IMATS London 2011 – The Damage.

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 31 - 2011

The dust is clearing and I’m surveying the damage that IMATS has done to my purse.  It could be worse, it could have been better.  I set myself a budget and exceeded it (of course).  But, I don’t feel gut-wrenching guilt and my child will still be able to eat (gruel) next month.

The haul.  The picture above is oddly missing a lip tar but I don’t care enough to retake it.

I bought a freestyle Yaby palette from MUABoutique stand (served by the awesome DvoraDvine no less! *swoon*) with the intention of filling it with random Yaby purchases throughout the year.  I had to pick up a couple of eyeshadows to start my collection off too right?

I made a beeline for Guru Makeup Emporium as soon as I arrived… (having sussed out which MUFE stockist had the best discount first of course).  I wanted to try the new Rouge Artist Intense lipsticks and picked out three that caught my eye.  I also grabbed the one of the new Uplight highlighters in #11 and another MUFE Aqua Cream for my collection.  Love them.

O to the doube C – I bought 4 of these last year and although I um.. haven’t really worn them much, I wanted some of the new shades as soon as I swatched them.  Now that I’m getting more comfortable with brighter colours and wielding a lip brush, I’m hoping I’ll reach for them more frequently.  If I don’t, I deserve shooting for being stupid and flahoolick.

INGLOT were offering a cool 30% discount, so although I wasn’t intending to indulge… I really got sidetracked by a few items.  Can you tell I kinda have a thing for lipstick yet?


This one was actually a mistake.  An embarrassing one at that.

You know the infamous Face Atelier foundation that is supposed to be like “uhmazing”?  Well…. someone clearly wasn’t paying enough attention or was high on nail polish fumes or something.  The stand I bought this foundation from was called Make Up Atelier Paris.  Slight difference there right?  My brain saw “Atelier” and swooped before engaging.

Now, idiocy aside… I actually preferred the texture of this foundation to FACE Atelier’s after swatching at the FACE Atelier stand to compare.  This one feels lighter in texture but with that same silicone slip… I’m hoping this will be a good choice as the weather gets warmer.


So there’s my sins… I’m very pleased with them and if there’s anything you’d like me to review/swatch first, tell me and I’ll push it to the front of the IMATS haul queue.

Did you go?  What did you buy?

31 Responses to “IMATS London 2011 – The Damage.”

  1. MsDriftedSW says:

    haha bless ya for buying the wrong foundation! good thing it turned out to be better 🙂 i got confused too with those two brands. hehe

  2. VexintheCity says:

    I was on the ‘other’ Atelier site yesterday and there are no prices. Grrr. I wanted to compare the show price with the original to see how much a saving we did/didn’t make.

  3. Paris B says:

    Lovely haul! I once mixed up Helena Rubenstein and Elizabeth Arden mascara. The former is highly raved and I thought I scored a bargain until I looked closely… after I’d paid and boarded my flight. Sigh… Still the EA one wasn’t too bad at the end of the day 🙂

  4. ZebyK says:

    I’m so desperately jealous of your haul!! I’m on a make up ban since Christmas happened to my bank balance and now I’ve got the puppy on the way! *sigh* its a lovely haul & I can’t wait to see your pictures & swatches, especially of the lip tars! Xxx

  5. eRiN says:

    Ooh, the lip pencil looks gorgeous as does everything else!! Hey, if you never use the lip tars, you can always do a blog sale … I know I’d want to buy those 😀

  6. I tried the Make up Atalier Paris Foundation after I’d bought my Face Atalier. The product felt nice and the price was amzing in comparison. I would have bought some too, but I wasn’t happy withthe colour match, and when the asstants ability to match me either. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    Gutted to just realise I missed the last 2 days comps in the hecticness of it all.

  7. Kimberley says:

    Hi Charlotte, would love to see your OCC Lip Tar collection/swatches. Thanks!

  8. Lovely haul, I’m jealous!! 🙂 Haha on the high on nail polish fumes! I hope the foundation you bought by mistake will look good 😉 x

  9. Debbie says:

    That MUFE aqua cream looks lovely, would love to see that in use and the Inglot nail polish too. Nice haulage! x

  10. FragrantWitch says:

    Nice haul! I didn’t get there so I look forward to all your swatches and reviews. Inglot polish and lips first please! Then the MUFE highligher. Thanks!

  11. liloo says:

    Uh oh, something is telling me I am going to regret not having bought some lip tars when I see your swatches :'( a little tragedy happened to me money wise (i only spent £30) but never mind. I think my bank is happy. Inglot had a 30% off? How much was your polish? i bought 2 polishes and each polish was £6. was that the reduced price?? 0_o xx I love love love your yabi free style palette, such a good idea, perfect palette to carry around. Love the white colour, the big mirror in it xx

  12. liloo says:

    i forgot to click ‘notify me of follow up comments’ x

  13. Olga says:

    All products you have bought look gorgeous. I hope you will not be disappointed with any of them. Could you please review Inglot and MUFE products. Love your colour choice.

  14. Julia Arenas says:

    Move MUFE Rouge Artist lippies to the front of the line, please 😉

  15. Katie says:

    Oooooh! I’m loving everything you got!

  16. Rae says:

    Lovely haul, Charlotte! I’m so jealous 😉 Can’t wait for the reviews!

  17. katie says:

    Haha I laugh that you call this “the damage”. That’s what my boyfriend calls it after I get back from vacation with my girlfriends..the damage; all the makeup and beauty products I purchased and absolutely do not need. AKA retail therapy. lol

  18. The Yaby palette looks really cute. The shadows look tiny though O_o

  19. Tass says:

    Would love to see the MUFE lipsticks, they look really good!

  20. Gemx says:

    Such lovely goodies! Can’t wait to see the lip tars, I need to get myself some, the swatches I’ve seen always look gorgeous!

  21. ooh! i’ve heard amazing things about the occ lip tars! i’ll definitely need to pick some up when imats get around to vancouver this year.

    also, how cute are those yaby eyeshadows?!

  22. Joy says:

    Ooh I’m a sucker for palettes, I love my Unii ones. Can you only use this palette for Yaby eyeshadows?

  23. Tracy S says:

    Hahaha I couldn’t get past the word “Flahoolick”! Man, I love that word! I’m going to use that word all week!

  24. Jules says:

    The pink Inglot lipstick looks lovely! I can’t wait to see that one, even though I don’t know of a single place to buy it anywhere near where I live (I do like to test a lipstick myself before I buy it whenever possible).

  25. Imo says:

    HAHA gruel is on the menu for the next few weeks I guess! lol. ( i actually laughed out loud) Ive been meaning to try some lip tars, if yuknow any affordable UK stockists let me know!


  26. wahh everything looks so beautiful! The MUFE items look super pretty, I’m looking forward to that review in particular 🙂

  27. pfefi says:

    Hey lady! That Yaby palette looks huuuuuge! Or are those just itty bitty eye shadows? Are are those dark spots individual magnets I see? 😮

    You popped up in my “People You May Know” list on LinkedIn! I didn’t add you since it looks like you don’t go adding all of your followers, at least that’s my guess! I just wanted to let you know because I can’t imagine anything we have in common professionally so I was really surprised and delighted to see your face! Like running into an old friend at the supermarket or something. n_n Okay that’s all~~!

  28. Olivia says:

    Great haul! Don’t forget those OCC make killer blushers that last and last!

  29. Tina says:

    You got the one Aqua Cream I’m lusting after!!!

    I spotted many bolder lip colours, obviously the red lipstick challenge payed off! 😉

    Great haul Charlotte!!


  30. Miss Kitty says:

    omg, that atiler paris fdtn… i used to use that a lot when i studied makeup (hey i got a student discount! haha) and its lovely when it comes to coverage but DEAR GOD DO NOT USE IT AFTER FRESHLY WASHING YOUR BRUSHES IT SMELLS LIKE BABY SICK!

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