Leila’s 3rd Birthday Party

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 13 - 2012

I may have mentioned once or twice (or seven or eight times) that Leila was having her 3rd birthday party this weekend and barring a mild-meltdown the day before – it all went well, the meltdown being from me, not Leila by the way!  I couldn’t find a cake… who knew it was so bloody difficult to find a Thomas the Tank Engine cake that hadn’t been horrifically disfigured in some kind of supermarket shelf accident.  I phoned stores across the county and every single store, bar one (who didn’t pick up) told me that they had a cake… but that it was damaged.  Sort it out supermarkets.

Anyway, just before midnight on the eve of her party, I found a lovely train one in an Asda quite a few miles away, it wasn’t Thomas but it was carrying a cargo of jelly sweets!  I pretty much did the happy dance in the middle of the aisle!  Thank you to all the lovely tweeters who calmed my frayed nerves, gave me great suggestions on Thomas alternatives and brilliant recipes for train biscuits!

I’ve just compiled a video of some clips from her party and as I’m uploading to facebook for our far-away relatives, I thought I’d stick it on here too seeing as she considers many of you her internet Aunties anyway!

I’m knackered and have to do it all over again on the 16th (her actual birthday), we’re also heading into London together on Tuesday for some serious Hamleys/Rainforest Cafe/girly time!

Hope you’re all having a brilliant weekend and (if you’re in the UK), finally enjoying a little bit of sunshine!  A Happy Mother’s Day to my international ladies too!

19 Responses to “Leila’s 3rd Birthday Party”

  1. Sara says:

    Ah Charlotte that is SO adorable. Looks like you all had a lovely time and how gorgeous is Leila’s dress? ….Also liked the look of your little black n white number by the way. Happy Birthday to the growing up girl and thank you for letting the rest of us share the fun. x

    • Thank you for watching it Sara! I can’t believe she still fits the dress! I bought it for her to wear to a wedding last August! As for my Laura Ashley sale bargain, much more birthday cake and I certainly won’t fit it!

  2. Nina says:

    My birthday’s the 16th as well! Living vicariously through your 3 year old woop woop!!

  3. Lilmiznutcase says:

    Many happy returns to Leila and my sympathies to you on the cake front. Shops go out of their way to sell us things we don’t want, but when we want to buy something they can’t seem to get it on the shelves in one piece!

  4. Wordbird says:

    Oh well done on finding the cake! It’s so hard when they say “I want a Nemo/dinosaur/train/Barbie/Hello Kitty/insert craze here cake!” and you just know that nothing else will quite do it. I can’t believe your baby girl is 3 already. She’s a beauty and you’re evidently a great mum. HOW much is she going to enjoy the Rainforest Cafe? My little un loves it there. Hamleys too!

    Have a super time on the 16th. x

  5. A much nicer cake than a flat Thomas pic by far!!
    Glad you all had an awesome time. xx

  6. Aww that’s so adorable it made me well up a bit (what a wuss!) – she’s adorabubble… I love her hair & big eyes!

    Nic x

  7. Jools says:

    Oh that was too cute. Love the drum kit LOL. Thanks for sharing :0) xxxJoolsxxx

  8. Rae says:

    Aww! Charlotte, you have the cutest kidling of all the kidlings. ;o) I like her gift-unwrapping skills! (Or lack thereof :P)

    (Also, oh my god, TRAIN CAKE! I want a train cake for my next birthday! *flails*)

  9. Louise says:

    She is soooo cute loved her present unwrapping 🙂 A drum kit though seriously lots of luck with that one 😉 Happy Birthday for the 16th Leila – I want a train cake my birthday on Tuesday but I guess at 34 I’ll be too old sob

  10. EmmyJean says:

    Precious! You have a darling little girl, happy mother’s day! (if it’s mother’s day over there?) I seem to always forget you’re across the pond until I see a video. So cliche, but I love English accents 🙂

  11. Leila has to be one of the cutest toddlers I’ve ever seen. Oh, and her exclaiming “fairy knickers!” was just precious! <3

  12. Aw super cute! That’s some quality hogging of the pass the parcel right there. Your little one wants to be a mermaid when she grows up – mine wants to be a princess. I think she’d be a bit depressed if she knew what it actually entails. There are surprisingly few opportunities to wear massive ass ballgowns. It’s all skirt suits. Mermaid is better. At least you’ve got your tail and your shells and you know where you are with it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEILA! x

  13. NeenaJ says:

    So funny with the fairy knickers!!

  14. Eyeknee says:

    Awww, beautiful girl!

  15. oooh that made me well up! God love her she is utterly precious! And as for being a mermaid when she grows up, bless! You look bloody lovely too btw! xx

  16. Sarah s says:

    oh L!!! My favourite bit was when you were singing happy birthday and she wanted to blow out the candles!! sooo sweet! I adore her dress – good luck with the drum kit AND what are you going to be when you grow up L? A MERMAID!! my series just exploded!!! hope you had an EXCELLENT day today xxxxx happy birthday L -love your internetz aunty xx

  17. liloo says:

    someone is late in commenting and that’s me. loved the video 🙂 too cute xx
    and this train is much better and girly than this thomas the tank engine nonsense 😛

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