Face Lace Limited Edition Christmas Offerings and Giveaway!

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 18 - 2012

The wonderfully inventive Face Lace have created two special sparkly and incredibly festive Christmas editions that are just perfect for your New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Would you like to win a full set?

Of course you would… be the belle of the ball all year round!

Not sure how to wear them? Check out this post for some inspiration.
To win a set of these beautiful, limited edition Face Laces, simply leave a comment and tell me your plans for New Years Eve!

I plan on getting a takeaway, a nice bottle of wine, and challenging my husband to some old-skool Grand Theft Auto!


This competition is open worldwide, one winner will be chosen at random and will receive the Face Laces pictured above / One entry per email address / Competition closes 26th December 2012 / Lipglossiping.com is the sole promoter and no personal details will be stored / If the winner fails to claim their prize within 5 days, I reserve the right to choose another winner.

40 Responses to “Face Lace Limited Edition Christmas Offerings and Giveaway!”

  1. layla says:

    oh wow, these look like fun! i would love to give them a whirl..

    My new year plans? we’re having a quiet new year’s with the family this year.. i know what you’re thinking.. BORING! lol.. the cheesecake factory opened up here last month and i’ve been dying to try it out! so we’ll probably go there for dinner and then have a BBQ the next day (on new year’s day) on the beach.. the weather is just perfect for BBQs here in Kuwait right now..

  2. Sophie says:

    I’m spending it with my family and boyfriend. I intend on having a few drinks, watching some tv, playing some games and having a few more drinks

  3. Rachael says:

    Nothing if I can help it 😉 maybe sleeping or watching films

  4. Jayne says:

    I like your suggestion Charlotte. I don’t plan on doing anything really. I’m enjoying being off work so will be relaxing, watching films and most likely having an early night. If we get to playing video games, it’ll be Mortal Kombat for us! I always win.

  5. For New Years eve this year I’ll hopefully brave the crowds and find somewhere with a view of the harbour bridge and Sydney opera house.

    I’d really love to try out face lace. I looked at buying them myself but the delivery cost that the company were quoting was blatant robbery. M&S will ship a whole parcel of clothes out to Oz for the same price so I couldn’t bring myself to order. Please please I’d love to win this.

    Happy christmas.

  6. Bicky says:

    Probably the same. I have to work till 5 and since I don’t know many people my age round here since moving.

  7. JVS says:

    I’ll be looking after my 2 nieces and 1 nephew so that their Mum & Dad can enjoy their yearly night out! We’ve all agreed to get dressed up to the nines, eat pizza and watch Disney films. These would really complete my outfit!

  8. sharnek says:

    We’ll be watching fireworks from the lake shore with a glass of bubbly in Bowness, Winderemere.

  9. Sue says:

    Staying in and watching films, curling up with a good book, and possibly eating something I shouldn’t! x

  10. Daintynymph says:

    I like to see everyone having mellow plans. My parents go to the cabin every year, and this year since there’s no parties I figured I and my boyfriend would join them. The other option is to have a super duper chill evening at home, and possibly not even bother staying up until midnight, because then I can go to work the next day and have the place all to myself!

  11. I plan on stating inside all warm and cozy with the BF for New Years!!

  12. Jennifer Miller says:

    My husband and i are going to a party his cousin is throwing.

  13. I plan on taking a bottle of champagne (or vodka, lol) and celebrate with my boyfriend till early hours <3

  14. Shortiee31 says:

    Oooh I need this!
    I will be spending NYE with my cousins watching films, enjoying everyone’s company and partying the night away 🙂

  15. Alison says:

    incredible! i’ve been biding my time, hoping they’d do some kind of festive offer for when i make a cheeky order… i’ve always planned to wear these for NYE but could never decide which ones either! but these look perfect (:

    my plans aren’t concrete yet, but i’m definitely spending it with some of the best people i know (we’ve named ourselves the BEST FRIEND GANG. jealous, aren’t you? :P) with wine, fireworks, and hopefully (if it’s not too packed) some cocktails in our favourite little cocktail bar. can’t wait 😀

  16. Ells says:

    Mine will not be quite so quiet with a big night out in Boisdales Canary Wharf with husband & friends for cocktails, champagne, steak and rhythm & blues. I suspect some of the local bars will have some cheeky opening hours so we will drop in on the way home to wish our neighbours a Happy New Year. New years day may be a little quieter – I’m hoping Gone with the Wind will be on tv!

  17. Megan says:

    I’m planning to spend it with my boyfriend, as I’m not getting to see him at Christmas. Haven’t a clue what we’re doing yet, but the last few years have seen us going out with some friends until about 11pm, then heading home for the bells. Rock n roll 😉

  18. Kelsy says:

    Raging with friends! Which is, in all honesty, something I’ve not done since I was 15. It should be a good night.

  19. I’ll be spending a quite new years eve with friends and family.

  20. Emily says:

    I’m going to a party with my boyfriend and his friends. It’s the day after my birthday so I’m quite looking forward to it…

  21. Hayley says:

    Cheese. Always cheese. Eating that and drinking champagne, and watching rubbish TV, with a break to see the bongs from Big Ben!

  22. Carla says:

    Bedazzled Face Lace! Yes!

    I’m going to a NYE party at a friend’s place, for which I will likely seize the opportunity to play with the new Sugarpill shadows I just got in the mail :9

  23. Helena says:

    I’m going to spend NYE with my boyfriend (per usual), not sure what we’ll do.

  24. Ria says:

    Staying in and watching television this NYE…

  25. RaeRae says:

    For New Year’s Eve I don’t have any plans yet 🙁 I’m going to get dressed up even if I don’t go out though! I have some Violent Lips that I’ve had since last Dec 30th that I didn’t use last NYE.

  26. Janet T says:

    Sleeping, probably. I need to take advantage of this holiday off!

  27. Priscilla P says:

    unfortunately no exciting plans, boyfriend is overseas for the time being…but hopefully i’ll be somewhere in the city with friends!

  28. Jo says:

    We’ll no doubt be having a quiet night in with maybe a glass or two of something bubbly. We might let our 4 year old see the new year in with us (if he lasts ’til midnight!) and our 7 week old baby will no doubt be wide awake and ready to play too! I’m probably not the best person to win these, but my goodness they look pretty!

  29. Katherine says:

    I wish I had plans… tell you what though, if I had some of them to wear I’d make some quickly!!

  30. Emmie says:

    I plan on going to a New Years party with my partner and hopefully proposing to him just before midnight!

  31. Lauren says:

    I’m doing a local pub crawl, via the Oriental Delight Chinese Restaurant for a dirty feast before going home and dancing round my living room with the girls in our PJs! Merry Christmas everyone xxx

  32. Naomi says:

    I’m going to take my mum and my boyfriend to see the fireworks on the Thames!

  33. Cassandra says:

    I’m having a huge party as always! 🙂

  34. Viridian Vega says:

    I will be sitting home alone in my jam-jams and way too much makeup, eating popcorn, watching movies and drinking the cheapest champagne I can find (it’s a tradition, I think $2 champagne is hilarious). As a bonus, I typically get a lot of texts from friends moaning about how horrible the parties they’ve gone to are.

  35. Elana says:

    I will be having a real crazy,wild knight, watching NYE all over the world on my IPad with my date, roscoe the Wonder dog!

  36. Mel says:

    I’m going to be working just like I am on Xmas eve, and ny day!! Then we are having a party at my boss’s house! Hardly a glam one as I work in a restaurant, but we will make the best of it, I will also be wishing my mum a happy birthday as its on NYe!! They would certainly glam up my work look!!

  37. amybelle2001 says:

    I plan to spend it eating pizza with my husband, drinking sparkling apple cider, and cuddling on the couch!

  38. Karina says:

    I plan on spending time with my family and going to watch fireworks by the water.

  39. Jill says:

    Face Lace is so glam! Happy Holidays Charlotte and family! 🙂

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