Lipglossiping’s still lusting! (and this time, it’s not just beauty)

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 8 - 2012

I don’t know if it’s my return to being allowed to treat myself to frivolous things once again, or just normal (forgotten) behaviour for me but I’m walking around like The Cat out of Red Dwarf at the minute. “This is mine; that’s mine [etc.]”…

I am the human equivalent of Pepe Le Pew, desperate to lay claim to most things I see!

Here’s what I’ve been lusting after this week, and considering I’m still lusting after half the stuff from LAST WEEK’s list – this could get messy.

01: YSL Teint Eclat (£28) – I STILL haven’t tried it!  On paper, it sounds like it might be perfect for my dehydrated, winter skin.  But I just haven’t gotten close enough to a counter in the last fortnight to colour-match. It’s my mission this week. (nice mission huh?)

02: Linea Softs Blanket Stitch Oversized Scarf In Blue (£6.75) -Is it certifiable scarf-weather yet?  Maybe not quite but I might make an exception while this one is at such a lovely, lovely price!

03: Topshop Hooded Clasp Coat (£85) – Meh, about £20/£30 overpriced but if you’re like me and don’t own a pair of curvy hips, a skirted coat is flippinamazing at making you look more hourglass-y.

04: Dior Grand Bal Collection nail polish in Diva Diorific (£20) – I’ll admit it, I only want it for the packaging.  I can totally tie some gold thread around it and upcycle it to Christmas tree ornament next year yes?  Which means that in girly budgeting terms, I can justify the price-tag.  Almost.

05: Silver Spoon Ring but Tangs and Tines (£13.95) – Silver plated vintage cutlery turned jewellery?  Where do I sign up?!

06: Fly London Black Mol Boots (£135 but £94 on amazon!) – I wish my current boots were up for replacing but alas, I had the heel reinforced last January and they’re still going strong.  I should be happy, I know I should – but gosh, I want THESE ONES *stamps well-heeled boot*

What have you been hankering after?

19 Responses to “Lipglossiping’s still lusting! (and this time, it’s not just beauty)”

  1. sophie says:

    Ooh that scarf is lovely *stares*

    I’m currently on a no-buy until I get rid of some of the three bin bags full of clothes in the “To eBay” pile, but once I hit £50 in eBay profits I *am* going to treat myself to a beautiful coat I saw in M&S a few weeks ago!

  2. Nazgul says:

    Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites…I checked out Prague’s Sephora yesterday, no sign of “precious” 🙁

    And Neom candels are on my monthly lust list(since your post about one)…need to decide if the scent worth the delivery price.

  3. Sydney says:

    That bottle is absolute smashing, and I do very much enjoy your idea of ‘recycling’ it and using it as a decoration.

    I’ve got a lot of things on my lust list but I am forcing myself to buy all of my Christmas presents and then, and only then, I can start spending on myself. Unfair but necessary!

  4. Kerry says:

    At first glance I thought the nail polish was a perfume :D, that coat is really nice but I think it would make my legs look really short 🙁

  5. Janie says:

    Liking the scarf and boots. You’re such a tease. Last time you tempted me with items was when I bought the Rapid Lash and I am addicted now.

    Fly London boots are fab. I’ve got the Mistry ones in Camel and Black, and they’ve gotten me through 2 winters now, and still look great. They are really fab quality and I love the fact that they are still available year on year incase I need to replace.
    Keep checking the price on Amazon because I paid £140 for the Camel and got the black for £59. One day they just went really cheap, and once I had bought them they went backup to £140.

    • Oooh I’m glad the Rapid Lash is still working well for you! I was toying with the idea of getting some more for Christmas but then remembered that I don’t actually go ANYWHERE or have any parties and Leila would be so non-plussed by me going “BUT LOOK AT MY MEGA LASHES!” across the turkey.

      YAY! I’m so glad you said that about the Boots. I’m gonna set up a camelcamelcamel alert on them. Do you know what that is? It’s a website that allows you to set the Amazon product you’re interested in buying and the highest price you want to pay for it. If it ever drops below that price, it’ll send you an email immediately to let you know. MOST. AWESOME. THING. EVER.

      • Janie says:

        OK, so now I am going to spend my entire day setting up Camel alerts!! How awesome.
        Need more Rapid Lash anyway! I am getting married next year, so need my eyelashes to look like a Camel’s!

        Did I mention I am getting married at London Zoo…. I could keep this Camel theme going for a while….

        • Oh my god, how cool is that?!!?! I wanted to get married at our local zoo (well, the hotel bit) but it was hella pricey! Yes – you definitely need more camels in your wedding. No camel toes though eh?

  6. Alison says:

    That scarf is SO like the one Sherlock wears in the TV series… I might have to snap it up just because of that! (PS I already bought my first scarf of the season and no, it’s definitely not too early!!)

    • I’ve never seen Sherlock – I obviously need to put this right at once! Was it a woolly scarf though or a “pretty” scarf?

      • Alison says:

        Oh it’s just the best TV show ever to be made. But I’m a mega fangirl so of course I’d say that!

        The scarf I bought is a massive woolly maroon one from H&M, and I’m NEVER taking it off 😀 tis the season!

  7. mary says:

    The coat looks lovely, but I am always a bit sceptical about Top Shop quality verses the price. I can blow money on cosmetics and perfume without a second thought, but I’m a cheapskate when it comes to clothes and usually wait to strike at M&S or TK MAXX during the sales!

    20 quid for a nail polish is beyond my comfort zone, unless the bottle is gold plated!

  8. Mollance says:

    I am loving that coat, big time. Seriously, this week I’ve been thinking I need a black coat, with a hood and a fitted waist, and then you go and show me this. Can’t justify that price, so I’ll have to have a nose about for something similar.

  9. I would marry Cat tomorrow. Also that Dior polish, I would marry that too.

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