When you’ve spent 30 years of your life as a brunette and then decide to go strawberry blonde half by accident, half with intention… you gotta prepare yourself for the consequences. The first issue you’ll face is that everyone you know will hate it, but won’t tell you to your face. Not because it looks like shit but because it just doesn’t look like the version of YOU that they’re used to.
The second, and more pressing issue is that if you’re fair skinned like me, you’ll look like a blob with no edges when you’re wearing no makeup. This, I wasn’t expecting. Frankly, a girl needs contrast, and if she has no contrast, I’m telling you – she needs goods brows, eyeliner, and a bold pair of lips.
Nothing in the below FOTD qualify as such. I’m still learning, as you can tell.
MAC Hue! I used to be able to wear you when I was a brunette! WTF? Also… cool pinks now appear to be the biggest makeup disaster on my lips/cheeks since I dabbled with an overly thick application of Lipcote.
What makeup colours look bad with your hair colour? Any strawberry-blondes out there got some colour tips for me that work well for them?
Yes its is freaking pain in the ass being ginger or strawberry blonde whatever you want to call it, basically any nudes are a no no, but yay for corals, and nice berrys im loving macs quite the thing sheen supreme, looks great with both pale skin and red hair. A cheap nude-ish lip colour is mua shade 11, it has just the right amount of nude/peach colour not to wash me out. If you come up trumps with lip colours that do go with your new hair please share
I love the colour of your hair, I might give that a go in the new year. This is my current colour:
It’s not so much my hair colour but my paleness that prevents me from wearing nudes and baby-pinks (baby-pinks might also be due to my age though ;)) Wearing brights or reds stop me (or lessen) me looking like death.
Your hair looks good and suits you and I know what you mean about being wishy washy. All your phots are the exact same and too close up so that we only see the fringe. It would be nice to see the overall look
Hi Anne, I’m not a hair or fashion blogger so in all honesty, taking the photo from further away would add absolutely nothing to the mix – I don’t apply blusher to my elbows
And you really don’t wanna see me in my pyjamas 
I strive for consistency and clear photos that show enough detail to give an idea of the texture of the makeup in relevant instances, I’m almost tempted to take your constructive criticism as a compliment instead!
Also… the fringe… yes, it should give you an idea of the hair colour without seeing the grey roots that are building up behind it. I’ll probably never do photos from further back I’m afraid, my arms aren’t long enough!
blob with no edges.. haha.. just had to stop by and let you know that you made me laugh
As you’ve learned, a face needs contrast. The paler your skin, the darker your hair needs to be. I know there are platinum blondes out there that defy these rules, but they don’t have pink based pale skin!! You did look well with darker red hair, because there was contrast and your green eyes stood out. As you’ve learned, with reds you need shades of brown, like your hair, and to pick up any colors that swirl thru your eyes. You’ll need very bright make up to make this hair color work, the usual colors that work on strawberry blondes are warm and clear, like salmon, coral and poppy red. But if the hair color is fighting your natural undertones, it may never look right. Yes, there are models and actresses out there that have sported every shade known to man, but did they really look that great in all of them? You’ll find the look that’s right for you, because it will feel right!
Best thing I’ve found is Bobbi Brown pout rouge in fresh melon – makes you look much healthier and is a good base for lots of looks. I think the best makeup for the hair colour is strong red lips and black liner, or black smokey liner and peachy lips. Like you say, makeup that is definite, not too blended, and quite strong.
Bold lips! I find few touches define a pale-skin-pale hair combo like a strong, righ lip colour. I’m very pale with naturally white-blonde hair – but dark brown eyes! Once I started colouring my hair a dark auburn, people stopped constantly asking me if I was sick.

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I really think you should go darker and/or cooler with your hair! A darker red/auburn would be awesome, or if you want lighter hair, maybe a light caramel-ly brown?
Meanwhile, yes, coral, melon, salmon, and peach tones will look best. A deep, warm berry colour can look nice too, for something darker. I think you’re better off with smoky brown liner than black, actually, to balance out your darker brows.
Not taken the wrong way at all, I’m going back to brown v. soon – it’s been nice having a change, but… I think I was born with brown hair for a reason too