So, how do YOU pronounce L’Occitane?

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 8 - 2012

I came across this fun video on a late night YouTube session…

Low Octane. Really? REALLY? Get off my planet.

The only one that I can think of (from the top of my head) that I struggle with is Weleda.  Is it “vell-eeda”, “vell-ayda”, “well-eeda”, “well-ayda?”  FFS.

Which brand names do you struggle with?

37 Responses to “So, how do YOU pronounce L’Occitane?”

  1. Soraya says:

    “looow conté, in province”. Douche!

  2. Bellide says:

    It’s Lokzitaaaahn ong Provonks. And Weleda. Like written. Pronounced German. “We” like in where… “le” like in left… “da” like in dark.
    Thank you. Goodbye.

  3. Terri says:

    I always pronounce it La-Ock-ee-tan….!

  4. Claire says:

    I’ve always said it sort of like ‘Lohck-ee-tahn’ so I was a bit annoyed when I first heard it is meant to be ‘Lox-ee-tahn’. I very rarely shop there though so I’ll say it however I like!

  5. Leanne says:

    I saw this video a few months ago, I always just called it lock-ee-tayn in my head but I don’t think I ever said the name out loud ’cause I knew it was wrong! I googled ‘how to pronounce L’Occitaine’ and found that video!

  6. Wendy says:

    Omg … I didn’t realize that so many people didn’t know the French pronunciation of L’Occitane. Low octane was the kicker indeed.

    As for Weleda, if you pronounce it properly “auf Deutsch” I’d say that it would be way-LAY-dah where the w at the beginning is a very flat “w” – almost a crossover between a w and a v. Both e’s are long, with the second one being the one you put emphasis on, and it’s fractionally longer.

  7. pip says:

    Well-eeda. My yoga teacher works for them. 😉

  8. Tamara says:

    I pronounce it Loh-c-tanne, I don’t think French pronounce ‘c’ as ‘k’. And everyone I know says Well-eh-dah.

    • Carla says:

      They do when it’s a double-c, like “accident” in English.

      I pronounce L’Occitane fairly close to “locks-ee-tan” in my Western Canadian English and French accents :p

  9. Malia says:

    That is hilarious! Weleda is V btw, in Deutsch the W is pronounced like a V, and outside of Germany people just say it like a W. “Folksvagen” is correct, for example =)

  10. Sharnek says:

    Great video, and I’ve been saying it right! I have issues with the hungerian brand Omorovicza. I’m off to search YouTube for it.

  11. reminds me of the QVC craft presenter who pronounces Tiramisu as Tir Army Sue….

  12. sophie says:

    I always thought it was “loss-it-ane” but I don’t think I’ve ever actually said it out loud anyway!

    This may be a really stupid one but I have issues with Guerlain… is it “gwer-lane” or “gwer-lahn”?

  13. Caoimhe says:

    The pronunciation of Elemis throws me… is it el-em-ee? eh-LEEM-iss? I’ve heard it pronounced both ways on beauty blogs.

  14. Anitacska says:

    I don’t struggle with it, but I hate it when the sales lady at the Guerlain counter says “Gurr-lane”. I would hope that if you work for a brand, you could at least learn how to say their name.

    On that note, my husband used to work for KPMG and was once asked how you spelled that?! Erm, K.P.M.G. Doh! lol

  15. Anitacska says:

    Oh and I used to think it was L’Ossitane. My bad.

  16. Nazgul says:

    Low Octane made my day 🙂 but it’s easier when you live in Europe to know the right names. Although Guerlain confuses me a lot.

    • Jessie says:

      Guerlain is pronounced like gairh-lah (that’s the best I can spell it out).

      Low-Octane was pretty funny 🙂 How do people come up with that?

  17. Sydney says:

    I avoid products with names I can’t say, and if the needs arises I will just point at it/get it out rather than look like an utter tit 🙂

    Why do they make it so gosh darn difficult?!

  18. Susanne says:

    I remenber a youtube lady, she said “ERMS”.
    What do you guys think witch brand she mentioned?
    Greetings from Germany!

  19. Stacey says:

    I still have no idea how to pronounce Caudalie! Kaw-dah-lee? We Americans…kind of miss the boat on these things. Loved this post!!! Oh, and Illamasqua! Now I sound like a jack-ass. haha

  20. Claire says:

    Lock-sit-an, I had an interview with them a few years ago and checked before I went so I wouldn’t look like silly! x

  21. […] – gets her tongue in a twist with the pronunciation of a well-known French beauty […]

  22. […] – gets her tongue in a twist with the pronunciation of a well-known French beauty […]

  23. Jessie says:

    HAHAHHA Americans trying to speak French kill me. Thanks for sharing this 🙂

  24. Tory says:

    I work at a cosmetics store and still have no idea how to pronounce Thierry Mugler correctly.

  25. […] Lipglossiping – gets her tongue in a twist with the pronunciation of a well-known French beauty brand! […]

  26. Charlee says:

    Low Octane? *guffaw* I was pronouncing it correctly – not because I parle la Francais, but, like someone else said, accident is spelled the same in French and pronounced ak-see-dahn(t). More or less. I say it better than I spell it.

    I live in Arkansas. Y’all wouldn’t believe some of the pronunciations I hear at Dillard’s – from the sales staff.

  27. What what? says:

    Why is it so difficult??? Retards!!!

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