Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 24

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 31 - 2011

Are you a LUSHIE?

If so… don’t hesitate to put your name down for a chance to win the My Fair Lady Hatbox (£29.50), kindly donated by the good people at LUSH.

This giveaway will be closing at midnight tonight – you have been warned!

The Hatbox contains: The Olive Branch Shower Gel, Creamed Almond and Coconut Shower Smoothie, Smitten Hand Cream, Charity Pot Body Lotion, Ultrabalm body balm, Buffy Body Butter and a Figs and Leaves Soap.

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 31st January.

UK Only.

My lovely international ladies, I’m sorry but the rest of the daily prizes will be available only within the UK.  I don’t want  you to keep returning to enter only to be disappointed that you can’t.

If you’re from outside the UK but don’t want to miss your chance at winning “most dedicated” entrant mystery prize… you can still comment.  Just let me know that you’re not eligible to win the daily prize because of your location!

Winners will be announced early next month.  Info and rulez can be found here.

262 Responses to “Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 24”

  1. Annabelle says:

    I enter myself 😛 x

  2. Gemma says:

    Shoop Shoop Doop Doop, mmmmm Lush.

  3. Hannah says:

    oh my, I love Lush!! Please enter me 🙂

  4. Belle says:

    Your giveaways get better by the day! This looks so fab.

  5. Caz says:

    I love a bit of Lush! Don’t think i’ve tried anything in this set, enter me please 🙂 xx

  6. Lauren Barber says:

    oooooh Lush!! Please enter me for the competition Lx

  7. katy says:

    Love Lush! 🙂 xxx

  8. liloo says:

    I have never tried Lush 🙂 maybe this is a sign for me. please enter me 🙂 🙂 xx

  9. Leela33 says:

    Please enter me thanks.

  10. Judith van Bemmel says:

    I love lush 🙁
    Not from uk but enter me for most dedicated please 🙂

  11. Gemma Payne says:

    Please enter me, thank you.

  12. Mercedes says:

    Never tried lush. It’s about time! Please enter me.

  13. Adele says:

    Enter me please q

  14. Nicola Richardson says:

    Ooooo How Lush :0)

  15. Berl says:

    They Look beautiful….Would be a lovely gift.

  16. Katie H says:

    OMG I LIVE in Lush!!!!!! Every day your giveaway astounds me!!! It’s like you’ve raided my brain for my mostest bestest favouritest thingsies ;-p

  17. Jaynee says:

    You were so right! Enter me PLEASE!! x x

  18. Kim Allen says:

    I just cant resist it anymore, I have to enter this one, love Lush 🙂

    Thank you for running all these giveaways

  19. ZebyK says:

    I’m a lushie!! I’m a lush-a-holic!! I just wish I could afford it more often! Please add my name to the list, I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed! 😉 xxx

  20. em x says:

    oh yes please 🙂

    please enter me Charlotte

  21. Rachel says:

    Please enter me 🙂 It’d be great to try out the Lush products in this set I haven’t used before xx

  22. Lucy Beesley says:

    Oh please enter me, this would make my day / month / year! Thank you lovely xx

  23. MsWedgie says:

    Enter me please!! 🙂

  24. sarah says:

    i’ve only just got my first ever lush things so i would love to try more and this sounds yummy!

  25. DalaLuz says:

    What an awesome price! That’s it I’m moving to the UK!

  26. Asmaa says:

    I do love Lush! the stores always smell amazing (and the products are pretty fabulous too) =D

  27. Candace says:

    enter me, please!

  28. Clocks7291 says:

    Enter me please 🙂 Thanks!

  29. Jess says:

    Enter me please!

  30. Kassandra says:

    Wow…amazing prize!! Enter me please 🙂 xx

  31. Viv in the UK says:

    Enter me please – what a gorgeous prize! Thanks 🙂

  32. Emma says:

    Lush Lush Lush!!! Enter me please!! xxx

  33. Lilmiznutcase says:

    Lots of my favourite things 🙂

  34. Anna Crystal says:

    Oh gorgeous!! Enter me please 😀

  35. Charli! says:

    This one is fantastic, I love lush goodies and would love to be in with the chance of winning one 🙂 xx

  36. Reenie says:

    I. Heart. Lush. Enter me please!

  37. Tom says:

    Yes! I would love this. Please enter me into the giveaway.

  38. Shortiee31 says:

    I’m a LUSHie! Enter me please 🙂

  39. Dina (XYYan) says:

    Not eligible! Good luck UK ladies 🙂

  40. Sofia B-M says:

    enter me please!

  41. Maria says:

    I love Lush! Enter me please!

  42. tania says:

    this looks amazing, please enter me! xx

  43. Jen says:

    Ooh enter me please!

  44. Cassie says:

    Ooh, love Lush! Never tried any of the hat box products before. Enter me please!

  45. Looooove Lush – would love to win this xx

  46. Naomi Saddington says:

    Ooh lovely lushie stuff! x

  47. Katrina says:

    I love Lush! The Olive Branch shower gel is amazing 😀

  48. Ola says:

    Charlotte, what a stunning prize. Even though I am a fan of lots of Lush products, I don’t think I’ve tried anything from this hatbox! Please enter me! x

  49. Thian says:

    I’m interested in this but not eligible…..

  50. Lillian says:

    Oh boy i LOVE Lush! Please enter me 🙂

  51. Nicole says:

    even more sad. love lush….can’t enter 🙁 boooooo
    great giveaways though…

  52. Karen Scammell says:

    ooh yes please
    karen s
    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  53. ThatAndThis says:

    Enter me pls! Thanks. Xx

  54. Kelly says:

    Please enter me. Thanks

  55. Jennifer says:

    Lush smells delicious! enter me please ;)!

  56. Thebeautifier says:

    Yay! Enter me too!! xoxo

  57. Barbolya says:

    What a beautiful gift! Please enter me! (I live in the UK)

  58. glittermillie says:

    I always feel a bit wrong saying this but… enter me please!

  59. Olga says:

    Love your blog and would like to try something from Lush

  60. Sophie says:

    Ooooh how luscious! I need some top up on my lush! 🙂

  61. Gemx says:

    Mmm lush! Enter me please 🙂

  62. Lucy says:

    Wow, enter me please!

  63. Frances hopkins says:

    Fantastic Prize, please enter me 🙂

  64. Jeni says:

    Entering for most dedicated 🙂

  65. Louise says:

    Gorgeous prize enter me please x

  66. Sarah says:

    I love me a bit of Lush, enter me please. 🙂

    Sarah x

  67. Alison says:

    i’ve only ever had lush items as gifts, never purchased any myself! but i have been quite impressed, so this looks lovely (:

  68. Charlotte says:

    Enter me please, would love some exam stress relief in the form of Lush :).

  69. Jess says:

    Aah, what a perfect giveaway prize. Enter me pretty please. 🙂


  70. Alex T says:

    New to your blog and absolutely loving the work so far, v jealous of the IMATS haul – Great giveaway – Enter me up! x

  71. The prizes look lush — sorry I couldn’t resist !

    Enter me please x

  72. Katy says:

    Enter me please 😀 I’ve loved this giveaway, it’s great that you take the time to do that 🙂

  73. Julia Arenas says:

    Entering for most dedicated…even though I missed one post because I didn’t make it home in time 🙁 Am still hopeful

  74. lishlash says:

    ooh, enter me please- fab giveaway!

  75. Ezzy says:

    not eligible but hope to be ur most dedicated entrant 🙂

  76. Llllllllllllush!! Consider me entered please! (Eww :S) xx

  77. alafair says:

    I’m not eligible :-((
    good luck girls!!

  78. Aileen says:

    Lush giveaway! 😉 Would love to win some xx

  79. Lauren says:

    Enter me please! Loving the blog =)


  80. Lisa says:

    Love lush, count me in xx

  81. Siobhan says:

    please enter me 🙂 xxShivvyxx

  82. Aneela Aziz says:

    I m not eligible for this
    but enter me for the most dedicated ones 🙂

  83. Udita says:

    OMG! I love u!!
    enter me please!
    x x x

  84. Rachel says:

    Thanks so much for an awesome giveaway. Please enter me!

  85. Carol says:

    i love lush 😀
    everything always smells so good!

  86. Sophie says:

    Love Lush so please enter me!

  87. Jessie says:

    Enter me please!

  88. Beth says:

    love lush enter me please x

  89. Anastasia says:

    not eligible , but enter me for the most dedicated entrant mystery prize

  90. Kimberley says:

    enter me please x

  91. Kirsty says:

    Enter me please xx

  92. Penny says:

    please enter me, 🙂

  93. dreamer says:

    Enter me please, i love Lush.

  94. Heather says:

    enter me please! 🙂

  95. Mimi says:

    I’m not from the UK 🙁

  96. sugar sugar says:

    note eligible but i love lush! 😀

  97. Emily says:

    ohhh i like lush stuff a lot 😀

  98. Ann says:

    This is a great prize! Please enter me!

  99. Sydney says:

    Enter me please x
    *resists making a ‘this is lush’ type joke*

  100. Enter me please 🙂 xx

  101. Heather says:

    Not eligible, going for most dedicated 🙂

  102. Amanda says:

    Count me in! 😀

  103. Ellen says:

    Enter me please, I do like a bit of Lush stuff.

  104. Jenny Cole says:

    Enter me please!

  105. Anitacska says:

    I’d be happy just to win the box, but I’ll take what’s inside it too. 😉

  106. Caffio says:

    Enter me por favor!

  107. Emily Paterson says:

    enter me please 🙂

  108. Gabrielle says:

    massive lush fan here! enter me please x

  109. kirsty says:

    enter me please 😀

  110. Emma says:

    Eeek I actually did a mental squeel when I saw this! I am definitely a lushie, how lovely is this :’) please enter mee x

  111. Maria says:

    Not eligible – darn. 🙂

  112. Claire Linley says:

    <3 Lush! Enter me please! x

  113. Sarah says:

    mmmm yes please, i love that design on the box xxxx

  114. Claire says:

    mmmmmmmm 🙂 love lush! enter me please x

  115. Kathleen says:

    how generous and gorgeous the giveaway is!
    but i am not eligible ;(

  116. lucie.lovely.cupcake says:

    Enter me please! Awesome, I loooove Lush xx

  117. Emily says:

    This is incredible! Enter me, please!

  118. Hannah says:

    I am a definite “Lushie” and this set looks absolutely amazing! Enter me please! xxx

  119. Andrea G says:

    enter me please!! 🙂

  120. Mary says:

    I am a lushie! An my local store has just closed, so this would be perfect!

  121. Nicola says:

    Awesome! I <3 Lush, enter me please 🙂

  122. Patricia says:

    Owww it looks so lovely, and I’m not in the UK 🙁

  123. Lauren says:

    enter me please 🙂 xx

  124. ameera says:

    WOW…..please enter me, this would be perfect!!!!

  125. Emma Dunwoodie says:

    Enter me please:) thank you;)

  126. Lauren says:

    this looks so gooooooooood!
    enter me please 😀


  127. Shanee says:

    Count me in, please.
    I’ve never tried anything from Lush before

  128. Rae says:

    Most dedicated? 🙂

  129. Corrie says:

    enter me please!! 🙂 xx

  130. huong says:

    enter me please! :}}

  131. Stylishpop says:

    I love lush 🙂 enter please

  132. FaceFixers says:

    Enter me please! xx

  133. Enter me please (:

  134. I’m a complete Lushie! I’d like to enter this one please 😀

  135. Maya says:

    Delicious! please enter me x

  136. Wei says:

    Please enter me! 🙂

  137. Jaime says:

    Enter me please 😀

  138. Claire says:

    Who’s not a lushie?? I love lush, enter me please!

  139. Bhumika says:

    enter me please,
    i love me some lush xo

  140. Enter me please. Those look gorgeous!

  141. amelia says:

    thankyou for entering me; i would love to win this xx

  142. Anne says:

    I’m a LUSHIE!
    Please enter me!
    But i’m not from the UK unfortunately ):

  143. zoe says:

    enter me please lovely x

  144. Tass says:

    Enter me please 😀 xx

  145. Tina says:

    enter me please!

  146. AlicatAHL says:

    Enter me please Charlotte!

  147. redtiger21 says:

    Very nice! Enter me please!!

  148. Imogen says:

    enter me pleeeeeeeease!

  149. Sarah says:

    Enter me, please – my love of Lush dates right back to when they were still Cosmetics to Go and made practically in our back garden!

  150. mayuri says:

    wow 😀 enter me please!

  151. Maisie says:

    D: it’s beautiful. enter me please! xxx

  152. Lily says:

    I’ve never tried Lush products before – I think that’s a rarity for a beauty blogger!

  153. Louise says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  154. Alexandra says:

    Yes please! I was worried when I came online at 6AM as usual and couldn’t find this!

  155. stylefrost says:

    Lovely Lush!

    Enter me please! x

  156. Sonal says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  157. Laura says:

    Enter me please! 🙂 xx

  158. Fiona says:

    I LOVE LUSH! Enter me please! Thank you.

  159. Helena says:

    This looks amazing and I LOVE lush! Please enter me 🙂

  160. Mai says:

    Not eligible but still trying!

  161. rachel says:

    I am a lushie 🙂
    This box looks gorgeous!

  162. Phoebe says:

    Perfect way to get through my deadlines!

  163. Cat says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  164. Dora says:

    Ohmigosh ohmegosh ohmigosh I loooove this, must have thiiiis =D xx

  165. Becca says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  166. sara says:

    me too so,so gorgeous!!!

  167. sophie says:

    DROOL. enter me please!

  168. Justine Pendlebury says:

    Please enter me looks lovely

  169. Kam says:

    Love Buffy bar, and the other things I would love to try! Yes, I live in the UK.

  170. Kam says:

    Love Buffy bar, and the other things I would love to try! Yes, I live in the UK.

  171. Phoebe says:

    ooo how lovely! Who doesn’t love lush! I remmber looking at those lovely christmas box sets! xxx

  172. Julie says:

    enter me pleasee!

  173. Holly says:

    oh i love lush, their packaging is always so nice! enter me please x

  174. Keith C says:

    Wow, looks lovely, would love to be entered please!

  175. Brittany says:

    How gorgeous! Aww, they have the Buffy Bar there 🙂
    I’d love to be entered please! 🙂

    Love Britt xxx

  176. FragrantWitch says:

    Charlotte, you rock! Enter ‘me, please!

  177. Heather says:

    Not eligible, but what a fab item! 🙂 “Most dedicated” hopeful here 🙂

  178. Amy says:

    I was admiring this in Lush before Christmas, i’d love to be entered please 🙂


  179. Kirsty says:

    Ooo, my favourite so far! I’d like to enter please.

  180. Shifa says:

    Enter me please! Love Lush ♥

  181. Gordita says:

    Enter me please! I just love the box! Wonder if I can get it by itself if I don’t win?
    Gordita x

  182. Bourriquette says:

    Not eligible, but I still go for the most dedicated! Glad to see you managed to take today’s post bck from the trolls…

  183. heather says:

    I love lush! Just bought some of their Herbalism, it’s great 🙂 Enter me please! x

  184. Petra says:

    Not eligible but good luck to those who are!

  185. Madeleine says:

    Enter me please. The box is amazing. It would be great for storing my mountains of hair stuff.

  186. Terri-Leigh says:

    Enter me please! x

  187. Gemma says:

    Enter me for this please – love Lush, ta very much

  188. Caroline says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  189. Devon says:

    Not eligible, but good luck. I love Lush!

  190. LeanneOCD says:

    The packaging on this is super cute, goodies inside are a bonus! lol

  191. Anna says:

    LUSH! One of my many addictions…
    These are products that i’ve always skipped over (minus the ultrabalm, love that!) but I bet they’re really great.
    I’d love to enter, thank you. 🙂

  192. Eliz C says:

    Enter me please! xox

  193. marie says:

    woop enter me please 🙂

  194. Becky says:

    Enter me please!

  195. Eliane says:

    Amazing gift once again, enter me please!

  196. Julie says:

    Enter me please, Love Love Love Lush! JX

  197. Catherine says:

    Thanks so much, love LUSH! please enter me 🙂

  198. Agata says:

    ooooooooh yes! enter me x

  199. Emma says:

    I love lush! Please enter me! X

  200. Hanni says:

    Oh I love that hatbox, it’s beautiful. Please enter me!

  201. Laura says:

    Another amazing prize! Enter me please x

  202. Daisy says:

    Please enter me! x

  203. Kathleen says:

    Enter me please! I haven’t been able to feed my Lush addiction since mid-December, it’s distressing to see my lone Honey I Washed the Kids sitting by itself in the soap dish.

  204. Hey! Plz enter me in your giveaway 🙂

  205. Enna says:

    Enter me please!!

  206. Louise says:

    Please enter me! I’m in the uk. And I love lush!!

  207. Rachael says:

    Awesome lushness! Enter me please!

  208. Jennifer says:

    I love LUSH, I’ve not tried quite a few of those products so I’d love to be entered.

  209. Hollie says:

    Enter me please xx

  210. Sarah Bailey says:

    I’m a huge lush fan! This box set looks amazing! Please enter me.

  211. Jay Candy says:

    enter me please!

  212. M says:

    yay lush goodies 🙂 enter me please!

  213. peiwen says:

    not eligible but still going for most dedicated 🙂

  214. Annie says:

    enter me please!

  215. weird as it may sound, i’ve never tried Lush so I’d loove to try these 😛

  216. ameenah says:

    Hello 🙂
    Please enter me! <3

  217. Kelsey says:

    I don’t want the prize, but I do want most dedicated, thank you!

  218. What a great prize, enter me please!

  219. bev says:

    this is lovely!! enter me please, thanks! x

  220. Sophie says:

    entry please!! i love lush 😀 xxxx

  221. Jane says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  222. Lauren says:

    i love lush!
    please enter me 🙂 x

  223. Mamainak says:

    The Olive Branch is one of the best scents ever!!

    Enter me, pls!!

  224. Harpreet says:

    enter me please 🙂 xx

  225. Jen says:

    Enter me please!! 🙂
    P.s sorry if I’ve posted this twice

  226. fickle says:

    Enter me babyyy!!

  227. Sam says:

    Gorgeous packaging, Lush is such a lovely brand…Please enter me for a chance to win 🙂

  228. Jean says:

    Gorgeous! Not eligible but please enter me for “Most Dedicated.” Thanks!

  229. Summer says:

    I am a MASSIVE lushie 😀 This prize is soooo cool x

  230. Daisy Banham says:

    Ooooh great prize! Please enter me xx

  231. Ellen says:

    Ooh, enter me please!

  232. Shell says:

    Enter me please.I must admit i have never tried Lush before (^_^) x

  233. Total Lushie. Please pop my name down!

  234. Hibel says:

    ahhh Merry post Christmas everyone!! Enter me for this one big day of the advent giveaway xxx

  235. Tracey says:

    Please enter me xxx

  236. Anne says:

    I absolutely love Lush, but it’s so expensive!

  237. jane says:

    I love lush! I love how they sent the whole room! great little set

  238. joselin desilva says:

    mmm lush products are amazing
    i’d like to enter please


  239. Kara says:

    Please enter me! I would love to try some Lush goodies!

  240. R00ki33 says:

    Wow this is amazing!
    Enter me pleaseeee 🙂

  241. Marie says:

    Me, me, me! Enter me!

  242. Sarah says:

    Yay I love Lush!! Enter me please 🙂 x

  243. Helen says:

    ooh please enter me for this one…my teenage daughter went shopping with her friends and said she’d bought me back something from Lush -turned out she’d picked me up the free newspaper…. 🙁

  244. entry on behalf of Catriona McD

  245. Farah says:

    Enter me please!!! I love love lush….especially their massage bars, their soaps…oh and all the bath stuff…the list goes on!

  246. nicola-x says:

    Great prize, I love lush although don’t get to shop there often I’d love to try more of there products! Enter me please 🙂 <3 Thank you x

  247. shauna says:

    wow fab prize. please enter me 🙂

  248. jennie says:

    ohh can i have a go pwease!
    thanks hun..
    love ur blog.. xx

  249. Catriona says:

    Oo, wow! Enter me please. Lush is amazing. 🙂

  250. Claire says:

    Please enter me. x

  251. amy says:

    i am obsessed with lush would be such an amazing prize
    enter me pleaseeeeee

  252. Amy says:

    enter me please! i heart lush xx

  253. pang says:

    enter me plz 🙂 !!

  254. Anny says:

    amazing giveaway!!
    please enter me!!

  255. Erica says:

    LUSHHHHHH 🙂 I love their products!!!
    plz enter me

  256. Suzi says:

    Ohh fab, I love Lush. Can I be entered please? Thank you.

  257. Jasmine says:

    OMG. 20 minutes left. whew. ENTER ME please and wish me luck!!! Thank you so much for everything Charlotte, you are absolutely divine.

  258. Melody says:

    Am so glad I got to this giveaway in time!! Lush is awesome and so are you <3 Enter me please and thank you!!

  259. Tululu58 says:

    Not eligible but good luck UK ladies. 🙂


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