A little update and a recent FOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 11 - 2013

Wotcha, I just thought I’d post a little update to apologise for my lack of… err… updates.  You see, to put it plainly, I’ve lost my blogging mojo in a big way.  So majorly infact, that I didn’t really want to voice it aloud out of fear of cementing it in my psyche as a “thing”.  In 4+ years of beauty blogging, I’ve only ever lost my blogging motivation in the most superficial of ways but this time it feels more emotional and backed with the full force of a little resentment.  I’ve always been a great believer in not forcing things and sometimes you just need to take a step back for a while, I can’t even remember the number of times I’ve said that to other bloggers who have found themselves drifting aimlessly and posting for the sake of it.

The problem is, I’m actually a bit too scared to take my own advice.  It’s not as if I have a thrilling social life once Leila has gone to bed, sure I’m kinda tempted to get back into the CSI franchise that made my pregnancy 100x more enjoyable (“Oh, I think the morning sickness is back, leave me alone with Greg Sanders K?”) and I haven’t watched an uninterrupted episode of Eastenders since 2011!  But where will all those unwritten posts go?  Not the reviews as such, but the random observations that creep into my head at 2am when I should be sleeping.  Has a lapsed-blogger ever exploded from not having somewhere to put these things?

Anyway, while I work through my “ishoos”, I’ll share yesterday’s FOTD.  You might be a little surprised to know that I’ve rediscovered a bit of love for nude lips.  I often look to the queen of nude lips (a.k.a Holly) for inspiration and remember my first nude lip love which was an old YSL Rouge Pur Transparent (we’re talking 10+ years ago).

Nude look

This isn’t my old old favourite but it is still a YSL, and one of my favourites, Rouge Volupte #1 Nude Beige.  I bought this a few years ago when the Volupte’s were causing major pants wetting across the blogosphere and unlike my dabble into #7 Lingerie Pink, this one has remained a staple for whenever I need to glam up a smoky eye.

Whilst I prefer my bold shades to be richly pigmented… for me, there’s nothing worse than a white-based nude.  Anything remotely chalky can go straight into room 101 and this one is about as opaque as I can go before I start to feel like a wannabe ganguro.  I’m excited by YSL’s latest launch of Volupte Sheer Candy lipsticks (obv. not the should-be-bloody-bold-and-nothing-else shades) and hope that I may find another nude friend (please with sparkle?) among its collection.

Nude look1

The rest of the FOTD was a touch warmed up by the setting sun but it involved rediscovering my MUFE Face and Body Liquid Foundation in #36 (what lovely, natural coverage), a bargainous Wet n’ Wild palette in Comfort Zone, and some eyeliner (which could have done with a lot more smudging) courtesy of Clarin’s Kohl Kajal, which was a limited edition release from last Summer.

I hate to be such a giant cliche when it comes to changing my lipstick according to the seasons but when something feels right, well… you’ve just got to go with it haven’t you?

What colours are you wearing on your lips at the moment?

12 Responses to “A little update and a recent FOTD”

  1. Charlotte says:

    I love your FOTD posts, its always so wearable and well applied!

    sorry to hear you lost your blogging mojo, I hope it comes back soon.

    I also wanted to say that I enjoyed the guest bloggers you used when you went on holiday, maybe you could have a guest blogging day a bit like your wordless wednesdays so that you don’t have to keep coming up with posts. Might help give you and the blog a bit of space to see if how you feel changes?

    I heart your blog!

    • Hi Charlotte,

      Thank you so much for your kind comment. I’ve been thinking so much about it all weekend and I have had the kind offer of someone who I imagine would make a wonderful ocassional guest blogger for me, so I’ve got my fingers tightly crossed it works out! xxx

    • Leah says:

      Goddamn trigger finger! I hope your blogging mojo comes back soon, but you know you could write out phone book entries and still make it entertaining. Write anything and we will read.

      I’m all over loud lip colours at the moment, whether they suit me or not. I’ve decided life is too short not to shine, so fuck it! x x

  2. Wordbird says:

    Hola Chica!
    You’ve got to believe the advice you give others. And know that one post a week about your weird and wonderful ponderings will be more interesting and amusing than any number of blah blurbs about whatevs. Honey, you’re special and we love you! 😉

    PS I have a sheer, sparkly nude love: Clarins Joli Rouge Brilliant Perfect Shine in 04 Praline. (Jeez, that took some typing! And some research to get the name right.) Anyhoo, as ever for Clarins, Escentual is your friend here. http://www.escentual.com/clarins/clarins-make-up/lipstick/200267/

  3. NeenaJ says:

    Loving your hair in these clicks!

  4. Maybe you just need to take scheduled breaks and walk away more often. Or don’t post as much, you’ve got an established audience, if you take a weekend off here and there it won’t damage your readership.

    I haven’t blogged for a week due to lack of time, then when I get the time the words don’t appear – can’t win! xoxo

  5. ModestyBrown says:

    When my Poirot viewing hasn’t had me reaching for the reds and deep shades, I’ve been giving my nude lipsticks some love too. I discovered an old Lisa Eldridge video (and a new one for Elle) that has inspired me to wear smudgy/grungy liner and most of my MLBB lipsticks spoil the casual effect.

    Weirdly, MAC Modesty lipstick which used to be a MLBB shade on me, now seems to wear like a not-too-corpsy nude. I assume this means that I’m losing pigment in my lips to add to the greying hair and rogue hairs sprouting from my chin. Gotta love getting older! 😉

  6. Just love the simple and clean makeup! looks beautiful! Love the lippie

  7. Olivia says:

    Nothing wrong with taking a little break. I have to admit my brain isn’t working full capacity on blogging either, could be Spring Fever.

    At the moment, I have really liked the Milani Color Statement lipsticks over any brand I have from high end to low end. I have never been smitten with lipsticks in ages. Maybe, Milani has drugged me with their watermelon gummi bear scent in the lipstick!

  8. Sydney says:

    You look beautiful in this, at least you haven’t lost that!
    I am sorry to hear that you feel you have lost your mo-jo, it’s always a bit of a terrible (and terrifying) feeling but it can’t be helped sometimes.

    Perhaps give yourself a well earnt break, we will all be here waiting when you come back. Life is all about enjoying the moment and being happy, sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of that 🙂

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