Weight Watchers Weekly Challenge #2 – Planning Your Meals

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 11 - 2013

Well, it’s Thursday and I’ve stayed on plan this week.  There’s been a couple of times that I’ve sneaked into my weekly PP allowance (an allowance you have in addition to your daily allowance – best reserved for treats/night outs, “emergency points” if you will) but on the whole, I’ve stuck steadfastly to my PP per day limit.  Talking of limits, after Monday’s weigh-in (I lost 3lb), my PP allowance has dropped from 30PP to 29PP, something to simultaneously cheer and grumble about.

This week’s challenge has been all about keeping track of what you’re doing and how you’re sticking to the plan.  And for me, it was a very easy one….

You see, I always plan my meals a week in advance… I have to, it reminds me when my belly rumbles at 3pm that I’ve got such-and-such dinner for tea… which is only an hour or so away so putdownthosebiscuitsrightnow.  It also allows me to use my PP effectively, and ensures that I include enough healthy and filling foods into my diet to keep the hunger pangs away.  Planning and a little forward thinking really is key to Weight Watchers in my experience.

So here’s what my weekly plan has looked like (and the meals that have gone with, thus far)

Monday: Bacon, Scrambled Egg, Tomato, Mushrooms, Bubble & Squeak patty, Bread – 10PP – Not bad for a fry up!


Tuesday: Balsamic roasted vegetables with streaky bacon and cous cous – 10PP – I didn’t expect to really like this one but it was probably my favourite!

balsamic roasted veg on cous cous weight watchers

Wednesday: homemade pizza (garlic sausage, tomatoes, onion, basil, mushrooms, grated cheese) with salad – 13PP – Lovely, the homemade thin crust was 8PP on its own but LUSH.


Thursday: Sausages, onions, carrot/swede mash, butternut squash, yorkshire puddings – 13PP – One of my favourites but I’m still searching for the perfect lowfat sausage! Oh and a word to the wise, Asda Smart Price Yorkshire Puddings are 1PP each, you’re welcome.

sausage yorkshire weight watchers

Friday: Tuna melt in a wrap with salad – 11PP

Saturday: Leek and potato gratin with blue cheese and bacon – 11PP

Sunday: Spinach and Quark Cannelloni – 10PP

My instagram page features all my main meals and if you use the hashtag #wwfooddiary, you should find many more dishes, snacks and treats to inspire from other instagrammers.

So, as you can see…. I’m not really a baked salmon on a bed of air kinda girl which, to be fair, is probably why I’m following the Weight Watchers plan in the first place.  Having said that, I’ve bought some frozen coley portions, asparagus, and lemon that doesn’t come out of a bottle in an attempt to not eat sausages every day next week.  You know I would if I could.

So far, the plan isn’t proving to be remotely difficult but then again, I am used to it and have sussed out LOADS of shopping tips to ensure that I make the clever choices when it comes to filling my basket, and my belly.  It’s Mr. L’s birthday on Sunday (21 again) so we’ll be going to the cinema and out for a meal at some point next week… we also have an afternoon champagne cream tea booked in to celebrate.  This week was easy… next week is going to be my NEMESIS.

To be continued… (back to the makeups tomorrow!)

Do you make a weekly meal plan?  What’s been your favourite healthy and filling meal this week?

* I am a Weight Watchers blog ambassador and my links to their website are affiliated.  I have received no payment for this post.

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Poundland Dry Shampoo (Intu Style)

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2013

I expect I’m not alone when I say that I’ve tried numerous dry shampoos over the years because although I’m pretty loyal to Batiste… it is quite expensive no?  I’d also wager a bet on the likelihood that popping into Poundland once in a while is as much of a guilty pleasure for you as it is for me.  Somewhere up there with scowling at a Liz Jones article, buying more Krispy Kremes than there are people to eat them, and lingering on Dog the Bounty Hunter reruns for longer than is strictly necessary whilst browsing the channels.  There, I said it.  I <3 Poundland.

So when I spotted some cans of dry shampoo on the shelves that I hadn’t spotted on previous trips, I felt a little thrill of excitement!  Not only that, but they had different versions for coloured hair a la Batiste!  Oh happy day!

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Poundland Dry Shampoo (Intu Style)

I picked up this can of Intu Style Dry Shampoo for Brunettes, expecting it to be thoroughly ineffective.  But it’s bloody marvellous!  In-fact, rather than plain old dry shampoo, it reminds me more of the Batiste volumising one (but for brunettes).  It also seems a little less noxious with a non-descript scent that although not amazing, doesn’t melt your brain either.

Obviously, this stuff is a mere quid – I’ve only seen it in Poundland and whether or not it’s still in plentiful supply is anyone’s guess.  I picked this up just before Christmas, so if you’re passing your local store… drop in and see if you can spot a can.

Have you tried it?  What other “off brand” dry shampoos do you rate?

Butter London Lovely Jubbly NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2013

Tired of all the glitz and sparkle that Christmas brought with it?  No, me neither (come back Christmas!)

Seeing as we have a whole year to get through before we can once again feel the warm glow induced by too many mince pies,Twiglets, and glasses of Baileys – let us all take a moment instead to bask in the glory that is this beast of a glitter polish from Butter London.


Lovely Jubbly is indeed, rather lovely with a party-on-your-nails mixup of glitters.  I spy blue, magenta, red, gold… and you know the best of it?  Opaque in two coats… three if you’re being pernickity.  Of course, it’s an absolute arse to remove and needs a full layer of thick top coat to get rid of the gritty feeling.  Some of you may not mind the rough, glitter finish but it makes me want to take an industrial sander to my nail beds.  Don’t do that.

Butter London Lovely Jubbly is available to buy online at www.powderrooms.com, priced at £11.95

NEW bareMinerals READY SPF20 Foundation, messy no more?!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2013

If you’re a regular reader of lipglossiping.com, you’ll know that I’m quite fond of the bareMinerals mineral foundations… I generally use them over a tinted moisturiser-esque base to achieve extra coverage without a heavy finish.  I find that the formula melts into my skin like no other powder, despite my dry skintype.  The only real issue I’ve ever had with the bareMinerals foundation is the fact that working with loose powders can be pretty messy.  Of course, there are also benefits: the main one being that you can generally achieve a lighter application when using powders in loose form… however…

bareMinerals have obviously come to the conclusion that they’re missing out on a major portion of the beauty-loving public’s coffers with things as they stand.  Over the past year, the brand have introduced many of their beloved products in pressed form.  And you know what?  Most reports have been complimentary.  I’ll hold my hands up and say that I was concerned that by making this shift in what seems like the brand’s USP would result in them dumbing down.  I expected eyeshadow pigments to become less impressive, formulas less… melty.  It appears (and I haven’t tried their eyeshadows myself yet) that I might be wrong.  Christine (from Temptalia), whose opinion I hold in high esteem, regularly includes her bareMineral READY eyeshadow compacts in her “top” lists of products.  And I have to admit, the swatches I’ve seen look plenty pigmented.

But… foundation?

Foundation is where the brand have really garnered legions of fans.  It’s a bold move.  I’m a little bit excited to be honest, I’m praying for the same formula.

It launched yesterday in the UK, time will tell… it’s available to buy online on www.qvcuk.com, currently priced at £20.00

Bella Freud’s Candle Collection at SpaceNK

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 8 - 2013

British Fashion Designer, Bella Freud has taken a tentative step into the world of beauty with the launch of three candles, currently being sold exclusively at SpaceNK.  You may know of Bella’s work, via her army of celebrity fans who adore her playful slogans and signature caricatures or via her many collaborations with brands such as Christian Louboutin, Miss Selfridge and Biba.

The three candles in the collection marry Bella’s love of fashion with this new venture into the world of fragrancing by continuing her theme of working with simplistic, eye-catching designs.

One features the iconic “Ginsberg is God” slogan, the second is adorned with her “Je t’aime Jane” reference to Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg’s love affair, and the third and final candle displays her celebrated brand logo, complete with one very waggy tongue!

Bella Freud Incense Wood & Oud Candle

Bella Freud Incense Wood & Oud Candle

For this collection, I was pleased to hear that Bella Freud had teamed up with parfumeur Azzi Glasser of Agent Provocateur and Illamasqua fame.  If anyone could help guide a novice into crafting a great, individual smell – she’s the lady for the job.

I’ve been enjoying the rich, sensual, and downright exotic fragrance of her Incense Wood & Oud Candle, inspired by Bella’s first memories of a childhood in Morocco.  The scent offers a gentle incarnation of smoked incense, cedar wood, resinous amber, and myrrh.  It’s a little spicy but never peppery, calming and extremely well-rounded with a dry, smoky warmth and velvety aroma.

Incense Wood & Oud Candle* is available to buy online or instore at SpaceNK, priced at £38.00

* press sample

What’s in my fridge? No, really….

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 7 - 2013

When bloggers do a “what’s in my bag”, or a “what’s on my bedside table” post.  We all know that this stuff isn’t really in their bag right?  Their bedside table doesn’t actually look like a Sense and Sensibility set at any other time than when the photo was taken for the blogpost.  I mean, I love candles but I don’t feel the need to sleep with one inches from my face or keep a collection of classic books to rival the British Library’s back catalogue adjacent to my elbow.  “Look how messy it is!” they proclaim.  Hahhahaha.  No.

Where’s the clicker? (remote controls to you normal people) the snotrags, the scrunchies that you wouldn’t be seen dead in outside of 1992?  It’s an illusion.

Which is why I was a little bit nervy when my first Weight Watchers challenge turned out to be photographing the contents of my fridge post-Christmas.  Of course, I did what any normal person would do and took out the two Quarterpounder Feasters (microwaveable burgers), and the Pepperami.  But what you see in the photos below is not an illusion.  It was also quite bare considering the Big Day had not long passed, I guess that accounts for the 6lbs I managed to put on over the festive period.

What's in my fridge?  No, really....

What's in my fridge?  No, really....

What's in my fridge?  No, really....

I swear those yogurts were not planted there by a Weight Watchers crack team

What's in my fridge?  No, really....

So, what have we got here then?  A crap-ton of garlic, coriander, ginger, madras etc. type pastes… because they can turn nothing into everything.  Some tired looking vegetables, many yogurts, leftover coleslaw, a tin of corned beef (it’s easier to slice cold!), mattesons sausage, the chocolate/treat container (shh), butter-esque spreads, and a bottle of mini champagne in-case something nice happens one day.

The thing that surprised me looking back at the photos, is this… considering how little there is in the fridge, there’s an awful lot of cheese in there.  We’ve got: cheddar, parmesan, dairylea, lowlow grated, blue, edam slices, and babybel.  Just how much cheese does one poorly-stocked fridge need?

So why am I showing you the contents of my fridge anyway?  Ladies, the challenge from Weight Watchers HQ was simple

This week we want you to sort your fridge by hiding all your high PPV foods.

Store that Stilton, move that muffin and put all these temptations into containers or drawers that are hidden away.

Turn all the leftovers  you can into tasty low ProPoints values meals and share one recipe you’ve made.

I’m not storing my Stilton!  Stilton is a bleedin’ lifesaver when you’re trying to create tasty-but-virtuous meals thanks to its potency.  The reality is, you only need to use a little bit to really lift the flavour of something… and that’s what I’m going to show you in my “leftovers” recipe below.  In-case you were wondering, the mattesons sausage totally got stored.  I also went through my freezer and gave my stash of beef mince to my Mum who picked me up a few packets of turkey mince on her next food shop.

Anyway, the recipe…

Cauliflower, Turkey, and Blue Cheese Bake – 10 ProPoints Values


Now, I know it looks a bit like baby vom and at the very least needed a sprig of parsley artistically placed somewhere but believe me when I tell you that it tasted better than it looked.  I’m no Smitten Kitchen when it comes to cooking but this was pretty yum for a weight loss friendly, fridge-rescue mission.  I do have one confession to make though… I stole the turkey to make it from my Mum’s fridge, hers was (and still is) heaving!

1 head of cauliflower, broken into florets
15g butter
15g plain flour
140ml semi-skimmed milk
50g blue cheese
200g roast turkey meat, pulled into pieces
black pepper to taste

1.  Steam the cauliflower until tender and transfer into a baking dish.

2.  Make the roux by melting the butter in a saucepan on medium/low heat.  Once melted, quickly stir in the flour before adding the milk – a little at a time until you have a creamy sauce.

3.  Crumble and add the blue cheese to the sauce, keep stirring until it melts and then remove from the heat.  Grind a little black pepper into the sauce if you wish.

4.  Add the turkey pieces to the baking dish and pour over the blue cheese sauce.

5.  Pop under a hot grill until the top begins to darken.

The rich flavour of the blue cheese and the unadulterated creaminess of the sauce makes this meal seem far naughtier than it is and I felt no guilt when I logged on to the Weight Watchers website later in the evening to track my day’s progress.

How’s your fridge looking in the gloom of January’s dull presence?  My first food shop since Chrimbo came on Friday and I must say, it’s looking a lot healthier this week!

* I am a Weight Watchers blog ambassador and my links to their website are affiliated.  I have received no payment for this post.

NARS Highlighting Blush Powder Satellite of Love vs. NARS Albatross

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 6 - 2013

Alright glitter munchers, how’s 2013 treating you so far?  I’m coming to terms with taking down the decorations today (12th night and all that), to be honest… I started to take them down a couple of days ago after Louise told me that taking just a few down each day makes the process less soul-destroying…  Still, let’s all take comfort from the knowledge that it’s only 352 days until Christmas.

Last month (year), I treated myself to a new blusher… at least, I thought it was a blusher because I didn’t pay any attention to anything that I saw or read about it until after I’d bought it.  NARS Satellite of Love was released as part of the Andy Warhol collection a couple of months ago… an odd collection in my opinion, with exceptionally expensive eyeshadow palettes but rather tempting nail polishes.  What did you make of it?

Anyway, the one item that caught my eye immediately… I assumed (on sight) was a blusher.  Infact it’s a highlighter… or Highlighting Blush to give it its official name.

Rather than just review, I thought I’d compare it to my super-beloved highlighter from NARS, the only (powder) one that I really reach for, a product that can transform your look in seconds: NARS Albatross.  Albatross is a cult product in the NARS catalogue and it’s easy to see why.  It imparts a smooth, champagne-gold shimmer that both lifts and illuminates the complexion without dusting your face in glitter or an odd pinky/white highlight.  It’s a wonderful product to use at anytime, night or day – just use a light hand and a loosely packed brush for optimum effect.

NARS Satellite of Love is… different.

NARS Highlighting Blush Powder Satellite of Love vs. NARS Albatross

Now, don’t be assuming that I don’t like it, because I do… but it’s a completely different animal, and that’s probably for the best because what would be the point of it otherwise?  Satellite of Love is a warm-toned peach/nude/orange shade with gold glitter.  Gold glitter like Super Orgasm glitter, chunky knock-it-off-the-brush-before-that-shit-comes-near-my-face glitter.  Again, not necessarily a bad thing, I own and love Super Orgasm… but you just have to pay deference to its bling.

I treat super-glittery blushes in the same way that I treat McDonald’s hamburgers.  The glitter – like the gherkin/pickle – is optional.  You’re in complete control and the only time any kind of issue arises is when you take your eye off the ball and dive in without paying attention.  When it comes to NARS blushes/highlighters… all you need to do is swirl (gently) and then tap the handle of your brush against your forearm to rid yourself of the chunkiest pieces of glitter.  Infact, it’s far less hassle than removing gherkins from burgers, and you don’t get the nasty surprise of a second hidden pickle in your blusher*.

NARS Highlighting Blush Powder Satellite of Love vs. NARS Albatross

I am disappointed that Satellite of Love isn’t as nude as I expected it to be, there’s a lot of warmth in that there pan and whilst this is a minus for me… I can only imagine how beautiful this would look highlighting richer-toned girls who suit warmer blush.  Can you imagine?  With all that gold sparkle in the summertime (when the weather is fine)?  Lush.

NARS Highlighting Blush Powder Satellite of Love vs. NARS Albatross

In the face swatch below, I’ll apologise for the placement – I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to wear it as a bronzer, blusher, or highlighter… so I just sort of put it in a really weird place on my cheeks.  I’ll call it the brunzlighter placement.

NARS Highlighting Blush Powder Satellite of Love vs. NARS Albatross

NARS Satellite of Love and NARS Albatross are available to buy online from narscosmetics.co.uk priced at £21.00 (and if you could pick me up NARS Dragon Girl VMLP while you’re there? Cheers!)

Do you own either of these blush/highlighters?

* this is all bullshit, I actually LOVE the gherkins in burgers.  I’m the original give-me-all-your-gherkins girl.

The Lipstick League – week of 31.12.12

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 5 - 2013

Question of the Week – What’s your least expensive yet most effective beauty tip/product?

lipstickleague - final

Answer – Ooooh, good question!  My favourite eyebrow brush (that I use daily) is a Revlon Vital Radiance one that you can buy in poundland… does that count?!

Vampy Varnish – Is in love with the new Urban Decay Naked Beauty Balm! Check out why!

we heart this – the beauty cruise director, Stef, choose the top 12 beauty products of 2012 that most floated her boat.

Beauty Junkies Unite – Get the scoop on the latest from Urban Decay…check out the review & swatches for the new NAKED Nail Kit!

Clumps of Mascara – actually gave a mascara a 5 out of 5. This hardly ever happens! Check out which mascara made her go gaga.

EauMG – Do you have any perfume New Year’s Resolutions?

Lipglossiping – hides all the Christmas chocolates and resolves to jump back on the weight-watching wagon, anyone else being the ultimate New Year cliche?

Gouldylox Reviews – Ever want your own before and after experience? Join the beauty bootcamp and make it happen in 2013.

Nouveau Cheap – For my birthday, I told myself that I was going to treat myself to some fun bath products and not even think about testing or reviewing them. But man, these body washes are so delightful that I just couldn’t stop myself from reviewing them afterall.

Pink Sith – is giving away an Argan Oil Infused Hair Care Set from DermOrganics. Enter today!

Prime Beauty – is having fun creating a plethora of nail looks with Le Metier de Beaute’s Holiday Nail Lacquers. The Deck the Nails duo are shimmering overlays and Bright as Night are deep jewel tones including the new Pantone color for 2013-Emerald! See what combinations she created!

Phyrra – shares her first impressions of the Urban Decay Naked Skin Beauty Balm.

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Vampy Varnish – I chose Chalkboard Nails and her amazing black spotted and neon abstract nails as my guest post this week because I think she’s amazingly talented, and this is a super cool look!


C’mon ladies, tell me – what’s your least expensive yet most effective beauty tip/product?

My favourite beauty products of 2012

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 5 - 2013

I should have known from the moment I started poking through my beauty products that I was simply not going to be able to keep this list succinct and to the point.  Instead, I have still been really strict with myself and any “categories” that have more than one item, only do so because choosing between them would have literally given me an aneurysm.

And so, I present… my favourite products of 2012.

favourite beauty products of 2012

Let me talk you through them…

favourite beauty products of 2012


I allowed myself a little more leeway when it came to choosing my favourite skincare products of the past year.  What with cleansing, moisturising, treating, and protecting your skin – I couldn’t simply choose a single product.

In March last year, I came across a vitamin c/hyaluronic acid serum on the ‘Bay and although my head told me not to invest in skincare products from the same place that I buy my Brabantia bin bags on the cheap… I couldn’t help myself.  It’s done a really nice job of balancing my skin concerns, reducing dryness without causing congestion or additional blackheads.  Vitamin c in skincare generally has a short shelf life, so the small 10ml size ensures that I use the product up while it’s at its most active.

Another treat that I’ve been enjoying using once a week is the Elemis Exotic Cream Moisturising Mask* which I use as an overnight treatment mask.  It smells divine, gives my skin an intense boost of hydration and leaves it feeling incredibly soft and supple the next morning.  Although it’s not cheap at £32.50, you do get a full 50ml and I’ve been using this for around 8 months and it’s still going strong.

I blogged about the Pukka Nourishing Brightener* earlier in the year and called it a “miracle”.  I stand by that claim today, as it’s been a lifesaver through these colder months.  I’ve use it roughly once a fortnight as a manual exfoliator, just adding a quarter of a teaspoon to my cream cleanser before gently working it over my skin.  It keeps my foundation looking smooth on my skin without over-exfoliating.  I’m not generally a fan of manual exfoliators (especially for people like me with diffused redness) but I’ve found this one has been gentle enough not to cause any issues.

Out of all my moisturisers, Dr Hauschka’s Rose Day Cream Light has been the one that I’ve used most consistently through the changing seasons.  With my (newish) serum, I’m finding that I need to use less cream moisturiser in the mornings, which is great for increasing makeup longevity and I usually apply this just to the drier areas of my skin where my foundation can clump and go patchy.

Finally, when it came to choosing a “treatment” product, there was only one that was going to win it… La Roche Posay’s Effaclar AI has been my weapon of choice against zits for most of this year and I’m showing no signs of growing tired of it!  The cream formula sits really well beneath makeup and works wonders to calm hormonal breakouts into not-such-disastrous events.

favourite beauty products of 2012

Nails, Body, Hair

Look how strict I’ve been!  Just three products… one for each category.

For nails, it was easy… I’ve been completely loyal to my LUMOS High Speed Top Coat over the past 12 months, and long may it continue – check out my jumbo salon-sized bottle that shows no signs of thickening (screw you Seche Vite!).  It does everything that I want a quick-dry top coat to do… simply perfect.  I buy my bottles on eBay because it’s a pro-product and I can’t get my hands on it otherwise…

LUSH have really pushed the boat out with some great products in 2012 and my favourite is Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner* which has really revolutionised the way I shower.  I don’t use it every-day because it would be an expensive habit… but once a week, I’ll apply this in the shower, wash it off and enjoy ridiculously soft, good-smelling skin without any fussing around with body lotions.  Dreamy!

I feel like I’ve spent most of the year searching for a great shampoo/conditioner combo that will regenerate my dry/flat/greasy at the roots hair but nothing has ticked all the boxes.  Charles Worthington Miracle Repair Elixir Oil* has become a replacement for my long-loved Gielly Green Argan Rescue oil.  It’s less expensive and does an equally wonderful job at smoothing the ends and injecting some great shine without weighing down my hair.

favourite beauty products of 2012


I had another near-aneurysm moment whilst trying to decide on my fragrance choices and in the end, I had to narrow it down by choosing my two favourites that were launched this year, and even then… I tried to slip in a third perfume (Balenciaga Florabotanica) and a second candle (Diptyque Feu de Bois) but stood resolutely strong at the last moment *wibble*.

Jo Malone’s Velvet Rose & Oud Cologne Intense* came out earlier in the year as a limited edition release (it’s still available) and delivers a hit of everything that I love in a fragrance.  Rich, dark, and beautifully balanced between the masculine and feminine, I’ve been wearing it and receiving many compliments as a result.  It’s not hugely lingering but this will probably be a positive as we move into warmer months.

I’ve been such a huge fangirl of Ancienne Ambiance* since I first came across the brand a couple of years ago and the delight that is their Phoenicia candle brings a huge smile to my face every time I light it.  The earthy Cedar and fresh herbs makes for the most soul-warming fragrance combination known to (wo)man.

My second perfume choice is this masterpiece of a scent from Acqua di Parma.  Iris Nobile Sublime* is and was my favourite fragrance release of the year – unabashedly feminine without any over-the-top sweetness, she makes a quiet but substantial statement in all the ways that you’d want a proper grown-up perfume to demonstrate.

favourite beauty products of 2012


My favourite “tool” of the year was this fabulous little mirror that I picked up on a late night shop, for some reason… the sentiment just spoke to me 😉  I’ve had lots of people admire it… but of course, I had to tell them to sod off and stop talking to me.

When it comes to my undying brush obsession, the Real Technique range has triumphed completely this year and from the range, it’s the Buffing Brush (from the core collection) that has impressed me more than any other.  It seems to possess the magical ability to create a flawless finish, particularly with cream products – which I’ve favoured this year.  I need to buy another so I don’t grumble every time I want to use it for blusher only to find it covered in foundation!

favourite beauty products of 2012

My final pick of the best tool of 2012 is this beautiful glass nail file* from Mont Bleu.  I’ve talked about these nail files a few times before but if you’re looking for professional quality crystal nail files that won’t let you down with the added bling of something a little more personal – these are the very best choice you can make.

favourite beauty products of 2012


Are you sitting comfortably?  Good.  Let’s talk makeup…

Foundation is my true weakness and there was just no chance of only being able to choose one favourite.  I’ve made it slightly less wanky by choosing one that is full-coverage and one that is more of a tinted moisturiser – thus totally justifying my inability to make a concrete decision – smart eh?

First up is Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Tinted Moisturizer… and as I’m writing this, I’m searching for a link and CANNOT FIND ONE.  I now have a horrible feeling that they’ve discontinued it, which would be a fucking tragedy because it’s fabulous.  I love the no-fuss, no-mess packaging that dispenses the perfect amount with a little squeeze.  I love the generous quantity of product and the sheer, buildable coverage that allows my skin to look natural whilst still toning down the redness.  I love the adequate moisturisation and how beautifully this spreads over my skin with its light texture and weightless appeal.  OH KIEHL’S… WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!

Well, thank God I’ve got a backup favourite to fall back on… although for very different reasons (and also not available in stick form any longer – infact, MUA say this one is discontinued too FFS), the Shu Uemura Nobara foundation provides a wonderfully creamy base with plenty of slip to allow seamless blending.  I’ve just picked up a backup in the SpaceNK sale online (shade 584) and am looking forward to trying it in pan form.  The coverage is medium to full and the pigmentation in the creamy formula is nothing short of astounding – you don’t need a huge amount but unlike other heavily-pigmented foundations, this one is very forgiving if you’re a little heavy-handed.  It skims over pores, never settling, and gives a frankly flawless (well, nearly) canvas.  Yeah, you just keep discontinuing my favourite base products beauty industry.  THIS is why I have too much makeups.

favourite beauty products of 2012

Talking of flawless coverage (and definitely not discontinued), Bare Minerals released a variety of concealers last year and their Correcting Concealer* has replaced Bobbi Brown’s as my favourite blemish buster in 2012.  It has a particularly emollient formula that would need setting on oilier skins but is hugely forgiving around the eye area, especially if you’re seeing your first laughter lines *cough* crowsfeet *cough* gradually appear.  Soft, very creamy, and full of deception – just how I like my concealers – the SPF20 is a welcome addition aswell!

For a little while now, Clarins have made my favourite powders – they’re beautiful to look at (totally important), offer light coverage, often contain the perfect amount of sparkle for luminosity without glitterizing yo’ face, and set my makeup instantly.  Well, the brand are still knocking them out with most collections – often just called Face Palettes and leaning a little more toward the bronzier side of “powder” in the Summertime, and I for one, will never be able to get enough of them.

I thought I might struggle with choosing my favourite blusher of 2012 but my hand almost instinctively reached for Paradiso Pink from MyFace Cosmetics without my brain having to do anything!  I’ve always wanted to find that perfect pink blusher that wouldn’t make me look ruddy.  I want a smooth-blending pop of colour that marries with my natural rosiness, nothing too barbie but nothing that takes an age to build-up.  I found it last year with this little gem.

favourite beauty products of 2012


I’ll start with the most obvious – the one product in my entire makeup collection that gets dragged out of the drawer daily, my Illamasqua Eyebrow Cake in Gaze.  Eyebrow perfection with a long-lasting powder formula that gives me definition in literally, seconds.  The perfect way to frame your eyes. Expect to see this on the list next year, and the year after that… and the year after…

Following on in the same order that I’d apply my eye makeup, we come to primer and one that I’ve never strayed from because it achieves everything that I’ve ever needed it to achieve.  Urban Decay’s ubiquitous Eyeshadow Primer Potion is the be all and end all of eye primers are far as I’m concerned.  I’ve tried a few others, but always revert back to the original.  My only complaint about the product was rectified when UD changed the packaging… I still haven’t needed to repurchase since the packaging changed and I’m ekeing out the last drops before I take to the above tube with my bread knife!

You’ll discover that I’m very loyal to my eye products… I’ve used the same liquid eyeliner since I discovered it back in October 2011… and literally, the same one – daily!  Now that’s a bit of a bloody good value eyeliner isn’t it?!  The Kiss Me Heroine Make Smooth Liquid Eyeliner gives me precision that I assumed I could only ever dream of.  I haven’t touched a cream/gel eyeliner since picking this up… the fine tip and pigmented ink is just hugely effective and quick to master.  I can even do flicks consistently now.  Yes, let us all take a moment to appreciate that statement.

Ahh mascara… every girl’s best friend!  This spot should have been reserved for Benefit’s They’re Real which literally blew me away when it was launched… but the thing is, it’s quite expensive isn’t it… and it dries up quite quickly doesn’t it?  If Benefit could do a couple of tiny tweaks to the formula to address the drying up issue, it would probably remain an absolute favourite but until then… enter Clinique Lash Power mascara*.  It offers a tubing formula, tiny precision wand, and the ability to lengthen and darken my pale lashes to the max without ever clumping or smudging.  It won’t give you batwing lashes, it’s no va-va-voom (unlike They’re Real) but it will never let you down and for those of us with already decent lashes, you can’t beat the blackening formula and definition.

favourite beauty products of 2012

Here come the big guns….

Chanel’s Illusion D’Ombre(s) were probably my biggest splurges of the past year, because one wasn’t enough.  I now own four of them, and use them more than any other eyeshadow in my collection.  They’re simplistic, glamourous with just the right amount of sparkle, and long-lasting with a splash of primer underneath.  I’m still not entirely sure whether they’re a cream OR a powder?!  I think they’re officially called cream-powder eyeshadows, so I guess Chanel couldn’t make up their minds either.  Out of all my shades, Illusoire is the one that I reach for with most frequency.

My next pick has been risen from the dead, literally.  I pulled my Bobbi Brown Metallic Long Wear Cream Shadows out from the back of my storage earlier in the year and haven’t put them back since!  When I first bought them, I found them to be all glitter and no substance… beautiful glitter with lots of irridescence that resulted in simply making my eyelids look a bit greasy.  The solution was kind of obvious, but the penny has only dropped recently… layer them.  You should know by now that I own many, many-a-taupe eyeshadow and patting a little of one of BB’s Metallic LW Cream Shadows over the top takes them to another dimension – a grown-up sparkly one.  LUSH.

favourite beauty products of 2012

And finally… lips…

I’m afraid that I has nothing but lipsticks for you – it often comes as a surprise to people when I say that I generally abhor lipglosses.  I give them a good go and can appreciate a dud from a dream BUT 10 times out of 10, put both infront of me and I will always reach for the lipstick.  My favourite kind of lipstick?  Liquid ones… especially if they’re matte.  I have a feeling that this year will be the year of the Armani Lip Maestro – watch this space…

And so, to my final picks from 2012… two very different brands, at opposing ends of the price scale.  One from the U.S. and one, British.

This year was a truly great one for red lipsticks, I kept discovering great formula after great formula – something that is so important with any bold lip colour and it’s as if the industry has finally cracked it.  Long-lasting, non-drying, evenly-wearing… this Burberry Lip Velvet in Military Red* is as close to the perfect matte formula that you can achieve.  The colour is outstanding with enough warmth to give it retro leanings without scaring off cool-toned skintypes like me.

Oh NYX, I dislike your brand presence in this country… it’s a half-hearted appearance but I do love your Soft Matte Lip Creams (even if they smell a bit funky).  Seriously though, these are the one lip product that I’ve worn more than any other throughout the year – I have the shades that you can see above and they’re my workhorses.  Quick to apply, good pigmentation, matte finish, and last very nicely.  The trick for amazing longevity from these is to apply in thin layers, allowing a few moments for each layer to dry before applying again.  I would like MOAR shades please NYX.


Have I picked any of your favourites, tempted you into trying something new, or expressed an undying love for your product nemesis?  What do you think of my choices for 2012?

* originally discovered via a press sample

What Father Christmas got me!

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 4 - 2013

How do people get back into the swing of things after a break? Before Christmas, I went to a log cabin in the wilds of the New Forest (about as wild as one of those carousels with teacups) and had NO INTERNET. Yet, I still managed to blog daily via a non-3G connection on my phone doing the classic standing on a chair and holding the phone at a 37 degree angle until I saw a bar (“I’ve got a signal!! I’ve got a signal!!”) thing…

Fast forward three weeks: introduce a bottle of vodka, GTA IV and the leftovers from the Celebrations tin and it takes me all the effort in the world just to get a wash.

What I’m trying to say is, I’m feeling delicate. And a bit slow. And this is my rubbish excuse for only now posting about my Christmas pressies when the rest of the blogosphere are planning their Valentine’s gift guides, the bastards.

Anyway, I must have been a very good girl this year because Father Christmas was extremely kind to me. Not as kind as he was to my husband who got a 46″ telly, a graphics tablet, AND a book about space. Sexual favours I expect… but regardless of my husband’s devious ways of ensuring that old St. Nick favours his stocking, I did very well indeed. Wanna nosey?

What Father Christmas got me!

Mr L got me this beautiful silver necklace from Etsy, it’s so delicate and perfect <3 – who knew he was capable of such good taste anyway?! I don’t usually wear much jewellery – I still haven’t even taken my wedding band to be resized – but I’ve barely taken this off since I unwrapped it on Christmas morning.

What Father Christmas got me!

He also bought me a Heart Rate Monitor for running… in theory, this should help me work out my perfect pace for burning calories vs. being able to actually prolong the workout! When I was running last year, I had a habit of starting off too hard and fast and exhausting myself well before 5k, hopefully this will help me find a suitable pace.

He also got me a running buff, kind of like a neck/throat/mouth warmer… my asthma hates this cold weather for any kind of exercise and last year, I was running with a fleece scarf tucked around my gob – I looked like a uncoordinated ninja!

To rebel against all this fitness malarky, I also got a beautiful red lipstick from Estee Lauder, you can be sure of a FOTD soon!

What Father Christmas got me!

This one’s a bit cheaty because these sandals were a bit of a present to me… from me! I’d been craving them since I saw them in Selfridges early last Summer, I even instagrammed them! I eventually spotted them at the KG outlet in Gunwharf Quay while I was having a bit of a shop with HelenJNT, and snapped them up for a bargain price. Now I’ve just got to wait for the sun to come out!

Christmas Presents_05

I told you I was a spoilt girl, I got a new phone! Usually, I’m about 2 years behind everyone else when it comes to phones… but we justified the splurge on the fact that if Mr. L is going to port his games onto iPhone, he totally needs an iPhone5 in the house so that he can bug test. I’m giving him my iPhone4 and he’ll retire his HTC. It’s actually killing him a little… he is not much of an Apple fan… poor love. WHATEVER!!! I’VE GOT AN IPHONE5! MOAR INSTAGRAM.

I’m currently baby-ing it and being laughed at because I’m refusing to remove the plastic covers until my screen protectors get here!

Leila got me (thanks Mr. L!) a beautiful candle which she found in T.K. Maxx, it couldn’t actually be more perfect – it’s rich, woody, and a little bit masculine (just how I like ’em!) It’s both warming and calming with the tiniest hint at incense… honestly, the girl couldn’t have chosen better.

My last gift (which you may have spotted at the back there), is a new lens for my camera! Woohoo! It’s the Canon 40mm 2.8 pancake lens, so it’s really slimline and will be great for taking out and about with me. It’s a beaut and very reasonably priced!

What Father Christmas got me!

I also got a cake pop maker (yeahhh!), a cook-book, a lovely scarf, some socks (essential) and some money. I don’t think there’s any way that I can be possibly be well-behaved enough to beat this haul next Christmas, I’m a very lucky girl.

What did you get for Christmas? Tell me!

Weight Watchers and Me. New year, new belly (a smaller one please!)

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 2 - 2013

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of weight.  You’ll also know that I’ve lapsed over the past year, 2012 was all about some big life changes and although I sustained my loss for the first quarter… I slid like an eel on a bobsled for the remaining months, losing motivation and dwelling on thoughts of failure.

Whilst I couldn’t start the year with a bigger cliche than this, there’s something about a new year that makes it easier to hike up the optimism and truly believe in your own abilities to achieve something.  January 1st 2013 is my rock bottom with regards to weight loss… and the only way is up.  Or should I say down?!


The photo on the left, not one I’m hugely proud of.  The photo on the right is me close to the lowest weight I’ve been since I was about 10 years old… I want that shape back, I want a wiggle in my walk again!

So, where does Weight Watchers come into this?  Well… when I finished the Cambridge Diet, I used it to maintain and begin losing again but cancelled my subscription over the Summer when I didn’t have an internet connection.  I signed back up again in November but didn’t actually follow the plan.  Turns out that you don’t lose weight just by being a member…

My subscription from November is still active, so I’m hitting it hard.   I weighed myself this morning, I’m 13st 10lbs – that’s 6st away from my heaviest and 2st away from my lightest.  I’m still in a good position to regain control – and that’s all I want, not to let food control me as it did for so many years.

For complete disclosure, you should know that I’ve become a Weight Watchers Blog Ambassador which means that I’ll have a shiny badge in my sidebar and if I refer more people to the program than anyone else, they’ll make me a crown out of chocolate digestives (or something).  They’ve also given me three months free online access (which I’m not using because I can’t work out how to “append” it to my current membership rather than sign up again), they’ll also be sending me some of their own-brand goodies to try and setting me weekly blog challenges.  I’m not being paid for any posts or mentions about Weight Watchers.

I’ll be instagramming my dinners and any related photos with the #wwfooddiary tag which I’ll also share on Twitter.  I’ll probably post some recipes that I’ve enjoyed and any treats that I’ve discovered that allow me guilt-free scoffing.  My first challenge is this week, so I’ll be blogging that very shortly.  If you want to join in (not necessarily with the WW program), I’m part of a merry band of rubbish (and not so rubbish) dieters on Twitter, we’re awesome and you can find us here.

To anyone else being a MASSIVE cliche this week, I salute you. xxx


Revlon Matte Lipstick Swatches 001 Nude Attitude & 002 Pink Pout

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

They Nailed It!

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Aussie Competition - CLOSED.

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

Chanel Ombre D'eau - Swatches of my (small) collection

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

Highlighter Series: St. Tropez Skin Illuminator in Rose

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RMK now available online at ASOS

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Inglot Flakies

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Max Factor Fantasy Fire Nail Polish

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If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

Clarins Autumn/Fall 2011: Ombre Minerale 4 Couleurs Eye Quartet in Rosewood

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …


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If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

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If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

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If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

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If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

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If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

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If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

Dear Obesity...

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that since I started blogging about beauty 4 years ago, I’ve lost weight.  Quite a lot of …


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