Lip Glossip

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 14 - 2012

I was supposed to be in London today but instead, I’m on a course of antibiotics and quaffing cranberry juice like it’s going out of fashion.  No prizes for guessing what’s wrong with me.  To alleviate the desire to drown myself in Tayto crisps and sorrow, I’m doing a blog instead.  “Doing a blog”.  That sounds elegant.

1).  The Boots Christmas advert!  Where have “the girls” gone?  I know they got a bit annoying after the novelty had worn off but it’s a bit like getting rid of a Chrimbo icon!  Have you seen the new one?

I won’t deny, it gives me the fuzzy feeling you want from the Christmas ads BUT, is it just me… can the rest of you understand what the Scottish chick is saying?!  It probably is just me, let’s face it… if I lived any further South, I’d be in France.  What do you think of the ad?  Does it make you wanna rush out and take advantage of the annual 3for2 gift frenzy?

2).  Following my weight whinge last week, I’ve set up a Twitter list of equally unmotivated types.  Shout me on Twitter if you want to join in… we have a Google Docs thing setup where we can publically shame ourselves into eating more healthily and attempting various forms of excercise.  We’re not sure where we’re going with it but it’s nice to be congratulated when one of us does a sit up.  Yes, just the one.

3).  Harvey Nichols are offering one of their spectacular gift with purchases at the moment when you spend £95 instore in Beyond Beauty.  It seems like a lot, but let’s face it – if you’ve got Mum, Sister, Nan and favourite Aunty to buy beauty things for, you’re gonna clear £95 in no time at all.  Wanna get down to the nitty gritty and discover what’s inside?

Percy & Reed Foaming Treatment Mousse, Blinc Mascara/Eye liner – 0.7g, He Shi – Exfoliating Body Wash 50ml, Ren – Frankincense Night Cream – 15ml, Dr Hauschka – Make Up (Product may vary), Aspects – High Tech – Lash Extender 13ml, Ole Henriksen – Truth Serum Booster 15ml, Fake Bake – Tinted Body Glow 2oz, GHD – Final Fix Hairspray – 75ml, Strivectin SD Cream 0.75oz, Macadamia – Oil – 10ml, Mario Badescu – 30ml Moisturiser, Soap & Glory – Nude SMP Lip Gloss.

What do you think, worth it?

Also, whilst on the subject of Harvey Nics… the new Beauty Bazaar is now open in Liverpool ONE (and what a fabulous shopping arena that is).  Three floors of products, brands and services to fulfill your beauty-loving heart’s desire.  Blimey.

4). If you’re South of the Watford Gap… there’s still some shopping excitement available courtesy of Selfridges Beauty Workshop (which Istillhaven’t visited!).  The self-appointed “beauty playground” boasts over 150 products and services and now offers a Beauty Card which can be purchased and redeemed against various services and gift packages.

5).  Still on the subject of shopping (is there any other?)… who’s going to Hyper Japan this year?  I wanted to go in February but couldn’t persuade Mr. L into giving up his Saturday.  I’ve played it clever this time and told him that Konami and Namco Bandai are there… he told me I had a deal.  Me?  I’m just gonna enjoy the pretty kimonos, kawaii accessories, and well… you know, food.  Tickets to the UKs biggest J-Culture event are £12 in advance or £15 on the door and the show runs from the 23rd – 25th November.


Right then my lovelies, that’s a little round up of the best of my email inbox and the worst of my brain.  I’m off to go feel sorry for myself a little bit more, I haven’t had enough cups of tea delivered to my bedside yet today…. and you know, I need the liquid for medicinal reasons – not just because it’s tea.  Made for me, by someone else.  Nuh uh. x

19 Responses to “Lip Glossip”

  1. Janie says:

    Oh poor baby! Keep quaffing x x x

  2. Bring back the girls, the Boots xmas ad was up there with John Lewis & coke for me, hopefully Boots will see sense and release something with them once we get to December! And get well soon chicken. xx

  3. Nicola says:

    Poor you! But don’t overdo the cranberry, its very sugary and acidic, can make things much worse. Water and herbal tea are much better! xx

  4. loobylou14 says:

    I do understand the Scottish girl in the boots advert but then I am Scottish. She does have a very broad accent though and the first time we saw it my friend didn’t understand her either. I don’t like the John Lewis Christmas ad it seems so sad. The Irn Bru Christmas advert with their take on The Snowman is good but I’m not sure you’d see it where you are.

    • THANK YOU! I’m so pleased someone else dislikes the JL advert. I usually really like it, I liked it last year (when everyone else was moaning) but this one… well, it’s just The Snowman but more mawkish and less endearing.

  5. mary says:

    The scottish girl says ‘lets blag ourselves into that fancy hotel’

    sorry about the UTI, they suck…just keep drinking loads x

  6. Leah says:

    Feel better soon. I have the lurgy via my husband, via his boss who ‘soldiered on’ and infected half the work force. I’ve been a tad less productive than you though, having only watched Sons of Anarchy and cleaned 3 inches of dust off my hubby’s desk. That’s it, all day. Not even eaten. Oh, I *must* be dying! xx

    • I hate people that soldier on. What a knobhead, I hate people that send their kids to school ill too… and even worse, knowing they have nits. Hope you feel better soon missus x

  7. Hope you feel better soon!
    I really wanted to check out Hyper Japan too, typical to have a clash of events though 🙁 Have fun! x

  8. Kittymakesup says:

    I’m not a fan of the boots advert either! Besides as a ginger everyone knows that gingers don’t date gingers, everyone thinks your related ew!

  9. Jamie says:

    Is it bad that I didn’t understand what the first 3 people were saying? American here >_<.

  10. RaeRae says:

    When I saw the Boots Chrimbo ad I thought ‘if I bought my mum a makeup set for Christmas and told her ‘let’s get you back out there’ she would NOT be happy’. There would be no roasties on my plate.

    I’m also loathing the M&S ‘Greatest Hits’ advert, I can’t stand it when people skip songs instead of listening to the whole thing and now an advert is doing it to me! Arrrghhhh!

    Get well soon x

  11. I don’t know what the hell you’re on about, I did six sit ups recently.

    Oh and get well – vodka in the cranberry juice? 🙂

  12. Sydney says:

    Hope you’re feeling better!

    That is a mighty GWP, I do love this time of year.
    It means that when getting ready to treat your loved ones, you can MAJORLY treat yourself with copious GWPes!

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