What a difference a few months make…

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 2 - 2015

What with it now being February, I feel as though I may have neglected my space on the internet for far too long (you don’t say).  You see, the thing is… I just don’t seem to stop between 7am and 8pm, and if I do… it affords me just enough time to get the washing on, sterilise some bottles, tidy up the momentous amount of utter shite that comes with having more than one child in a 2-bed flat, or just simply make a cup of tea.  When it *does* get to 8pm, all I want to do is sit on the sofa and comfort eat whilst watching any old crap on TV.

FOTDs are something that I faintly remember from a time long, long, ago.  I don’t get as much opportunity to play with my makeup as I used to and I don’t feel very qualified to talk to anyone else about what they should or shouldn’t put on their faces anymore.  Having said that, I wasn’t ever *qualified* to begin with so maybe I should just pull up my big girl pants (getting bigger by the day) and simply get on with something that I know I love to do.  This whole blogging malarkey seems so completely polished and professional nowadays, I’m not sure where I belong within that sphere anymore.

Anyway, enough of my insecurities, regardless of whether or not I feel ready to return to the whole beauty thing just yet, I sure have missed this place.   I mean, right now… this very moment, my fingers are furiously pounding across the keyboard.  It’s as though it’s past midnight and I’ve just fed the little blogging gremlin within me.

This past year has just flown by, I can’t remember time passing so quickly when Leila was little but here I am, what seems like only a few weeks since giving birth and yet I have a rambunctious, completely-focused-on-doing-things-he-shouldn’t, 9 month old.  His nasal cavities are currently swamped with snots of all caliber and restfulness, or indeed sleep, is at somewhat of a premium right now.  He’s still swaddled, which is starting to make things a little tricky as we’re battling a current case of “can’t sleep with, can’t sleep without”.

Joe 9 months

Joe 9 Months 2

He’s still the spitting image (in boy form) of his big sister, two little blondies… I’d never have thunk it.  Talking of Leila, I still couldn’t wish for a better big sister for him and he seems to fully appreciate how lucky he is, it fills my heart with all kinds of skips when I watch his little baby-walker constrained legs pump up and down in an effort to run to Leila when she gets up for school, she’s definitely his number one, and that’s fine by me.

Until next time,

C x

17 Responses to “What a difference a few months make…”

  1. Jules says:

    Raising clever, capable children is a time-consuming task but a vital one – still, we readers are certainly looking forward to you having the time to create with words and makeup again! Your honesty and demonstrations of a wide range of products are a fresh breeze in the makeup blogging world.

  2. liloo says:

    Such a little cutie! You still have a place in the blogging world and i, like many many many others want to read about what you have to say about beauty related things. I don’t care what extremely famous bloggers who hire people to ghost write books for them have to say, I want the girl next door I fell in love with, the minute I discovered her blog, to tell me what she thinks about the estee lauder black primer that seems to be all the rage at the moment, your inexpensive beauty finds, your lip swatches with face included, your cooking and anything you want to write about. Your style of writing is unique, you make us giggle, you keep it real, my colleagues would (the previous colleagues mind you, not the ones from my new job, ugh) understand your reviews, that’s why you have a place in the beauty blogosphere xx

  3. Lima says:

    Hey Charlotte!

    It sounds to me like your days now are both rewarding and tiring, but PLEASE don’t put your blog completely to one side! I know what you mean about the ‘Polished and Professional’ feel of the blogging world, and sometimes I feel a little bit intimidated putting my own stuff out there too. I read of people ‘scouting for locations’ for example, and think how I just use my back garden (with occasional cat poo in the background!)

    Either way, hope you’re having fun with the little ‘uns, and the day there isn’t a space in the blogging world for someone of your wit, intelligence and honesty is the day I’ll no longer want to be a part of it.

    Looking forward to your next post, as ever 🙂



  4. Powdered Almond says:

    What Liloo said. He’s gorgeous, by the way, but you knew that! 🙂 Best wishes

  5. Jo Green says:

    Liloo and Jules have summed it up perfectly. There’s so many blogs that just gush about the same products that they receive by the mountainful and it shows. It might not be as lucrative but your blog is always a brilliant read, you take brilliant photos and your potty mouth makes me cackle – your readership is far more of a supportive sisterhood and that’s what I like. Keep going as and when you can, you’re a million times better than 99% of the blogs out there xxx

  6. Leah says:

    You absolutely still have a place in blogging. Whatever you choose to blog about, there will still be people who want to read it. You can’t get rid of us that easily. 😉 xx

  7. Jade says:

    What a gorgeous little munchkin he is! 🙂 Welcome back <3

  8. Genevieve says:

    What a gorgeous little cutie you have there! How beautiful is he? Don’t worry about the blogging – we will still be here. But bubba is only a bubba for a short time so enjoy him. I remember when my son and daughter in law were trying to de-swaddle their little angel Olivia -very tricky. Good luck with everything.

  9. Helen says:

    Welcome home!! Have missed your words – don’t think we don’t want to know what you advise – who cares if you’re not ‘qualified’, you’re honest & funny!! X

  10. Kelly glen says:

    I couldn’t agree more with the other comments. I have missed your posts about make up and your life you always made me laugh by your comments. You were never afraid to tell it like it really is and that is what I think appealed to me and many others. I hope you keep up with blogging when you can.

  11. Bex Miller says:

    I thought just the other day ‘Wow I miss Lipglossiping it feels like forever 🙁 ‘ and here you are! I must have sent telepathic distress signals 😀 He is the spitting image of Leila! Bless his little chubby cheeks 🙂 I can imagine how difficult it must be to get a minute to yourself and wanting to veg when you do, but if you do come properly you will make a lot of us very happy 🙂 xxx

  12. Julia Arenas says:

    Have missed your posts and photos so much… but you have two, no, three darlings to tend to and that is very okay. Would love a monthly long post, though. Missed ya.

  13. You are all so kind. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you saying that you’ve missed my posts, it really means an awful lot to me. I’ve missed you guys so very much.

  14. Sara says:

    Hugs Charlotte. If you decide to blog again, I , like others here , will read, enjoy and support. You are much missed x

  15. Sheenie says:

    Woman, don’t you dare turn your back on this blog! It’s one of the few that still has integrity. The polished ones annoy me as they only look good on the surface but scratch beneath and there is no depth to the content. You are what blogging should be about, not the run of the mill infomercial ones flogging the latest mascara primer. Love you lots, Char and your cherubs. Xxxxx

  16. Nicola says:

    It’s so lovely to hear from you again! I’m glad all is well with the little ones. I have missed your blog posts so much – it’s precisely because your blog isn’t so polished that I love it. You tell it like it is, your posts have humour and honesty, and a way of storytelling that I have not found on any other blog. You have a way with words that is just amazing. I would read your posts whatever you chose to write about!

  17. Viswa says:

    Gorgeous Baby,lovely photos,cutie smile,really great read,thanks for wonderful article..

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