An Autumnal look for the new Boots Opticians range!

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 21 - 2012

Boots contacted me a couple of weeks ago and asked if I’d like to take part in a challenge which involved styling a look using a pair of glasses from the latest Boots Opticians range.  Being a bit of a reluctant specs-wearer, I thought that it might be a cool idea to have a play and have a go at getting my eye makeup looking polished behind a pair of frames.  It helps that I stand a chance at winning a pair of glasses worth £450 for one of my readers too!

I also got to choose a new pair of frames from the latest Boots Opticians Autumn range for the occasion, there were six frames to choose from:

As tempted as I was to go with the fifties retro frames (red lip, black liner anyone?), I know from experience that the 50s cat-eye style really doesn’t suit the shape of my face – so instead, I opted for a pair of Caytlins, the “stylish secretary” look!

It was only a couple of days later, late at night when I suddenly realised… “how do you style a “secretary” look without looking overtly err… sexy?”.  I submitted this question to the folks on Twitter, who agreed that the sexy secretary thing was so damn entwined with the look that it might be tricky to pull it off without looking a little bit porny.  I was mildly horrified and immediately googled “non-sexy secretary”.  Google returned two hits.  OUT OF THE ENTIRE INTERNET.  Apparently such a thing doesn’t exist.

Well, do you know what?  I’m fairly pleased with myself for managing to keep the smut on the down-low whilst still retaining a bit of style (if I do say so myself).  Hopefully it looks secretary-ish, seeing as that was the brief but I think I might have a bit of librarian creeping in there too…

I kept the look as warm-toned as possible, not only as a nod to the season but also to help accentuate the warmth in the classic tortoiseshell frames.  I tried to bring as much light to the eye area as possible with copious amounts of highlighter and luminizer. Glasses can cast unflattering shadows under the eyes, so I avoided lining the lower lashes with anything other than a flesh-toned pencil but endeavoured to continue the colour theme with a pop of bronze shadow toward the outer corners.  I also kept the lid area as light as possible, blending the crease colour higher than usual to compensate.

Well-groomed eyebrows are important when sporting a pair of specs (don’t think you can hide them behind the frames!) and finally, cheeks and lips were kept fairly neutral but warm-toned to complement the whole look.

You can’t be a “stylish secretary” without a pussybow jumper can  you?!

I’m looking forward to seeing some of the other looks that get posted on the Boots facebook page.  I must admit that when I’m going to be wearing my glasses for longer than a short trip in the car, I’ll usually revert to a bold lip/simple eye look instead so it was really refreshing to push myself to try something different.

Do you wear glasses and bother with eye makeup?  Do you have a favourite from the new Boots Autumn glasses range?

* the Caytlin frames were provided free of charge, perma-sticker included 😉

16 Responses to “An Autumnal look for the new Boots Opticians range!”

  1. Catriona says:

    I really like those frames! I don’t like my current ones as they’re too heavy for my face but were the best of a bad bunch at Specsavers (I get a discount due to getting my contacts from there). Must check those ones out!

  2. Janie says:

    I sport an expensive pair of Chanel Perle’s but really liking the oil of the fifties ones!

  3. Jules says:

    Love those black cat-eye frames! I enjoy wearing glasses; on days when I’m too tired or busy to put on eye makeup, they’re like instant eyeliner for me.

    • Ahh you’re lucky Jules! When I wear mine (without makeup) they make me look tired… I have to put more effort in, hence the usual bold lip cop out!

      • Jules says:

        Bold lips plus a quick hit of concealer under the eyes and I’m ready to go most days! I do have very dark eyes, though, and I think darker frames accentuate them rather than overwhelm them, as can sometimes happen with lighter eyes.

  4. Sophie says:

    You look gorgeous! I really like the Sophie ones (and they have an *excellent* name :D). You’re joking about the perma-sticker though, right? It’s not actually permanent? o___o

  5. Marie says:

    Those frames are great, although I am biased as they are similar to my current ones. I dont get on with contacts so matching my make up to frames is a constant challenge for me especially on a night out!

  6. Looking lovely Lady!

    I’m just so pleased to see that fashion is finally escaping from wanting to make me look through a thin slot!! 35 years and I still don’t care for (hate) choosing glasses. If I had the money for sereval pairs, I guess there wouldn’t be quite so much stress about getting it right. Even with the BOGOF’s though, by the time you’ve added on all the coatings it aint a cheap game. Contacts are definitely my preference when it comes to eye makeup on me!

  7. SalsaAmy says:

    I think my favourites are the glasses you chose. I hate glasses but can’t do screen work with my contacts so end up wearing glasses everyday to work. I like the idea of encorporating glasses into the looks – Good plan Boots!

    It’s never even occurred to me to go without eye makeup when I wear glasses though – I don’t think I’ll try it! Glasses tend to affect my fringe choices more than my makeup. Interesting though – will try…

  8. Sydney says:

    Oh my goodness, they look amazing on you.
    The whole look is just AMAZING.

    And you managed to make it sexy yet not over the top.
    How on earth you achieved that I don’t know but I salute you for it!

  9. Yulia says:

    Oh my god, this looks freaking amazing on you Charlotte!!
    So so gorgeous! Very impressed, love the shadow + blusher+ lipstick combo.. and the new haircolor!

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