NARS Holiday 2010 Collection + Swatches

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 5 - 2010

As promised yesterday, here’s some images and swatches of the NARS Holiday 2010 collection.  Due out in the UK in November.

The palette is a trio of cool shades with the almost cobalt blue being the star attraction.  Continuing the Japanese theme throughout the entire collection, this little eyeshadow palette is named Okinawa.

I’d love to tell you the names of the rather beautiful glosses (Yinka fell in love with the one on the right, me… the one on the left).  But I had a bit of a photographer camera fail.

Anyone good at Magic Eye puzzles?  Sorry ladies!

The rest of the collection….

Close ups and swatches after the break…

The blush is already causing a bit of a buzz… NARS isn’t known for it’s super pale blushes.  Sex Appeal is a warm pale pink with a hint of peach.  Matte and soft but slightly chalky to the touch, I’m really looking forward to reading other opinions on this sotly pigmented shade.

My very cool toned skin turned Sex Appeal peacher than it looked in the pan.  This is a colour accurate swatch, but thanks to it’s somewhat sheer texture, I imagine this may wear quite differently depending on skin tone.

Étrusque is an absolute stand out for me.  It’s a beautiful simmering true gold single eye shadow that’s a real treat amongst a (mostly) cool-toned collection.  So beautifully textured, we had trouble deciding if it were a cream or powder to begin with!  The hatch marks gave it away though!  If you like your golds, you’re going to love this.

A single swipe shows how beautifully pigmented the shade is.  I was a little bit mesmerized by this one!

Purple?  In a Christmas collection?  Well I never… 😉

Mélusine Eye Shadow Duo is a matte/shimmer combination, that is sure to prove a hit in November.  Both sides are heavily pigmented and smooth to the touch.  I was particularly taken with the cool taupe/purple/grey left-hand shade which is just gorgeous!

And onto the lipsticks, Little Darling and Petit Monstre (cute names!)

I didn’t swatch these, I should have done – sorry!

Finally, 2 nail polishes that are toally taking advantage of what have been some of the most desirable shades this year….

Pokerface is a dusky purple…

Bad Influence is a Greige that leans more to brown than grey.


I wish I’d been able to swatch more than I did, but I had already hogged the table for quite long enough.

This is a collection that has the potential of eating into my Christmas allowance fairly heavily.

I’m lemming: Étrusque, Pokerface, That lipgloss on the left and Little Darling.

I’m on the fence about: Mélusine (I’m not fussed about the matte purple… is the other shade unique enough to part with the cash?), Sex Appeal (I want to see how it looks on my face first).

I’m leaving: Bad Influence (it doesn’t have quite enough grey in it for me – though watch me change my mind), Petit Monstre, The other lipgloss, Okinawa (I’m a bit over blues after a Summer of wearing them).


Copy and paste the below into the comments and let me know what’s caught your eye!

I’m lemming:
I’m on the fence about:
I’m leaving:

30 Responses to “NARS Holiday 2010 Collection + Swatches”

  1. Louise says:

    ahh i want the blush and two nail polishes! lovely post thankyou

    Lu xo

  2. Bec says:

    I so want the blush and the purple duo! 🙂

  3. Corinne says:

    I’m lemming: Mélusine and Little Darling
    I’m on the fence about: Étrusque
    I’m leaving: Okinawa and Sex Appeal

  4. Anitacska says:

    I’m lemming: Okinawa
    I’m on the fence about: Mélusine, Sex Appeal
    I’m leaving: the rest

  5. Nicola says:

    i have my eyes on sex appeal! it looks very pretty! thanks for the swatches!!

  6. omg, omg, omg I want it all, that’s just gorgeous! Etrusque is so bueatiful and that Okinawa trio! wow!

  7. linda says:

    I’m lemming: Etrusque (I have to have it – It’s stunning)!
    I’m on the fence about: Sex Appeal
    I’m leaving: everything else

  8. littlewing says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this! ♥ I still find it funny how early information on the Holiday collections, and the collections themselves, gets released. But Melusine and Pokerface are so, so, so lovely! Not that the rest of the collection isn’t, but purples always call out to me particularly. 😀

  9. caz says:

    I’m lemming: Mélusine, Etrusque
    I’m on the fence about: sex appeal, the glosses
    I’m leaving: The rest

  10. Sarah says:

    Warm pink matte blush? Yes please. It’s beautiful to look at in the pan.

    That matte purple eyeshadow looks like it would be nice smooshed into the lashline. Not convinced by shimmer/matte duos though. Don’t you just end up annoying both the shimmer-haters and the matte-haters?

  11. baby in a corner says:

    I like the blush, I think it would look good on fair skinned ladies! love the purple eyeshadow duo as well, as i don’t have anything similar to those colours. the lipgloss on the left could be a beaut as well. overall a gorgeous collection!

  12. Brody says:

    Petit Monstre and Pokerface, eh? Is it possible Nars is channeling Lady Gaga just a bit?

  13. ZebyK says:

    I’m lemming: Étrusque…what an absolutely gorgeous colour! It will be mine!! Oh and Pokerface as well

    I’m on the fence about: Little Darling and Petit Monstre

    I’m leaving: Sex Appeal, too light for my skin tone!
    Really liking this collection from what I’ve seen of it!

  14. I think I may need Sex Appeal in my life (and maybe Étrusque too). Not a huge fan of the look of the trio though.

  15. Jelena says:

    Oh i love this golden NARS eyeshadow, i may buy it after reading this! :-))

  16. Laura says:

    Thanks for the swatches!! I’m so excited about this collection, I want so much.

    I’m lemming: the shadows, the blush, the polish
    I’m on the fence about: that kabuki lip thing you posted
    I’m leaving: the weird trio thing, the lip stuff

  17. gio says:

    I want the Okinawa Trio and Etrusque. The nail polishes look very pretty too.

  18. Emma says:

    I’m lemming: the lip gloss on the left
    I’m on the fence about: Okinawa, the lip gloss on the right, Sex Appeal, Melusine, Bad Influence
    I’m leaving: Etrusque, Little Darling, Petite Monstre, Pokerface

    Need more swatches! I’m so indecisive…
    The only reason I’d get Melusine is if the dark purple color on the right is a good dupe of Daphne eyeshadow from the most recent collection…anyone have any thoughts on that?

  19. Hendrix says:

    I can never have enough plummy lip products. Those glosses are seriously calling my name!

  20. Myna says:

    I’m lemming: Mélusine, étrusque, Sex Appeal
    I’m on the fence about: Pokerface, Bad Influence
    I’m leaving: Little Darling, Petit Monstre, Okinawa and the two lipglosses

  21. pelin says:

    I’m lemming:Mélusine,Pokerface
    I’m on the fence about:Okinawa,and the two lip glosses:)
    I’m leaving:Blush sex appeal I am already pale so this looks pale sorry:)

  22. redtiger21 says:

    I’m lemming: little darling, pokerface
    I’m on the fence about:etrusque
    I’m leaving:melusine, petit monstre

  23. Vonvon says:

    I’m lemming: Mélusine and Étrusque

  24. […] Lipglossiping has beautiful swatches of Nars Holiday 2010 collection. […]

  25. Tina says:

    Etrusque and Melusine are just stunning!
    Ok, now I have my holiday wishlist ready, lol! 🙂
    Thx for the swatches!


  26. Hannah says:

    May I ask what nail polish you’re wearing in these pics? It’s beautiful!

  27. M says:

    I love this collection, but I am not sure of the blush sex appeal, it seems chalky , I wonder how it will work on different skintones, has anyone tried it?

  28. Tanya says:

    I like your nails and the dark lipstick.

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