Vaseline launches PINK BUBBLY… Petroleum jelly with a hint of decadence!

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 5 - 2012

Did you guess the mystery Vaseline flavour?  Well, most of us bloggers were spot-on with the scent, if not quite the name (the popular guess was “Pink Champagne”) but now I come to think about it, isn’t there extremely strict laws about calling something ‘champagne’ unless it actually is champagne from er, Champagne?

Anyway, what’s in a name?  A tin of goop that smells like sparkling booziness by any other name would still smell like a tin of sparkling booziness!  Or something.  Sorry Mr. Shakespeare.

While I’ve got your attention… you may remember my attempts at bettering the Vaseline tin for Pink Bubbly?  Well, I only bleedin’ went and won a weekend trip to Paris with £500 spending money didn’t I? *closes eyes tight and sprints on the spot*.

And not only that, but I get to offer the same prize package to one of YOU LOVELY LOT too!  Don’t worry, you don’t have to share the trip with me, I won’t cramp your style.

I’ll get back to you with further details on that just as soon as I have them.  But, yano, squeeee!

The Limited Edition Vaseline Lip Therapy Pink Bubbly tins go on sale today, exclusively at Selfridges priced at £3.49 while stocks last before rolling out nationwide at Boots and Superdrug.

Right, better go and put the lottery on then.

24 Responses to “Vaseline launches PINK BUBBLY… Petroleum jelly with a hint of decadence!”

  1. Oh my goodness! Congrats, congrats, congrats, my dear — your tin looked so cute, and I hope you have fun on your trip (whenever that may be!) xx

  2. Laura says:


  3. Natalie says:


  4. Wordbird says:

    Fantastic news, Charlotte!
    And you deserve a lovely trip. Macarons, the Guerlain boutique, the Shiseido Palais… *le sigh*

  5. Anitacska says:

    Well done Charlotte! Will pick this up asap. Love Vaseline!

    Ps. Pick me, pick me! 😉

  6. Shortiee31 says:

    As I said on Twitter you deserved to win! Congratulations 😀

  7. Janie says:

    Awww wow! Congratulations 🙂

    Looks yummy. I didn’t enjoy the Creme Brulee despite my love of the stuff, so am excited to try this

  8. gem says:

    Congrats! Loved your tin design 🙂 have a lovely time on your trip x

  9. A thoroughly deseved win! My favourite design by far. x

  10. Julia Arenas says:

    Oh dearie so happy for you 🙂 Oh I wished I lived in the area so I’d have a chance at that Paris escape!!

  11. Congrats! You did a really nice job on the tin 🙂

  12. Kelly says:

    Well done! I did love your sparkly design!

  13. WOW! Congrats! That’s amazing! Can’t wait to find out details on how one of us can win!

  14. Elaine says:

    I told you it was the best I had seen, well done.

  15. Mollance says:

    Whoo!!!! Congrats x

  16. Sheenie says:

    SEPHORA!!!!!!! So happy for you, Char. xxx

  17. Tass says:

    Oh woooow congrats!! xx

  18. Sydney says:

    Your design was wonderful, I am not surprised you won and I hope you have a wonderful time!
    And that you go and buy a lot of lovely french products for us all to drool over and be filled with the green monster upon your review 😉

  19. Blimmin eck! Congratulations Charlotte, all that diamonte gluing paid off in the long term then, didn’t it? Good job lady. x

  20. Luisa says:

    Whoo hoo! Awesome work Charlotte! Enjoy your trip <3

  21. Lily says:

    Woohoo! Congrats 😀

  22. Clara M says:

    Congrats Charlotte! Your design was so sweetly blingy, so up my alley x

  23. Lilmiznutcase says:

    Congrats! Sadly cosmetics companies do not seem to have discovered the wisdom of covering everything in diamontes, which improves just about anything.

  24. […] Well, this has taken me a little longer to post than I anticipated.  I mean, it’s not everyday that you get to give away a 5* break to Paris for you and a friend now is it? (thank you Vaseline!) […]

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