Red Lip Series: Lancome Rouge in Love Lipstick in 159B Rouge in Love

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 28 - 2012

I’m killing my poor red lip series!  First with the “ooh this is red (oh no it’s fucking not)” Revlon Cherries in the Snow and now, with this little number… the Lancome Rouge in Love, in… well… Rouge in Love.  That’s the shade name by the way, I don’t have that OCD thing where you repeat yourself… just a billion other OCDs to entertain myself with instead.

God, you’re beautiful.  Said no one, to me, ever.  So instead, let me serenade the packaging of the Rouge in Love line.  I fell in lust with the vintage-inspired styling last Autumn when Lancome released a couple of limited edition French Touch Absolu(s) – the shades were pretty incredible too and I was delighted when the year rolled over and the brand released an entire line of these beauties.

Rouge in Love (the shade, not the line) is a sheer, glossy red that is perfect for all of you who’ve been following my red lip series over the last year (two years is it now?) with a mixture of wantsies and canthavesies.  It’s the shade for all of you who are a bit too pussy wary to jump in at the deep end with some red-lip love.  The finish looks almost juicy, even on my slightly pruny lips though, to be honest, it does lean a little to the pink side of the spectrum, hence my initial declaration that the Red Lip Series (totally worthy of caps) was going to the dogs.

Talking of dogs.

You should be able to see the depth of pigmentation and gloss that this lipstick provides in the photo above.  It’s just so completely easy-to-wear with a non-heavy formula that lasts surprisingly well throughout the day.  I really recommend this as an everyday choice for red-lip lovers who need something just a little less in-yer-face for office/school wear.

Lancome Rouge in Love in Rouge in Love is available to buy on counter and online, priced at £21.00

* press sample

14 Responses to “Red Lip Series: Lancome Rouge in Love Lipstick in 159B Rouge in Love”

  1. Sydney says:

    Adore the packaging and loving the look of the lippy on you. Very well done, even if it doesn’t fully fit in the RLS 🙂

  2. Ness says:

    Beautiful packaging, beautiful color and beautiful on the lips as well! You look gorgeous with your hair red btw =)

  3. victoria says:

    Very pretty 🙂
    I love your Red(ish) Lip Series x

  4. LOVE this on you – your red hair is so pretty. No matter how much I love red lippies I will never get used to how they look on me, and will always revert back to a pink. I’m highly envious of this look xx

  5. Jen Bon Jovi says:

    Aaaaaarrrgggh! WANT! Yet another thing I can’t justify but suddenly HAVE to own……

  6. Anitacska says:

    This is a very pretty shade. I’ve got some other Lancome lipsticks, but I have never tried these Rouge in Love ones. I’m about to put myself on a self-imposed lipstick no-buy as my collection reaches a massive size, so may not be for a while yet… But it’s pretty. 🙂

  7. Nazgul says:

    Please, please don’t make me buy another one 🙂 it’s lovely and I want it.

  8. Jo says:


  9. Kelly says:

    another one I want, god Charlotte, you are such an enabler!

  10. NeenaJ says:

    Gorgeous shade. How the hell can a lipstick make your eyes look so bright?!

  11. rashmi says:

    totally rocking Babes …. Red Lips and you …. our coloring is different but I want to own every single shade you have reviewed here …. adore you for the series and am dying to see some more 😀 D: ….you need to share your top 5 with us 😀 😀 …

  12. […] Want This Longchamp: More is More ! (All three please!)Lancome Rouge in Love Lipstick in 159B Rouge in Love […]

  13. Celine says:

    I actually have this shade as I won it from a contest that Lancome was having, but since I mostly wear pinks I’m trying to push myself a little to red which I’m finding hard. How should you wear the rest of your makeup with a shade like this?

  14. Jo says:

    I finally got around to buying this!! I used to wear red lipstick all the time away back in the day and have been wanting to start wearing it again but I needed something gentle to ease me back into it. Wow and this is it. Red for beginners. Lovely texture, lovely colour, really good lasting power, just fab. I will probably graduate to the Clarins one you reviewed recently, but this is just perfect for now :-))))) Thank you.

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