The quickest of updates

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 27 - 2012

I’m updating this from my phone, the wordpress app is woefully lacking in both usability and functionality, so a quick textual update is the best I can manage.  We’ve moved in to the new place now and the carpets came up a treat with the Rug Doctor, so a big thank you to your lovely selves for saving me about £80 in carpet cleaning fees (that’s topped up my Boots fund!).  The neighbours are an odd bunch…. the ones below us are mega keen on Country and Western – I’m a bit of a closet fan myself, so was secretly pleased that they’d at least be playing stuff I’m happy to tap my feet along to…. until they had a full-on karaoke hoedown. FFS.

The other neighbour seems to have a bit of a voracious appetite, and we’re not talking KFC.  I’m just grateful that we have a one man in, one man out situation.

Other than that, we’re settling in pretty well – although it does look like someone’s walked through the door and vomited IKEA.  Gotta start somewhere no?

We’re due to get a phoneline connected on the 9th August, blog posts will be extremely few and far between until then but as soon as I’m a bit more settled, hopefully by the end of next week – I’ll be able to use my phone’s 3G connection to power my PC’s internet and I may well be able to get some updates done then – heaven knows I’m missing the crap out of blogging.

Much love, me x



9 Responses to “The quickest of updates”

  1. I was just wondering this morning where you were! 🙂 Completely forgot that moving takes quite a bit of time!

    Good luck with house things! I am glad that the rug doctor worked out (i’ll have to keep that in mind for the future!) I hope setting up everything at home won’t be too much of a chore!

  2. ModestyBrown says:

    It’s good to hear you’re settling in well. How does Leila like her new home? Re: IKEA, I’m still surrounded by IKEA vomit. I seem to have spent the last 15 years collecting it!

  3. Sara says:

    We miss you! Hope the nesting continues to go OK. High time you flew the nest to one of your own I think… Good luck

  4. sophie says:

    Glad to hear everything is getting itself sorted! x

  5. Hey, honey! Good to hear you’re setting in okay (or, like, mildly okay). Fingers crossed that everything keeps moving along on this side of “okay”!

    (Also, I really hope you’re not living next to someone who’s re-enacting The Secret Life of a London Callgirl (Callboy?). Late-night police raids are never any fun, or so I hear.)

  6. Sarah s says:

    Dibbs coming to visit, better get that Ikea sofa bed out xxx

  7. pmsl laughing re Ikea vomit! You’re not alone there! 😉
    Happy new home to you and yours xxx

  8. liloo says:

    not long to wait now till 9 august. pleased it’s going well for you 🙂 xx

  9. Oh good times. Laughed when I read your “voracious appetite, and we’re not talking KFC” statement. Hope you’re getting all settled in over there.

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