Tried & Tested: Lancome Teint Miracle SPF15 Foundation

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 18 - 2011

Ahh a miracle… wouldn’t that be nice?  Let’s bottle some little miracles, tint them the same colour as our skintones and then buff ’em all over our face in the morning when we’re looking a bit ropey.  Et voila, we go from Linda La Hughes to Linda Lusardi in under 50 seconds.

Pop!  There goes that bubble…

a).  Only about half of you will know who Linda Lusardi is and I should really set my sights a little higher than page 3.

b).  I’m not sure I believe in miracles and if I did, I wouldn’t find them in a bottle (unless it was 70% proof).


c).  Shut up and review the damn foundation already.

Lancome Teint Miracle is the company’s newest base which has, they say, been 10 years in the making.  It comes backed with some pretty flowery statements.  Stuff like…

Lancome decrypts the inner light of perfect skin and recreates it.

To that, I simply raise an eyebrow and say…

O Rly?

Teint Miracle is a medium/full coverage foundation that somehow manages to defy the laws of physics by retaining a light, fluid texture that blends as easily as my MAC F&B whilst offering coverage to almost rival something as potent as Estee Lauder Double Wear.  The more I think about how it could possibly achieve this, the more respect I gain for those 10 years in development.

I need to take a moment to marvel at the packaging because it’s not only rather attractive but also functional.  The pump is see-through which stops the “how many more pumps ’till it all comes out in a rush” guessing game we all know so well and for me, one full pump covers my face pretty much perfectly.  Your mileage may vary!

Lancome Teint Miracle in 010 Beige Porcelaine (the lightest shade) is a good match for my complexion.  I would class it as fairly neutral, neither leaning too much toward pink or yellow in the spectrum.  The formula also contains a light pearlessence, not Cullen-esque in the slightest but there is a sheen that almost makes the foundation look a shade too light for me when I first apply.  This fades as the foundation sets before becoming imperceptible but leaving behind a subtle glow.

The glow doesn’t look at all greasy or shiny until after the foundation has worn in for many hours but if you fear the glow, I’d suggest looking for something that offers a fully matte finish.  Me?  I embrace any and every glow I can get my hands on and this is one of the better ones out there.

Excuse the nightie and the early morning “oh God, it’s another day” expression.

Before is on the left if you hadn’t already sussed that.

The Lancome Teint Miracle gives me great coverage over my redness and veiny bits without looking too heavy and I’m really happy that it still allows my natural skin texture to peek through.  I really dislike medium/full coverage foundations when they make it abundantly clear on my face that they are indeed medium/full coverage foundations.

If you have any larger blemishes (like I did on the side of my nose) you’ll still need concealer to disguise the blighters.

As for longevity, I achieved good all-day wear from this foundation albeit with a bit of slippage on the nose toward the end of the day.  If  you have particularly oily skin you will need to powder at lunchtime.

My only bugbear with this rather lovely product is transfer.  For some reason, I have issues when I wear this.  Dab my nose on a tissue?  More foundation on tissue than nose.  This is obviously a problem and one that I’m not used to experiencing, if anyone has any ideas… let me know!

I’d also like to point out that I prefer to apply this with a brush.  Sponges are a no, no… even when damp my beauty blender likes to EAT this foundation.  Oh also, I think that if you already have a primer you’re in love with… you probably need to try this foundation ASAP.  I tried it over MAC Prep+Prime and it made an already smooth finish, incredible.  And I don’t even really like Prep+Prime!

Hope that wasn’t too indepth… I do totally advise a little trip to your local Lancome counter to see if they’ll colour match you or part with a sample so you can try for yourself.  I may not be one for miracles but Lancome Teint Miracle does come pretty close!

Lancome Teint Miracle SPF15 Foundation is available to buy instore or online priced at £26.00

* press sample

27 Responses to “Tried & Tested: Lancome Teint Miracle SPF15 Foundation”

  1. Paris B says:

    Looks great on you! In our warm and humid weather, I turned into an oil slick. And I have dry skin to start with! I much prefer Teint Miracle which is matte and I think better for oily skinned gals 🙂

    • Hey, don’t be moaning about your tropical weather, I’ll swap you! (for about a week, then I’ll start moaning too). I tried a sample of Teint Miracle which was definitely too luminosity-sucking for my skin. Don’t us girls have to figure SO many variations into choosing our cosmetics?

      Bloody weather *grumble grumble* xxx

      • Paris B says:

        I’d swap you some chill in the air! (just not your rain 😛 ) and I’m a doofus, I meant to say Maqui Miracle, which is more matte and much better for oily skins 🙂

  2. Jess says:

    I’m always on the look out for a new foundation, and this one seems to tick all of the boxes.


  3. As much as i would love to try this foundation, my saga with the Lancome sales assistant that time, has traumatised me. I cant even enter that boots branch without doing MI5 moves around the store to avoid her. xxxxx

  4. Question: have you tried Diorskin Nude and how does Miracle compare to it? Thanks!

  5. Rachael says:

    I bought this back in September in the lightest shade, it was great for a couple of months but then started looking really orange – now it only gets pulled out of my make up bag when I’m wearing fake tan! I’m not sure if it oxidised or I just got paler, but it’s pretty annoying for the amount it cost.

    • How strange! I can’t imagine it’s oxidising in the bottle because it needs to react with air to do that… I’d be tempted to take my bottle back to the counter and compare to another of the same shade. At least then you’d have an answer to your mystery! x

      • Mary says:

        I have to agree Rachael. I use to love this make up but I found that towards the end of the bottle it got even worse, I was starting to look like a oompa loompa. I’ve had to change and I haven’t quite found one that was as good 🙁

  6. shanice says:

    I so want to try this but beauty counters scare me & spending £26 online on a product I’ve never seen is probably a stupid idea haha.

    • Beauty counters still scare the bejesus out of me too… you’d think I’d be over my fear by now. I think I’m just mostly scared I’ll spend too much in order to ‘please’ the S.A. Muggins.

  7. Sydney says:

    I am liking the sound of this one. Especially like that your skin texture is still visible as that is something that I like to ensure with foundations.

    Wonderful review (yet again!) x

  8. Vijaya says:

    Thanks for the amazingly detailed review!

  9. Rosanna says:

    It does look great on you! Too bad it doesn’t look as great on me ;;) I tried your same shade 010 because I used to buy Photogenic Lumessence 010 (the new 010 is now too yellow for me). Teint Miracle 010 on the other hand it too pink on my skin. I’ll stick to my YSL Teint Resist 1 – which is still too pink but at least it’s my same shade of pink LOL
    Unbelievable how Lancome could botch Photogenic Lumessence!!! Now I’m left with eithr True Match N1 (if I want a perfect color match), YSL Teint Resist 1 (if I want the “no make up” long lasting feeling) and Revlon ColorStay 110 (if I want a long lasting foundation for my dry skin). Overall, I still go with True Match, because I can add more SPF and moisture via MUFE UV Prime and then set the perfect color match with either loose rice (translucent) powder OR MUFE Mist & Fix.

    • Gosh Rosanna, that sounds like you find it a nightmare to colour match! I’m quite lucky being so pink I think because I don’t mind AT ALL if a foundation is a touch too neutral/yellow for me as I’m happy to be neutralized a little by my base. Though I will draw the line at orange LOL!

      I always think that truly neutral skintones have a harder job to find a colour match than those that lean toward the yellow or pink.

      Good luck foundation hunting! x

  10. Katrine says:

    …but it eats freckles! (Very nice, though, apart from that)

  11. “Lancome decrypts the inner light of perfect skin and recreates it.” <— is it just me, or does that sound like something botched by Google Translate? XD

  12. Cacau says:

    Ah… I had one Lancome foundation once (too dark for my skin, though) and it transfered like CRAZY! To my clothes, to my bf shirt when I leaned my face on his shoulder, to everything :/

  13. Sarajayne says:

    I got a tester from Boots yesterday and the very nice assistant matched me to colour 03. I tried it on this morning and was horrified to find I was bright orange – this resulted in me being late for work as it had to be taken off and chanel reapplied. I am looking for a new teint as chanel have discontinued their’s however the replacement aqua tester was actually very nice however a bit harsh on the budget.


  14. I’ve never tried Lancome’s foundations, but this seems like a contender! I like your blog, check me out if you have a chance!

  15. Torte says:

    Thanks for a) saving me from buying Illamasqua skin base and b) introducing me to this gem! Absolutely adore it even though I normally hate Lancome foundations and always thought they’d all be too dark for me. Subscribed even though your blog will make me poor =X

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