Depotting Urban Decay’s Eyeshadow Primer Potion

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 4 - 2009

That time had come… the moment I’d been dreading for almost 8 months.

It was time to sacrifice the UDPP packaging in the quest for more product.

Thanks to some advice and gentle nudges in the right direction from the lovely girls on Twitter (AbbieandBrian, Lollipop, Ally, cosmetic-candy, melovemakeup, get_lippie, slaphappybeauty & Rhamnousia) I felt a little more confident that I could depot without removing most of my fingers in the process.

Here we go:


The cast of (necessary) characters.  I’m using a Body Shop sample pot – did you know that you can ask for a samples in The Body Shop?


Grab your boyfriend, husband, dad (or someone else you can palm this thankless task onto) and get them to saw straight through the middle.  Make sure you’re using a knife with a serated blade!


Ta-Da! Look at all that product!


Look! That’s enough to keep me going for another month right there!


All scraped out..


Goodness me, that would have gone in the bin if it weren’t for all you lovely bloggers alerting me to the packaging shame that is UDPP

But wait! There’s more! – Get that knife back out and start sawing the bottom of the tube too, ‘cos look!


Yes! Shame on you Urban Decay!


Get every last splodge!


Et Voila! One dead UDPP tube and one very nearly full pot of Primer Potion.

I know, I know… there’s hundreds of these tutorials about now in the blogosphere and on youtube.  I should know, I’ve watched most of them…

Why add to it?  Well… because DESPITE that – I very nearly just binned the UDPP without doing this.  I figured it would be too much hassle, too hard, too whatever other lazy ass excuse I could come up with.

It was fine.  I mean, it was hard work waiting patiently whilst my husband sawed through the middle bit… FASTER *whipcrack* – but he got there in the end.  So, I’m happy to saturate the UDPP depotting tutorial presence on the internet if it helps bully YOU (or your general dogsbody) into making sure you do this when the time comes.

13 Responses to “Depotting Urban Decay’s Eyeshadow Primer Potion”

  1. Luce says:

    Dammit, MrLippie’s just left …

  2. Luce says:

    You REALLY shouldn’t have to do this with any product, it makes me mad, it really does.

  3. PCMP_Forever says:


    Right now I feel robbed! Robbed I tell thee!!! I’ve thrown away a few thinking they had finished!!! Noooo!! 🙁

    I think I’ll now be buying shadow insurance by Too Faced. 🙂

    Oooh, I’ll also be asking Body Shop for some product samples. 😀


  4. Rhamnousia says:

    Testing testing!

    Good on you for doing it, I never knew TBS gave away samples so I’m going to go by and pick up this one thing I have left to try from the Tea Tree range.

  5. @Luce, it’s not right is it? Especially when they KNOW about it and to combat the problem… they bend the wand a bit. Put it in a squeezy tube already damnit!!

    @PCMP – Oh noes! Sorry to hear that 🙁 Definitely ask TBS if there’s something you’re umm-ing and ahh-ing about. The assistant I spoke to said that if I ever wanted to try a new product they were always happy to put small samples in a little pot if they had a tester available.

    @Rhamnousia – Hoorah, it works! welcome back xxx

  6. Tali says:

    Rediculous!! I feel lik such a dumbass for throwing away my ’empty tube’ which did seems to finish suspiciously quickly! Grrrr bloody packaging!!

    I heard they now have an angled sponge tip but still you leave behind alot of product in the base and lower curves!!

  7. @Tali – Oh noes! Yes, they do now have an angled tip and I can’t believe that it helps *all* that much. I had an email yesterday offering to send me one of the new shaped ones so I can see for myself if it improves the problem. Rest assured I shall let you all know, and I won’t hold back if it’s still a load of old poop.

  8. […] Depotting Urban Decay's Eyeshadow Primer Potion | Lipglossiping […]

  9. Redtiger21 says:

    Oh my GOD!!! I can’t believe how much product you got out of that! Unbelieveable! I feel so damn gutted that I chucked out my old one now! My new one has the bendy wand, but what’s the betting it STILL won’t get out every last bit?!

  10. Prab says:

    wow.. only one thing to say..

    I Love You.

  11. Shela says:

    I was about to pick up this potion at Sephora today but figured since my concealer works as a substitute, I shouldn’t. But I wonder if you could use Michelle Pham’s method with lipglosses.. you’d let the potion bottle sit in warm-hot water to get the primer to drip from the sides so that the applicator will be able to reach it.

  12. kenzie. says:

    You can also pull out the stopper in the top and you can get out almost as much product as when you saw through, but without all the work. Just a future FYI.

  13. Debbie says:

    Yay this appeared on the bottom of your current post and timely it is (thank you yoda). Off to rescue my udpp from bin bag in bedroom and massacre it! xx

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