the first step in making my bathroom look a little prettier

two new lipsticks from opposite ends of the market

growing my own salad on the windowsill

a special treat for a special little girl

currently playing on my mind – the fact that this lot needs a sort-through

a vintage perfume procured for my Mum

my Mother’s day gifts that someone couldn’t wait ’til Sunday to give me

my first foray into supplementing. I will remember to take them, I will!

getting frustrated with my weight watchers pedometer

booking tickets for my first gig since 2001
Don’t forget that my Escentual.com French Pharmacy giveaway is closing tonight, entry is open worldwide so do get ’em in before midnight GMT. I’ve got another exciting giveaway going live over the weekend, so keep an eye out for that also.
I hope that you’ve had a lovely week and are looking forward to winding down this evening. My aunty (who is more like a second-mum), has been allowed home from the hospital after a week under observation following a collapsed lung, special Mother’s Day hugs for her this weekend. My Mum and Dad are coming over tomorrow for an early Sunday dinner, I’ve got to get to grips with cooking pork tenderloin – it was on offer at the supermarket and I can never resist a bargain!
Whatever you’re doing this weekend and whoever you’re spending it with, have a lovely one. The weather looks set to turn vile again on Sunday so I’ll be throwing open the windows tomorrow and making the most of any remaining bright spells.