George at Asda: Buttercup Shine NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 27 - 2011

Everytime I head into town I can’t move for a sea of yellow nails (exaggerating? me?) and it’s a trend that I was happy to watch pass me by until I saw George at Asda getting in on the act.  C’mon, it was a quid, I know you understand!

Four coats and still a little patchy in places… it’s not a bad formula for a notoriously tricky shade to get right but I’m not in a hurry to repeat the experience.  It’s a little more custard than I’d like but I admire its outright boldness.  I think I’m just gonna pop it in the back of this drawer though… *slam*

Have you embrace the yellows this Summer yet?

21 Responses to “George at Asda: Buttercup Shine NOTD”

  1. Glitterishallsorts says:

    Wow, that is a blindly bright (but in a good way!) colour! I’m impressed. But too much of a coward to try it

  2. nicoletta says:

    Haha i picked this up this last week but not tried it yet, looks good though xx

  3. Robyn says:

    One tiny little pound?! It’s so sunny 😀

  4. Sophie says:

    Oh, I love it! Inspired to go paint mine yellow now!

  5. Kirsty says:

    Ah, Mr. Blobby’s spot colours. Think I’ll leave it :/

  6. reeree says:

    BRIGHT YELLOW *yells*

  7. Rachel says:

    No, just no. Only for the Pixie Lotts’ of this world 🙂

  8. Leah says:

    WOW! That’s a feast for the eyes. I bet it’ll look divine against dark skin tones.

    I keep meaning to check out the make up at Asda.

  9. Reenie says:

    Oooohhhhhh my eyes!!! I cannae seeeeee! So bright, it almost looks like you’ve greyed your hand out!

  10. Claire says:

    That is almost blinding! I’m unconvinced about yellow, I tried Rimmel Lemon Drop but with my pale skin I look a bit dead (0.o)

  11. rijaH says:

    That one is really pretty! I love that its so bright! 😀

  12. Carly says:

    i haven’t actually seen anyone with yellow nails yet :/

  13. Oh lordy, where are my sunglasses? I wonder if theres a pale butter cup yellow shade around? xxx

  14. Henessy says:

    I need this colour!! Shame about the formula

  15. Chelsea says:

    Four coats? Patience of a saint, you

  16. Sam says:

    It’s such a cheerful colour 🙂

  17. Clara says:

    Chanel Mimosa dupe, perhaps?

    Looks so gorgeous, was looking forward to rocking this polish on my newly grown nails…until five of them broke in one day. All this, AND my iPhone 4 (which was only replaced last week for microphone defects…) screen shattered to bits!

    Sorry, not relevant…

    • Awww I hear ya… I was gutted when my iphone housing cracked late last year. Check your warranty with Apple, they just replaced my phone when I took it into the store x

  18. Gemx says:

    Wow, that’s a super happy yellow! For a £1 you can’t go wrong! 🙂 x

  19. Olivia says:

    wow, even if you don’t like it I sure do! sooooo gorgeous, funnily enough it’s one of my faves that youve ever posted

  20. Mango says:

    I love it :)!

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