China Glaze New Bohemian Luster Chromes for Autumn 2012

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 13 - 2012

Due to launch this Autumn are six new “specialist” shades from China Glaze that promise to leave you mesmerized as the color shifts and moves across the nail, traveling with the light.

Woohoo for duochromes!

Recent duochrome launches have been a bit disappointing no?  I still smart from being underwhelmed by the much-hyped Models Own Beetlejuice collection which offered (to my eye), a disappointing effect on the nail compared to the bottle shots.  I’m gonna be a tough cookie on these if they fail to live up to those lovely stock images below.

  • Unpredictable – Multidimensional gorgeous green
  • Rare & Radiant – Extraordinarily rich gold
  • Swanky Silk – Brilliant beige with peach undertones
  • No Plain Jane – Lavish lavender-pink
  • Want My Bawdy – Sexy sapphire blue
  • Deviantly Daring – Adventurously bold peacock teal

It almost makes me excited for Autumn.  I said, almost.

13 Responses to “China Glaze New Bohemian Luster Chromes for Autumn 2012”

  1. Leanne says:

    Want all of them. Will get all of them. Will probably be disappointed by all of them – but I am a massive slag for China Glazes with silver lids. Silver lid normally equal awesomeness inside, but we’ll see.

  2. Janie says:

    Leanne is totally correct!

    Silver lid = fabulouso.

  3. Anna Belsham says:

    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Want them allllllll.

  4. Daintynymph says:

    It looks like the duochrome in the images is subtle enough that they could deliver. Rare and Radiant looks like yet another Peridot dupe, and all of those seem to vary on the level of color shift. I’m not going to get my hopes up until I see swatches.

  5. Mollance says:

    Oh my. LOVE.

  6. gio says:

    Ohhh they are all so pretty, especially Unpredictable!

  7. Sophie says:

    My wallet is sooo thin now, but I will (must) get one. I will see them in person when they get to Sally’s. I hope it’s soon. 😉 ^^

  8. liloo says:

    holy moly. i need them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall
    liloo/@tsunimee xx

  9. olivia says:

    Well, this isn’t going to be good for my pocketbook! I want them ALL!

  10. Helena says:

    Looks like dupes of the Deborah Lippmann chromes plus some extras. I really want them….

  11. Sydney Kav says:

    Oh my giddy aunt – I want them. All of them!

  12. ezfreesms says:

    I love Gorgeous green..

  13. Yvonne says:

    I want Unpredictable – Multidimensional gorgeous green
    Rare & Radiant – Extraordinarily rich gold and Deviantly Daring – Adventurously bold peacock teal

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