When I blog… I blog because I have something to say. You’ll rarely find a post from me which contains only a few words… quite the opposite. Which means that it takes me an average of 2hrs to compile a post, I aim to blog daily and I’m not meeting that target at the moment. Why is it important to blog frequently? Well, we’re all creatures of habit and it’s nice to know that when you log on to someone’s blog, you’ll find something new to read. Consistency is important for a blogger.
It’s to this end that I’ve created Lipglossiping Lite. It’s a tumblr-based site that I aim to update more frequently than this blog. It won’t replace this blog… not in any way, shape or form. Neither is it an excuse for me to blog less on here… but it will hopefully mean that I have somewhere online to deposit all those snippets that fill my head with things I want to share, but don’t necessarily want to write 500+ words about, you know? Currently… those things, many of them time-sensitive (deals etc), just don’t get blogged at all anymore.
If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, any Lipglossiping Lite updates will be accessible from there. I’m turning off my Instagram updates (though will still be instagramming!) just so that I don’t bombard anyone with beauty overkill via their social media.
Truth be told, I’ve been in a blogging slump for a long time… commiting to another outlet is something I’ve resisted for a long time as a form of dilution but I can’t deny that perhaps being able to instantly share some of the things that excite me in a less time-consuming way, just might reignite my appetite for the whole deal again. Or it might not. But it’s worth a go.
Thanks for sticking with me x
I’m not even a little bit ashamed to admit that since I found your blog 8 months ago I check it daily and have read all the posts you’ve ever written, so the fact that you’ll be updating on another platform as well as here is bloody awesome!
That’s really kind of you, thank you
I find it easier to read blogs that don’t update everyday! I don’t have time to read blogs on a regular basis and nothing fills me with dread when I see I’ve missed 20+ posts in the last week or so.
I think less is more so it will be easier for me to read your blog if you are posting less frequently