Monday Musings

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 26 - 2012

Apologies for the lack of posts toward the tail end of last week and over the weekend… let me explain…

I broke my car, tied the bumper on with tinsel to get it home (it was all I could find in Ikea), caught a stinking cold, dragged my snotty self to London and back (like it’s the Antarctic or something), lost my wallet while in London, broke my Dad’s car (the one that I had borrowed to replace my car), and discovered that Leila had come down with a hefty dose of chickenpox on Friday night.  The poor little mite is now absolutely covered, even her eyelids… my heart is breaking for her.  And just to compound the bad luck, my family are over from Australia (as since a 4am airport run yesterday *yawn*), and we can’t take her to visit them until she’s non-contagious because my nephew’s never had the pox!  I mean, c’mon!  Give a girl a break already.

Because of all this palava, I didn’t get to make it to Hyper Japan as I’d planned this weekend, gutted much?  Also, can I have some cheese with my whine?

So anyway, them be the reasons for being AWOL for much of last week.  I think they’re quite good ones, better than “dog ate my homework” at least.

Because I know you’re all dying to know what I got up to in London, YOU ARE AREN’T YOU? *puppy eyes etc. etc… just nod, I’ll be off soon*… here’s a quick mishmash of snaps hinting at the kind of posts you’ll be seeing later in the week.

How “speshul” do I look getting my makeup done?  I swear to God that’s a perfect mix of bemusement and pity on the makup artist’s face right there.

On a more positive note, I got the chance to stock up on my favourite chocolates from Selfridges, indulge in a little Guerlain purchase, buy three of those Miss Sporty Metal Flip polishes for a global giveaway, AND treat myself to a Diptyque candle.  Also a washing machine, but I won’t bore you with that one.

How has your weekend been?  Did my lovely U.S. friends enjoy Thanksgiving?

On a side-note, can we get Thanksgiving over here please?  Not the religious/historical bit, that would be a bit like suggesting we all celebrate 4th July, awkward.  Just the being thankful for what you have, no gifts, massive turkey thing.  I’m down with that.  Also, it might stop the supermarkets shoving CHRISTMAS in our faces from late September?  I think we’re being shortchanged a fairly acceptable holiday opportunity.

What say you?

6 Responses to “Monday Musings”

  1. Janie says:

    Oh love!!!!
    And I thought I’d had a bad weekend when those B*st*rd* at HMRC decided to inform me I hadn’t paid enough tax in 2009 despite having all my paperwork for three years.

    For the Chicken Pox I definitely recommend getting your mitts on some Lacto Calomine, they should have it in any pharmacy. It’s oil based so doesn’t dry powdery on the skin like the normal stuff. I had CP when I was 14 really badly and unfortunately it was during the General Election in 2007, so I didn’t even get to watch any good tv! I’ve still got the scars, and I promise I didn’t scratch!

    Thank GOD you have chocolate to cheer you up. Are you going to share your favourite? I was in Selfridges a couple of weeks ago and they had a GIANT Snickers. Did you see it? If it wasn’t £20 I’d have bought it and hidden it under my bed.

    Hope Leila gets better soon and that your luck changes asap!


    • Katrine says:

      Or an oatmeal bath! Or both – I don’t ink itching can be treated in enough different ways. But oatmeal is good, effective and relatively cheap.

      (And honestly, now I kind of want a photo series, documenting all minutiae of those chocolates. Just to add a little light torture to this lovely monday.)

  2. Oh poor little Leila! That’s horrible for her, and for you – there is nothing worse than watching your little one poorly.
    I agree we should be having Thanksgiving too – anything for more time off work.
    Hope you all get well soon.

    Won’t lie – I’d love to see a car driving along tied together with tinsel.

  3. Zahra says:

    Awwww….poor Leila!!! 🙁 Hope she gets well soon.

    Lacto calamine should be soothing….. the itching’s a pain the…..errm… you know where 🙂

    I have icky memories of chickenpox….y’see, after the first week my 7-year-old self was ‘packed’ in a paste of neem and turmeric for 30 mins everyday, and then bathed…. the thought of it grosses me out even now, but the only upside was that I emerged scar-free….no infected blisters either!

    Looking forward to your posts, especially the one where you’re getting makeup done!

  4. Julia Arenas says:

    Oh shucks…loads and loads. I had chickenpox once upon a time, itchy little buggers, make sure she doesn’t scratch too violently for minimum scarring…especially on those adorable eyes…

    I’m wondering maybe Selexir may help soothe? It might just turn out to be that wonder all around cream, you can expect as much from anything organically powerful.

  5. Julia Arenas says:

    Ice packs/cold compress also helps the itch loads, have a patting compress session from top to toe.

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