The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore Giveaway

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 16 - 2012

This doesn’t really need much in the way of explanation does it?  Unless, of course, you’re living on the Seychelles or something, in which case… I hate you.  It’s now nearly July and we haven’t had much of a Summer have we?  Sure, I’m appreciating the longer daylight hours but seriously, this rain?  Not so much.  We had one glorious week back in March (that everyone apart from me has forgotten about), and almost two weeks in May… but that’s it – besides those, it’s been nothing but Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death (or something).

So, here’s a giveaway in the hopes of injecting a little summer into our grey skies.  You’re absolutely free to enter regardless of your location, just so long as it’s not sunny where you are.  If you live in the tropics, just wait until it’s night-time and none of us are any the wiser.

You could win a variety of summer-inspired goodies including: Barry M Pink Flamingo Nail Paint, Wet n Wild Color Icon Palette in Blue Had Me At Hello, Le Metier de Beaute Bronzer in Sun Drenched, and a Make Up Store lipgloss in Vide


To enter, leave a comment below and tell me about your favourite childhood memory of Summer and I’ll pick out a name at random to enjoy the spoils.

1. Entry open worldwide.
2. I will choose 1 winner at random, my decision is final.
3. is the sole promoter of this competition.
4. Competition closes on Saturday 30th June 2012 at 23.59 BST.
5. Winner will be contacted via email.

268 Responses to “The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore Giveaway”

  1. Sarah says:

    Am a through and through city gal but would love to visit my family farm during the summer. Would sit with my granddad and fish and sometimes he would snooze right there 🙂

  2. Bicky says:

    Having a plaster cast on my arm.

    All the places we went I had to have a bag over it, I was swimming in the sea with one arm up in the air. Lolzzz.

  3. Jade says:

    My favourite childhood memory of summer is when my mum sat me down in our garden, then brought out a big bowl of cherries and set them on my lap. I sat in the sunshine eating cherries for hours (and fending off bees).

  4. Veri says:

    The fact that it was sunny, warm, the days went on for ever and the summer holidays lasted for a good half a year… Aaaaah, the memory of my youth is tinge in gold… Or maybe that should read ROSE gold 😉

  5. shourima says:

    I remember having ice lollies during summer & my dressed getting spotted with the drops of the colored lollies.. lol!!!

  6. Bridget says:

    having constant stubbed toes, as a kid i pretty much lived in bare feet so running around = stubbed toes lol, my big toes were stubbed from December till February (I’m from New Zealand) summer also always reminds me of Christmas.

    PS; if its any consolation this summer in Sydney was utter pants, it was raining at least 70% of the time, its now winter and its raining about 90% of the time!

  7. Francesca says:

    I would have to say wasp stings. Not the nicest memory but it seemed every year running around bare foot meant I would always get stung… not nice, but a memory that makes me laugh 🙂

  8. Nienke says:

    My favorite childhood memory of summer is going swimming. I never wanted to get out of the water and at some point my mom basically had to drag me out for something to drink and some more sunscreen.

  9. Claire says:

    Best summer memory, family holidays on th beach in Cornwall.

  10. Clara M says:

    My holiday in Walt Disney World Florida!

  11. my mom bring me to the beach and i’m sooooo fun in ther <3

  12. Claire says:

    I’m glad they finally have lifted the bloody hosepipe ban, because my childhood memories of an Australian summer are of running around in the sprinklers with cousins, and lots and lots of BBQ’s under the trees.
    Ahh wish the sun would come out again!

  13. Becky says:

    Fave summer memory is always going to my grandparents. Their not around anymore but I have such great memories of being in their garden I remember the time I went there my granddad had bought a shed and he made it into a wendy house for me even connecting a light from the garage mains and a hose pipe from the water butt so I could run a tap…genius!


  14. sarah says:

    Has to be going to the seaside with my grandparents- my granny used to build a speedboat from sand and my grandad would always drag me around in the sea in a big rubber ring!!! Oh and a 99- its not summer without ice cream and sticky hands!!!

  15. Dawn says:

    My friends and I would run through the sprinklers almost every day, thinking back on that, what a simple pleasure that was and it brought so much joy to us!

  16. Claire says:

    Every summer, my family and I would pack our coats and itchy, unflattering, jumpers and head off to Ireland to visit my grandparents. My favourite part of the visit was always around midday – I would go to the garden with my granddad and pick fresh peas. Then, before the frostbite set in, I’d take buckets of peas to the kitchen where my grandmother and I would sit by the window and shell them.

    It doesn’t sound like the most exciting thing, but it will always be a time that I remember with great fondness. Also, I can now shell a pea with a wink.

  17. mayuri says:

    wearing bright pink and drinking lemonade in the sunshine 🙂

  18. Marianne says:

    My favourite summer memory is going to the beach with the extended family and playing volleyball, eating BBQ and watching the sunset

  19. Rachael says:

    My favourite childhood memory is going strawberry and raspberry picking.

  20. Lynn Savage says:

    My favourite summer memory is going to Brancaster beach and spending hours sliding down the sand dunes

  21. eva says:

    My favorite summer memory is of some beautiful sundresses I had as a kid and fresh juicy raspberries from my grandma’s garden.

  22. Ness says:

    So those of us in warm and sunny Spain are not welcome here? =P

  23. Nargis says:

    My Favourite summer holiday memory is going to amusement parks with my parents

  24. Alicat says:

    Driving to Minehead with my parents to spend what was usually a very wet afternoon at the beach, scoffing an icecream bought from the Strand Cafe on the seafront, then driving home via Blue Anchor back to Taunton. That was 35 odd years ago and I am now doing the same thing with my daughter. I hope she has the same good memories as I have one day. Don’t need a lot of sunshine or money to make good memories!

  25. Leah says:

    When I was a kid we were as poor as church mice, but my aunt used to scrape together the pennies to take me, my brother and my mum to Dymchurch every summer for a caravan holiday. One year, we were in a pub beer garden, and there was an animal hutch at the bottom of the garden. There was a sign that said ‘Water Otter’ so I excitedly told my mum, as I’ve always loved animals. I tried calling and nothing came, so I got right down on the floor and had a good look around the cage, and right in the far corner I saw it. It was an old cast iron kettle, a water (h)otter! Oh my sides. It’s as cheesy as all hell, but when I say ‘Remember that water otter?!’ we all reminisce about the simple days where all we needed was a 99, a rocky beach and a water inflatable to keep us happy. Simple days! xoxo

  26. Hannah Barrett says:

    Playing in the sandpit with my 2 brothers

  27. maureen findley says:

    we used to play rounders on a green right besides our street and on a Sunday all the parents used to come out and play a game with us. It was hilarious.

  28. daniela says:

    hello, my favourite childhood memory of Summer is going to the beach with all of my cousins with lots of snacks and spending all day at the beach until there was no more sun
    thank you
    dani ♥

  29. Sugarenia says:

    Hm hm… I used to spend summers at my grandparents’ place with my sister, so I’ve got lots of good memories. My best days would be Tuesdays, when my grandma used to call us to stop playing late in the afternoon just to spend the evening watching Jeux Sans Frontieres and eating pizza.

    So great!

  30. Aimee Ryan says:

    My favourite memory is of me and my neighbour friends washing our bikes in the front yard listening to the radio. We had the cleanest, shiniest bikes in town 😀

  31. corallista says:

    My favorite childhood memory is spending the summer break at my grandmother’s with my aunt’s daughters, reading novels all day and eating loads of mangoes!

  32. Rahela Ahmed-Uddin says:

    My favourite childhood memory is when we would go to Bangladesh where it would rain constantly!! But is was so much fun. As a child, I enjoyed the plane ride and actually being able to splash in the rain cos it was so warm over there

  33. Tracy Nixon says:

    My favourite memories are when we used to picnic at Slayley – we would make a fire down by the river and cook bacon sandwiches! We would play Pooh Sticks on the bridge too and hide and seek in the woods! fab!

  34. Emily K. says:

    I remember water balloon wars with the other kids in my neighborhood. It lasted the whole summer, but it was so much fun and a great way to cool off.

  35. Diane K. says:

    Although I don’t get extra credit for doing so, I had to share this contest with all my friends because it is so fabulous. Thank you Beauty Blogger Lipglossiping for giving your fans the chance to possibly win such fabulous beauty goodies. I follow you on twitter, my username is @DianeLori, and shared the contest on my twitter page, the link is:

    I also pinned this contest and posted it on my pinterest page, username is Diane and the link is:

    Finally, I LIKE you on Facebook, username is kleimanlaw, and shared this contest on my facebook page, the link is:

    I subscribe to your blog via email, kleimanlaw at aol dot com

    OK, now down to business, what is my favourite childhood memory of Summer? Well, this is an easy one. I grew up in a very close family. It was my mom,dad, sister and me. We grew up in a small apartment building in Long Beach, New York, right on the beach. A few feet out of the building and you were standing in sand, beautiful white, soft sand, very clean, and the gorgeous ocean. During the summer, every weekend, my family would spend the day on the beach. At that time, there used to be Good Humor ice cream bicycle trucks parked at the entrance of the beach. These were bikes that said good humor, and a big freezer would be attached to the front of the bike. The person who sold the ice cream was the good humor boy and he had to always wear a white uniform, not the most stylish but who cares when one has ice cream on the brain. These bikes were so heavy to this day I don’t know how these guys could ride around all day selling their goods. Anyway, I was a chubby kid and my mom didn’t let me eat sweets. However my biggest weakness is ice cream. So every weekend in the late afternoon, after my mom had already gone back to the apartment to start dinner, my dad , who was also chubby and my mom wouldn’t let him eat sweets either,used to take me to the good humor truck,and we would enjoy ice cream together having the time of our lives. We would always order 2 different flavors and share them. This was “OUR” secret special time together. My father passed away 20 years ago from a sudden heart attack but I remember everything we ever did together, all the fun we had, and there was a lot, but our summer ice cream days will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s funny that I would remember these stories particularly since Father’s Day is right around the corner, tomorrow I believe. I have a wonderful mother and sister as well but my father was one of those really special people that everyone instantly fell in love with.I have been very blessed to have had all the wonderful years we had together. I just wish he was still here.

    Anyway, Happy Father’s Day to all and again, thank you for doing this wonderful giveaway. Good luck everyone.

    Diane K.
    kleimanlaw at aol dot com

  36. What I loved about summer as a kid is running around the beach in the nip and not caring:)

  37. Susan says:

    My favorite summer memory is going to the beach for a week with the family, especially my favorite cousin, who sadly passed away at a very young age. We would walk to the beach and laugh and joke and stay up late eating ice cream from the Dairy Queen. Thank you for reminding me of that lovely memory. Oh and I live in Florida so it is mostly sunny here… sorry!!! But it is hurricane season till November!

  38. Roseanne says:

    Building a makeshift damn with my siblings in the river behind my house.

  39. Shareen Cameron says:

    My favourite summer memories is spending every single day during summer with all my friends when I was a kid. We rode around in bikes, explored the local river…we liked to think of ourselves as The Goonies (minus the epic adventure) to us our own little clique and exploring new places each sunny day was our big adventure. I remember one particular year where we just all got on no one had a disagreement we all just met up at the same time each day and never returned home until dinner time.

    Those are memories I’ll cherish forever

  40. Bernie says:

    Spending all day at the park with my brother and sister, building dens and eating ice cream. The days seem to last for ever – now the summer just passes in the blink of an eye.

  41. NatC says:

    My favourite childhood summer memory would be eating Mars Bars ice-creams, sitting on my dad’s car bonnet! So sad you can’t get mars bars ice-cream anymore!

  42. Leann Cooke says:

    My favourite memory is playing out in the sun all day in Cornwall on holiday with my sister wearing matching mickey mouse headscarfs, the height of fashion in the 1980’s!

  43. Rhonda says:

    Playing in the paddling pool in the garden.

  44. Nadeisha says:

    My favorite summer is when I was 10 and I went without my parents for the first time to another island. One week I was at a girl scout camp and the following week I stayed at my aunt and we visited lots of places. Great memories.

  45. Fiona Foskett says:

    Family holidays to Pegwell Bay in Kent and having sips of my dads beer outside pubs.

  46. Sophie says:

    One that always sticks on my mind is when I went to Butlins (Minehead) with my Mum, Nan and Brother and the weather was so lovely. I was most excited because I saw Kylie Minogue at a Radio 1 Roadshow there and I was a uber fan of Kylie!

  47. Anitacska says:

    My favourite childhood memories of summer are spending time at my grandmother’s at the countryside. The days seemed very long and the weather was always nice (not Britain by the way, lol). Sadly she passed away nearly 8 years ago now, but I will never forget those days.

  48. Beverley says:

    Going to the seaside, making a sand castle and carrying buckets of water to fill the moat and not understanding why it had disappeared by the time I got back with the next one. Happy memories :-))

  49. Charlie says:

    My favourite summer memory is playing with my sisters in the garden all day long, cooling off in the paddling pool and ending the day with an amazing family bbq and fab ice lollies!

  50. Michelle Lloyd says:

    My favorite childhood memories are racing round the garden, jumping in and out of the freezing paddling pool and seemingly endless summer holidays!

  51. Shruti says:

    My favourite childhood summer memories are of spending the ENTIRE day running around like a crazy person, playing cricket and badminton, all hopped up on ice lollies, running home for a quick meal and then rushing back down for a LONG session of Hide and Seek till dinnertime. I want those days back! I just wish it wasn’t so hot during the summers here in India. And do not worry. You have company in the gloomy monsoon department.

  52. Holidays in places like Devon or Cornwall, basically being outside all the time and having a lot more freedom than at home. Somehow, it always seemed to be sunny too, although that could just be me looking through the rose-tinted spectacles of memory!

  53. Naz says:


    My fave childhood memory of summer is playing outside with the other kids on the street alllll day! Fun times!

  54. Linda Hobbis says:

    My favourite memories are generally of proper, old fashioned ice-cream cornets with a flake in, Hawaiian Tropical sun oil (the smell of coconut) and the freezing temperature of the sea around Devon!

  55. Anita says:

    Lovely giveaway! I’m UK based too, so can sympathise with the lack of sun 🙁 Gale force winds this week, whatever next.

    Favourite memory – holiday to Florida when I was seven! (well, we had to escape the dreary British weather!) We went to a motel owned by my grandmother’s friend, where we slid down the motel slide into the swimming pool, my father fed the local storks from his hand, and we went to Disney World where there was a farm in those days that included a cow with a Mickey Mouse symbol on its sides. I was so convinced the little shops in Disney World were real (I can’t describe them sorry, except for “pastelly”) and that we couldn’t get inside because we weren’t old enough – it never occurred to us (me and my sister) that it was because they were fake! I also thought Chip and Dale and all the characters were real… Ahh, being young!

    That one is my absolute favourite, but I generally have always liked summer – no school!


  56. Janice says:

    Sleeping in and going to the beach as often as I could!

  57. Georgia says:

    My favourite childhood summer memory has to be, as we live in England, those summer evenings when there is torrential rain beating down outside and crazily loud thunder and lightning storms, powers out and going into my parents bedroom playing boardgames by candlelight. I absolutely loved it! Even though it felt more like winter…

  58. Seonaid says:

    My favourite childhood summer memories are of when my mum had her two weeks off work – she would always take me places and spend loads of time with me. As I get older I’m really cherishing those times.
    S xx

  59. Reenie says:

    We used to go to a place called Sandy Balls(!!) for some summer camping. It had a river that you could actually swim in and was fab!!

    Great giveaway!

  60. Heather Haigh says:

    Going sledging down a huge hill in the park with my brother and sisters.

  61. Nicky Benton says:

    Using a rope swing to get across the local brook, never managed to do it without getting soaked.

  62. Katherine De Riera says:

    Lovely giveaway thankyou! My favourite summer memory is going on holiday to Butlins when i was a kid, I used to love it, going for rides on the donkeys, the funfair and staying in the chalet!

  63. B says:

    I used to love going to centre parks when I was little. I’d make my nan wake up at 6 am everyday so we could cycle down to the pool and be there for it opening.

  64. Kimberley c says:

    My favourite summer memory is a bit of an odd one but……it’s lying on the couch in my Nans flat in the sweltering heat, her sitting in her chair, with about 6 fans blasting us from all directions, rolling frozen water bombs underneath our feet (my Nans genius idea). She went to the big rocking chair in the sky this year, I miss her……

  65. Tessa says:

    My favourite memory is the plastic sandpit/sandbox at my grandma’s house. She would let me and my sister play in the sand (sand castles, bright-colored paddles, throwing sand at my little sister!) and when we where thoroughly dirty, she’d move us to the other side, which would be filled with water (+ toys, rubber duckies). Repeat 100x. I thought it was brilliant!

  66. Elly says:

    Definitely has to be long days in our garden with the paddling pool and ice cream!

  67. Sindy says:

    Going to the countryside with my family. I remember being really scared when I got chased by a sheep

  68. Ann says:

    Oh, yes please!

    So many great childhood memories of summer, but I loved the days so hot the tar on the road got sticky …

    my brother and I would put on our swim suits, and put my mom’s portable sprinkler under the trampoline, and get the hose out, and we’d bounce through/in the water, and have high-jump contests and all sorts of dangerous things like that. I’m amazed neither of us broke our neck … wet trampolines are slippery! As often as not, other neighborhood kids would see us bouncing above the fence and come over to join in. Usually it would devolve into a gigantic water fight.

  69. My favourite memory was doing scientific experiments on plants when i was 12years old.

  70. Megan says:

    When I was six I went on a family holiday to a remote part of the Scottish Highlands. Us kids would charge about the beach all day and, when we were back nearer our cottage, we would try to avoid the sheep that were free to wander everywhere.
    It was funny when we went back to school after the summer and our teacher asked our class where we’d been on holiday. Everyone else stood up and said, “I’ve been to Spain,” or, “I’ve been to France.” My twin brother and I stood up and said, “We’ve been to Achiltibuie!” and no-one had a clue where it was!

  71. poojitha ravipati says:

    When my cousin gave me a tour of his place, thats my best memory.

  72. Krista/ Hebridean Sprite says:

    My favourite childhood memory of summer was when the family all went to Rondo provincial park and we’d rent a cottage for a week. I can remember looking for animals and snake grass and the sun lighting up my sister’s hair on the beach. Wonderful times. 😀

  73. My favorite childhood memory of summer consists of the day long family barbecues that always ended with digging into huge watermelon slices to quell the heat. The parents would be roasting chicken, corn, and garlic bread on the grill while us kids would play tag and ride our bikes along the sidewalks. Ah, good times… 🙂

  74. Zoe G says:

    I have so many, but one was when I was playing in the garden, I must have been 7, it was in the 6 weeks holiday and the whole holiday was red hot and we had a Buddleia and there must have been a hundred butterflies on it, it was amazing and I used to go out every day to look at them that holiday

  75. Rosie says:

    My favourite childhood memory of summer is going to the beach on a sunday, with the packed picnic and been given money to go up to the slots. Such a treat it was back then!

  76. yasmine choudhry says:

    Fab prizes
    my favourite childhood memeory of summer was when i was eight years old and went to see my grandparents in asia it was the first time i had gone abroad and saw them it was bliss, lovely weather and spending quality time with family there

  77. Kelly says:

    I am a townie so struggled when I first moved where I am, one day my dads took me for a walk round the lakes with the dog and I was freaking out at every bug, branch or plant that dared to touch me! I got so hysterical that my dads thought it would be funny to push me in the ‘shallow’ bit of the lake so I would end up paddling but the lake was deceptive and I ended up armpit deep in the water with a joyous german shepherd swimming around me!

    Sure, it didn’t cure me but it is something we laugh about 24 years later!

  78. Cheryl Lovell says:

    Swimming in a local river while my dad cooked on a disposable BBQ!

  79. Rebecca says:

    Always just jumping on the bus with my mum and sis and going to the local beach spending all day playing and getting soaked in the sea and having to go buy new clothes as we managed to get everything wet and sandy ….perfect days

  80. cheryl says:

    It’s rainy here in Canada too 🙁

    My fave childhood memory:
    When I was young, our neighbours used to have a slip and slide and all the kids in the neighbourhood would go and play on it during the hot days. Then at night we’d play Kick The Can or Tag in the dusk 🙂

  81. Anna says:

    my favourite childhood memory is climbing up the plum trees in our backgarden, collecting all the fruit!

  82. Lynn Blakeman says:

    I remember the summer of 1976, it was SO hot and I got to play out every day which was amazing, I loved my bike 🙂

  83. Tania says:

    my favourite childhood memory is when , my friends and I used to imitate the Spice Girls we used to have everything like them ,that was really amazing ! thanks

  84. Nuša says:

    I remember one year when me and my friends all went to city with bikes every day (all from different places, so we gathered in the center). We each packed bathing towels, swimsuits, sunscreens, skateboard, drink, food, basically anything that we could use, just in case we decided to go to the pool or the skate park or something like that. We mostly ended up having random photo shoots at random corners and laughing out loud 😀

  85. Hannah Cleary says:

    Roller skating absolutely everywhere and eating rocky road ice cream until I felt sick 🙂

  86. My favourite childhood memory was one time me and my brother went fishing with my dad. We were pretty young, and of course we got bored so we started exploring amongst the rocks and found a little crab. We started feeding it cake thinking who doesn’t like cake, right? 🙂 We had so much fun with that little crab and my father was happy we were busy so he could fish!

  87. Alexia says:

    My favourite childhood memory of Summer: When I was spending all day at the farm of my grandmother and watched her feeding the baby sheep with a baby’s bottle…

  88. Judith says:

    I love all the careless summers when I didn’t have a care ( or morgage) in the world!

  89. Trish says:

    Mine has got to be primary school sports days. They were never cancelled because the weather was always sunny and warm and it was such a lovely day.

  90. Marta P says:

    Chasing after the Mr Whippy Ice Cream Van

  91. Bella says:

    Definitely the sea. I grew up by the sea (or in it, really, my family used to joke that I’m really a fish in disguise). My favourite memory is going out on my uncle’s traditional boat. Ostensibly we went to ‘fish’, but mostly I just lolled about in the sunshine, chattered away about lord knows what and then went for a swim. I really love going underwater and hearing nothing except the sea, it’s a great feeling. Then we’d go and BBQ the lovely fish and seafood my uncle had caught earlier. And after making a giant mess with that, they’d let me loose with an ice cream cone. My least favourite memory is mum dragging me home and scrubbing me till I gleamed. I love so many things about the UK, but I desperately miss the sea. It’s like I’ve lost a huge part of myself. I also miss the light, not just the sun but the light.

  92. Asmaa says:

    My favourite childhood of summer would probably have to be when I was about 2/3 years-well according to my mum anyway-and we went to the beach when it was dusk and people where leaving. We had the entire beach to ourselves-I think and I just remember the feeling I had-I was totally content and happy.:D

  93. Ciambella says:

    I was on a road trip with my family. My parents saw a ride-a-dust-cropper-plane thing on the side of the road. Anyway, for some reason I did not ride the plane, but basically what I remember is my dad carrying me in his arms while we watched the plane with my mother and sister circling overhead. And also there was a very funny-colored insect on his shirt that I didn’t want to touch. Just a simple summer day that I remember for feeling incredibly content!

  94. Stephanie M says:

    My favorite summer memory as a kid is chasing the ice cream truck…we knew he saw us, I think it just amused him to watch us chase him while screaming lol.

  95. susan gray says:

    Buyng cheap make up from stalls along the Golden Mile, then sitting on Blackpool beach playing with my stash.

  96. Kristi C. (@lov2read68) says:

    My favorite childhood memory was the week each summer I would get to spend with my grandparents. I did that until my summer schedule got too full to fit that week in – probably 12 or 13. Each grandchild got to spend a week alone with Grandma & Grandpa. I got to choose the activities – zoo, walking up to the dairy bar on campus to get fresh ice cream (Grandpa’s favorite), shopping with Grandma as I got older. They always had a huge garden & kept their entire block supplied with fresh veggies all summer long! In the evenings I would sit, in a webbed lawnchair on the driveway along with Grandma, snapping green beans or shelling peas. Eventually most of the neighbors, stopped by for a chat while we were outside. That was 30+ years ago. Unfortunately, I don’t see neighbors being neighborly like that much anymore. At least, not where I live. Grandma & Grandpa have both passed but I have such fond memories – helping water the yard – the lushest grass ever to walk in barefoot, swinging on the porch swing on a frame in the back yard underneath a huge tree, picking flowers for a fresh bouquet on the table. Thank you for helping me pause & take a walk down memory lane this afternoon.
    I’ve loved reading everyone else’s responses as well!

  97. Claire Leverett says:

    Running on the beach with my sister and our dog, building sandcastles and swimming all day without a care in the world.

  98. Priscilla P says:

    My favorite summer childhood memory: riding on the handlebars of my cousin’s bicycle, fearless because I was only 5 or so. we also would catch little frogs from her back yard and named each of them Kermit…haha!

  99. KathrynJ says:

    Would so love that wet n wild palette!! In fact I need it lol, summer was sitting in a paddling pool which seemed to be filled with equal parts ice-cold water and grass, whilst eating a home made icelolly drink with a spoon (orange squash in a tupperware beaker, frozen).

    Loving reading other replies too x

  100. Jenni says:

    One of my fav memories of summer is my mom used to grow this asian flower (no idea what it’s called) in the backyard. When the petals bloomed, she would pick them off, mash them in a bowl, and apply them to my sister and my fingernails. We had to sleep with the petals on our nails overnight (wearing saran wraps around our fingers) and in the morning, we would find our fingernails were dyed with the flower petal color! It lasted until our finger nails grew out. It was so much fun to see how fast our fingernails would grow 🙂 It’s probably one of my fav memories, and I need to go back to Korea to find some of those flower seeds!

  101. Candy says:

    We don’t have summers here, but definitely it’s eating cheap ice lollies, and flying kites under really blue cloudless skies!

  102. Wordbird says:

    The summer of 1976 was so hot for so long, we got used to going out without taking a cardigan.
    My Aunty Tina – who was a glamorous journalist on the Bath Evening Chronicle – gave me a green and white striped halter neck swimming cozzie for my birthday. It was a massive change from the one with frilly skirts on I’d worn until then. My Dad put the lawn sprinkler on despite the hosepipe ban and I spent hours running in and out of the spray.

  103. Cassie says:

    My favourite summer memory is my friend coming over and we would spend all day atempting to hurdle the sprinkler. Then if that wasnt daring enough jumping off the bridge over the river in my garden. This resulted in hours of fun. Shame really the rivers just too shallow for me now…

  104. Chrissy Brown says:

    As a child the summers felt so long and hot compared to nowadays.
    My brother and I used to spend the summers around my grandmothers playing in the overgrown garden.

    My favourite memory is when we were messing around in the arden with an old swing set and a ball of twine trying to make a trap to ‘catch’ our grandma in.

    My brother decided he would volunteer to try it out first and he ended up being tied with millions of little knots, legs half in the air and laying on the ground.
    I tried to undo it but we’d been to thorough with all the knots!
    My grandma had to untie him and it still makes us laugh to this day 🙂

  105. vania says:

    Eating Ice cream with my family

  106. Susie M says:

    My favourite memory is picnics on the beach. Coffee from a Thermos flask tasted so different and the sandwiches always seemed to be filled with tinned chicken which we never usually had and I wouldn’t dream of eating now but I loved it then – maybe I should sneak it into the basket next time I’m in the supermarket.

  107. Sarah s says:

    I dont want to enter, because it would be like winning a gift of a friend! But my favourite sumer, is every summer i have been away with my parents – especially exploring with my Dad! I will be one of those people that holiday with their parent till they are 40 odd – spesh if he’s still paying 😉 xxx

  108. Katie S says:

    Camping in the south of France with my family, in a cramped tent with my little brother!

  109. Clare Martin says:

    The smell of freshly cut grass – love it, always takes me back!

  110. Ria says:

    My favourite memory is eating watermelon for the first time! Have you seen a youtube video where a little kid acts like… well, a little kid, being happy and clapping? Exact same reaction to me! 😀

  111. Rebecca R. says:

    My family used to go camping multiple times throughout the summer; to the lake, the beach… So much fun! And to this day I still love camping.

  112. The Summer of ’76 – long hot days at the beach, where we had splashed out and rented a council beach hut, meaning that we had somewhere to get changed rather than putting a tent affair over our heads to get changed under. Sand sandwiches on the beach and tea from a flask.

  113. Katherine says:

    My mum is a teacher so we always had the advantage of being able to go off places – my favourite memory is going to the local park pond dipping – we caught loads of minnows which changed colour slightly in our buckets so looked bright pink when we let them loose – hours of entertainment for my younger sibs and I!

  114. Jennifer says:

    My parents used to take us all to Cornwall each year, and one of my favourite childhood memories is going in the sea at Newquay tackling huge waves…I still remember the adrenaline rush I got when I managed to catch a wave on my little body board! Amazing memories.

  115. Stella says:

    my favorite memory is me eating watermelon with my parents in a beautiful balcony seeing the view of the perfect sunset of santorini!

  116. VidhyaRamasubramaniam says:

    My favourite memory is of playing in the summer rain… year after year!! I enjoyed every bit of it.. A carefree life!!

  117. Sabita says:

    Growing up in India, my favourite summer memories were of spending my summers in my ancestral village in Kerala visiting my great-grandmother, of plucking ripe mangoes of trees, of having tender coconut, of jackfruit trees, of having my great-grand uncle discussing Shakespeare and Napoleon, of spending time with my cousins rouse-rambling in the old ancestral house that we were all convinced was haunted. Many years have passed,the house remains, a lot of people have passed on and we hardly get to go back but memories linger on , of a time where life and us were so much more simpler.

  118. bridget says:

    The summer of ’76 was a momentous time for anyone alive at the time in the UK – a drought that lasted weeks…the streets were filled with kids in swimming costumes, shorts and bikinis…throwing water bombs, jumping in and out of paddling pools, skateboarding with all the panache of a drunken panda (we knew no better), dribbling cherry and peach juice down our chins (peaches were juicy in those days), watching lads cycle past on their “show-off” Choppers and for the finale of the summer holidays – the plague of ladybirds, they were huge too :)…it seemed everybody was happy back then.

  119. Anat K says:

    Sitting at the front porch with grandma playing cards and eating frozen grapes, watching people and animals passing by in the long hot and humid summer days of school summer vacation. That was lovely

  120. Lossa says:

    My favourite summertime memory is of being chased by my pet lamb. I didn’t know WHY he wanted to chase me but he did and I was very scared. I do know my parents laughed at that as I ran all over the property to escape him. I loved that little lamby, he was very cuddly, though he died when the frosts came back 🙁

  121. Helena says:

    My favorite summer memories are probably my birthdays (June 22, the day after the solstice) and going on vacations to Mexico.

  122. Victoria Boland says:

    Playing in a Wendy House with a blow-up paddling pool outside.

  123. Viv says:

    I remember getting sunburnt (regularly) every summer when we went away to the South Coast – doesn’t seem like that’s gonna happen this year! Viv x

  124. Nicola says:

    My summer favourite memories are of being very young and going to the farm near my nan’s house. I used to run around the fields jumping in cow pats ( I was wearing wellies!). My nan was the best grandmother ever.

  125. FionaLynne Edwards says:

    We used to stay at a farm in Devon every year and meet up with some friends from Sussex. We had a wonderful time helping on the farm and wandering around in the countryside.

  126. Milly Y says:

    My favourite childhood summer memory is playing in the wigwam my grandad made for me when I was little!

  127. angela sandhu says:

    Mine would have to be when we used to get all our holiday clothes packed for our summer holiday every year and it was just the most exciting feeling ever!

  128. Ria says:

    As a child I remember Summers with the family sitting out on the patio, late late at night (probably actually only 10pmish) with the humidity still thick in the air, lit by mosquito-lanterns…. everyone chatting about the hosepipe ban and other important things like that. xx

  129. di dilly says:

    Our parents would take us to Perranporth Cornwall every other year to stay in a caravan. We had to leave at 5.00am to get there and I was always travel sick. Thank goodness things have improved (both the roads and my queasy tummy)

  130. sophie says:

    Mine is when I was pretty young, probably about eight, and I went with my family to New Brighton (my family are originally from there so we tend to visit most summers). At the time I was pretty obsessed with Sara Lee chocolate gateaux (what happened to those?! They were amazing!) so my mum had brought a frozen one in the picnic basket to defrost throughout the day, except we forgot about it. It got to the end of the day and my mum suddenly realised this now very defrosted, rather soggy and squishy gateaux is drooling everywhere… so myself and my cousin Kate took out our wee plastic spoons with gusto, perched on a wall and scoffed the entire thing between us. It was GREAT.

    There are still photos floating around of Kate and I covered in chocolate, looking gleeful.

  131. Elisa C. says:

    My favorite chilhood memory is the endless days spent playing with my friends… without thinking of anything but just having fun!!!! =)

  132. Calli says:

    I remember going to the beach and jumping over the waves with my sister.

  133. Amber Shriner says:

    My favorite memory of summer is taking my grandpa out on the pontoon and fishing. We live on a private lake (Because it is owned by a camp, and our house has been sitting there for 150+ years) and it was the first time I got to drive the pontoon without a huge amount of supervision. I got to show all the best fishing spots to him, and show him how skilled I was at fishing. He was so proud of me. At the very end of the day we went out to the middle of the lake, climbed on to the second platform of the pontoon and jumped 😛 My ears popped like hell when I hit the water lol, but it was a pinch compared to the great day I had with my grandpa Rudy.

  134. Nic says:

    Mine is spending all summer by or at the beach – I live within walking distance of the coast, so all my summers throughout high school (basically as soon as I was old enough to go out all day by myself) were spent by the beach with friends…and spending my pocket money on ice cream! I still try to go as often as I can, despite living fairly far away now – ideally I want to move back there to enjoy my summers by the coast again.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  135. Maria says:

    My favourite childhood memory is spending all day, every day in the back yard with my best friend (we’ve been BFF’s for 21 years!) pretending to host our own cooking show. Mud pies, dandelion tarts, grass soup… Mmmm!

  136. My favourite memories of the Summer are getting up really early to go and work at the stables looking after the horses. I would muck them out, groom them, feed them, pick and oil their hooves, tack them up, clean their tack and fetch them to and from the field. When you think about it that pretty much amounts to child slavery but I loved it.

  137. Valerie C. says:

    I spent summers with my grandparents as a young child. They were avid gardeners and cooks who spoiled me with wonderful meals and great care. I was their only granddaughter 🙂

  138. Ashley says:

    My favorite childhood summer memory is hiking in the mountains near our home. The mountains were always cooler than town, and had streams with fish and frogs!

  139. tina says:

    my favorite summer memory is going to disney and watching all the new summer parades there!

  140. Helen Plant says:

    I remember playing in the lido in Cambridge then having a picnic in the park.

  141. Danielle says:

    I love the summer I spent in New Jersey. There was lots of sun and time on the boardwalk. One of the best summers of my life.

  142. My favorite memory is play outside all day until the street lights came on. I really miss those days. Thanks for this giveaway

  143. Rachel Villanueva says:

    One of my fondest memories is visiting family out of town for the summer.

  144. Samiha says:

    My favorite childhood memory was having a picnic at a nearby park with my family. I really miss those fun times.

  145. Teresa says:

    First time going to America and visiting Disneyland, Universal Studios then Las Vegas with my dad ! 😀

  146. Fatimajsk says:

    Oh the mangoes! We would pull them out of the ice boxes and get down to some good ol’ demolishing. On that note, I’m off to eat one. Or a few. I guess you know how this ends =P

  147. Janet T says:

    15 cent ice cream cones!

  148. Joanne Mapp says:

    Being allowed to lick the bowl when my Mum made cakes. A great treat and delicious!

  149. evo says:

    waiting for the ice cream truck.
    there were times in highschool…on a warm day…during lunch hour, my friends and i would find a house nearby with a sprinkler on and run through it. our uniforms would be a little wet afterwards 🙂

  150. Suzanne sendell says:

    Trying to make a “den” In some bushes so we could camp out,until 5pm I might add

  151. Vanessa says:

    My favorite childhood memory of summer is going to my grandparents house in a small beach town. We used to go every summer, my family and I. Now I’ve moved to a different country, and haven’t visited there in almost 10 years. Makes me a little sad, but I treasure the memories I have from those summers! 🙂

  152. Erin says:

    I used to LOVE summer when I was a little kid. I remember going to the beach and the hot sand burning your feet on the way back to the car!

  153. Alice says:

    Favourite childhood summer memory is definitely eating watermelons with my grandfather. He grew them on his farm, so they were the juiciest, tastier and sweeter I have ever tasted. I would wake up from my nap, go downstairs and eat huge fresh slice after slice (I think they were bigger than me). The only dowturn was when my grandmother found us and would (pretend to) be mad about my stained dress and my sticky arms and hair and face.

  154. kerry Locke says:

    Picking Slugs of my grandads lettuces in the middle of the night

  155. Carol Peace says:

    My favourite memory would be going on day trips to the seaside with my parents. We never stayed overnight as dad had to be in his own bed. I remember playing on the beach and dad sat there in his shirt and tie. It was back in the 60’s so I suppose that was the norm but I had a great time.

  156. shiribt says:

    Going to the pool all summer long!

  157. Gillian Holmes says:

    I used to enjoy visiting the horses from the local riding stable and feeding them apples.

  158. Naomi says:

    Building giant, elaborate sand sculptures with my dad. He used to make me collect shells to decorate them with!

  159. Dora says:

    My most favourite summertime memory is definitely going for month-long vacations with my parents and a bunch of family friends. Used to mooch about the beach, take things slow and have ice cream! It’s when I met my bestest friend who I’m very close to today x

  160. diane findlay says:

    going fishing with my cousins and floating down the welland in innertubes , taking a picnic with us ,, idylic times

  161. teenee says:

    My absolute favorite would have to be the one where I was 15 and went water-rafting for the first time in the Cagayan de Oro River (Mindanao-Philippines). I was scared shit but it was one of the best experiences ever! 🙂

  162. Jenny says:

    Setting out in the morning with bare feet and a packed lunch – never knowing what the day held ahead. Picking blackberries, going on treasure hunts, crabbing, making statues out of mud – the options were endless!

  163. kate says:

    My favorite memory is summers in the field near my house with my guy making daisy chains and watching clouds

  164. Victoria says:

    My favourite childhood memory of Summer was one of my faily holidays where we rented a boat on the THames for a week. THe boat was tiny but I remember having a great time, helping to drive the boat, going through locks and sunbathing on the top of the deck. I’d love to do it with my family at some point ina few years.



  165. Charlotte Ridley says:

    My favourite summer memory is definitely the time I spent in disney’s magic kingdom, it was so magical and I indulged my inner child for two weeks 😀 We stayed at the animal kingdom resort which was fantastic. Overall it was a magical summer 🙂

  166. laura says:

    i wouldn’t say this is my best memory, but the most prominent ones are the horrible sun burns i would get at the beach Every Year. :/

  167. Sarah Morris says:

    One of my favourite childhood memories was going to a pub which had a car park that overlooked the beach in our home town, on the way there we used to stop at a chip shop and get sausage and chips and then drive to the car park and eat the food whilst sipping on a coke (from the bottle as it was years ago) and watching the goings on on the water and listening to the sound of the waves, bliss.

  168. Maryama says:

    My favourite childhood summer memory is rolling around in the grass when i was little. Now i dont do it anymore cuz im big and its …weird yeah.

  169. Bex says:

    Spending summers down at the park by the lakes with my cousins, playing on the swings, climbing trees and playing poohsticks 🙂 xo

  170. Mimi says:

    My favourite childhood memory of Summer was lying on deck and looking at the water while we wereout with the boat.

  171. Rabia Rana says:

    My best childhood summer memory is to freeze the milk ( chocolate & strawberry flavor) for whole night & enjoyed that as ice cream on next morning 😀

  172. Jorid says:

    Swimming! There’s a rather large pond near the house I grew up in, with a stone beach and both shallow and deep water. I spent hours, almost everyday, nagging my parents to take me swimming. And then we went, with the neighbour kids or my friends. I remember the joy of being the first one to jump in the ice cold water. Challenging the other kids on who could do the most fun “tricks” – standing on hands or swimming under water, and jumping into the waters from a small cliff. I think we mostly just hung out in the water, though. Talking about everything as kids do.

    I really miss swimming there now. I hope the weather is good this summer too, so I can go back to my parents home and take my little sister swimming again.

  173. Sabrae says:

    One summer my mom took my brothers and I to visit her aunt and cousins in Missouri. For the first time in my life I got to see fireflies, and I remember chasing after them with a jar for hours. It was so much fun!

  174. sarah lambert says:

    My favourite childhood memory of summer is spending time at my granma and grandads canal boat with my family we use to love to spending our summers on there.Me and my younger sister use to love the boat chugging along the canal and waving to all the people walk on the path.We had so much fun 🙂 xx

  175. Melinda says:

    My favourite memory of summer is having a Princesses and Pirates party for my birthday in Perth (Australia). Me and all my friends were dressed up as either princess or pirate, and my mum had made me a gorgeous pink dress. It turned out to be extremely hot that day though and we were all overdressed in our costumes. It’s only recently that I found out that not only was that the hottest day that summer, but that it was the hottest day ever in Perth history at 46.2 C!

  176. Laughing with my best friend and running around and night catching fireflies.

  177. emily says:

    bbqs in the garden 😀

  178. Mickie Bull says:

    I remember helping my grandfather with summer haymaking, with the lunch break of lemon squash and sweaty cheese sandwiches with the corners curling up wrapped in clingfilm.

  179. Jamie says:

    Favorite childhood summer memory was when my family and I went on a roadtrip to Zion National Park in Utah. All 4 of us and my dog crammed into a small car and made the 6 hour drive. It wasn’t the most luxurious family trip (we stayed in a motel and my dog threw up several times in the car), but I loved the feeling of us as a family being together and making memories. Unfortunately, as we have become older, we have become busier and drifted apart. But I will always remember that summer as being one of the best.

  180. Hannah says:

    The summer my family went to Lanzarote. My brother (13) and I (10) both couldn’t swim, but we loved the pool! So one day when our parents were sunbathing, we had a friendly sibling contest to see who could keep themselves afloat the longest without holding onto anything. After practically an entire afternoon of splashing around, I started to think, ‘hey, I’m getting pretty good at this not drowning thing’ and then I suddenly realised something – I could swim. I quickly got out of the pool and made a proposition to my parents – if I could “swim” (read: hopelessly flail arms and legs about whilst moving slightly) one width of the pool, they would have to buy me an ice cream and, if I failed, I would buy them both an ice cream. Cut to three hours later and I got my ice cream *and* I’d learned how to swim (!!!), whilst my brother tasted nothing but chlorine-flavoured defeat! It was glorious… but short-lived. Due to the adrenaline-fuelled, action-packed nature of my day, I had neglected to put on any suncream and had THE worst sunburn EVER, which meant I could barely walk, much less swim for the remainder of the holiday. Lesson learned – don’t be a smug b*tch.

    My brother eventually learned how to swim when he was 20 thanks to one of his friends who happened to be a swimming instructor. I was so proud of him, and I bought him an ice cream after he did his first width. He’s now admittedly a much better swimmer than I am.

  181. Joanne thomas says:

    the long summer days on the farm, playing with my brother in the freshly cut hay, and drinking my grandads cider straight out of the barrel by the back door!

  182. Allison says:

    Going to my favorite summer camp. I plan to send my kids there even if we live 1000s of miles away. My family didn’t camp and this was as close as I could get!

  183. Marie says:

    My favourite summer memories were the times the entire family went to Pontins in the summer holidays! Regardless of the weather we always had a fantastic time, learning to swim, doing treasure hunts, building sandcastles and fancy dress competions – which meant getting to raid mum’s make up bag! Plus the night always ended with singing and dancing to the crocodile song!!!

  184. jennifer thorpe says:

    My favourite childhood memory of summer is the 6 week holidays, all I can remember is the sun shining all day every day and playing out with my friends till late

  185. 14loobylou says:

    My favourite childhood memory of summer is going to Butlins in Ayr and even though it was raining, my cousin and I went to the bumpy slide in the fair and no staff were there to supervise and there were no mats and we had so many turns he wore a hole through his shorts and underwear! Rain didn’t seem such a big deal back then – those were the days!

  186. Cat says:

    Ohhhh sunshine, how I miss you. I’m another Australian living in London and it has taken some getting used to!

    My favourite memories of summer are taking my dog to the beach and throwing small rocks in for her – which she would then attempt to sniff for underwater – and come up snorting and spluttering (as much as a dog can splutter)! Not the brightest spark that dog, but summer isn’t the same without her.

  187. Hannah says:

    Bonfires on the beach with my family and friends after a long day of playing on the beach is one of my favorite memories from childhood.

  188. Katherine says:

    My favorite summer memory is strawberry picking and helping my mom make (well, I mostly helped eat) strawberry jam!

  189. Gail says:

    Picking wild blackberries and bringing them home and my Gramma would put them in a bowl for me w/milk and sugar – Miss You Gram

  190. samantha m says:

    Visiting my grandma is Michigan when I was younger- just easy going happy times

  191. Solange says:

    Going for picnics in the park and running after the icecream van

  192. Georgina Ball says:

    Going rock pooling!

  193. Sophie says:

    Hi and thanks for the generous giveaway! My favorite childhood summer memory is pretty nerdy; my Mom would take me to the library every day during the summer vacation (I could read since I was 4) and we would borrow 6 books. I would take them back home and sit on the fire escape and read, read, read. At night, I would read in bed. I could not get enough of books as a kid. Still can’t, actually. ^^

  194. My favorite memories of the summer, my parents always took me to the beach for a swim. I love to swim at the beach Jayapura. roasted corn and enjoy the beautiful scenery

    my email:

  195. Eyeknee says:

    My dad taking us cycling along the beach. The journey would start from our home which was about a 20-min ride away – all 4 kids tailing behind him with the baby in the baby seat on his bicycle.

  196. agnieszkazg says:

    My fav memorie from childhood is playing all day long with my friends outside the house. Why it’s my fav? Because my childhood was full of happiness, love and I had a lot of friends. That’s why. 🙂 Summer was the best time in my childhood because I could spent all day outside. Now children just stay at houses and playing on the cumputers. That’s sad.

  197. Julie Picton says:

    Trying to make perfume out of rose petals

  198. My favourite childhood summer memory would have to be family visits to Bournemouth. I remember once in particular, finding a little starfish on the beach and being in complete awe of its beauty. The same trips would include lots of ice cream, sand castles, a peeling nose and a trip to the fun fair before falling asleep in the car on the way home.

  199. Kasia says:

    My favourite childhood memory of summer: vacation on the beach! 🙂 Sea, sun… I loved it!

    email: gogunia3(at)wp(dot)pl

  200. Paul Witney says:

    Swimming in the nearby reservoir

  201. alexandra says:

    Going to Haven caravan park with my parents and sister! Had such a fun time playing outside and inside too!

  202. Elina says:

    mostly when i think of my summer i remember the bad things that happened but its not so horrible! I remember one summer i stayed for a month or so at my bff’s country house and i wasnt that little .. i think i was 10 or so.. and I remember that one day when Ranta(my bff) tried to teach me how to ride a bike.. and i know it sounds weird because that usually do parents but my mom never had the time to do that.. anyway my experience was horrible because she had an idea to start driving from a top of a mini mountain… that wasn’t i grate thoute but after billions of failnes tyres i progressed and drived a hole 100 meters by my self

  203. Lisa says:

    Spending time with my family on the beach in Puerto Rico with my virgin pina coladas to feel like a grown up lol.

  204. Sara says:

    Staying at my friend Cindy’s house in the country and falling in the stream, everyone thought it was funny but somehow they made me feel witty and loveable not stupid and I’ve never forgotten it

  205. Gintare says:

    my fav childhood memory is going to the sea with my family, it was very long way, and every year this trip was huge thing for us.

  206. claire hooper says:

    Swimming with my friends at Hinksey open air swimming pool, with the sun beating down on my face xx

  207. Sabina says:

    I love the summer I spent on a roadtrip across Europe, I got to sleep in a different country every night and meet plenty of lovely people along the way.

  208. colleen boudreau says:

    riding bikes everywhere with my best friends when we were little.

  209. Sherry B. says:

    My favorite childhood summer memories include that, every evening after dinner, all the children, from the late-teens down to the five-year-olds, in my small town neighborhood, would play outdoors together until bath and bedtime! We would play all the old-time games, like hide-and-seek, tag, kick-the-can, fox-and-hounds, many more. The older kids would always look after and help the younger ones; our parents knew that we were all safe and happy. Sometimes, the older ones would tell tell ghost stories or help the smaller ones to catch June bugs or fireflies (we always let them go afterward!). It was all so peaceful and wonderful; I sometimes wonder if children still know how to REALLY play this way! Thank you for giving me an excuse to re-visit this lovely memory as well as the giveaway.

  210. shahneela says:

    we used to visit beaches a lot during summers when i was a kid..

  211. Heather says:

    My favorite childhood memory would be the trips my family took to Myrtle Beach every summer. One summer in particular was our last summer going to that beach – it hailed and stormed horribly while we were playing in the sand. I clearly remember my grandfather picking me up and opening an umbrella to shield him and I from the hail – though it didn’t help much, haha. I love remembering times like that 🙂

  212. hmmm my mom used to plop a quarter of an icy cold watermelon on a plate and let me have at it with a spoon. I would carve little swimming pools on mountainsides into the watermelon, it was entertainment for hours hahah.

    Thanks for the summery giveaway 🙂

  213. Laura says:

    My favourite childhood memory is when we had an early finish on the last day of school and my dad picked me up and instead of taking me home we went camping in the Lakes for a week. I loved it because it was completely spontaneous and he used to work so much so it was great to have time with him.

  214. RocoLondon says:

    I remember my best summers with my father on the beach. He passed away 20 years ago but I´m very happy because I had the best childhood with him and the rest of my family.

    Thank you!

  215. Thankyou so much for the awesome giveaway!
    My favourite memories are those with my mum and sisters. Silly memories like playing on the swings, paddling in the lakes :). I just love remembering memories with my family, they always make things better!

    Good luck everyone:) xxx

  216. Kelsey S says:

    my favourite summertime memory from childhood is going to my grandmother’s house and feeding the cows that lived in a field behind her. we used to shuck corn and core strawberries and feed them all of the trimmings. 🙂 the farmer didn’t really like it, but we didn’t really like him 😛

  217. Isabelle Smith says:

    Riding bikes, ice pops from the local shop, playing hide and seek, football on the field. 🙂 summer as a kid was good

  218. Melissa Gazi says:

    My pet cow “Blackberry”. It was a sixth birthday present from my grandmother who had a farm 🙂 I used to take her out on walks!

  219. Afef says:

    My favourite childhood memory is probably the fact that i didn’t have any work and i had a whole summer to be lazy at just for me :p … gah! miss those lazy days where i had nothing to do better than watch tv all day, read books and go to the beach! xD

  220. layla says:

    Am in the middle of a dust storm in dusty kuwait so no sun here. I can’t even see the sky! 🙂

    Favourite summer memory is going to the swimming pools every week and then stopping for a 50 cent ice cream at McDonalds afterwards!

  221. Cristina says:

    Hi, please enter me
    My favourite childhood memory is the holidays that I spend with my grandparents.
    I follow you via GFC as Cristina
    My email address is
    Thanks for the giveaway. XoXo

  222. SarahC. says:

    It’s not exactly a memory, but there’s a photo of me as a 3 year old with chocolate ice-cream ALL over my face. That’s what summer should be about 😉

  223. Jenny says:

    My favourite childhood summer memory is spending day after day at my best friend’s house, usually sleeping over each night and just having a great girlie time 🙂


  224. Joe says:

    Hanging w/my Mom – the best

  225. Anastasia says:

    My holiday in Spain. 🙂

  226. Kathrine C says:

    My favourite memory is running barefoot outside, playing hide and seek with all the kids in the neighbourhood only interrupted by a quick devouring of dinner and then back outside 😀

  227. Alice Hindley says:

    My favourite childhood memory is being taken to Woolworths where my mother bought me some plastic sandals for 1 shilling and 6 pence

  228. Alyssa Robinson says:

    I loved riding my bike to the beach on the Puget Sound and building a fort with my brother Keith. We spent all day piling up driftwood and digging in the sand until it was perfect. Keith and I never really got along unless we were alone together. Then we were best pals.

  229. Suzanne says:

    This is going to sound weird, but my fav summer memory was working with my Dad in his store. He owned a (it was in our family) small convenience store with a deli. I would make the coffee and get to have a cup with him and we’d have pound cake (dipped in the coffee of course!) or some other pastry we normally wouldn’t have.
    I was the cashier and it was all locals and some relatives that shopped there! And my favorite was lunch time when I could create my own sub from any of the fresh meats we had. Sometimes I would go in the walk-in fridge/cooler that was behind the milk and eggs and cool off if it was super hot!
    It was great and I really wish he still had that store!

  230. Adele Hill says:

    I remember having a birthday party at the beach . All my friends were eating icecream and watching punch and judy., playing in the sea and having a cake and everyone singing happy birthday including complete stranges that were at the beach too.

  231. Mai-Huong says:

    I would say that my favorite childhood memory of summer would be the summer before I entered high school. My mom suggested a new haircut, and I decided that an asymmetrical angled bob would be a good way to go. And surprisingly, it was! My hair was flipping brilliant. I felt cool. Definitely a mood booster before being shoved into the hell environment that is high school.

  232. Jeney says:

    In the summer I would always go to the country to visit my grandparents. We (my cousins and I) had so much fun, but tubing in the river was by far the best!

  233. Arra Morta says:

    My fave memory of summmer is when my playmates and I enjoy the summery outdoors activities like tree climbing and of course,swimming:)

  234. Heather says:

    Taking part in a beach hunt contest with my dad in cornwall

  235. Kaitlin says:

    My favourite childhood memory of Summer was with my neighbor “playing poor” and making “stew” from all the wild flowers, berries, weeds, and grasses we could find. We’d pretend to be homeless and make a huge pot of “stew” with a bucket and the hose LOL. When we look back we think it’s pretty sad that we pretended to be poor but it was totally innocent. Good times!

  236. I remenis mostly about sitting with my friends in the fields of long grass which was up to our necks, we were about 8 or 9 – we didnt even think about spiders or bugs or anything, just cought up in the moment of running through the fields and playing. Wonderful! (There are houses built on the site now, fills me with sadness.)

  237. Ali Thorpe says:

    My favourite summer childhood memory is being out on our bikes all day long, just passing the time and having fun and just nipping home for lunch and dinner, and then back out again on our bikes until we had to go in!

  238. Kerrie says:

    when i was about 6, me and my best friend used to race through corn fields, it was magic!

  239. Seani says:

    going fishing with my grandpa and catching the tiniest fish!

  240. Brittany says:

    My favourite memory of summer would probably be camp. I’ve been going since I was 10 (am now 21!) and I used to be a camper, then I was a general worker, and now I go as a counsellor to a whole new generation of kids! It’s just the most fantastic place 🙂 it onlys runs for a few weeks every summer so it’s a short lived camp-season, but I love every second of it.

  241. Lydia Butler says:

    My favourite summer memory is waking up every morning in the summer holiday to a beautiful bright blue sky. Sadly that doesnt happen anymore!

  242. Khushali says:

    my favourite childhood summer memory is of going to visit my grandparents in the holidays. my grandpa would get mango ‘ras’ everyday for me and have the refrigerator stocked with different flavours of ‘sherbat’… i remember, once he decided that my fringe had grown too long and decided to cut it himself – which he did, unevenly and right up to the middle of my forehead! needless to say my mom was horrified! i thankfully was too young for it to scar me for life 🙂

  243. Lilmiznutcase says:

    Despite my father being Spanish, we always had very British summers in a caravan in Devon, with plently of icecream. My idea of heaven. One year that was particularly special was the year of the solar eclipse, when the local cafe did a special icecream with 2 kinds of chocolate buttons! Eclipse itself was a total letdown.

  244. Emma Jackson says:

    Me and my sister went to play in the field behind our house and decided to collect snails that we found there. We came back to the house to proudly show our Mum all the snails we collected in our held out dresses. She screamed and made us have a bath :’)

  245. Olga says:

    Going to the beach every day with my friends (it’s 5 min on foot from my home) and staying there till the evening! Amazing times

  246. Lorna England says:

    Swinging under a tree, squealing!, hair flyin’, as my daddy pushed me!

  247. Claire Trevor says:

    I used to love going to the park near my grandma’s house, and playing on the tyre swing, and then going to pets corner.

  248. FS.Rain says:

    Mine would be me and siblings playing out in the playground or swimming and splashing around in the swimming pool!

  249. Alison T says:

    Going with my brother and sisters up into the hills and swimming in the river we used to spend all day there.

  250. Tara says:

    Hanging out with my friends at the local swimming pool & getting 99’s from the ice cream man 😉 xoxo

  251. Michelle Bosomworth says:

    wearing bright pink and drinking lemonade in the sunshine with friends

  252. Hazel Wright says:

    That summer of 1976 where everyone remembers the sun put in an appearance…well that summer I was jumping around in the garden on the mattresses and cushions that had been taken out of the old caravan that was no longer in use! Rolypoly heaven! I was 5 then 😉

  253. Tracy C says:

    Waking up insanely early to catch the start of the cartoons (this was the early 80s and no cartoons on demand yet!) then when they’d finished I would get on my bike and go and call for my best friend. We’d stay out playing all day. God knows what we ate! I remember always being famished when I got back home in the early evening though! Great days 🙂

  254. Alison says:

    going out wandering all day in the sun and coming home happy and tired

  255. Leigh Johnson says:

    My favorite childhood memory of summer was we went to a beach with our family and friends. We had enjoyed the sun and the big waves on the sea.

  256. Lara Mason says:

    My favorite childhood memory of summer was when my family went to the house of my grandmother. We had picked fruits and flew kites. That was really, really fun.

  257. Jenny Rogers says:

    I loved playing in the fields behind our house – messing about by the stream particularly.

  258. Deborah Wheeler says:

    Going to the beach at Sandbanks with my cousins who came to Poole on holiday from Plymouth every year

  259. Farhana Haque says:

    Have many fond childhood memories of picnics with my family which I will recreate with my children. 🙂

  260. Claire Butler says:

    long summer days spent playing at the beach with family picnic

  261. Leigh Wareing says:

    My favourite memory is being on holiday on the Isle of Wight with my family. We used to go every year and coming back home with a tan. Can you imagine getting a tan holidaying in the UK these days 🙂

  262. Sophie says:

    My gave memory is of when we used to go camping as a family, 6 man tent, dog in tow! My three older brothers and I going swimming in a freezing outdoor pool in Wallingford! Another trip, where there were new born kittens in the hay bales in a barn, and going on long walks in the country with my family, I used to love tried ding in cow pats in my Welles, which looking back is really gross! Strange child.

  263. Helen says:

    My favourite memory of summer has to be the day that my dad told my little brother that when the ice cream van sounded his music it meant there was no ice cream left! We lived down a long drive away from the street so my brother could never see the van only hear it and believing dad it meant he’d never get an ice cream. He was really upset one day because he heard the music so I took my pocket money up to the drive, past the point he was allowed to go up to and bought him an ice cream. He was so happy he couldn’t stop hugging me! I remind him of this occasionally and he still smiles!

  264. Lizzie B says:

    Ooooh – there are so many!!! (Lucky me). I think it must have been the summer of 1980 when we welcomed a stray kitten to the house – we called him Percy – became my best friend for the next 17 years. Sigh…

  265. Gemma says:

    My childhood memories of summer are playing in the paddling pool in my back garden and putting my slide into it so I could slide down and land in the water 🙂

  266. Eremittglam says:

    My favorite childhood memory was going to Greece for the first time at the age of 6. I am still able to remember something from almost every single of the 14 days I spent there :-). It has been 310years, and Greece is still my favorite destination of the world.

  267. Katrine Reher says:

    My parents own an old wooden boat, so every summer in my childhood has been 3 weeks of sailing. And my favorite memory is the hours spend playing in the forehold, where I had my bed – and the evenings of listening to radio and playing cards, trying to win the privilege of picking the others icecream, and forcing my dad to eat 7 scoops of icecream, because he’d lost. I ofcourse finished off 3 of them for him… after eating my own 3. And yes – I did get a tummy ache.


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