Lash lines. Is it just me, or are they getting a little bit silly? I’m all for a bit o’ flutter but what is with the false lash ALL OF THE TIME trend that I’m seeing everywhere? It genuinely catches me by surprise when I’m in the supermarket, rooting around for my loyalty card, only to look up at and be greeted by a pair of ridicu-lashes courtesy of the cashier. Nothing else, just lashes… the face is completely obscured by a pair that look like they’ve come straight out of Priscilla’s desert.
It’s about finding balance. Sure, I don’t want “au naturel” lashes, if I did… I’d go and buy Maybelline Great Lash and maybe after seven coats I’d have something that resembled me not wearing any mascara. I want volume, definition and a bit of lengthening. Curl is always an added bonus.

Guerlain Cils d’Enfer Maxi Lash Mascara
Guerlain have released a new mascara: Cils d’Enfer… or “lashes from hell” as the literal translation suggests. Not quite sure where they’re going with that one but thankfully Cils d’Enfer* produces rather lovely, non-hellish lashes. The packaging is interesting, when I first picked it up, I expected it to feel much weightier… it looks chunkier than it is. Perhaps I’m so used to my gorgeous Guerlain lipsticks that I expected something similar in feel.
The brush is your standard old-skool bristle affair, the brand have focused the majority of effort into perfecting the formula of this mascara, the press release states:
The secret is in the combined action of three remarkable polymers. The first one wraps the lashes in extremely adherent oils, coating and thickening the lashes. The second one, made with supple waxes, acts like a conditioner, softening the lashes so you can sculpt them into just the right shape and style. The last one forms a thin film, coating the lashes to trap the wax and set the amazing curve.

Va Va Voom lashes (on the right obv!)
The formula glides through my lashes nicely and does indeed coat them evenly with the minimum of effort on my part. The above photo shows one coat, I did go back in for more but you need to be careful about clumping as this one definitely leans more toward the dramatic rather than the natural look. I think that with the aid of a metal lash comb, you could achieve some serious party lashes from this product. For me? One coat is plenty.
I appreciate the inky black pigment and the fact that it doesn’t leave little splodges attached to the tips of my lashes. It also dries rapidly, ensuring that only the most of violent of mid-application sneezes will catch me out. I don’t have terribly watery eyes but didn’t experience any longevity issues, transfer or flaking… and you would think not, Guerlain’s Cils d’Enfer is priced at £22.00 – a premium price, for a premium product.
Guerlain Cils d’Enfer is available on counter now in two shades, 01 Noir and 02 Violet.
* press sample
WOW! After being coated your lashes look so elegant!
Oh I really like what this has done to your lashes, the coating is almost perfectly even and the lengthening is impressive. I know this is a really odd question, but is it scented? I actually can’t stand the smell of some mascaras!
Hi Siana,
It does have a scent but it’s very pleasant, not chemically… but perfumed.