Foundation. What I want… what I really, really, want.

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 4 - 2011

I’m a foundation floozy.  A total sucker too ‘cos I can never resist a new release that promises me the skin of an angel.

I’m currently trialling one that’s almost ticking all the right boxes for me (review coming v. soon!) but in putting this particular product through its paces, it’s made me realise just how demanding my requirements are for the perfect base.

Holy Grail foundation, dude… wherefore art thou?

Infact, not only are my requirements kinda demanding… I’m not sure they’re wholly realistic.  A bit like the images used to sell us the foundations then?  Touche.

My Holy Grail foundation, let’s break it down…

1. Thou shalt give medium coverage

I don’t want heavy coverage from a foundation, I want *even* coverage… it needs to give enough oomph to subdue the redness, dampen down the blotchiness and remove all traces of motley bits.  So, I want a mask… but like an invisible one ok?  Or someone else’s face.

2. Thou shalt not stick to my eyebrows

I have an eyebrow/foundation issue.  Yes, I know the simplest answer would be to keep my foundation the hell away from my eyebrows.  But I like to apply my base in about 15 seconds flat with minimal fuss.  Infact, in an ideal world… I’d like my base to apply itself.  Some foundations spot my eyebrows from a mile away and make a direct beeline so that when I look in the mirror, my face is bare and my eyebrows? Skin coloured.

3. Thou shalt not make me matte

I don’t do matte very well.  I have dry/combo skin… my nose gets oily by lunchtime but I’m ok with that (hello powder), I’m not ok with looking like I’ve been dug up.  Matte makes me look…. lifeless.  I want the glow (not the chip pan glow) but the “oooh la la” satin glow ok?

4. Thou shalt not squat in my pores

I have cheek pores that you could fall into and never escape from.  Some foundations make them appear smoothed over… some foundations install neon signage around each one to ensure they’re visible from the International Space Station.

5. Thou shalt glide on with fingers/brush/sponge/elbows if necessary

I can’t be doing with finickity foundations.  I want my Holy Grail foundation to apply happily with whatever utensil I have at hand.  I already have too many bases that look amazing only when applied with a coral reef sea sponge dampened with virgin water from iceberg B-15A on a Tuesday afternoon.

6. Under no circumstance shalt thou oxidise in my presence

Nothing worse than applying a perfect shade only to discover you’ve been oompah loompah’ed by tea time and your colleagues left wondering if their transition lenses are playing up.

Oh.. and finally?

If you don’t last longer than a chocolate button caught in Leila’s line of sight then it doesn’t matter how good you are at all the other stuff.  You fail.


What are your foundation pet peeves?  Have you found your Holy Grail base?


50 Responses to “Foundation. What I want… what I really, really, want.”

  1. Kirsty Simmonds says:

    I have most definitely NOT found my HG foundation. Never have I invested so much money into such a huge waste of time. And I am STILL trying. Argh 🙁

  2. Vijaya says:

    I can totally relate to that eyebrow thing. I just wet tissue and run it over my brows, though.

    As for me, I like full coverage, transfer resistance, and I’m with you with the formula not being fussy. Usually, I need to just slap my makeup on and run.

  3. Jo Turner says:

    I think we’re looking for the same thing! Let me know when you find it chick.

  4. Catriona says:

    Sounds like a great list to me! I’d add “Thou shall provide a shade for pale people.” Rimmel make some lovely foundations for the price but their lightest shade is way too dark on me. Ideally this would be extended to different tones too – like L’Oreal have with their True Match (pity it’s a bit too drying on my skin).

  5. Duvessa says:

    I agree with Catriona’s shade for pale people. I still haven’t found my HG foundation. This far my best foundation is too thick to wear outside winter. I love matte tho so that’s no problem since I have acne-prone skin and I rather not look like I’ve been putting oil on to my face 😀

  6. Julia says:

    I actually like the Max Factor Xperience (or whatever it’s called). It doesn’t have yellow undertones like a lot of high-street foundations and applies well with fingers. It’s slightly light coverage though but works well for spring-summer.

  7. Joice says:

    Dare I say it? I think I’ve found my HG. It’s the Vichy Aera Teint foundation for combo skin. It’s almost like water so it blends effortlessly. And it doesn’t hide in my pores. And it’s pretty and dewy. And makes me look like I’m not really wearing anything. I LOVE it!

  8. Joanne says:

    At the moment I am using MUFE Face & Body no38 – and it is the closest match yet. However, sometimes I do want to look at little more healthy. I am holding out high hopes for Givenchy’s new Mister Radiant – if i can find a stockist. No more buy untested for me!

  9. Sydney says:

    My one desire is “Thou shall adapt to my current skin colour”
    I regularly find foundations that I like, usually rather expensive ones, and then I go on holiday and they become useless.
    Or, when it has been a while since my last holiday they become far too tanned and make me look like i’ve been facially tango-ed.

    Although, I pretty much have all of your demands too!

  10. Ami says:

    I have found my HG foundation and I will never ever stray from it. I was mentally checking it against your list and it satisfies ALL your commandments. Firstly, let me just say I am not blessed with good skin. It’s oily/ combo, acne-prone, large pores, redness. This foundation is my lifesaver. The only thing that covers without looking heavy, blends like a dream, helps control oil, smooths dry patches, and lasts all day (8+ hours in the South FL heat) without oxidizing!! The color selection is excellent as well (I am an NC20 in MAC and the shade Eccru Beige matches me perfectly), it’s more yellow-toned which helps cancel out redness and won’t leave you looking orange. It is: Sally Hansen Inspired By Carmindy Natural Beauty Your Skin Makeup. I know it’s a mouthful hahaha but trust me it is AMAZING and I recommend it with all my heart.

  11. Geek Faerie says:

    I just want to look flawless all the time. I don’t want to hassle with having to constantly blot and powder my face every 2-4 hrs just to look semi-matte or dewy. Can my HG foundation come with a MUA at no extra cost?

  12. angie says:

    The best i have found so far…EL doublewear Light…but i cant say i am 100% satisfied, love Vichy Dermablend Liquid Foundation….sounds drastic but is supprisingly subtle…what i do hate though are mirrors… apply your makeup in 1 mirror and it looks amazing…then go into another room and look in another mirror and it looks terrible….or the car rear view mirror while your driving…be careful though yeah..LOL x

  13. i want GOOD coverage but at the same time, i want it to look natural. like it could actually be my skin. that hasn’t been too hard for me to find, though, thankfully :).

  14. shanice says:

    there doesn’t seem to be a holy grail foundation, though that won’t stop my hunt 🙂

  15. Esha says:

    I have yet to find my HG foundation but Mac studio fix fluid will do me for the time being. You have hit the nail on the head with your commandants for foundation. If I could add one it would be “thou shalt come in a suitable wide range of shades”. I hate the fact that drugstore and some high end brands do not cater for women of colour! If they do the shade range is limited or the undertone is too yellow or red:(

  16. HAHA Love this post! I too am a demanding bee-otch when it comes to foundation. I have to add: Thou shalt not settle into my lines and wrinkles. I did a post with my demands for an HG foundation and one of them was–take care of me when I’m sick and hold my hand when I scared, but then I realized I had confused the list with my soulmate requirements. Let me tell you, soulmates are as elusive as HG foundtions.

  17. cinseven13 says:

    “only to discover you’ve been oompah loompah’ed by tea time” – I laughed so hard I choked on my morning coffee!!!

  18. beautyh2t says:

    this really cracked me up- my list of demands is pretty damn similar- it surealy cannot be this difficult…. ok maybe it is.


  19. Dee says:

    I’m not really sure how would this work for you, as you have different skin from mine, but here’s what I do: I mix a heavy/full coverage foundation with my moisturizer, about equal parts( a little at a time)and use it instead of my regular foundation. It looks really natural and the leftover foundation I use instead of concealer, since the color matches. The best of this is that you can add more/less moisturizer according to your needs. I hope this helps you or anyone else! Good luck!

  20. hannah says:

    the new rimmel cream to gel foundation is surprisingly good for its price, and seems to fit a fair few of your boxes! it might be worth a look 🙂

  21. lyn says:

    I can totally identify with you. I am constantly looking for the HG of foundations and have not found it yet 🙁

  22. Ann says:

    Can I add …

    7.) Thou shalt not invite the acne fairy over for tea. Because she’ll stay for a week, and I’ll still be trying remove the traces of her presence for at least a month.

  23. My current favorites are Nars Sheer Glow (has been a favorite for over a year!) and Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua. I agree with you on all the selection criteria! I love Becca Luminous Skin Color but I need to have perfect skin to wear it, as a general rule I find medium coverage much better.

  24. Robyn says:

    I like my current foundation – Revlon Colorstay – a lot, but it’s far from perfect. I’m just too scared to spend loads of money, time, and to waste a lot of product looking for the ‘perfect’ one!

  25. Linda says:

    I once found my HG foundation then three months later it got discontinued without my knowing so no backups :(.

    My main pet peeve is oxidation, i find it hard enough to find a fondation pale enough without having to deal with it darkening during the day.

  26. Roxanne says:

    The best foundation I’ve found so far for my skin is Mac’s Face and Body. I have this issue that I struggle between wanting to hide redness in my face, and wanting to have my natural skin texture shine through! I WISH I could build of face and body more (I don’t think it builds up like people say it does), but I honestly just think I want better, more even skin.

  27. Elsa says:

    LOL, this post cracked me up 🙂

  28. Erin says:

    I just want one that matches. I’ll work with it, I just want the right color!

  29. Olivia says:

    My wish is for a foundation to actually stick onto my skin. I don’t know how or why but the best I can do for my skin is light to light medium coverage. I can’t build coverage on my face. I want one that doesn’t feel like foundation which is impossible but I can dream. I want one that doesn’t take my time. Okay, maybe just forget the whole foundation deal and just call it a “no color” foundation and I will probably buy it which is just a glorified primer but I remember Shiseido carried one which was only available in Japan. I am such a sucker for something that remotely resembles the Emperor’s new clothes type of product. Okay I will stop blabbing.

  30. Gemx says:

    I have used Meow Cosmetics mineral products for a year now and they really suit my skin. The coverage is medium and matte, which I prefer. It’s a nightmare when I have dry skin though, you just can’t use it then, which is annoying.
    I totally know what you mean about eyebrows! I have to ‘clean’ mine with a wet wipes when I’ve finished getting mineral powder all over my face, desk, monitors, cat, etc. 😛 x

  31. Haya says:

    i really think you should try out Chanel’s new aqua foundation…. cause running down ur list i can see that this foundation fits all ur criteria’s:D trust me u wont be disappointed 😀

  32. JMTolman says:

    I managed to find my perfect foundation- Aromaliegh Mineral Foundation in 1C- and it’s lovely. Pale, cool-toned, doesn’t cake on and evens out my redness and old scarring.

    UNFORTUNATELY, the company NO LONGER EXISTS. I am not looking forward to when I use it all up, since most foundations out there are loaded with parabens- which of course makes me break out badly. WHYYYYY.

  33. Cait says:

    All I have to say is “amen” to this post, lol!

  34. Katie says:

    oxidizing is my #1 foundation killer. It sucks too, you spend $50 on a foundation and then realize you look orange. I also have the issue (especially at MAC) with girls matching me up the wrong color. I am not an NW30 lady, my skin is pale.

  35. clare says:

    For me, it’s the v. spendy Suqqu cream foundation that ticks all the boxes… Covers Complexion of Doom, evens out dodgy skin tone, not at all ‘pink’, very light but lasts. The price is a shocker but am still on my first pot and reckon I will get the best part of a year out of it so I am a convert.

  36. Nero says:

    I agree 100% on what you say.. and my holy grail foundation is chanel vitalumiere!!
    it’s easy to apply, with light to medium coverage, it doesn’t erase my eyebrows and it gives me a beautiful radiant glow.

    I had a photoshoot a week ago, i knew there would have been no makeup artists there and i should have kept it simple so i just put on chanel vitalumiere and did a very subtle nude eye makeup with a bit of black liner and some grey crease definition.. plus i used my fave dark pink blush to give me that “innocent” look.
    Result: the photographer kinda stopped whe he saw me and said “wow you’re flawless, you have the most beautiful skin i’ve ever seen” ahahaah!
    Of course i didn’t tell him i had Chanel on!

  37. I just started a course at a great make up college here in Sydney.
    The first day the teacher used me as a model and put on Ben Nye Matte Cream Foundation. It does everything you want, expect for the ‘don’t look matte’ thing, it doesn’t look dead but not shimmer, I think I looked a bit glowy and dewy after I put on some highlighter and blush, how ‘matte’ it looks depends on what powder you use to set it too. It goes on with anything (although a synthetic sponge is best) and doesn’t come off until you want it to. Great for the heat or if your going out really raging!

  38. LauraF says:

    I’m lucky to have found mine, but alas my bank balance doesn’t like it quite so much when I run out! Laura Mercier’s moisturising foundation, really rate it xx

  39. Rosanna says:

    I would add to your pet peeve mine:

    *thou shalt not transfer

    *thou shalt last 10 hours and more

    *thou shalt feel good on a dry, sensitive, itchy skin

    I did indeed find my HG foundation… which is *drumroll* Yves Saint Laurent Teint Resist 1 (yes, I’m pale – and neutral toned aka double whammy).

    YSL Teint Resist satisfies all your pet peeves PLUS mine 🙂 The nice perk of this foundation is that it has light/medium coverage but it’s buildable if you apply it with a sponge and dab, dab, dab. Also, it isn’t matte but also isn’t shiny as if my skin were indeed oily.

    When I have this on, it looks like it’s my face but its better version.

  40. I’m a pro MUA and I’ve used nearly every foundation you can think of- L’Oreal, Revlon, Maybelline, MUFE, MAC (all kinds, their Face and Body and Studio Fix are their keepers), Nars, Aromaleigh, BE, Hourglass, seriously, I could keep going. Bar none, my two favorites are: Chanel Aqualumiere and Cinema Secrets. One is $55 p/bottle the other is around $13.00 for a pan, $20 for a palette. Both are really high performance- on mostly everyone and photograph like a dream.

  41. LesleyKat says:

    I think you’d like Face Atelier Ultra foundation. It’s effortless to apply, has medium coverage and a satin finish. I’m a total foundation floozy as well and this stuff is my holy grail. I will however always try and buy new stuff for funzies.

  42. Missey says:

    Laura Mercier Creme Smnooth Foundation is my fave for medium coverage. Better yet, you’re supposed to apply and blend it with your fingers!

  43. luxiehoney says:

    Just to say, mentioned this here on my blog xxx

  44. Rosa Aitmahdi says:

    Your post was too funny!! I LOVED, and I mean, LOVED, Almay Smart Shade Makeup. It comes out grey (weird, I know!) but once applied on your face, it totally transforms into this amazing foundation that you’ll want to use forever; it basically adjusts to your skin’s shade. Next, I also really liked Lise Watier Teint Vitalité Minéraliste, although to be honest the brush kind of … fell, after too much use. Either way I was almost done using the foundation, so it didn’t matter that much. Here’s the link doll! Do you guys have Lise Watier in the UK? I’m from Québec, Canada and the brand is from Quebec, so we obviously do, but I was wondering if you guys had it in the UK or Europe?

  45. val says:

    Have you guys tried Lancome teint miracle foundation? Its water based and coverage is buildable. Will not block pores and gives a dewy, healthy look. Very happy with it!

  46. […] – wants to hear your commandments for the perfect foundation. Ladies, we’re taking no prisoners with this […]

  47. Ellen says:

    I agree with you gals with pale skin, it is very hard to find a match, especially if you have undertones that don’t mesh with the company’s palest shade. I love Bobbi Brown’s foundations, but they tend to lean towards yellow, which I know tones down the pink in my face,but is a little too much. My current favorite of hers is the moisture rich foundation. Not a new one, but moisturizing, can be applied sheer (unlike many of her foundations which are medium to very full coverage)and gives flawless skin if you can find a shade to match your skintone. In the summer Sand was OK, but now that I’m pale the warm ivory is too yellow, and I’m afraid the porcelain is just not quite right, I will experiment with it some more. For light coverage, Estee Lauder’s new Invisible claims to be matte but is not. It gives a light coverage that does not settle into fine lines or pores, its silky and takes a long time to rub in. So the rec for combo skin may not be correct, I think it can do well for dry skin. The lightest color is 1N1 and is pretty light and neutral. 1CN1 is a great color for those with some pink in their skin, but got too dark on me as soon as fall arrived. 1WN2 is very yellow,but again, some people are!! Get samples at the counters if you can. Dept stores have gotten pretty generous about giving them out. Far better that getting foundation returned, for all involved!! I haven’t found a MAC foundation that I’ve liked. The mineralize skinfinish liquid came close, but they stupidly discontinued it. They no longer have a foundation for dry skin with a dewy finish. The NARS sheer glow has great colors, but no glow, its actually quite matte! Hope this helps. Anyone who finds a dewy finish light to medium coverage foundation that is FF and comes in light colors, please let us know!!

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