle of BarryM’s new nail polish sensation Dusky Mauve to compare for myself?

Well I couldn’t.  Hence this post – duh.

So is it?  Isn’t it?

It most certainly is.

BarryM’s Dusky Mauve Nail Paint is a practically perfect dupe for Chanel’s Paradoxal – I’ll let the photos do the talking.

When Bazza met Coco… *cue music*

The only teeniest, tiniest difference between the two is that I feel the BarryM version may have a touch more sparkle in direct sunlight… but I’m not even 100% confident on that.

If you had wanted to indulge in Chanel’s Paradoxal but couldn’t quite stretch to the £16.50 required to do so… put those pennies towards the £2.95 dupe of the year and head down to Superdrug for BarryM’s Dusky Mauve instead.  No one will be able to tell the difference.

If your local Superdrug/Boots are out of stock, don’t forget that you can also buy BarryM’s Dusky Mauve Nail Paint online from the BarryM website which ships internationally.

29 Responses to “BarryM Dusky Mauve vs. Chanel Paradoxal – Um DUPE!”

  1. Jade says:

    THey look so damn close!!! *wants*

  2. Jenni says:

    I have the Barry M and it is very high quality. I thoroughly recommend it. It went on like pure buttah!

  3. Anitacska says:

    What I don’t understand is the hype about this colour. To me it’s actually really ugly. It’s not proper purple, it’s just blah. But anyway, thanks for sharing, lol.

  4. Louise says:

    They are sooo close! Models Own were raving that they had a dupe but they have definitely been pushed aside!
    Personally, I’m not keen on the colour though.

  5. Now that’s what I call a dupe! Thanks for letting us know!

  6. Robyn says:

    So *that’s* why I can’t find it anywhere!

  7. Lily says:

    Wow, that really is a dupe! just taken over Purple Grey in the dupe stakes!

  8. Emma Jade says:

    Woah! I can tell no difference at all! Off to Superdrug I hop!

  9. Shortiee31 says:

    Wow… Now THAT is a dupe! 😮

  10. Catriona says:

    What’s the chances Barry M will also dupe the khaki nail polishes? I want the green one so much!

  11. stylefrost says:

    Wow, thats an amazing colour, exactly like the chanel one, think I may have to buy this!

  12. OMG! I am so jealous of all the UK beauties at the moment! That is such an awesome dupe! Yay for cheap chic!

  13. I love you for finding this!!!

  14. Amazing find. I plodded on to Superdrug today and picked up 2 of these for a fiver. Bargain!x

  15. sugarpuff says:

    wow they are so close!!! this is now on my to buy list

  16. thebristolbeautyblog says:

    A spot on dupe! x

  17. nicola-x says:

    Ooh love this, I think I need this ! xx

  18. Bernice says:

    OMG they’re so similar!

    Thanks for this great post 😀

  19. Phoebe says:

    That is quite possibly the most perfect dupe i’ve ever seen.

  20. Leah says:

    Please can you do a blog about how you get your nails to look so good? What’s your routine? What do you use? Your nails are amazing! No matter what nail polish I look my nails always look crap so I would love some tips please 🙂

  21. yifatiii says:

    Totally Gorgeous!!!!
    Look very similar, I want any one of them 🙂

  22. Sarah says:

    bazza coco bazza coco LOL!

    i think thats an awfully good dupe, but i still think it’s an awful colour?? although, if you say the bazza has more sparkle i will have to have a ganders myself! xxx

  23. Becka says:

    I bought this polish last week and when I put it on, straight away I thought it looked really similar but didn’t have the Chanel to compare properly.
    Wow…it’s shocking that it is SO close! I’d much rather pay the £2.95 🙂 xx

  24. Angie says:

    Wow, that is amazing, I can’t see any difference at all! Why anyone would buy Paradoxal now baffles me! Thanks for this!

  25. Alison Cross says:

    oooh a massive thank you to M at Facegoop for giving me the link to this, I’ve been trawling the make-up halls of Britain looking Paradoxal – and am now going to walk five minutes down the road and buy this Barry M stuff instead.


    Ali x

  26. Tina says:

    Amaazing find! They’re identical!


  27. liloo says:

    oooooooooo who has just won this on big fashionista blog? I has, I has 🙂 woooooo. cant wait to try this xx

  28. Marianne says:

    thanks for this great post!!
    I couldn’t get hold of a bottle of Chanel’s Paradoxol, so when I saw this genius dupe I went straight to Barry M website and got myself two bottles, just to be on the safe side 😉 thanks for sharing!!

  29. beautyshades says:

    To me they look the same. I bought this color because of this post and also i did not had any colour similar to this one.

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