Chanel Illusion d’Ombre 82 Émerveillé

Posted by Lipglossiping On June - 8 - 2012

I know I was supposed to be hot-footing it to Boots to spend my points on Chanel Summer… but I’ve got a little secret to let you into: I didn’t actually get that far.  I was in West Quay and when I came out of the lift, I got distracted by John Lewis… if you haven’t been to West Quay in Southampton, let me tell you… they know how to make a good John Lewis.  It’s my favourite local beauty department… by contrast, the Debenhams in town is woeful and sends me into fits of depression whenever I darken its doors.

Anyway, there I was… fingering (you can use that word in other contexts) all the pretty beauty stuff at the front of store when I spotted this Illusion d’Ombre (cream eyeshadow to plebs like you and me).  I already own two of them (Mirifique and Illusoire) and I’d completely forgotten that this shade even existed.  I was umm-ing and ahh-ing over picking up Fantasme (a sparkly irridescent shade) which I hoped would brighten my eye area without being too gaudy when the subtle peach-tones of Émerveillé stopped me in my tracks.

Summer in a pot.  Minus the Mojitos and insect bites.

Like Fantasme, it contains tiny reflects of multidimensional sparkle, though much MUCH more subtle, grown-up, and golden.  I know I haven’t properly reviewed Mirifique yet, but I literally wore Illusoire every day for a fortnight whilst up North.  The Illusion d’Ombres are completely effortless in application, blending and wear.  They last perfectly for 7+ hours without a sticky base or primer and almost melt (in a good way) onto my eyelids.  I actually can’t praise them enough for their complex finish and I love how they don’t appear metallic-y (and aging) like many shimmer shades often do.

Chanel Illusion d’Ombre in #82 Émerveillé is priced at £23.00 and available online at Boots (or instore at John Lewis!)

Do you own any of the Chanel Illusion d’Ombres?  Are you as crazy about them as I am?

15 Responses to “Chanel Illusion d’Ombre 82 Émerveillé”

  1. I have Ebloui – the reddy brown one – I so wanted to love it and I just dont. I think actually I got a dodgy one as it had pulled away from the side of the pot when it arrived (ordered online from Boots) so its always had an odd texture and I find it nigh on impossible to apply. The colour is gorgeous though! I love the colour of Emerveille too.

  2. I am obsessed with these, though I do have to use a primer with them. Emerveille is such a lovely shade, I’ve been doing a great peach smokey eye with it!

    @ihavemostlybeen – if it’s pulled away from th side, it means the lid hasn’t been put on it properly and it’s dried out a bit. Send it back!

  3. milktea says:

    In the pot, it looks something like the L’oreal Infallibles, don’t you think? Does it apply like them too?

  4. Pejxacat says:

    Love this shade – am wearing it today actually. Love it.
    How do you gals find is the best way to apply these little suckers? I find my finger is best, but I never seem to be able to pick up much colour, however my finger works muck better than a brush which I can’t get to pick up or deposit much to save my life. It’s very frustrating.
    Got any application suggestions you care to share?

  5. sharnek says:

    I have Emmerveille and Mirifique and love them both for different reasons. Mirifique creates a beautiful, dramatic evening look. Emmerveille is a gorgeous everyday, effortless colour that wears impeccably and always makes me look put together. I quite fancy Epatant too. I’m lucky that both my local John Lewis and Debenhams have excellent beauty halls and Armani has very recently opened a concession in John Lewis…..eyes to kill intense anyone??

  6. Sarah says:

    I found Mirifique travelling all over my face.. hasn’t anyone else experience this? Or is it just my oil lids 🙁

  7. I don’t own any yet, but I want some!

  8. love that color. it looks absolutely stunning!

  9. I could probably actually survive the rest of my life with only two eyeshadows (I won’t, obviously) – Illusoire for evenings/glamming it up and Emerveille for everyday wear.

  10. Beauty Box says:

    I have this as well and I adore it…it is such a beautiful cream shadow…great a as base or the star of the show…

  11. Amy says:

    I literally just exclaimed ‘ooh, that’s exciting!’ when I saw the cute little brush, to which my mum next to me rolled her eyes and said ‘mabye to you…’ I know this is way late as a response by the way, but I like the way you write so much I am actually going through your archives,so good job! 🙂

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