I do have an A Level in French but everytime I add any of the beautiful language to a blog post I just get reminded of this scene from Only Fools and Horses!  Anyway, I’ve received all of your lovely entries, have had a fully sleepless night over choosing my single favourite interpretation of the brief, of which I shall now remind you….

Create an artistic representation of Paris, with one catch.  You have to use the medium of BEAUTY to create it.

Here are the entries I received (click to enlarge, hover to see who created them!)…

As you can see, the standard runs pretty high, as does the obvious misuse of recreational drugs (I want what some of you are on!)

But without further ado, the one that stood out is this one… a portrait of Coco Chanel, done in the pointillist style, in nail polish.

The entry features one of the most iconic women from the world of beauty and fashion, from perhaps the most iconic Parisian brand of all time created using a technique made famous by Parisian painter Georges Pierre Seurat.  You can’t get much more Parisian than that!  It pays excruciating attention to detail and embodies all aspects of the required brief.  Plus, it simply looks flippin’ brilliant.

So, please join me in delivering a huge congratulations to Sophie, a.k.a @Radiofireworks who has just won herself and a friend a 5* weekend in Paris with £500 spending money!

Here’s a couple of bonus images Sophie sent through showing the “arteest” in action and a scan which displays the technical details more clearly.

Congratulations Sophie, bonnes vacances!

I’m so pleased you guys got into the spirit of things and threw yourselves at the challenge.  When I say that I wish I could award you ALL with a prize, I mean that from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you so much everyone for joining in and a big thank you to Vaseline for allowing me to host such a wonderful and generous competition.

13 Responses to “YOUR interpretations of Paris, done… extra, extra, beautifully! Mais Oui! And the winner is….”

  1. Wow! congratulations Steph – that is bloomin amazing!!!

  2. Kerry says:

    Well deserved, enjoy your trip!

  3. Shortiee31 says:

    I can honestly say I would have chosen the same winner as you! It’s just beautiful!

  4. Laura says:

    Congratulations Sophie, your entry is amazing! Have a fab weekend in Paris!

  5. Sydney says:

    That is absolutely brilliant, definitely deserving of the fantastic prize 😀

  6. Wow, so many fantastic entries! You picked a great winner, and I love the one with the kissing couple too. But really – all are fantastic.

  7. liloo says:

    Such a deserving winner! wow! She deserved it a billion times. Well done Sophie. Would have chosen the same entry as well I think
    I also loved:
    @lillianlow4 mona lisa
    @glowormhan eiffel tower
    @eternallife__ postcard
    @jenniretourne’s masterpiece
    every creation of waxandkhohl 4
    @sarahashwick’s creation
    and and and @kixens2’s genius j’adore thing.
    also loved how you featured every single entry, with their own little blog post for comments
    must have taken you ages to do that xx

    liloo/@tsunimee xx

  8. NeenaJ says:

    Congrats to all the entrants! These were really fun to see!

    Have to say that the lipstick sculpture of the Notre Dame gargoyle by @lillianlow2 is flipping brilliant!

  9. Viktoria says:

    Well deserved, that’s amazing!

    Thank you for the opportunity to take part 🙂

    Viktoria @EternalLife_

  10. Helen Gray says:

    Great winner, somethjing so simple but beautifully done. x

  11. That is AMAZEBALLS. Well deserved winner.

    I was going to enter – my Eiffel Tower made of lipstick bloody melted though.

  12. sophie says:


    !!! THANK YOU SO MUCH. I cannot believe this! It was one of my new years’ resolutions this year to finally visit Paris and I had just about given up on it… and now this! Agdjsfld!

    I’m gonna go and have a little cry now!

    Also, thank you so much to everyone for all your lovely comments, and well done to everyone else, your entries are all amazing and so creative! <3

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