If you’re tired of being the pumpkin at Halloween parties, it’s time to act with a little more refinement and finesse. Throw out the polyester costumes and build a new look from the face down.
Face Lace have some new designs available which may well fit the bill and get your brain working overtime in a bid to shake things up a bit in the costume department.
I’ve enlisted the help of three brilliant bloggers (@RobynHeartsSlap, @MsBudgetBeauty, and @TheBlackPearlB, each of whom will create a FOTD using one of three Eye Laces that I’ve posted out to them. You’ve already seen how they look on my ugly mug so I thought I’d get someone else to hopefully inspire!
I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to see what they come up with!
Stay tuned….
That’s beautiful I love Caligothic.
These are so beautiful!
I’d never want to wear them though, just stare at them in their little box until the end of time. Can’t wait to see what the lovely ladies do with them