Inexpensive Beauty Find: Poundland Dry Shampoo (Intu Style)

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2013

I expect I’m not alone when I say that I’ve tried numerous dry shampoos over the years because although I’m pretty loyal to Batiste… it is quite expensive no?  I’d also wager a bet on the likelihood that popping into Poundland once in a while is as much of a guilty pleasure for you as it is for me.  Somewhere up there with scowling at a Liz Jones article, buying more Krispy Kremes than there are people to eat them, and lingering on Dog the Bounty Hunter reruns for longer than is strictly necessary whilst browsing the channels.  There, I said it.  I <3 Poundland.

So when I spotted some cans of dry shampoo on the shelves that I hadn’t spotted on previous trips, I felt a little thrill of excitement!  Not only that, but they had different versions for coloured hair a la Batiste!  Oh happy day!

Inexpensive Beauty Find: Poundland Dry Shampoo (Intu Style)

I picked up this can of Intu Style Dry Shampoo for Brunettes, expecting it to be thoroughly ineffective.  But it’s bloody marvellous!  In-fact, rather than plain old dry shampoo, it reminds me more of the Batiste volumising one (but for brunettes).  It also seems a little less noxious with a non-descript scent that although not amazing, doesn’t melt your brain either.

Obviously, this stuff is a mere quid – I’ve only seen it in Poundland and whether or not it’s still in plentiful supply is anyone’s guess.  I picked this up just before Christmas, so if you’re passing your local store… drop in and see if you can spot a can.

Have you tried it?  What other “off brand” dry shampoos do you rate?

11 Responses to “Inexpensive Beauty Find: Poundland Dry Shampoo (Intu Style)”

  1. Chinar says:

    I picked up superdrug’s own brand for brunettes (chocolate brownie). It was ridiculously cheap and had a “buy one get TWO free!!” Offer attached to it. The smell is delicious, although I found that it’s great for volumising, too much use leaves your hair feeling a tad… Well it feels like there is far too much product in it – it resembles using too much sea salt spray.
    Great for value and touch ups, and it appears to last far longer than Baltise products!

    • Chinar says:


    • Wordbird says:

      That’s really odd, because I also picked up some of the Superdrug own brand for brunettes and I’ve found it to be dreadful – seems to just make my hair look greasier.

    • Joanne says:

      I agree with Wordbird. Bought the Superdrug one for brunettes for my daughter and she hated it. It came off on everything ie. her school shirt! You would have to wash your hair before bed if you used it otherwise your pillow would be a mess.

  2. sharnek says:

    Not off brand, but I’ve recently discovered Batiste for red heads and I can get past the awful scent because it doesn’t turn my roots white.

  3. Janie says:

    I confess that I am a cheapskate and only buy the essentials like deodorant and shower gel and hubby to be’s Head and Shoulders when it’s on offer.
    Superdrug seems to do half price Batiste every other month, so I just bulk buy!
    I confess however I do have about 20 cans awaiting use…. as well as the 30 Nivea deodorants I’ve been bulk buying…

  4. Kelly says:

    Poundland do lots of Sally Hansen polishes in mine and I got a little pot of polish remover with a sponge (like the Bourjois one) and also lots of Revlon polish and Sinful Colors, I go in once a month to check new stuff as I have heard they have the odd China Glaze!

  5. Andrea says:

    Since when is Batiste expensive? Has it gone up? I don’t sue the stuff much so it’s a once every 6 months type purchase for me, if that. The Ojon one is amazing so I’ll probably repurchasd that next time.

    • I never find that a can lasts me very long… especially now I have a fringe which needs “refreshing” every day. I probably spend as much on dry shampoo as I do on normal shampoo.

      • Andrea says:

        Ah, I see. I thought maybe it had had a massive price hike or something, you never know! This may sound a bit odd, but do you have any MAC Fix+? I don’t use mine much on my face but a couple of spritzes over the fringe and a blast with the hairdryer really revives it!

        • I’ve never been much of a MAC fan, mostly because I don’t have acccess to a store (and never have growing up)… I’ve not tried Fix+ but now I’m curious as to what’s in it! I’ll have to have a google for the ingredients.

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