I’m in Elle Magazine!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 26 - 2012

Well, sort of.  No, I am!  Kind of.  I’ve been included in a special supplement for the April issue of ELLE UK in association with LG who are promoting their new Prada phone.  I’ve been featured alongside some brilliant bloggers which is very lovely indeed!

You can click the image to view a larger version.  That’s an instruction, not a suggestion by the way 😉

So what did I do next?  I weighed up my options… I thought about buying up all the copies in my local newsagents, approaching the till with it open on the right page before lying my face on the counter, parallel with my photo.  That would have been fun.

Or, I could have taken a few copies with me to Leila’s dance class and walked down the row, accidentally ‘dropping’ one directly infront of each parent.

No, I’ll tell you what I did.  I showed my Mum.  She was cooking dinner and didn’t have her glasses on – so I read it out to her.

“…Once the preserve of geeks and tech nerds, these days the best blogs showcase talent that sees their creators feted (I had to ask her what that meant) both online and off.  Further proof, if it were needed, that cream always rises to the top.”  I look up, with a happy tear in my eye…

“So does scum.” says the woman who gave birth to me.

37 Responses to “I’m in Elle Magazine!”

  1. OMG I can’t believe your mum said that!!! Well I am very proud of you 😀 tis fabulous!!

    Nic x

  2. Congratulations lady, getting your name in Elle is amazing. Your Mum’s comments crack me up 😀 x

  3. Amy says:

    Lovely!! Well done–you have created something beautiful here! (…and your mum–“ouch!!”) (hugs!)

  4. Diane K. says:

    A HUGE CONGRATS. You absolutely deserve this very special recognition. Anyone who says anything negative is simply jealous. It takes an incredibly talented person to make it into Elle Magazine. AND YOU DID IT GIRL! You’re Fabulous. I’m sure this is just the beginning of a very long and prosperous career. There’s lots more to come!

    I wish you the very best.

    Diane K.
    kleimanlaw at aol dot com

  5. gio says:

    That’s wonderful, congrats!

  6. Leah says:

    Well done you! And don’t mums have a way of making us feel 5 years old again! x

  7. Jules says:

    I didn’t know you were my sister, but it seems we share a Mum! 😉
    Congratulations on the feature, and they really couldn’t have chosen a nicer photo, too.

  8. Wow- great picture 🙂 xx

  9. Sydney says:

    So proud of you, you definitely deserve it.
    Although I think you should be in ALL magazines (and all the time)

    Absolutely love your mum, who else can you count on to bring you back down to Earth?!

    • Thanks so much lovely! I told my Mum I was gonna blog what she said… She was like ‘noooo! They’ll think I’m a monster!” I reassured her that you’d ‘get’ the funny side before the crippling self-esteem side effects 😉

  10. Katherine says:

    Nice to see your mum keeping you grounded! XD But seriously, well done – hope you get lots more hits as a result!

  11. Rae says:

    Whoo, congrats! *\o/* But I have to say, your mom may be my new hero 😛 Talk about keeping you in line!

  12. Lois says:

    Hahahaha bless your mum!!! Well done though! It’s great to see brilliant blogs getting some attention in the media! xxx

  13. Glitterishallsorts says:

    Look at you missus! Congrats, so lovely to see you getting this type of recognition!

  14. liloo says:

    omg congratulations, well done crumpet xx
    liloo /@tsunimee xx

  15. You deserve it! Congratulations and well done once again 😀

  16. Jamie says:

    Don’t feel too bad, my mom’s Chinese and she would not be satisfied unless I made the front cover of the magazine. But that’s because moms want us to succeed but not become too ‘big-headed’ or egoistical.

  17. Lisa says:

    Congrats! It’s awesome to be recognized.

  18. Mary says:

    Great news Charlotte. Congrats.
    Love you man’s comment. I don’t see it as “ouch” or bringing you down. I see it as quick wit. Humour not sarcasm. I’m Irish and it’s the way we are. All the best to you !

  19. Hayley says:

    Congratulations (and a good choice by LG!)
    Love your mums comments 🙂

  20. 99Raina99 says:

    HA I snorted out load when I got to end and read what your mum said. HAHAHA ah parents, they can sure bring us back to humble in a second.

  21. brown eyed girl says:

    Congrats! you really deserve it, such a fantastic blog. Love your sense of humour and your mum’s too 🙂

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