What’s your beauty nemesis?

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 14 - 2010

Let me set the scene…

My makeup is lovely.  I’m very happy with how I’ve scrubbed up this evening… there’s definitely room for improvement, but on the makeup front?  The girl’s done good.

I’m getting into the swing of things and have been at this function for a couple of hours… I’m relaxing and smiling more… joining in with the odd conversation and life is generally pretty sweet.

But hang on, what’s this?

Oh… one too many gin and tonics tells me that I need a loo break.  Off we go!

Oooooh squeee mirrors!  Let me give myself a quick check, make sure my hair’s not gone too wild, lips aren’t too faded….


…errrr wtf?

You don’t see it?  Look closer mi amigos…

Check out the nice mascara smudges… I got off lightly, I sometimes develop matching ones on both eyelids.

Seriously though…for  just HOW LONG had I looked like I needed a bloody good wash?  I stand infront of the mirror, my brain working overtime trying to calculate just how many people had clearly done the polite thing of NOT STARING?


You fail me.


Do you have a beauty nemesis?

54 Responses to “What’s your beauty nemesis?”

  1. Honestly I didn’t notice until you looked down! =)

  2. Joice says:

    I hate it when those things happen! My beauty nemesis is liner! pencil, gel, liquid, I always end up with black goo in my inner corner (yuck!) or my wing sometimes droops and smudges and stops resembling a wing.

  3. Catriona says:

    I have a deep line under my eyes (I was born with it) and some other fine ones (I’m 22 dammit, I shouldn’t have fine lines!) and concealer always settles into it. I need to apply my makeup, wait 10 minutes and then clean up anything that’s settled.

  4. Grace London says:

    I’m not sorry for you, you know, as it’s because your eyelashes are SO BLOODY long and lovely.

  5. Sarah says:

    OMG I so feel you! Today I went to the chiropractor and because I was laying face down all of my eyemakeup must have smudged! After the Doc had finished we talked for a good 10 minutes about exercises to do, follow up appointments, blah blah. It wasn’t until I went out to the car and looked in the revision mirror and saw the black smudges all the way down my face. How embarrasing.
    Why don’t people tell you is beyond me!!!

    • I can’t complain… I cannot tell someone if they have something between their teeth or a bogey blowing around their nostrils when they breathe.

      How do you start that line? “Errr… excuse me, but you look ridic?”

  6. Sarah says:

    Ooh and my nemesis is my laugh lines around my mouth! When I get together with my bestest friend in the world we always end up laughing so hard that my makeup settles into these lines around my mouth!!! Ick!

  7. jenny says:

    Hun you need blinc mascara. I have the black and dark purple. It is weird and not amazingly plumping at first go but you’ll get the ‘quick layer it on before it dries’ knack soon enough!! It dries around the lashes but once dry never ever moves. Fab stuff and my saviour cos any mascara gives me an under eye halo of black…god knows how! Didn’t rate the liner but then I love bobbi brown gel liner and cream shadow so I maybe biased. I’m pretty sure you can get blinc sample size from ebay. About £20 for full size but lasts ages (at least 3 months regular use). Sorry bit of a ramble this…share your pain tho!! X

    • I have a teeny tube of the Blinc mascara which is SO old now it’s probably illegal to use it in some countries. I hate normal waterproof mascaras… I think I’ll invest in a full-size of the Blinc one and give it a go

      • Elsie Barley says:

        Or, if you go to Harrods (or its website) try Kanebo 38 degree silk finish mascara. I think it may be similar to blinc. Anyway, it is the only mascara I have ever used (and I have wasted so much money!) that really doesn’t move. And it comes off with warm water only – at 38 degrees!!!! It was recommended to me years ago by John Gustafson but lots of places used to sell it then. Now only Harrods.

  8. Lisa says:

    I didn’t notice until you looked down either! Mine is eyeliner, infact even eyeshadow under my eyes smudges, faces from the outer corner and gunks up, gah! As for eyeliner on the waterline… I end up looking like an elderly racoon and I do love to see eyes lined underneath too 🙁

  9. pinko says:

    i sometimes get something similar but its my eyeshadow(that i use as liner) that smudges up there. its usually as I moisturised and then put make up on too quickly >.<

  10. Tali says:

    Mine is the mascara smudges on the eyebag area. My lower lashes are too long and product ends up everywhere!! :S no matter if i use powder or no mascara.. or set my face.. I ALWAYS get crap under my eyes!!!!

  11. Laura says:

    I didn’t notice because I spent too much time trying to work out what lip colour you’re wearing. Please put me out of my misery, it’s beautiful! xx

  12. swatchgirl says:

    I mock the concept of long-wearing lipsticks. MOCK.

    My use of gloss or tinted balms isn’t a nod to the relaxed natural look, it’s because I can’t find a lipstick that bloody well stays on!

    • Have you tried those lip stain ones like erm… errr… argh, can’t think of names!

      Yano, those liquid ones that you paint on and keep your lips apart while they dry… damn my stupid brain!

  13. Sinead says:

    I get that but on my lower lash line and it makes my bags even worse haha!

  14. Anitacska says:

    It’s because your eyelashes are too long! I never have that problem, mine don’t reach my eyelids! My problem is shiny face. No matter what primer, foundation, setting powder I use, my face always turns shiny especially if it’s hot. Yuck.

    • NO! Don’t say “too” long! It’s the only benefit of being uber-hairy!

      Ahhh, have you tried the cheapo Rimmel Stay Matte pressed powder? I’ve just picked it up on recommendation and am loving it for my nose!

  15. Urgh…I always try and tell people such things because I know I want to know when these things happen to me!! Hopefully it wasn’t like that for too long!

    What lipstick are you wearing….its absolutely gorgeous!

  16. Sabah says:

    My beauty nemesis is same as yours! My mascara tends to smudge on my eyelids and i think it’s ’cause of hooded eyelids. I’ve slightly hooded eyelids and I use waterproof mascaras so they don’t smudge. But still when i curl my lashes,it smudges during appliccation! 🙁

    • Yeah, the hooded eyelids are a total pain. I can’t stand waterproof mascaras though, they seem so unkind to lashes when I’m trying to remove (even with my oil cleansers!) x

  17. Nepenthe says:

    Mascara would be my nemesis. Even if I just keep it to the top lashes, it tends to run underneath my lower lashes. Rarely will I put mascara on my lower lashes, because within the hour I’ll be touching/cleaning up. Shadows are usually fine though, go figure.

  18. Eyelining says:

    Normally mascara isn’t a problem for me but the combination of currently oily skin (post hot holiday) and very hooded eyes mean that I’m currently suffering the curse of mascara transfer. I’m hoping my skin will return to normal soon! My usual nemesis is the oily oily nose that eats foundation within a few hours of application no matter what primer/ powders I apply. Ew. x

    • heheheheheee, do you get the little melted foundation lines down the side of your nose? I spotted my reflection in the bathroom mirror (ok, I was looking)… and it was not pretty in the nose crease area!

  19. ashley says:

    It’s because your lashes are so long! most of us don’t have lashes that touch our eyelid so it’s not a problem :). I guess really long lashes are a blessing and a curse! but yours sure are pretty 🙂

  20. Rachel says:

    My nemesis has got to be dry skin 🙁 whatever skin routine/ moisturiser/primer, I use,I still suffer. Working in air conditioning doesn’t help either. I guess we all have our issues though but other people don’t notice them half as much as we think they do 😉

    • Nightmare. I sympathise, mine is horrible in the winter, especially around my eyebrows, chin and top lip. Flakey… flake, flake. The only thing I’ve found to be rich enough is Dr. Hauschka’s Rose Day Cream. But it’s not cheap! x

  21. Timperley says:

    Sometimes I overdo my blusher first thing in the morning. It looks ok in the dressing table mirror but then I catch sight of myself in another mirror and realise I’ve overdone it again.

  22. I have a similar problem with liquid eyeliner. If I blink before it dries I get a nasty line on my smoothly blended eyeshadow. Ruins the look! WAAA!

    Out come the cotton swabs and lotion to delicately remove the line without ruining my shadow. Doesn’t always work.

  23. Kerry says:

    My nemesis is under eye concealer. Firstly, I’m bitter about the fact that I have to deal with this due to the MASSIVELY dark (genetic – thanks parents) under eye circles I have.
    Ok, now the concealer. IF I can manage to get it to even cover them, it will ALWAYS settle into the creases under my eyes. Attractive. I’ve tried a bajillion different concealers, primers, setting powders, eye creams etc. It’s just how it is.
    Sorry about the yelling. I get stabby just thinking about it 🙂

  24. Mine is definitely mascara, but under the eyes. It doesn’t matter what brand I use, about half an hour after applying, a dark smudge always appears under my eyes. With dark circles already I could really do without the additional mascara smudges!

    I have to say I would never have noticed it on you as your makeup looks great. Your skin looks absolutely radiant, what products did you use to get that look (if you don’t mind sharing!)? I would be ecstatic if my skin looked that flawless!

  25. Khadija Jamal says:

    For me it’s concealer fading away… leaving me with gigantic panda eyes for the world to see >,<

    Just out of curiosity, what mascara are you wearing?

    (Brilliant blog btw. Have been following for a while now but this is my first comment 😀 )

  26. Phyrra says:

    Contouring is my bane. I try. I really do. Sometimes I look ok. Othertimes I suck.

  27. CeeBee says:

    Every now and then I end up with a lipstick smudge in the middle of my chin. I have no idea how it gets there… I think it must be from my lower lip but how does it get THERE, fercryinoutloud?!?!
    The other thing I hate is when I apply mascara and then put my specs on too soon and end up with black streaks on my lenses. Sucks.

  28. Prab N says:

    under eye concealerrrr!!!!!!! mine ALWAYSSSS creases.. doesn’t matter if i powder a tiny bit or a lot.. it’s pathetic 😐

    also, my lipstick does not stay at all.. not just does it fade away.. it also bleeds.. and yes i’ve tried many lip primers and all.. 🙁


  29. tass says:

    Eyeliner smudging from my waterline is the absolute bane of my life. I’ve tried EVERYTHING but it’s futile. I come home, look in the mirror, and most of it has either rubbed off or has settled into the fine lines under my eyes making my bags look even worse 🙁

    My eyes aren’t even watery. It started happening when I started wearing contact lenses. So in my vanity I stopped wearing them but it still happens. Argh!! xx

  30. Tina says:

    Well, you do look amazing, despite that mascara mishap, so…there! Lol! 😉


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