My new wig and the browniest FOTD you ever did see!

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 13 - 2013

You may or may not remember that a few months ago, I bought a couple of wigs.  Infact, you probably shouldn’t remember this, I only mentioned it in passing and if you do happen to have some kind of superhuman power of recall, then quite frankly, I’d be a bit concerned about you.

Anyway, when my wigs arrived, I tried one on and didn’t really like it.  I mean, I loved the wig… the colour was so intensely rich and chocolatey brown with a hint of caramel, just delicious.  But on me?  It looked exceptionally daft.  It was curly and needed to be longer in order to not look immensely wiggy on my fat head.  I was immediately disheartened by it and so, when the other wig arrived… I didn’t actually get round to trying it on (a fool and her money etc. etc.).

Well you know what’s coming don’t you?

Boredom has struck this week in the most tedious of ways and so I did what I used to love doing in this situation, I went and had a play in my beauty cupboard.  Instead of dragging out the coloured eye liners, my hands happened upon the untried wig, cue some excitement and grappling for a bunch of kirby grips.


What do you think?  It’s not too bad is it?  I reckon that on bad fringe days it could see me right?!

It’s synthetic but doesn’t have too much shine to it… nothing that a bit of dry shampoo won’t tame.  Best of all, it was ridiculously cheap, much cheaper than the other one I bought and didn’t like.  Here’s a link to the one I purchased (although I bought from a different seller months ago), the picture in the auction makes it look far more highlighted and caramelly than it is in real life but dudes, it’s like £7.00 – for a play around with a new hairdo, it’s brilliant.

Can you tell how much weight I’ve put on?  You don’t need to be (too) kind… since I found out I was pregnant almost 4-months ago, I’ve used it as carte blanche to just eat all. the. things.  I had secretly hoped that having such revolting morning (afternoon, and evening) sickness would have kept the balance somewhat more fairly but no… that would be too much to ask for wouldn’t it?

Talking of babies, which I promise not to do too often, Leila’s latest name suggestions for her little brother/sister include: Marmalade, Margaret, Humphrey, and Zod.  No, I don’t think we’ll be entrusting her with the job either.

Back to the FOTD…

I was thinking about some of the “safe” colours that are always the first to sell out when a new collection appears.  When I was in my teens, it was always the “browns” that would be in short supply, except, that I’ve never really had much of a love affair with brown browns, generally favouring greys and taupes when it comes to getting my neutral fix.



To this end, I decided to embrace the season and go all out BROWN for a FOTD.  As always, I didn’t use 438 products… I’m just too lazy for that kind of dedication to the cause.  For colour, I grabbed at my Laura Mercier Bonne Mine palette which I knew would sort me out for eyes and cheeks, my Estee Lauder Blackened Cocoa* eye pencil, an almost-dried-out Estee Lauder Sumptuous Color mascara in, and my trusty Urban Decay Naked 24/7 Glide On Lip Pencil in Naked.


Thanks to the brush-free application, the look took only a few minutes to complete and gives a good amount of warmth and definition without looking massively made up, especially once the lips begin to fade a little.  The nature of the cream products mean that as the day goes on, the makeup wears gently and softens further, I’m no longer afraid of a little bit of creasing!

Brown still isn’t one of my favourite shades to wear, but I do love how it looks much less “try hard” than when I do a full face of makeup with a palette of greys.  There’s something much more informal about smudging earthy colours across the canvas, and there’s a lot to be said for that.


What colours are you favouring at the moment and are there any popular shades that you just don’t reach for?

* press sample

19 Responses to “My new wig and the browniest FOTD you ever did see!”

  1. Robyn says:

    I LOVE BROWN. ALL THE BROWN. Your lips look lovely and I like the wig too – sometimes giving them a wash with fabric softener or other concoctions can take the shine down a bit but yours looks pretty good!

    And please call the baby Marmalade. Please.

  2. My Lips But Better says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! I haven’t been on Twitter at all lately, sorry if I missed this news. I am so thrilled for you! I remember that this weighed on your heart, especially with the fertility challenges you faced.

    Enjoy it! And prepare for utter chaos 🙂

  3. Asmaa says:

    It looks nothing like a wig- I probably would have believed it if you told me it was your real hair 😀

    And congratulations on your awesome news!! How did I not know this!

  4. Alyssa Robinson says:

    You look wonderful! /hugs!

  5. claire says:

    young children always have the funniest name suggestions! My cousin Angus wanted to call his baby sister Angus II luckily her parents vetoed it!

  6. Lisa says:

    First of all congrats on your pregnancy news! I was wondering where you went posting wise. Secondly, you look gorgeous! The wig color and style and having a “case of the babies” suits you.

  7. Alicat says:

    Oooh I love a wig! I have always fantasised about having loads of wigs depending on what I’m wearing or how I’m feeling that day. It honestly looks fantastic and really, really suits you! I love the idea of having short hair one day and long flowing locks the next. So nice to have you back 🙂

  8. Leah says:

    I vote for Zod!! Congratulations and you look fab. The wig is great. x x

  9. Kelly says:


    Congratulations! I haven’t been on twitter for ages as I don’t really blog now, so missed this huge news! Congrats to you all x

  10. firemoon says:

    Congrats sweetieee!!!

    I think this haircut looks perfect on you!!! You might think about a change…??? 🙂

  11. gio says:

    Congratulations! And you look great! Love the wig.

  12. Tatiana says:

    Congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope you are feeling well. I think you look beautiful. Your skin is absolute perfection.

  13. Jules says:

    Congratulations! You look absolutely exquisite – you honestly do.

  14. Wordbird says:

    Squeeeeee!!!!! Congratulations on your happy news! I think that the tummy bump should be referred to as “Marmalade Zod’ until he or she pops out, when hopefully the novelty will have worn off and Leila will accept another name being given to her eventual brother or sister. (Mind you, I call my daughter ‘Miss Marmalade’ when she’s being minxy.)

    I love the ‘brown face’ – very relaxed and natural, as you say. And I love that shade of lippy. You might just have persuaded me to try a wig, too. On a gruesone hair day, I think I might like one very much.

  15. NeenaJ says:

    You’ve got a great 90’s Winona Ryder vibe going on with that look! Humphrey? After the elephant books? That’s adorable.

  16. Jill says:

    Congratulations to you and your family, Charlotte! So happy for you! You look wonderful – especially with that sassy new wig and great skin. Marmalade Zod sounds like the most fab (and funny) nickname ever!

  17. Tina says:

    Congratulations!!! And by the way, I think you wear brown really well! 🙂

  18. I never would have guessed that was a wig! Suits you, sir.

    Sorry about the morning sickness, hope you’re on an even keel soon.

  19. Sarah says:

    Zod for a girl. Lovely FOTD.

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