Sunday Summary and a mascara question…

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 21 - 2012

There’s a few things I want to fit into today’s Sunday Summary… so I better get straight to the point…

1.  Can someone please come round and sort my makeup out for me?  I keep looking and not knowing how to organise… I have a 6-drawer Malm.  The 2 Helmers neatly held everything that I wanted but this Malm is all cumbersome and dark-in-the-corners.  I might be able to fit more mascaras inside but I’ll be damned if I can fish them out from the depths without cursing and picking up a concealer by accident.  I want my old storage back but there’s just no room for it in the flat.

2.  Fragrance fans, you may be interested in dropping in to Selfridges (London) for a chat with Union creative perfumer, Anastasia Brozler who will be celebrating the launch of the brand’s new perfume stand in-store on the 23rd & 24th of this month. The uber-exclusive frags are unique in their use of ingredients and notes sourced from the four-corners of our great British landscape.

Also on a related-Selfridges note… it might be a bit early to get your skin pampered in prep for any Christmas parties but luxury skincare brand Omorovicza are offering their deep-cleansing and pore-refining facial as part of Selfridge’s Beauty Workshop next week.  The 60-minute facial costs £85.00 but is fully redeemable against the purchase of Omorovicza products – you can book a facial by calling 0800 138 7425

3.  I doubled my recipe and made my salted-chocolate cupcakes into a salted-chocolate layer cake this week.  I’m going to hell in a very large coffin.  This and Calamity Jane have been Leila’s highlights of the week.

4.  Talking of cakes… did you know that you can win a cake made of Carmex (won’t taste as nice as mine but IS less fattening) in celebration of their 75th anniversary?! – more details are on their facebook page

5.  Non-beauty related – does anyone wanna see my Christmas Eve box? (not that kind of box, don’t worry)  I won’t show you if you’re gonna throw things at me for being organised though…

6.  Can I ask you guys for your thoughts on the Boots No7 Lash Adapt, I went to repurchase this week and they’ve changed the packaging from my old one…

I didn’t like it to begin with… but the formula has dried out a bit and I’m loving it but it needs replacing very soon!

I also still love the No7 Exceptional Definition one as-well, though nothing beats my HG Benefit They’re Real – except that the pennies won’t stretch and I want to save my Boots points for something SPECIAL at Christmas!  Anywayyyyy, I get scared when a brand changes its packaging… has anyone tried the Lash Adapt recently?  Have they changed the formula?  Will I still get lashes like in the below picture?

7.  Finally, my camera has been put to some non-makeup-taking-photos use this week and I’ve finally been learning about shooting with a 2-light studio setup.  I was keen to get a human under the lights but unfortunately one of my favourite subjects had the ‘pox and wouldn’t play model for me.  It’s just dresses (very, very lovely dresses!) but you can have a nosey here at my first attempt at high-key commercial shooting if you’d like.  My mannequin dressing/posing needs some serious practice.


Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend, it feels like the weeks are literally flying by at the moment and for once, I don’t mind too much as it means that I’ll be seeing my sister again soon!

13 Responses to “Sunday Summary and a mascara question…”

  1. Bellyrockin says:

    No7 have changed all their packaging recently. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about

  2. Jan says:

    Next stop Great British Bake Off methinks 🙂

  3. Natalie says:

    I stopped using Lash Adapt partly because it irritates my eyes something chronic (and partly because I now live abroad and don’t have a Boots to shop in), but discovered GOSH Amazing Lash Waterproof Mascara and it is AMAZING! Way better than Lash Adapt and about the same price.

    No idea what to do about your storage, I love my Helmer (bought on your recommendation!), I did think you could stack them on top of each other (there are some ideas on Ikea Hacks I think) but that doesn’t help if you then can’t see the top drawer… Might be worth measuring and doing the maths, and at least the Helmer drawers are easy to pull out completely if you needed to get something from the top drawers.

    • I don’t have watery eyes so usually avoid waterproof mascaras unless I’m on holiday – haven’t looked at the GOSH range for ages, will check it out! So pleased you’re happy with your Helmer! Yes, I don’t have the feet on mine because I had one standing on my desk as things used to be, so I could stack them and put the lesser used palettes in the top or something. I’ll look into it, thank you! x

  4. Essjay says:

    I hope they haven’t changed Lash Adapt. I actually really quite liked it and would hope that we’ll meet again one day!

  5. ruthk says:

    I have an IKEA Alex to store all my makeup but the secret is getting lots of those plastic drawer inserts to put everything in so the mascara doesn’t roll to the back. I like these: but I’m sure IKEA does something similar for 1/4 the price.

    • Hi Ruth, I have got dividers in there but they’re black and I think I should have gone with clear or white just so it doesn’t look so much like a black hole. Very jealous of your Alex!

  6. Are those YOUR dresses Charlotte??????!!!! Is that pink Matthew Williamson one yours? If it is then I probably hate you now. *sobs with envy*

  7. Sophie says:

    I’ve started using Lash Adapt and it’s possibly the best mascara I’ve ever used! I love it! I will be posting a review tomorrow on my blog if you want to see how this one looks on the lashes, or I’ve used it in the past couple of looks I’ve posted 🙂

  8. Jo says:

    -If anybody does volunteer to organise your make-up please send them to me next 🙂
    -Would love to see you on Bake Off – have to say the Hollywood can be a bit mean imo but everybody loves the Berry, no?
    -Christmas Eve box? I was organised one year, many moons ago, and it was lovely so yes any good examples you can offer would be great
    -I have a barely touched Benefit “They’re Real” that you can have if you want (I don’t have cooties, honest) – it’s a bit full on for me but I don’t want to throw it away cos it’s not cheap…I always feel less guilty about make-up/skincare fails if I can gift them on to somebody who will make better use of them 🙂
    All the best, Jo

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