Gym Makeup!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 13 - 2011

Yes, really.  As a total gym bunny (I’ve been once) and because I’m possibly as horribly superficial as my blog would suggest, I think that one should really consider appropriate gym makeup so as not to frighten other attendees.

Or, to be more truthful, if like me… you’re all too aware that you’re not yet an equal member of the hard-bodied, tight-bummed gym community, you may just spend a little longer on your face in a fit of what is known as ‘over-compensation’.

And so it was that I found myself applying makeup on a day that I knew I had nothing to do other than work from home and visit the gym.  If you ever happen to find yourself in a similar situation, or perhaps just want makeup that makes you look a bit perkier without looking like you’re wearing an inappropriate amount of makeup… read on!

Face: Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation • Bare Escentuals Blush in Promise (in love with this… again) • Rouge Bunny Rouge Glide Concealer in Thalia

Eyes: Estee Lauder Pure Color Eyeshadow in Sugar Biscuit (adore this for brightening) • Avon SuperShock Gel Eyeliner Pencil in Black (under the top lashes to darken) • Maybelline The Colossal Volum’ Express Mascara (would probably use waterproof next time) • Suqqu Brow Powder in Nibiiro

Lips: Lanolips Lip Ointment in Rhubarb

Super quick and easy and left me feeling far more confident about huffing and puffing on the treadmill than without.  Having said that, most of that confidence fled when I broke into a jog and felt my arse begin to bounce along.  Next time, I’m picking the equipment that keeps my back to the wall!

Do you bother with makeup at the gym?

36 Responses to “Gym Makeup!”

  1. Kenneth SOh says:

    Haha brilliant! My girly mates would love this! They wear full on makeup to the gym! Love it Charlotte!

  2. VexintheCity says:

    When I USED to frequent the gym, I’d leave the house with A light base on, and then wipe that off once I got there. TBH I really don’t see the point in wearing make up at the gym – when you’re gonna SWEAT it off. It’s a waste of product.

  3. Briony Lou says:

    I wore make up to the gym once and I left with a foundation covered towel and mascara halfway down my cheeks! There are a lot of girls at my gym who wear full make up and I just don’t know how they do it. For yoga, yes but for spinning, no!


  4. Suzanne says:

    i cant do it! i turn into a sweaty heapy of crap at the gym and anything i put on my face is immediately sweated off or wiped off on a towel. I do lipgloss since my lips don’t seem to sweat (i don’t think?) but I can’t brave anything else. Rather have none on than a melty half-face.

  5. Emily says:

    Looks great! When I go to the gym, I don’t take off the makeup that I was wearing that day, but I don’t put any on. There’s something about sweating through foundation that bothers me. I just feel like that can’t be the best thing for my skin. I’d rather just have a bare face.

  6. Suzanne says:

    i cant do it! i turn into a sweaty heap of crap at the gym and anything i put on my face is immediately sweated off or wiped off on a towel. I do lipgloss since my lips don’t seem to sweat (i don’t think?) but I can’t brave anything else. Rather have none on than a melty half-face.

  7. Rachel Neill says:

    I used to wear a slick of powder to cover my nasty t-zone but really after a brisk up-hill march on the treadmill (I never broke into a run) and you break out into a sweat does it really matter? My easy answer was to quit the gym and wear a ‘full face’ all the time!

  8. Suzanne says:

    oh noes… i don’t suppose you could delete my double post? (damn computer)

  9. Hollie says:

    I never wear make up to the gym and I kind of enjoy that I can go somewhere and not think abut how I look, its not what Im there for (plus to me theres no sense in having pefectly applied make up teamed with sweaty pits after a run!). I also worry it will make me break out, so I dont really feel its worth it xx

  10. Gyudy says:

    I only wear a little bit of concealer and waterproof mascara, but only if I’m going somewhere else before the gym. I sweat a lot, so wearing make-up is useless and I want to let my skin breath! I do my make-up after the post-workout shower at the gym.

  11. Duvessa says:

    When I used to go to a gym after work I would wear what I had worn at work which usually meant quite a lot even if I tried not to have dark eyeshadows/heavy eyeliner on the day I would visit gym. This was mainly because I couldn’t go to work without make up.

    Now when I go for a jog or went to gym on days I didn’t work I usually wear mineral foundation and waterproof mascara only.

  12. Shifa says:

    My make-up melted off whenever I attempted to wear it to the gym and I ended up looking even more sweaty lol.

    I am quite conscious of jogging amongst random people too hence I prefer workout dvds(winsor pilates works wonders!) as they allow me to look as silly as I want without anyone seeing.

  13. Natalie Ford says:

    buy an xbox kinect so u dont have to go to the dreaded gym :)) ive had about 10 memberships in the past and just hate it,it bores the life out of me finally the kinect has helped me enjoy exercise,yay!
    I did used to wear a light base,waterproof mascara and lipgloss to overcompensate my non-gym like body,I also used to have a shower after a ‘workout’ and apply again just to feel good walking out of the door in front of the gym bunnies :/ oh my god i feel shallow typing that!!
    Love Nat xxx

  14. I really don’t like wearing make up to the gym. When I first started going I wore it and I hated the feeling of sweating through foundation and when I wiped my face on my towel it was totally orange!! I don’t think theres anything wrong with it though, if it makes someone feel better about going. It can be ridiculous, I saw a girl going swimming/sauna and steam with a face FULL inc heavy eyeliner, eyeshadow & lots of blush. Not good!!

    Your look is great and really natural!


  15. Belle says:

    Some of the girls I see at the gym have a fully fledged face of make up and my trainer and I just giggle. It seems a bit ridiculous, no one cares what you look like when you workout. I just slap a bit of lip balm on and go off on my merry way. Maybe if I didn’t sweat like a pig in a slaughterhouse then I may consider a bit more!
    And I know exactly how you feel with the treadmill jogging, long tops hide it…talking of the gym I’m off there now!
    Belle xx

  16. Meeta says:

    I was just thinking about this yesterday. I used to go the gym years back but I could not stick to it so now I just go to a pilates class 1-2 times a week which suits me better. Here I wear a light layer of Lily Lolo mineral foundation and a little of their mineral concealer, Everyday Minerals Daydream blush and curl my lashes and apply very lightly NARS Larger then Life Lengthening mascara. Usually I would wear nothing for any workout but it’s only because I am usually going to/from work.

  17. Cassie says:

    Yay, so it’s not just me who wears makeup to the gym!

    I don’t plan my look specifically for the gym though – it’s more of me applying makeup in the morning and go to the gym at lunch or in the evenings and be too lazy to take it off prior. I find I always sweat off the foundation, but the eyeshadows stay put with a little bit of UDPP.

    Cassie x

  18. Leah says:

    ‘I broke into a jog and felt my arse begin to bounce along.’

    Hahaha 🙂

    I’ve never been in a gym in my life and it shows, but I’m checking out the gym at the swimming pool on Weds. I’ll look like a Ribena berry by the end so I think I’ll skip makeup altogether!

  19. Its such a simple look and if its enough to boost you a bit then all the better. I do have a story with a word of warning for you though…

    I’ve been suffering with a cold (and whining about it non-stop) so I decided that yesterday I’d go and sit in the steam room for a bit, to see if that helped me breathe better.

    Of course, earlier in the day I’d been appalled at how crappy I looked and so had put on a very small amount of makeup – Clinique Lash Power mascara and tinted lip balm – and then forgot about it.

    The Clinique Lash Power is a really nice every day mascara, but its really hard to get off as its one of those ones where you remove it with warm water.

    No idea why I didn’t work this out, but 5 minutes in a steam room does the EXACT same thing as warm water (you don’t say…) and so I sat there with it migrating down my face.

    Snot, red nose, flecks of black all over me….I must have looked gorgeous!


  20. Tass says:

    LOL at the jogging.

    When I used to go to the gym I didn’t wear any makeup at all because it would all sweat off anyway. However there were a few ladies who came in full on makeup – think lippie and falsies. Someone even came in a bikini top, wtf?

  21. Roxanne says:

    I don’t really go to the gym much because it’s up at my university. I already have an hour long commute, and with 2 labs a week on top of lectures, I just don’t have time 🙁

    But, I do workout at home! Step aerobics for the win!! And generally, I’ll take off all my makeup beforehand. If I’m lazy, and didn’t wear foundation that day, I’ll probably just leave my eye makeup on. I prefer it all off though.

  22. Laura says:

    I tend to just curl my lashes, stick on one coat of waterproof mascara and a bit of concealer on my worst spots! I’m conscious of foundation just melting off, sweat + my already oily skin = mess!

  23. Snickers says:

    I can’t wear anything on my face (powder, sunscreen, foundation, etc…) when I’m sweating it up as it will irritate my sensitive skin (oooh the red horror when it gets started…), but I do like to have something on my eyes. I used to wear a sweat-resistant liner smudged into my lashline and mascara, but now I’ve found Guerlain’s loose kohl to be a one-stop shop.

  24. Vijaya says:

    I don’t go to the gym, I have a treadmill at home.

  25. Kelsey says:

    I never bother with make up at the gym. I turn so red that no amount of foundation is going to cover it. Plus once my sweat was yellow, not a good look!

  26. Maria says:

    Ha, ha, this post is brilliant!
    I tend not to wear any make-up at the gym, other than a bit of concealer and a bit of tinted lip balm or something.
    No point in foundation: it would just get mixed up with the sweat and be all yuck!
    You look lovely in the pics though; keep meaning to try that Lanolips stuff!

  27. Debbie says:

    I think that whatever situation life throws at you over compensating is absolutely key. I wore a full face, complete with false eye lashes and fake tan for both of my childrens births. In the gym I am never without the full face, including lip liner – if I am going to face the trauma that is “power plate” I want everything else looking stunning. Not least because 20 mins after I get off that thing my extremeties are still on the move. Most of that was complete BS (apart from the extremeities), but its a nice idea! When I go to the gym I have always had to serve our guest house guests their breakfast, as I have to do that with make up on the make up comes to the gym, 20 mins into my interval training sesh on the bike my gym towel resembles the Turin Shroud. x

  28. Its bad enough waddling around shopping centres with a made up face! How the hell can you girlies get away with it at the gym? I envy you! Mind you, I’m probably working harder ;p xx

  29. You look great in your gym makeup! I usually hit the gym right after work, and I don’t bother to remove it before working out since I don’t seem to have any problems with leaving it on. On the weekends when I go running early in the morning, I’ll go without makeup (my running friends have seen me worse!) but if it’s a race and we’re going to take pictures, I definitely throw on a little concealer and mascara because my acne scars are terrible.

  30. Jade says:

    Sometimes I’d wear a lil mineral powder and tinted lip balm 🙂

  31. Oceane says:

    I have a treadmill at home so need to wear make-up. Getting all sweaty with it is yuck!

  32. redtiger21 says:

    Yep, I’m vain so I wear subtle makeup to the gyn- not enough to look make up, but enough not to look like sh*t! Base, blush, mascara, brows and lip stain is usually all I go for.

  33. Ali says:

    looks perfectly natural … how does the sweat affect it? I just stuck to mascara at the gym and lip balm because with foundation a little sweat and a wipe of the brow and I would feel the makeup is smeared all over. So, Maria I hear ya! 🙂

  34. Tina says:

    Love this – perfect for not the “I’m not weearing makeup-makeup look”!!!
    And yes, I’m one of those people that wear makeup because they..have to, so if I were to go to the gym, I’d prefer it with my redness and any breakout leftovers covered!!!

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