What was the last foundation you tried and loved?

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 30 - 2013

Long-time readers of Lipglossiping will know that I’m a total foundation tart. One of these days, I shall snap you a picture of my foundation drawer and you’ll all think “That woman’s got one hell of a problem”.

And you’d probably be right.


You see, foundation is the one product that promises so much and often delivers so little. In fairness, I understand the many, many variables when it come to finding a perfect foundation fit and it’s one of those products where opinions suffer from a huge dose of subjectivity.

Anyway, today… I want to know about YOUR foundation loves. Tell me about the last (new) foundation you tried and loved?

Here’s mine:

The last foundation I tried and loved (prompting this post!) is Dr. Lewinns Skin Perfect Foundation*.  A great shade match, dependable medium/full-coverage, and more importantly… a velvety finish without drying my skin? That bit is kinda miraculous on my troublesome chops.  I’m on day 5 of wearing it and admittedly, my skin isn’t too dry at the moment… I shall keep testing and see if this novelty wears off, full review soon.

So, do you flit from base to base or are you resolutely faithful to your one true love?

* press sample

38 Responses to “What was the last foundation you tried and loved?”

  1. cinseven13 says:

    I love to try different brands but stick with Illamasqua, I get the best color match with them.

  2. Kirsty S says:

    NARS Sheer Matte. I wasn’t expecting to like it because I find matte textures can make my skin look chalky and flaky but this stuff blends so beautifully when I use my fingertips. I wouldn’t be without it. Their colour range is also pretty banging.

  3. Lois says:

    To be honest, and in true cliched blogger fashion mine was Bourjois Healthy Mix. I keep going back to it & I’m almost through my second bottle – and I barely ever finish foundation!


  4. Janie says:

    I am too lazy to wear foundation every day, but thought I’d make the effort for my upcoming nuptials in 8 weeks.
    Really impressed with Estee Lauder Double Wear, particularly for it’s range of colours. I’m using DW light for the big day, and even for a novice like me I am finding it really easy to blend and very very natural

  5. NeenaJ says:

    I loved YSL Touche Eclat foundation. It played so nicely with my dry patches. Sadly, something in it breaks me out. I’m currently enjoying Holika Holika’s Petit BB cream.

  6. Elaine says:

    My skin is crap so I love Double Wear when I’m in work as it does the job if hiding my rubbish face!! I use anything when I’m at home though as I have so many to choose from that just don’t live up the brilliant standard of Double Wear. Next on my hit list is Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation though. I hope it lives up to the hype!

  7. Leigh says:

    I flit between Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, Myface MyMix and Mac Studiotech depending on how much cover I need.

  8. Joanne Green says:

    I’m still on the never-ending quest. I have slightly flaky skin and a lot of redness that needs covering up so I have a tough deal finding one that doesn’t exacerbate the first yet still be effective on the second. I quite like MUFE’s face & body in #38, not quite enough coverage but a beautiful finish. Another ‘nearly’ is Holika Holika’s Petit BB Moisture Cream – a decent coverage when patted into the skin. Most others, even high end, leave me completely cold. Shu Uemura’s Nobara one from the Space NK sale isn’t too bad I suppose. I also have a cream foundation from MAQPRO in shade 124 – it’s almost there on all counts, that’s about the closest I’ve got to a perfect foundation so far. I would love to try Kat Von D’s new foundation and I’ve just bought a new Face 2 Change Holika Holika one off ebay to try. I must have tried hundreds of foundations – hundreds! It’s ridiculous! Why are they all so bloody awful when it’s the most important part of getting your face on?

  9. Jemma Page says:

    I’m a complete foundation addict. I have really bad skin so quite frankly, I need it.
    My most recent foundation purchase was Bourjois Healthy Mix which for a foundation snob like me, was quite a big deal. And I love it. It’s my everyday foundation now as it’s cheap enough to keep repurchasing xx

  10. Natalie says:

    Diorskin Nude Hydrating! I bought it on the recommendation of the MUA in the shop and I love it. Worth every cent I paid for it! I have normal but dehydrated skin that is a bit acne prone due to hormones.

  11. The sensual skin enhancer by Kevyn Aucoin is my favourite at the moment – it’s not the cheapest foundation but I think its definitely worth the price! Theres a full review on my blog: http://lipglossandlace.blogspot.co.uk

  12. Lancome Teint Miracle. I actually recently tried a BB Cream instead and I was horrified! I felt like I wanted to peel great gooey chunks of my face off all day and splat it on to the floor. Never again. Lesson learned.

  13. HeidiB says:

    The last one I’ve tried and loved was YSL Le Teint Touche Éclat. It’s the perfect “my skin but better” foundation. At the moment it’s the only one I want to wear.

  14. Jen Bon Jovi says:

    I must admit I have about twelve on the go at the moment, eight of which actually suit me (!) – I am such a foundation whore, honestly. Just bought Revlon’s new one (Nearly Nude? Nearly Naked? Naked Nude? Something like that) but have yet to try it. I don’t hold out much hope, but the Revlon stuff was on three-for-two in Boots so technically it was free, so if it sucks I won’t be too bitterly disappointed.

    All time fave has to be Diorskin Nude, swiftly followed by MAC Face and Body. If you’ve got dry skin, YOU NEED THESE.


  15. Marie says:

    I have temperamental combination skin with enormous t-zone pores and a tendancy to dry excema around my eyes which has left me with deep wrinkles in the eye-bag zone. I am also totally inept at applying foundation. When I put it on I get nose corner and chin flakies no matter how much I exfoliate and it creases in my under eye excema wrinkles and I end up looking like Barbara Cartland’s spinster sister. I get by on Missha BB Boomer and one of several korean BB creams, I don’t get great coverage but it doesn’t age me horrifically either. The closest I have come to foundation love is the Rimmel Match Perfction pot of gel-cream type foundation applied with a beauty blender, this is only when I am going out-out, I can’t be bothered otherwise. I use it sparingly because it’s nearly finished and the shade number came off the pot, I bought another one but it was the wrong colour (I’m useless at shade choosing too). I’ve not bought any high end foundations because the thought of them drying out in the drawer ’cause I can’t put them on right makes me sad.

  16. layla says:

    I tried a few different drugstore foundations (Revlon, Maybelline, No.7) before finding my perfect match with L’Oreal True Match and I haven’t looked back ever since. The foundation matches my skin perfectly and it doesn’t break me out like Revlon has. I’ve been using it for 3 years now and I’m not looking to change any time soon. 🙂

  17. I’m a foundation whore as well. I hate bb creams but I own 3 – go figure. My favourite is… um… I can’t pick! Maybe MAC Pro Longwear for work, Clinique Even Better because it’s got skincare ingredients and a nice finish, and Estee Lauder Invisible Fluid because it makes my skin look amazeballs but doesn’t last 12 hours – how dare it.

    Ok ok I have to pick just one, right? MAC Pro Longwear. Old faithful.

  18. Yasmin says:

    Maybelline dream mousse in sun beige. I always thought high end brands were the best but this is the only foundation that i keep going back to. i love that superdrugs or boots or tesco always have some makeup deal going on like 3 for 2. When i use it with a flat top brush, the effect it gives is like its erasing all my imperfections.

  19. I am just like you, always on the hunt for a new foundation & trying as many as I can, with a drawer full of unused bottles which I go back to now & then! But the one I always come back to is Chanel Vitalumiere. It seems to have the right amount of coverage without looking like make-up, gives skin a fresh glow, lasts all day, non-drying and all yellow-toned shades which I like for counteracting the red patches round my nose. To be honest I don’t know why I keep trying different ones, as after almost 7 years I ALWAYS go back to it! But I can’t help it, I guess this is what a foundation addict has to live with! On that topic, I’m going to Boots tomorrow to pick up Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation – I’ve heard good things & just seen someone else recommended it on these comments (plus they’re made by the same producers as Chanel products… could be a sign?!).

  20. Jo says:

    I have really odd skin. Prone to hormonal acne yet it is very dry and flaky. I need to wear foundation really but hate the feel of it on my skin. I’ve tried loads and LOADS and recently tried and loved Dior hydralife BB creme but it was just a touch too yellow for me which was a pain as it really made my skin feel better after I had worn it (I still use it in strong sunlight as it has a good spf). So, the hunt continued. I had read some really great reviews of the Giorgio Armani Maestro fusion foundation, so gave it a try. And WOW!!!! I really can’t feel that I am wearing it, it is so incredibly light and the neutral light medium beige (shade 5) is a perfect match for my skin. It is very light coverage but really hides any redness. It had one tiny drawback and that was that it highlighted the drier of my patches. I loved the foundation so much I felt that I really REALLY needed to tackle my dryness once and for all. I went to my pharmacy and came away with a tube of Calmurid cream (10% urea and 5% lactic acid) and what a huge difference that has made to my dry skin. No more dry patches for the first time in just forever. It is quite strong, so I mixed it with aqueous cream at the start, but it is amazing. So I feel that my foundation search has come to an end – Maestro fusion all the way!!

  21. Renata says:

    Yes, I have found a favorite: Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift and Firm Makeup. Coverage is great, the finishing is incredible. It’s not sticky, and makes my skin smooth. I can’t see my pores (!!!), my lines, the lighter color is light enough for me. By the end of the day my skin is still beautiful and when I wash it of at night my skin is better than it was before. It reminds me of Koh Gen Do Moyashi in texture, but with slightly better finish and the coverage is a lot better.

    I can’t say it’s the best of all foundations, but it’s the best one I’ve tried – and I’ve tried many. There are many good ones, but for me this is the best because it takes care of discoloration, flaky skin and large pores or imperfections (texture and scars) on my skin at the same time, and it does it very well.

    It’s a cream, but it’s not oily and it feels light.

  22. Rachel says:

    My major favourite is Illamasqua Skin Base in 02. It’s the perfect colour, which was the main reason I tried it, but the finish is unbeatable when buffed in. I also love Rimmel’s new Match Perfection in 010, which I tend to wear during summer or on days I just want a radiance boost. It’s a lot sheerer than Skin Base, too, which makes it easier to use on days I’m in a rush.

  23. Jyoan says:

    That will be NARS Sheerglow for me! But I am sticking faithfully to my BB creams still.

  24. Kathia says:

    Like you, I have a serious foundation problem. Not that I have a problem with foundations, but I have wayyyy too many. I have a lot of redness on my facial skin. Not necessarily in patches but overall. Without makeup, I already look like I’m wearing too much bronzer. My facial skin only matches my neck for about 15 minutes when I get out of bed in the morning. As such, it seriously messes up most foundation formulas when it comes to colour matching. Too sheer and too much red comes through, making it look dark. Too opaque, precise colour matching will be necessary, or the undertones difference will be too obvious.

    My all time favourite is Becca’s 3-step system. Even if I wore LSC on its own, it makes everything look better with this crazy luminous look. I don’t know any makeup that can make brown spots look attractive.

    I also like Nars Radiant Tinted Moisturiser and more recently Bobbi’s Extra Tinted Moisturiser. For fuller coverage, I love Suqqu, IPSA, Benefit Oxygen Wow (both formulas layered and Diorskin Nude (both formulas). I remain undecided about Face Atelier. Some days I love it to death and I need nothing else, other days, it is a little meh.

  25. Catherine @ bcrueltyfree says:

    I’m pretty much a foundation addict so reading through these comments was really interesting for me. I wish I hadn’t already tried most of these though. I haven’t tried the illamasqua but have wanted to… But idk, everyone stresses how important it is to buff it into skin and my skin goes flaky with a lot of buffing. Well see. Recently wAs sent the FLOWER about face foundation – love it. There are mostly just light shades but if you’re warm toned and NC35 or lighter there’s a lot of great options

  26. Lithia Black says:

    I’m still on the hunt. Right now I’m using Mychelle Foundation Stick but I think that the formula is a bit to dewy for my taste.
    Since I have a face that react badly to parabens, silicones and mineral oil i have to hunt in the “eco/green/natural side of cosmetics and it’s so hard to find anything that’s pale enough and pink toned. I’ve tried some loose minerals but they don’t work during the winter when my skin is super dry.


  27. […] – wants to know all about the last foundation you fell in love with. Come on over and share your sweet story of faux-skin […]

  28. […] – wants to know all about the last foundation you fell in love with. Come on over and share your sweet story of faux-skin […]

  29. […] – wants to know all about the last foundation you fell in love with. Come on over and share your sweet story of faux-skin […]

  30. […] – wants to know all about the last foundation you fell in love with. Come on over and share your sweet story of faux-skin […]

  31. Kelley says:

    I’ve tried many foundations over the years, but none of them really worked well enough for me to buy more than one bottle – until I tried MUFE HD foundation. Love it, love it, love it! Feels good, coverage is fantastic, goes on easily, and coverage is buildable, so I can put an extra dab where I need it. It comes in a ton of shades, and I’ve found my best match ever. Beats any drugstore foundation by a long shot, and is better than any of the department store brands I’ve tried. I’ve gotten compliments on my skin while wearing it. It is a little creamy, as opposed to liquidy, so for the warmer weather I started using my number two favorite – Urban Decay’s Naked Skin. The color match isn’t quite as good, and doesn’t wear quite as long, but is pretty close. But come September, I’ll buy another bottle of MUFE HD.

  32. mayrei says:

    My favorite for years now is Missha M Perfect Cover bb cream. It’s so natural looking and covers up imperfections well enough that I don’t have to use much concealer, if any. Love it. It doesn’t hold up in hot weather, though, so then I switch to Lancome Teint Idole Fresh Wear.

  33. […] – wants to know all about the last foundation you fell in love with. Come on over and share your sweet story of faux-skin […]

  34. Jade says:

    I’m loyal to my Chanel Vitalumiere (perfection on dry skin) but that being said I’m very much tempted to try Burberry Sheer luminous foundation.

  35. DonnaJ says:

    Maybelline Superstay Silky foundation, of course it’s discontinued, but I will buy it from ebay as long as it’s available. It gives me such a nice finish and with the built in primer it does last nearly all day. When I go to wash my face at night, I will look a bit dewy and normally I look like an oil slick by the end of the day. I have combo skin with an oily t-zone but dry cheeks. The only complaint is that this foundation does not smooth out my pores, but it also doesn’t sink into them and make them obvious.

    I do like trying other foundations and have at least a dozen, but always come back to the Maybelline, and it’s the one I choose if I have a big day ahead and I want to be sure I look good.

  36. Jade says:

    I had never bought the same foundation twice, until I tried MAC Studio Fix Fluid – holy hell I was floored! I used up a whole bottle (9 months of almost daily use) and bought another. It lies smoothly on my skin, it wears away evenly, it never goes patchy, and it photographs amazingly. Unfortunately if I have dryness or rough patches, it tends to emphasize them. I also am between shades – NC15 is perfect in the DEAD of winter, but NC20 is really dark and warm-toned (it’s actually noticably darker than other NC20 products). Even at my most tanned, I can’t wear it alone, I have to mix in a tiny bit of NC15.

  37. Sarah says:

    How did you get on with the Dr Lewinns Skin Perfect Foundation?:-)

    • Sarah, the novelty wore off. My skin stopped being miraculously patient and the foundation lost its magic. I’ve still got it, I’ll try it again tomorrow and report back again. Will try with a moisturising primer and let you know… I should have followed up, sorry.

      I think I fell in love with the Boots No7 Stay Perfect quickly after this (which is pretty much what I wanted the Doc Lewinns to be like!) I still love the Boots one (and it’s cheaper!)

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