Savse Smoothies for a DIY Juice Cleanse?

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 24 - 2013

I’ve seen a few Savse Smoothie posts pop up on blogs recently and while I try to avoid blanket campaigns, I was really intrigued by the idea that these could perhaps be used as a short-term and less expensive solution to a DIY Juice Cleanse.  Firstly, you might be a little ambiguous on what actually consititutes a juice cleanse in this context…

Well, for me… I took part in an expensive, but effective cleanse last year that really worked a bit of magic to hydrate and plump my skin, boost a natural-looking glow (and lose a bit of weight!).  Of course, the weight loss didn’t last much longer than it took me to inhale a bag of salty chips the next day… but, at the time, it went a long way to helping deal with some water retention.

A “professional” 5-day cleanse can cost in the region of £350 and usually includes all of your juices, some form of nut milk, perhaps a mild laxative, and usually a few skin-boosting supplements to help you along your way.

Savse Smoothies_1

These Savse Smoothies* retail at £2.49 for a 250ml bottle.  Most “pro” cleanses provide juices that come in 500ml bottles… the average dose of which is around three-to-five bottles a day.  Taking this into consideration, you could feasibly subsitute Savse Smoothies (the ones that don’t contain yoghurt) at a cost of £15-to-£25 a day.  Over the course of 5-days?  £75-to-£125 depending on whether you choose to consume 1.5L or 2.5L of juice daily.  Either way, don’t forget to supplement the juices with plenty of water, coconut-water, and herbal teas.  A glass of almond milk before bed would also provide a dose of protein and good fats.

Now, while this of course, still sounds expensive… it’s nowhere near the £350 end of the spectrum, is it?  Of course… if you’re a regular juicer, you’d end up saving plenty of money just by investing in something like the soon-to-be-released Philips HR1863 Viva Collection Juicer.

The Savse Smoothies contain 100% natural ingredients… for example, their Super Green offering delivers the following in each 250ml bottle:

150ml Pear (juice)
80ml Broccoli (purée)
5ml Kiwi (pulp)
5ml Lemon (juice)
5ml Banana (purée)
4ml Kale (pulp)
1ml Spinach (juice)

Add up those totals?  You get 250ml.  That’s it… there’s nothing else added to detract from the fruit/veggie goodness contained within.


If you are contemplating a juice cleanse with these Savse Smoothies, I would recommend doing some homework online to discover some useful additions to help encourage the best detox possible.  Picking up some supplements from Holland & Barrett such as Spirulina Capsules/Powder, Psyllium Husk Capsules, perhaps a mult-digestive enzyme capsule to encourage the break-down of residual matter in the stomach will go a long way to increasing the successes of your cleanse.

Of course, if you do undertake something like this… do it carefully and watch out for signs of dehydration, it’s amazing how much of the liquid our body needs comes from the food we eat and not the drinks we consume and only do something like this for 3-5 days at the most.  If you have any underlying medical issues, always consult a doctor first.

Alternatively, you could use these Savse Smoothies as a nutritional boost!  “Drink your greens!” as they say… the Super Red/Green/and Purple juices in the range contain 2 of your 5-a-day.  If your skin is suffering because you’re not a veggie fan… treat a bottle of this like your medicine, bottoms up!

Either way, I’m a fan of the concept.  At £2.49, they’re not prohibitively expensive and the convenience speaks for itself.  The only downside to these is avaiability.  Right now, outside of London… supply is pretty sketchy.  Log on to to find your nearest stockist.

Do you juice cleanse?  Get enough of your 5-a-day?  What do you think about Savse Smoothies?

* press sample

5 Responses to “Savse Smoothies for a DIY Juice Cleanse?”

  1. Rachel says:

    Great idea, I’m too lazy to juice with a machine. By the way, Planet Organic gives you a £1 off when you buy 2, useful if you are going to buy a lot for a weeks detox.

  2. Rebecca says:

    I have to be honest, I’ve never fully understood the whole juice diet thing. From a weight-loss point of view once you go back to eating “proper” food the weight will come back. As for cleansing, I truly think a good balanced diet is just as good for you. Drinking plenty of water (like, a proper shit-ton!) and eating lots of fruit and veggies can work wonders. I suppose you maybe don’t have the sudden and dramatic detox effect but I am sceptical as to how beneficial it really is for you long-term anyway. Also, I think to do one successfully you need to do your homework in regards to the dangers of restricting your diet in such a way.

    That said I do love a good wholesome smoothie, they are good ways to give you that vitamin boost and sometimes prepping a load of fruit is just too much effort. And that Super Green one sounds pretty yummy!

    • Hello lovely, I hear you… I think the benefits in the long term are overrated. But if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t have the healthiest of diets, I think a juice cleanse can be a good motivator. I joke about eating crap all the time but in reality my diet is 90% bloody awesome, no yellow food in sight, and I still see a remarkable difference whenever I “detox” like this.

      I know I lose a lot of puffiness (temporarily) and as I said, simply look brighter and somewhat effervescent! Mostly, I think they have their place before life events where you wanna look your best… weddings etc

      They’re not for everyone though, funnily enough my Dad’s always loved them… my Mum fights him all the way over their ‘benefits’.

  3. Wordbird says:

    I have to admit to using juices and smoothies to boost my little girl’s intake of fruit and veg. She’s a fussy eater and refuses most things, but I can persuade her to drink things she refuses to eat (like strawberries – I mean, who ever heard of a kid who doesn’t like to eat strawberries??? Mine refuses them. Gah!) So I’m totally up with the ‘drink your greens’ idea.

  4. Jules says:

    If you can get your hands on a Vitamix, you’ll never want a packaged juice product again! I don’t believe in ‘cleanses’ (not if you have functioning kidneys and liver, anyway) – those people who never eat fruits or vegetables *are* going to see ‘results’ when they give up the burgers and actually focus on a more fresh-foods inclusive diet, aren’t they? – but if you want juice products made quick and easy, the Vitamix is the thing. It’s pricey, but amazing! Some friends got one as a wedding gift and have been using it for everything from smoothies to soups. Also, I can attest that it whizzes up a nice cocktail, too.

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