Tealing kinda blue! Boots No7 Stay Perfect Nail Colour in Cruising

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 21 - 2013

Whenever I get given one of those nifty till spits treating me to X amount off Boots No7, I make a beeline.  Well, two actually… my first port of call are the brushes, I must have a million No7 brushes that I always take with me on holidays.  You know the sort of thing… not so rubbish that they’re unusable, not so amazing/expensive that you’d cry if they got bent out of shape! Makeup bag staples.

My second stop-off is in front of the Boots No7 Stay Perfect nail polishes.  I’m a little bit reluctant to hand over full-price for the range but when you’ve got £3 off… well, things don’t seem quite so expensive after-all!

Especially when they look as pretty as this…



How lovely is that teal?  Next stop, it’s going on my toes!

I generally find the No7 formula to be a two-coater, the brushes have improved recently and now I can generally cover the nail in 3 strokes with an extra one thrown in to tidy up.  Drying time is average but the gloss is usually out of this world.  My biggest bug bear with the formula is that so many of the strong shades stain my skin and require more acetone in removal than I’d usually like to use.

Despite the moniker, Stay Perfect doesn’t actually stay all that perfect.  I usually get significant tip wear within a few days and the odd chip here and there, noteworthy for someone whose nails rarely suffer from chips!

That being said, I’m almost tempted to forgive it for being such a rich, glossy shade that looks as though it’s been poured on rather than painted.  Lush.

Boots No7 Stay Perfect Nail Colour in Cruising is priced at £6 (without a voucher) and available to buy instore and online at boots.com

Are you a fan of the No7 Stay Perfect nail range?

* press sample

6 Responses to “Tealing kinda blue! Boots No7 Stay Perfect Nail Colour in Cruising”

  1. Sydney says:

    I too am a big fan of the No7 polishes (although I suppose I have to say that given that they’re my employers!) but they do have an absolutely gorgeous range of colours. I will agree, and admit, that they don’t last as long as some others but who cares when they look that darn pretty!
    I’ve just painted mine in foxglove which is a gorgeous raspberry toned pink, definitely give it a look the next time you’re in Boots (especially since all cosmetics are buy one get a second half price – and you can use the coupons too!)

    Gorgeous colour on you!

  2. Izzi says:

    I’m a fan of the No7 polishes (when I have a voucher!). Recently their releases have included really coveted colours so I think the make up is definitely starting to make a mark on me. The stay perfect is a bit of a lie for me too, these polishes generally give me the most tip wear than any other brand (even cheaper brands) so I don’t usually purchase them unless I have a money off voucher

    A beauty, food and life blog by Izzi

    • Hi Izzi,

      It surprised me because polishes don’t generally chip on me or anything, teflon nails (if a bit flakey!)

      Getting to the know the rest of the range bit by bit… falling head over heels in love with the foundation!

  3. Kelly says:

    £3 off?! They used to do £5 ones!

  4. Not really keen on teal varnishes, but this one is seriously eye catching x

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