It’s my birthday!

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 17 - 2010

I’m 29, but I don’t look a day over 30.

The astute amongst you may have noticed that this isn’t my actual Birthday Cake (I’m sorry Evy… whoever you are).

This is because…

A).  Mr. L is a man

B).  Leila is too stupid to work out how to use a telephone to order me one

C).  I’m not *quite* sad enough to order my own makeup cake (just desecrate other people’s via Google Image search)

Still, as Mr L always says… “Don’t you already have enough makeup?”


P.S.  I don’t know about you, but that MAC looks kinda fake to me.

57 Responses to “It’s my birthday!”

  1. Louise says:

    Happy Birthday Lovely x

  2. Lewelya says:

    Happy Birthday!
    Sorry you didnt get a mac-cake. But I´m sure you´ll have a great day anyway:-)

  3. Amanda says:

    Happy Biiiirthdaaaay!

    Hope you have a great one!

    I love that cake too!

  4. Lucy says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Is it wrong that I want that cake, just to look at? Even though it isn’t my birthday?

  5. rhamnousia says:

    Happy Birthday lovely, have a brilliant day!


  6. Kelly says:

    Happy Birthday! Have a great day

    I love the cake too btw.. I wish I could have one like it!

  7. Happy Birthday!! That palette is most definitely a fake. 😉

  8. ParisB says:

    Happy Birthday Charlotte! I 2nd your thoughts on that fake MAC palette 😉

  9. Amy says:

    It’s my birthday too! Happy birthday to us! Have a great day.


  10. Happy Birthday gorgeous Lady! We wanna see a pressies post!!!


  11. Dani says:

    Happy birthday! That cake would be too pretty to eat anyway and it’d just be a waste!

  12. fern says:

    Happy Birthday! that cake is rather brilliant tho, you will have to get your blogger buddies to send you one in the post next year (though it may take alot of bubble wrap!) Have a great day! xoxo

  13. Daisy says:

    Happy Birthday lovely! x

  14. GrumpyTart says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to you!

    But fancy calling Leila stupid, naughty Mummy knows she’s a very smart cookie really, just a bit on the young side to be using the phone let alone ordering stuff 🙂

    Have a fab day 🙂

  15. Sophie says:

    Haha! Happy Birthday Hun 🙂 xx

  16. olivia says:

    happy birthaday sharlotte :*

  17. Stefanie says:

    Happy Birthday, what an adorable cake!! Hope all your birthday wishes came true 🙂

  18. Lorraine says:

    ha ha ha ! Lovely post ! Happy Birthday ! x

  19. Connie says:

    that cake is genius! Awesome Googling skills!
    Happy birthday and have a great one!

  20. Grace London says:

    Happy happy birthday. Wishing you a fantastic year ahead.

  21. baby in a corner says:

    i love your reasons for not getting a make up cake! totally true, i’d be worried about my boyf if he was that insightful! happy birthday

  22. Happy Birthday!!!!

    and yes that MAC does look fake to me.

  23. pwettybambi says:

    Happy birthday 🙂

  24. It’s my birthday too! Only I’m turning 20.

    Happy birthday to us 😀

  25. K says:

    Happy Birthday to you! That MAC palette looks like a Sleek palette to me…

  26. Joy says:

    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely day 😀

  27. liloo says:

    that cake is the best evar!

    “I don’t know about you, but that MAC looks kinda fake to me” >> ROFL

    joyeux anniversaire charlotte xx

  28. kyanvi says:


  29. Anitacska says:

    Happy Birthday! Ooh, I would love a cake like that! 🙂

  30. caz says:

    Happy birthday!!

  31. Tanya says:

    Happy Birthday 😀
    Hope you have a wonderful day 🙂
    And lol at your reasons for not getting a MAC cake!


  32. Joice says:

    Happy birthday!!!

  33. Happy Birthday !!!
    I’m not sure I would like to eat a bday cake like this one, how does the (fake) MAC palette taste ???

  34. unetasse says:

    Loving your photoshop skills 😉 happy birthday! xxx

  35. Carasforever says:

    Happy Birthday! I’m official 10 years old then you. LOL!

  36. Jules says:

    A happy birthday to you! Mine was the 15th, and I also didn’t have a very elaborate cake. It was an ice cream cake, though, and that’s good enough for me!

  37. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope you have an amazing day. x

  38. Heather says:

    Happy birthday 🙂 xx

  39. Khushali says:

    Happy Birthday!
    I’ve been lurking on your blog for a few months now, in fact this is the first time I’ve ever posted a comment on any blog.
    Anyway, love your blog and wish you a rocking year ahead 🙂

  40. Camilla says:

    Happy birthday!
    Hope you have a wonderful day! 🙂

  41. LeanneOCD says:

    Happy Birthday. Have a “Beautiful” day! x

  42. nat says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great day and omg I want that cake too 😛 lucky evy who got it 😉

  43. Nicole says:

    Happy Birthday Charlotte!!! Hope you’re having a fantastic day 😀

  44. Lillian says:

    Happy Birthday! xxx

  45. Happy Birthday! I want a cake like that it’s adorable!

  46. Biba says:

    Happy B-day! Have lots of fun! 😀

  47. gio says:

    Happy birthday!!

  48. Awwww happy birthday!!! 😀 I hope you’ll receive some MAC stuff for your birthday! 😉

  49. Happy Birthday! I can’t wait to see what Mr. L. got you. =)

  50. Chrissy says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Hope you got a real cake instead and some real makeup too.


  51. Elena says:

    Happy Birthdayyyyy!!!!!

  52. Kimberley says:

    Hi Charlotte, Officially Ive missed your Birthday, but Happy 29th Birthday anyway!! Hope you had a great day!

  53. Wendy says:

    Happy birthday! I just turned 27 a couple of days ago!
    Birthday hugs from Mexico.

  54. kristie says:

    Happy Birthday Charlotte!!!

  55. Ciambella says:

    Haha, I was JUST researching what fake MAC palettes look like, and the minute I saw that cake I thought to myself “hm, that looks like a fake MAC!” …And then I realized that, yes, it WAS a fake MAC, but not the kind of fake I was thinking of. This kind of fake is probably more worth the money than the fakes I was looking at before. Happy birthday to you!

  56. ipeh says:

    happyyyy bday =D

  57. redtiger21 says:

    Happy belated birthday!!! xx

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